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Out of character rememberance

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Directing Producer
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Joined: Fri Jan 05, 2018 9:22 pm

Out of character rememberance

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Several years back we had a memorial for the members of the community that we had lost. And since then, there have been several more lost and even just today.

Melko, Restel, Poppygirl, Fangx/Hikari, Badger


Anyone that says you don't get close to people you've met online without seeing them in person just don't know. A strong bond forms when you spend your days talking and playing games together.

We would like to plan another remembrance for those we have lost. A time to remanence and share memories of experiences we have had with them.

We will hold this one weekend in October. (I will post the date and location soon; I'd like to talk to some people first to make sure that they are able to make a specific day/time. And if there is anyone you know missing from the list above that I may not know about, please let me know.)
Directing Producer
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