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OOC announcements

Post by Koi-Cricket »

I know it has been -a long long time coming. We have not had a patch in a very long time.

Back in 2022, I knew that I wanted to try and expand upon our dev team. Diligent stepped up and was made our dev lead and we brought on three players from the community that had coding experience. Since they have come to the team, they have breathed new life in that department, and have been working really really hard.

I want to thank Koi-Chaos, Koi-Diligent, Koi-Light, Koi-Nyx.and Kio-Cryptic. Also Koi Eudicot who has helped tremendously.

Thank you to the players that are putting in a lot of time to roleplay improvements to the game, collection of strength and just helping to build the community.

I wanted to say again how thankful we are for freememory/Tary for the work that he’s done in the personal vaults and advising us.

For years, I and other team members, and even players have asked for the return of the personal vaults and now it’s going to happen.

The patch does not stop there. There is a list of things, interesting things, things players have requested over the years, new configuration of rooms… the list goes on.

We have no date set for it yet, but there will be spoilers soon. We will post a date and patch notes when the time comes.

So stay tuned!
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Re: A patch in our future!

Post by Koi-Cricket »

I wanted to give an update on things.

We are getting close to the patch that was promised to you several months ago. We are now in the testing phase and working out all the glitches that are being found. Thank you to all of the testers that have been able to help with testing.

It is no secret that we will be getting our vaults, thanks to Tary/freememory and the dev team. A new room has been created by Cryptic that isn't seen in testing so that part can be left for you to see when it goes live.

There are a few upgrades to existing rooms throughout the city and the teaching guild has some expansions. The forge guild and archive of the planes will be accessed from new areas. Some changes to the houses and some of the major planes. The forge guild has been expanded. There are some new elder rooms for students to visit. Changes to threshold.

Bug fixes, some changes and updates to arts, quality of life changes, and the list goes on.

We have a mass email ready to go out to dozens and dozens of players that have played at some point during this version that will be sent out once we have a date for our patch, and we will post that date to you all as soon as we possible can.

Stay tuned in discord screenshots for teasers.

It is our hope that this won't be our last patch, that there will be many more to come.
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Re: OOC announcements

Post by Koi-Cricket »

I know it has been a while and I apologize for that. We have gotten your hopes up about a patch and it has taken much longer than we anticipated. I wanted to give you a small update as things have progressed. Roleplay lead is meeting this week or next week with Eudicot and Jorkyn to discuss everything with them. Cryptic is hurrying to go back over a few things found in the level edits and make those changes. Stay tuned to more updates in the near future from Koi-Diligent.

Once the big patch comes, we have some options.. As you know, a couple of years ago we did a 100 year reboot. We wiped the houses and their beliefs and fast tracked them way into the future. Made belief and roleplay changes that would enhance the work that was done on a patch. We have been brainstorming and we are wondering how the community would feel about something similar. Something could start before the patch and end after the patch, or it could begin after the patch.

The reason we did the 100 year reboot a couple of years ago was to bring new life back into the game. The houses were very stagnant, and we needed to breath some new life into things. And it did, we had some amazing times ahead. But, it seems that we are back in to the rutt of the houses again, and people are just not as active in them as once before. We will be putting up polls soon to collaborate with the ideas that we are tossing around and pull from those majority votes. I know that there are some players that have been struggling to fit their characters in to the open houses, because of character beliefs and roleplay, Cryptic shared some ideas that may help with that if we made some changes.

Koi-Serenity roleplay lead has been discussing house roleplays as well. Giving each house a roleplay prompt, something to use as a tool for roleplaying specific to that house.

Changes are going to be coming to the market soon as well. I am planning to remove the missions from the market, and place them in another location.. the freespirit sanctuary on edgeward. There you will be able to go check the missions to determine which you would like to do. There will be a generic character named "mission collector" that will collect missions, and Grandma will only tend to her market. Missions are still going to be the same all around, other than Grandma will not take your mission. Grandma will then be able to resume her role as a GMMT and will spend her time in the market selling items. Doing all three things at one time would make things too hectic in the market, and there is a need currently for certain focus teachers and I want to help with that. (Grandma will teach focuses that have issues finding teachers only).

If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to reach out to roleplaying@underlight
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Re: OOC announcements

Post by Koi-Cricket »

There is going to be a meeting this Sunday with dev lead and Admin to move forward with next steps on the patch. Koi-Diligent is currently working on patch notes. Those will be shared before the patch, with all details of what is coming.

We've decided to move forward with another reboot to the city. This one may end up being even bigger than the one we had a few years ago. Between the awesomeness of the patch, and the ideas that we've been brain storming and began working on, I think you all will be very pleased with what we are going to bring for you.
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Re: OOC announcements

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Just a quick update and spoiler. A while back an old dev gave us access to some files. Found something pretty in those files. So it is being worked on right now and will be done soon and ready for the patch. This is something different than the long awaited personal vaults that are already complete.

Patch is coming soon. I know it has been a long time coming. But the amount of things and work that has gone in to this one was fairly large. A testing server is going up and we will ask for volunteers, tho some of the surprises will be left out of it so that there are not a lot of spoilers.

You probably have noticed that Grandmas missions have been taken up. With the amount of hours a week Grandma has been dedicating for missions and letting people turn them in, along with all the things we are working on behind the scenes to get the patch ready, those were taken up to free up some time to work on that without being overwhelmed. Players can continue to do theirs for the players and we will still be in to collect those and have market time for those. There is a rework of those happening that will put more into the Master Teachers hands.

We are definitely doing a reboot as we did a few years back. This one will be a bit different than before, but- New story, new theme, houses, places for each mark/guild/group. Rework of missions. And more to go along with the things that Koi Diligent and dev, Cryptic and Tarys personal vaults, has for us to go ig.

Perfect timing that we’ve had returning old players in recently. They will be here for the start of something that I feel like is going to be amazing, even more so than the 100 year reboot.

Thank you for continuing to keep the dream alive, and your patience.
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Re: OOC announcements

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Good morning

It has been a pleasant surprise to see many older players returning. The roleplays that have sparked, relationships formed, and stories pushed has been incredible.

I did want to remind/tell you all that there are going to be many changes coming after the reboot/eclipse. And I also wanted you to be aware that this is going to be a clean slate and fresh start. Which means some of the following will occur and I did not want you to be blind sided. - All crests will be removed from every player. (House, dreamsmith, wordsmith and MT). These marks have been very very simple and easy to gain in the past, and starting them over after the patch, may or may not be different, but not hard.

Houses- All houses will be closing before/after the patch. Depending on how the roleplay rolls out.

In the new version, we will have what you call "Traditional" and "Non-Traditional" houses. The traditional houses are what players will be joining in the traditional sense and such as we have now. Where you have rulers/guards/initiates- the traditional way. As it stands now, there will be 3 tradtional houses. Keep in mind as the team continues to brain storm and work things out- anything can change. These three tradtional houses are going to be what you can choose to join.

The tradtional houses will be rolling out after the patch through a series of roleplays that the team will have prepared for you to engage in. Example: Friday night- there will be a roleplay that will revolve around the opening of house 1. Saturday night there will be a roleplay that revolves around house 2. so forth. Your character can choose to join the house that they see they would enjoy more, be engaged with more or close to their fit. These houses you will not be required to go out and get all the regular requirements for. You will basically roleplay getting in to these, not by way of going out and collecting enough strength etc.

Then we will have non- traditional houses. These houses will not be player lead, but not necissarily GM lead either. It will be played out much like a guild, but each will be distinctively different and serve a unique purpose. Keep in mind.. the dual crest penalty is going away. Some of these traditional houses will not be granted crests, though one or two may. But the penalty for joining will not exist. If you choose to remain freespirit, but choose to join one of these non traditional houses, it will not act as a house. No beliefs, no roles or jobs, etc.

We did this for many reasons. One being nostalgia for some and their connection to that area or house in the game. You won't have to lose that. Another being, the houses have sat dormate and not been used in a long time. It has been wasted areas that can be used for roleplay purposes. And lastly, these non- traditional houses are going to give you things to do in game.

You may also see different GM or DM characters. There may be an entirely new belief type system. Etc

I know that a lot of you have started new roleplays, opened new houses, joined this or that. But I promise that this reboot to the game is going to be such an improvement, and a fresh start, that you are going to be happy. There's going to be something for everyone and you will either be able to pick up where you left off, or you may choose to go a completely different route. The story arc that we have is going to revolve around something that will allow you to do whatever it is you choose to do moving forward.

If you do have any concerns about where you're going to be fitting in, what direction to go with your character, questions, or just want to talk about the "where do you go from there". Feel free to reach out to the RP lead Koi-Serenity, myself, Cryptic.
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Upcoming patch and reboot of the game need to knows.

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Information regarding in game dynamics before and after the upcoming patch.

The last reboot went over really well. Everyone adapted and rolled with everything we threw out there and then some. We had a lot of activity in game and it went great for a long time. The last couple of years things have slowed down in activity and in population. Sometimes in Underlight and much like anything else, things need direction. We, along with most of you guys, feel that it would be a great time for another one of those reboots to the game to help breath new life into it.

Back in lyra we had some driving forces, such as essence manipulation and illuminate/Freesoul. That was something that kept political interaction between houses and players, great roleplay opportunities and so much more. And even though all of that is a thing of the past, bringing in something similar or along the same lines seemed like something in the polls that everyone wanted. If there are no belief systems at play, it leaves for stagnation.

With helping with direction, we've decided to bring in three opened, traditional houses. The traditional houses are basically what they are now. Player lead and operated. Without giving away too much about what the story arc is intended, just know that what we are bringing in, or bringing back, will have story and meaning behind it once we go back after the patch and it all unfolds.

Here is a look into what the traditional houses will be with a summary of each:

Formerly known as Union of the Covenant: The Ancient Temple

The Ancient Temple stands as a beacon of spiritual enlightenment, dedicated to the pursuit of higher truths and the restoration of balance in the realm of dreams. Governed by a priesthood sworn to the service of Bashir and Harmate, our house embraces diversity of belief and encourages the continual growth of its members on the path towards enlightenment. Rooted in the Cult of the 13, our temple acknowledges the ever-expanding pantheon of deities and entities, with Bashir and his Throne sitting in authority over them and The Ancient Temple. We recognize the intricate web of divine influence woven throughout the cosmos, guiding souls towards their ultimate destiny.

Propagation of Beliefs: Spread the teachings of Bashir, Harmate, and The Ancient Temple, enlightening all who would listen within the City of Dreams.

Principles of Governance
For the Faithful of Bashir: Adhere to the Four Pillars - Growth, Conflict, Sacrifice, and Discipline - and embody the essence of power and enlightenment.

For the Followers of Harmate: Uphold Her Decrees - Equilibrium, Meditation, Justice, and Harmony and embracing the path of balance and spiritual harmony.

Protectors of Radiance: (location at its original stronghold) Lyra version through some point in time.

Amidst the city's surroundings and radiant skies, you'll find the Protectors of Radiance—a symbol of hope and bravery. Our home is a sanctuary for those who envision a place free from oppression and darkness. Protectors of Radiance are united by commitment and sworn duty to defend the city. Inspired by the Luminary Guardian, we embark on missions within the city. We see its presence as a beacon of personal growth, enlightenment, and hope. We believe in the Luminary Guardian's essence, finding strength in its guidance.


Protection of the city:

The duty of the Protectors of Radiance is to protect our brothers and sisters, the city, and the natures of it. Whether they stem from within its walls or from the realms beyond.. We will patrol its paths, explore its planes, and stand ready to defend its borders from any who breach with harmful cause from other realms

Paths of the Radiance:

Path of Enlightenment: This path is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the city, its inhabitants, and nature, guided by the radiant energy. Through various projects and endeavors, we seek to uncover the mysteries of the city and its inhabitants, drawing inspiration and guidance from the power of the Luminary Guardian. Learning and strengthening the avatar.

Path of Devotion: Our path is of devotion to our brothers and sisters, and the natures existing within the dream for this noble cause. Through the intense heat and flames, we forge creations to help better the city, offer training to the city to aid in its protection.

We view darks as natural enemies.

Formerly known as Keepers of Eternal Shadow: Scryers of Truth (Shades of Truth version through some point in time)

Scryers of Truth:

At the heart of the belief system lies a profound reverence for truth, which we seek to uncover through various means. The Scryers place great trust in the messages conveyed by the Dream Weaver, whom they are dedicated followers of. Through scrying, a mystical practice that allows us to glimpse into the fabric of the Dream, we uncover the hidden truths that elude ordinary perception.

In our quest for knowledge, we do not limit ourselves to conventional methods of study. Instead, we cast our nets wide, exploring the far reaches of the dream and beyond. Along the journey, we engage with darks to understand their customs and culture. We meditate upon the sacred teachings of the Holy Trees, seeking to gain insights into the fundamental natures that exist.. We venture into remote caves, communing with sprites, honoring their presence and learning from their ancient wisdom.

Branches of the Scryers of Truth: Scryers and Researchers

Non Traditional houses

These are not considered houses in the traditional sense. We hope that you will not view dreamers that are "dual crested" in to the teaching group as such. These houses will serve their own unique purpose with no rulers/guardians leading it, and will serve no set of beliefs.

Wordsmith guild/Dreamlore -uncrested (some rooms opened and used)
Master Teachers/teaching -MTs can choose to crest, but not a requirement
Freespirit Congregation- uncrested, house opened
Home of the Antagonist - no player members
City Guard (location is TBD, may or may not be at one of the houses)

There will also be incentives and such brought in for the Traditional houses.

Also, there is going to be a very firm requirement for being Ruler/Guardians in houses. Those positions are there to drive the house and promote activity. It are for active players -only-
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Re: Upcoming patch and reboot of the game need to knows.

Post by Koi-Cricket »

It seems like the patch is approaching quickly. There were merges with the new content, meetings, and a testing server put up yesterday. Koi-Cryptic is sending over the level edits to be put in by tomorrow. So we are well on our way. After everything is put in, we will have to see if it went in successfully, then begin testing and then work out any fixes that may arise, more testing, and then comes a patch date.

In regards to the Houses that were posted over the weekend. We had a lot of positive feedback regarding the house changes, save a couple. And thank you to those that may be losing something you worked on, that may have went stagnant for one reason or another, but are embracing the change in hopes for more motiviation, fun and activity within the city.

Houses need a solid belief system that can help motivate and drive activity. If a house opens and becomes stagnant, the purpose of that house is no longer doing the houses intention. It is up to no one but the house to drive activity and that is why we created three house choices to suit every single need of a character, combined with solid belief systems.

Some had plans for things in game and with houses/groups that we had no knowledge of. Updates on your character and happenings is critical during times like this when expected changes are coming and being worked on.

These changes have been in the works for weeks/months. Many polls went up about the changes, we knew it was coming and were asked to prepare, so if you do need to discuss anything, you should reach out to us asap. :)

If you have any lingering concerns, questions, or feedback, please email us at roleplaying@underlight.com and we will be glad to address them or help you with ideas if you need them for transitioning to new things. Thank you!
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Protectors of Radiance

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Protectors of Radiance

Beliefs and Charter of the Protectors of Radiance:

The Protectors of Radiance stand as beacons of hope and courage. Our sanctuary offers solace to those who seek emancipation from oppression and darkness.

We are united by our commitment and sworn duty to safeguard the city and its inhabitants. Inspired by the Luminary Guardian, we embark on missions within the Dream, drawing strength from its radiant essence and embracing its teachings.

We explore the city looking for new ways to improve our defenses and protect our way of dreaming. We believe that the city holds many uncovered secrets and knowledge that will prove useful in our goal.

The Luminary Guardian: The collective spirits of past Protectors, revered by members as a symbol of hope and inspiration. This entity encompasses all those who previously walked this radiant path and provides guidance to the current protectors when they need it most. The Protectors seek the wisdom and guidance of the Luminary Guardian to help forge their path forward.

View on Dark Mares: Their watch over the city perceives nightmares as threats, and they remain vigilant in seeking their destruction.

Training and Development: The Protectors of Radiance are committed to providing training and development programs aimed at unlocking the full potential of every member in combat and strategic proficiency. We not only encourage, but also embrace continuous improvement from all members.

Forging and Creation: We harness the energy present in natural resources to craft tools not only for defense but also for creation. Through this process, we forge items through flame, each creation serving as a testament to the dedication and skill of our members.

Oath of Allegiance:
Every member of the Protectors of Radiance
shall swear an oath of allegiance to their brothers and sisters. This oath binds us in duty and honor and guides our actions and decisions in service to the greater good.

A Protector will travel down one of two paths during their service to the cause…

Path of Devotion:

Members of this path are dedicated to the protection and honor of the city and its inhabitants. Those who follow this path believe in the individuality of others and honor the sovereignty of other houses. They function as ambassadors to the other citizens of the city, seeking unity and cooperation among all dreamers. They also serve as advocates to those whose actions may be misrepresented.


Path of Radiance:

Descendants of the Lyra era, they maintain their crusader spirit, faithful in their mission to uphold the charge entrusted to them. This path is more militaristic in nature, focusing on the defense of the city without concern for external authority. Members of this path believe strongly in their independence and the overall goal of protecting the city at all costs. The politics and feelings of other houses hold no significant merit to them. They believe that overall safety stands above all else. These members consider themselves to be the city guard.

City Guard
Sovereign Citizens
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The Ancient Temple

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Charter and Beliefs of The Ancient Temple

Established by the Devout Adherents of Bashir and Harmate

The Ancient Temple stands as a beacon of spiritual enlightenment, dedicated to the pursuit of higher truths and the restoration of balance in the realm of dreams. Governed by a priesthood sworn to the service of Bashir and Harmate, our house embraces diversity of belief and encourages the continual growth of its members on the path towards enlightenment. Rooted in the Cult of the 13, our temple acknowledges the ever-expanding pantheon of deities and entities, with Bashir and his Throne sitting in authority over them and The Ancient Temple. We recognize the intricate web of divine influence woven throughout the cosmos, guiding souls towards their ultimate destiny.

Rulership and Governance
At the helm of The Ancient Temple, the Priesthood reigns supreme. Only those who have devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the service of Bashir and Harmate, or other officially recognized entities that time may be revealed to us - becoming pact-sworn High Priests or Priestesses, may hold positions of authority within our sacred halls.

The Guardian rank serves as a stepping stone for aspirants on their journey toward full initiation into the mysteries of the Temple. Guardians are tasked with upholding the Temple's teachings and safeguarding its sanctity. Their work and duty will see them moving ever closer to reaching the Priesthood and being prepared for the swearing of the Pacts required.

Initiates make up the heart, soul, and body of the Temple congregation. The Temple welcomes all lay people to join us and begin their quest for spiritual understanding and greater individual power.

Promotion within our ranks is not based on arbitrary factors such as seniority or personal connections. Instead, it is earned through demonstrated spiritual growth, adherence to the Temple's charter, and contributions toward the collective enlightenment of our congregation.

Adherence to Principles
Members of The Ancient Temple are bound by sacred oaths to uphold the following principles:

Gathering Essences: In service to the Prime, members are duty-bound to gather essences, strengthening ourselves and our gods.

Continuous Growth: Stagnation is forbidden. Personal growth must be a perpetual journey, enriching ourselves and our fellow brethren.

Resolution of Conflicts: Interpersonal conflicts shall be resolved through mediation within the Temple, ensuring harmony and unity among our members.

Exclusivity of Membership: Dual crests are prohibited. Members may not swear themselves (Dual-Crest) to other noble houses and temples, ensuring undivided loyalty to The Ancient Temple.

Propagation of Beliefs
: Spread the teachings of Bashir, Harmate, and The Ancient Temple, enlightening all who would listen within the City of Dreams.

Principles of Governance

For the Faithful of Bashir: Adhere to the Four Pillars - Growth, Conflict, Sacrifice, and Discipline - and embody the essence of power and enlightenment.

For the Followers of Harmate: Uphold Her Decrees - Equilibrium, Meditation, Justice, and Harmony and embracing the path of balance and spiritual harmony.

Essence Arts
The Ancient Temple maintains a neutral stance regarding essence arts, encouraging dreamers to wield essences that align with their spiritual journey so long as it serves the greater good of the Temple.

Treatment of Dark Mares

Recognizing the existence of Darkmares within the City of Dreams, The Ancient Temple acknowledges their unique society while remaining vigilant against chaos and violence. Members shall treat Darkmares as sentient beings, assessing each case individually and extending compassion without discrimination.

In conclusion, The Ancient Temple is a bastion of spiritual enlightenment, guided by the divine wisdom of Bashir and Harmate. Through adherence to our charter and unwavering dedication to the pursuit of higher truths, we shall continue to illuminate the path toward transcendence for all who seek it within the City of Dreams.
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The real Scryers beliefs :)

Post by Koi-Cricket »

The Scryers of Truth are seekers of knowledge and enlightenment within our city, working as prophets and researchers. Diving into the cities history. It’s past, present and future.

Central to our beliefs is the practice of scrying, where members utilize various methods to see what may come to pass. This encompasses the exploration of all areas of our city, from its planes and fonts to its talismans and arts.

Compassion guides our interactions as we seek to uplift those who aim to improve. We are driven by a need for understanding the dreamscape, as well as unlocking undiscovered secrets.

We observe the four controlling powers: Lucidity, Insight, Resilience, and Willpower, with Dreamsoul serving as the unifying force. Additionally, we undertake the study of the Anti-Elements, seeking to comprehend the intricate interplay of all ten elements that shape our reality.

Truth holds an important place in our belief system, and we use unique means to uncover it. We place our trust in the wisdom conveyed by the Dream Weaver, a mystical figure believed to be able to traverse the realms of dreams and reality. Although their idenity remains a mystery, the Dream weaver is revered for guiding us through dreams and realities towards the greater good. Whether through prophetic visions or lucid dreams, the Dream Weaver imparts guidance and insight to those on the path of enlightenment.

Scryers of Truth use many practices and studies. We go beyond conventional methods, exploring the farthest reaches of dreams and beyond. This includes engaging with the dark mares of our city to learn about their customs and cultures, meditating on the teachings of the Holy Trees, seeking to understand the natures that exist, and communing with ancient sprites in remote caves.

Branches of the Scryers of Truth include:

Researchers: Engaged in the exploration of the city's past, present, and potential future, researchers study the historical archives, listening to the prophetic whispers, and analyzing every aspect of the dream.

Masters of scrying, possessing the unique ability to peer into the mysteries of the Dream. Through their insights and dedication, they decipher the messages of the Dream Weaver, gaining knowledge for their fellow dreamers.
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Re: Upcoming patch and reboot of the game need to knows.

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Announcement that was posted in discord: Just a small update. After dev lead met with Jork for that Saturday meeting, there were some things that needed to be done and now there is another meeting planned for this Sunday, I believe. Everything/content has been pushed to Jork, other than a few last minute level edits that I’m about to get choked out for. ☠️😌. Hopefully after this Sunday if everything goes smooth, we will begin testing. Depending on how many fixes (hopefully none or not many) will depend on if fixes are needed and then more testing. We will set the patch date after that. I am excited because finishing touches on stories are about done.

I also wanted to make mention about the houses that we chose to open and why.

We recently had a small influx of players wishing to join the Bashir story arc from a previous version of the game. The house beliefs and story, coincides with the story arc that we are pushing for after the patch. So the Union that was opened back in SoT as the Cult of Bashir will be opening back up.

PoR; with bringing in two houses from an SoT era, we are bringing in an alternate version of Lyra's Protectors of Radiance. This will also go along with the theme of what we are doing for the changover.

KoEs; the structure will be opening back up. But the house beliefs will be shifting as to set the theme for the house back to a previous version of the game. This corresponds with the story arc that we are doing. (Back last year, a GM decided to open the house back up to the Keepers for different reasons, and helped to push the opening of it. Soon after, players that had joined were not able to play because sometimes real life happens. Understandable. Recently, a couple of players decided to join, and players were able to return to the game. Even though this bumped the numbers slightly, after months and months of planning, the house was still set to be included in the changover after the patch.)

Since you wanted change, according to the polls that were steadily posted for the last year, and discussions with everyone, including a Fireside, we concluded that we did not need as many houses open. This is to cater to the population count. Later down the road if this number grows, and there is a need for it, we can look in to opening a fourth traditional house.

HC, EA, AoE - These houses will be either completely opened, or somewhat opened for specific guilds. Wordsmith, teaching, freespirts. (The EA ; MT's will be able to dual crest if they so choose to so that you are able to use the MB to stay in contact with teaching things with Azlan) The names of these three houses have changed.

There will also be places within the city that GM's will be including roleplays in to enhance story arcs being brought in for the changover.
Lower Palisades
Lightless Hollow
The Kingdom; new areas
Lost Sea
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OOC announcements

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Scryers of Truth; slight modification of the house coming soon. (Seekers of Truth) There are many reasons for this slight change, but those that have been interested in the house will understand why. But the biggest change is the name Scryers of Truth to Seekers of Truth. The house may choose to focus on the many paths. Each path seeks for truth, but the name "Scryers of Truth" insinuates that every member will want to scry, and we know that may not be the case. With the change to the name, it will allow for such that each path can "Seek Truth" in their own way, depending on the path they choose.

Keep in mind that once your group gets into whatever house you decide for your character, the house as a whole can choose to adapt the house to your roleplaying desires. The core of the house should remain the same, as we would like for the houses to have a purpose and something to believe in, (diety) but just remember that we are giving you a base line and if your house roleplays and pushes things IC towards a common goal for the house, it can adapt to modifications, and many branches added to get you to that desire.

Testing did begin Sunday the 21st for the level side and it has been going great. Some other things will be incorporated by Diligent again on May 5th, and the team will continue testing. Spirit is in the procses of adding in our coordinates sheet for all of the new areas. Cryptic is doing the fixes, and at the last minute decided on something awesome for thresh halls and it is already complete.

Serenity is working on the story arc, and I am working on The Kingdom stories/arc. Teaching team is tossing around something for after the patch, I don't want to say, because we have to make sure it is possible.

Thank you to the several players that have been reaching out in discord and emailing with their roleplays they'll be pushing, updates on characters, and ideas moving forward in regard to houses or in general things. We do appreciate all the help. There has been an abundance of support from players and is truely appreciated.
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Re: OOC announcements

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Seekers of Truth (currently KoEs)

Beliefs: Seekers of Truth

We are the awakened of the Dreamscape, where reality and imagination blend into one, and the boundaries of the mind fade into nothingness. Here, in this transcendent domain, we have uncovered the essence of all things—the force known as The Source.

The Source is not just a concept; it is the very power that weaves existence together. It is the cosmic melody that orchestrates the harmony of all realities, the gentle breeze that shapes our dreams, and the silent witness to the unfolding tapestry of the universe.

Within the Dreamscape, The Source reveals itself in countless forms, each brimming with its own ancient wisdom and divine purpose. Some perceive its presence in the shifting shadows, where The Shadow, a spectral being, dances amidst the creation's essence. Others find solace in the embrace of Sleep, a guide who leads mortals through the realms of dreams and subconscious exploration.

The Shadow reveals the will of the Source through the reverberations of the mind, echoing through many different planes of existence, all of which can be heard, felt, and potentially even acted upon by the Scryers. Once touched by the shadow, the Scryers relay these sacred messages to those who have the ears to hear and the sight to see; namely the Oneirics.

The Oneirics are learned in the ways of dream interpretation and are guided by the Dream Weaver. The Weaver is bound to take the revelations of the Shadow and decipher their true purpose, guiding the disciples of the Source ever forward in the pursuit of truth. Master researchers of the city's past, present, and with the help of the Scryers, potential future, The Oneirics spend their dreams analyzing every aspect of the Dream.

But The Source is more than a mere idea—it is a guiding light, a celestial compass that points the way to enlightenment for those brave enough to seek its mysteries. It is the eternal flame that burns at the core of existence, the cosmic architect who weaves the threads of reality into the intricate tapestry of creation.

To embark on the journey to uncover The Source's secrets is to embark on a quest of self-discovery and transcendence. It is a pilgrimage through the veils of reality, where the faithful are gifted with visions and revelations beyond mortal comprehension. Exploration that encompasses all areas of Underlight, from its planes and fonts, to its talismans and arts. To understand our past is to prepare our present for what will be coming in the future.

Make no mistake, this is no easy path. For it is known that there are many voices that speak out from the void and the planes beyond our sight. The dreams and calls from the untrained, the unawakened, and the deviant alike. The Scryer and the Oneiric must cloak themselves in the embrace of the Source so that only the truth is acted upon. It is their purpose to find the false words of the unbound chaos and see that they are sifted and discarded.

So, heed the call of The Source, and allow its mystical whispers to lead you into the boundless depths of existence. For within the pursuit of understanding lies the key to unlocking the limitless potential that resides within us all, waiting to be unleashed upon the cosmos.

Paths Within the Seekers of Truth:

Seekers of Truth, with their profound connection to the otherworldly realms, engage with the Dreamscape in diverse and intriguing ways. They delve into the depths of the Dream, seeking insights into its mysteries. This includes engaging with the dark mares of our city to learn about their customs and cultures, as they are viewed as sentient beings and held accountable for their actions.

Additionally, they meditate on the teachings of the Holy Trees, seeking to understand the mysteries they share and the unique sacredness they have within the city. Furthermore, they commune with ancient sprites in remote caves to learn of their realm and influence on the dreamscape. Through these practices, Seekers not only glean knowledge of past, present, and future events but also gain a deeper understanding of the intricate fabric of the Dream itself.


Scryers are skilled practitioners of scrying, able to peer into the intentions of the Source by delving into the Shadow with great dedication. They receive visions of past, present, and future events, flooding their minds with insights that forge a deep, otherworldly connection experienced by only a chosen few in the Dream. As vital members of the Seekers of Truth, they serve as invaluable repositories of knowledge in the dreamscape. It's crucial to understand that scrying is a serious undertaking, requiring preparation and respect, not to be taken lightly.


Oneirics are esteemed scholars and intrepid explorers of the mysterious depths of the Dream. With an unwavering commitment to uncovering hidden truths often overlooked, these historians dedicate themselves to the Dream Weaver, a manifestation of the Source. Their mission involves meticulously documenting and archiving the rich tapestry of our history while chronicling the unfolding events of the present. Collaborating closely with their Scryer counterparts, they endeavor to unravel the origins of their visions and decipher their true significance.

Positions / Ranks / Titles:

Ruler (Scryers) - Archon
Ruler (Oneirics) - Arbiter
Guardian: Custodes
Initiate: Novitius


Within the revered halls of the Seekers of Truth, ascent is not granted by mere passage of time. No, the tapestry of our faith is woven with threads of devotion, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to commune with The Source and its manifold manifestations. To ascend within our sacred order is to demonstrate a profound connection, a living, breathing relationship with the essence of all things.

Those who aspire to the esteemed mantle of Custodes must exhibit not only steadfast leadership but also a fervent dedication to the propagation of our sacred ideals. They are the vigilant sentinels, charged with safeguarding both the sanctity of our faith and the welfare of its adherents who have demonstrated a personal relationship with the manifestations of The Source and the house's practices.

And those destined to be an Archon or Arbiter are chosen by virtue of embodying the very essence of The Source's will. They hold in their hands the delicate strands of our destiny, entrusted with the profound responsibility of shaping the course of our house and illuminating the path of its sacred teachings for generations to come. In this sacred journey, mere existence is but a footnote; it is the relentless pursuit of enlightenment and the unwavering commitment to our divine purpose that truly defines our ascent within the Seekers of Truth.
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Re: OOC announcements

Post by Koi-Cricket »

I wanted to jump on and give a little update. The team has been testing the last few weeks, made all corrections, pushed a few additional merges. Right now, we are just waiting on the last merge to be pushed so that we are able to test again and make sure that there are no errors. Once that happens, we will have a couple of players from the community come in and help with final testing.

House beliefs are completely finalized and posted. Thank you to everyone that offered up suggestions and helped push out three great sets of house beliefs. Each set of beliefs really gives a purpose for the house and something to believe in. Which will really help promote activity. Please do not push these beliefs in game yet. It will take away from the feel of the story that we are trying to go for after the patch. I know people are anxious to get things rolling, I am too. It has been a very long wait but is going to be so worth it. So, please wait till after to push these beliefs/ideas so that the whole ((spoiler)) "being in a brand-new city" arc plays out as it should and will coincide with roleplays, we have planned for you. It will completely maximize the feel if we wait on these changes for after.

In making room for some changes regarding the teaching/MT area of the game, you know who you are, Kudos for helping push the teaching things in that direction to open up for new. The kind of interactions I've been seeing revolved around the whole teaching situations lately are well played. You don't know it, but you're helping carve the way for things all positive things planned after the patch.

The stories that have been posted will give you some insight into the type of stories and themes that will be in place after the patch. The King and Queen story will become a permanent fixture in game, consisting of its own plane. Small one night, a few nights, or even one week or longer roleplays will stem from it. Think of it as a RP prompt that you can use to enhance your own stories and roleplays that you would like to push out. More stories will come out soon that will give even more information about the new city, Thornhaven. OOC name, and era for the game was a poll selection that was submitted by players and will be posted soon.

Some things to expect.

When coming to a new city, things may seem a little different. Upgrades, new threshes, halls etc. The feel will be different in the threshold area for sure. But there plans to be someone greeting you and welcoming you to the city of Thornhaven. They will offer to show you around the city, introduce you to things that will be new. There are so many new rooms/upgrades to rooms that we thought it might be best to help show you around. Also patch notes will be up and we will have an outline with those things noted so that you will have an idea where to go and look and explore.

The RP lead has worked on an outline for us. We will be hosting a series of events throughout a week or two, and the series of events will lead to houses opening. All houses will not open up immediately, and some new places in the city may not open till a later date so that the place can be opened with story and RP.

Important artifacts will not be tossed out, and there is a place already in game ready for those to be housed. Some will appear in the city over time, but no need to worry about those things being lost. Personal items in the cachets, guilds, house storage etc, you will need to make sure to get what is important to you and keep it in your pack prior to the patch.
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Regarding Houses

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Since the idea came about for a new change to the houses, we've worked on a set of beliefs for three of the houses and since working on them and as time has gone on, people have left the game, new people have arrived, groups have changed, people's roles shifted and so forth.

We are grateful to have players that have been consitant with their beliefs and have been pushing things in game with the houses so we have decided that moving forward we are putting this back into your capable hands.

There are some houses that will not be available to open because they will be occupied as non traditional houses. There's been a lot of work that has gone in to making some major edit changes.

If you still wish to use a set of beliefs that we created you are free to do so.

We do hope that with putting this back into your hands, that it will help resolve some concerns. Our main request is house activity.

As well as we will bring in a diety for some, if not all of the houses.

The team
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