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Azlans Master Teachers Exercise is recheduled to 9/10/23 Sunday

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Posts: 37
Joined: Fri Oct 21, 2022 5:30 pm
Character Name(s): Liolira

Azlans Master Teachers Exercise is recheduled to 9/10/23 Sunday

Post by Lio »

Due to no one showing up and unforeseen dreamers schedules he requested for us to meet at this new day and time.....he has rescheduled it to this Sunday September 10th at 5 PM. to be held at the Crystal Maze. Please meet at the library and we will go from there. please be prompt at 5 PM DST. Thank you. Original notice for all master teachers.
Azlan has given me instructions to exercise our minds...this is a mental challenge riddled with endurance. Date September 10th, 5 PM DST. Library of Souls. We Will go to the Conclave and the Crystal Maze once everyone is gathered.

We are to enter the crystal maze, find the codi with instructions on a task, then find our way to the center of the maze with a prepared task, to pass the challenge.

No wall merging, you must walk the maze and complete it with your completed task. No sharing the instruction on the codi you find...could be one hidden or a few. No one will know, find the instruction, complete your goal, get to the center.

Liolira, Master Teacher Dreamseer 8th sphere.
Puppet for Azlan the Knock Knock Master who pulls our strings

Note very important! :Also we will be task writing and sharing ideas for off the cuff out of the box tasking ideas per Azlan
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