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Kudos Thread

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Re: Kudos Thread

Post by Koi-Cricket »

A lot of kudos today. I know that there have been changes with seneshals and other things along the way. But everyone has been good about change, when change is needed.

Eldryck/Wish/Brian. The game would be boring if we didn’t give us those wth moments. Brian has literally held this game together this long and is the main reason that we’re all still able to play. So welcome back!

My RP lead is amazing. He is so patient, creative, and works to make everyone happy. We both share the same mind set when it comes to how Underlight should be and how it should evolve and how we are here 100% for the players.

All of the GMs. They do whatver they can do to make sure everyone is having fun. Always wanting to support. Always wanting to take on more that they can chew. They’re awesome.

Osm and HC with the changes in seneshal it seems like we have a good fit for each now and the houses have gained members and have been doing things on their own. Awesome roleplays within their houses.

DoL use to be the underdog but not anymore. One of the most active, and always busy here and there. And I’ve noticed that you even help all new players and taking them under their wing.

I wanted to give a HUGE kudos to Union (City Guard). This house has the least amount of members, was opened after all the other houses had a chance to establish, yet are causing a big impact. Leading a major story with the palisades, and haven’t even really requested support. And are making it fun even for GMs.

Several new dreamers that I can’t even remember all the names. But the community is glad you’re here.
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Re: Kudos Thread

Post by Koi-Splat »


I would like to give a giant kudos to a few dreamers who I personally feel need to be recognized in this thread.

It doesn’t matter what is going on with the current role play, whether they like it or not. These players will always. yes and, anything that comes along. They will find a solution that is always amazing. They write their own stories, we just throw poison at them.

Huthut - MVP
Luthair - Most Improved
Kain - Best on the spot reactions
Dumah - puns spin shot….
Jawsman - fights for his convictions against all odds
Harkyn - efficient, smart, and does what others aren’t willing.
Flower of Cienn - Brilliant at evoking emotions and brings joy by proximity
Eton - voice of reason in a room of shouting
Duriel - jawsman’s sidekicks for better or worse
Vox - loves the essences arts and is working to add more
Athena - she makes herself and her house shine bright like a diamond
Jade - one of the best role players, literally. Can spin yarn into gold
Duck -always gives her best and keeps her head up pushing through..
Zoric - cautious and passionate in his conviction.
Braelynn - the most resilient fatesender in the dream.
I know it’s a long list, but without these players the dreams would be long and boring. Thank you all for continuing to be a part of this community. Also if I think of anyone I missed I’m gonna add it.

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Re: Kudos Thread

Post by Eton »

For tonight, the GMs not sure who was present but if you we're thank you ... Krodoc, Jawsman, Kain, Thunderman, Nieba, Drizzt, Dante, Neogi, Pixar, Nathan, Ironies II, and Zoric.

Huge thank you to Garden Gnome
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Re: Kudos Thread

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Good to see some around lately:

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Re: Kudos Thread

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Welcome LovesLight. Glad you found your way back to Underlight after all these years.
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Re: Kudos Thread

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Welcome back Fangx
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Re: Kudos Thread

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Welcome back Buzzz
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Re: Kudos Thread

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Welcome back ghalleon
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Re: Kudos Thread

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Welcome back Sadara
Welcome back Djinn Two

Also, another old player came back to the community and we hope to see him IG soon. Dyzz Nataz
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Re: Kudos Thread

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Good to see you back in discord, Lucille and Talin D. We are glad you found us again and look forward to hopefully seeing you in game!

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Re: Kudos Thread

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Welcome back Off Kilter
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Re: Kudos Thread

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Welcome back Naphtali
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Re: Kudos Thread

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Welcome a new player from Reddit, Nyar
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Re: Kudos Thread

Post by Koi-Cryptic »

Welcome back, Mase 16!
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Re: Kudos Thread

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Good to see Clarity in game.
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Re: Kudos Thread

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Kudos for the small event tonight with the time portal.

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Re: Kudos Thread

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Kudos to Tary for the 25th anniversary gift. We have been wanting personal vaults back for a while now. Thank you!
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Re: Kudos Thread

Post by Koi-Cricket »

I would like to give a huge kudo to Qarrian, a legit newlie. Several months back he had it in his mind that he wanted to open OSM and he found out all he could about opening a house and did with the help of other dreamers. It has been verrry interesting in seeing. Like what I would imagine back in lyra when we all were just learning the game.

So, kudos to Order of the Sable Moon and all of its new members.
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Re: Kudos Thread

Post by HikiraFang X »

Just wanted to say I enjoyed this evening thoroughly, so kudos to everyone involved, players, GM's / mares especially the work behind the scenes and the consideration put into making everything tonight fun and convenient.

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Re: Kudos Thread

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Kudos to Dakkoth, Nathan, huthut, Drex, Athena, Liolira, Jade and Octavious for the interactions earlier today. Having fun and hope to have more fun as the days goes by.
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Re: Kudos Thread

Post by Koi-Cricket »

To the members of Koes that split from HC to pursue their own chaos endeavors, that was awesome. Glad to see an old house that hasn’t been opened in years open back up.

Apothos, like wth are you even doing dude? People have complained about you in the past but I am pointing and saying, I saw all of these things happen years ago. You may be a pain in the butt, but you are making things interesting that’s for sure.

Huthut and Athena and all of DoL. The spider roleplay is awesome. Pushing the beliefs and being active as a house is awesome.

Jawsman! As a ruler your house split and you took it like a man and nothing how I expected. Kudos! You’ll be receiving a nice visitor just days from now.

Liolira and Zahra and AoE. Liolira continuously helping newlies. Some may not stay because the game mechanics can be overwhelming especially all at once, but she doesn’t give up and helps everyone. AoE is a safe place and you’ll be expecting a small change/visitor in the days to come.

I’m happy with all of the houses right now and as long as activity stays up in the house you play in, you’ll gain members, keep the house open and honestly, help build the game up.

Bernon. Standing up to people.
Myri. Glad you’re back.

Everyone that was at the city forum.

North! Your excitement for the teacher missions is amazing. Thank you to everyone doing those. Hrrum and Jawsman!

The active GMs that have been helpful. We pulled out player missions, helped with the koes thing and some new seneshals, the dm fights, everything.

THE DEV!!!! Diligent, Nyx, Light, Cryptic. Very very close to the patch.

These are some things that would have totally happened in lyra days and it is awesome that there are players that play the game how it was meant to be played. New is okay. But so are the old ways.
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Re: Kudos Thread

Post by Janus »

I am a real problem. ;)
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Re: Kudos Thread

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Kudos to DoL, Huthut, Sirus and Sadara! Sunday night.

I haven’t seen internal house drama in a while or had that much fun on that character. Huthut! Well played!
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Re: Kudos Thread

Post by Dude216 »

Kudos to the whole city, and the GM team as Sirus walks a new journey with Bashir! We've had some good interactions based off of some of the Bashir stuff. Shoutout to the Temple, what's up Fam!
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Kudos to Hrrum

Post by jtbadn »

I would like to extend my personal kudos to Master Hrrum for his mentoring of his Apprentice, Belom. Hrrum is a wonderful Mentor to Belom and Belom is learning very much from his leadership and guidance. Much gratitude. Praise to the Spider Man!
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