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Library of Souls, Archive
- fancypearl
- PTR Tester (Rank 3)
- Posts: 218
- Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2014 2:29 am
- Character Name(s): Stormy
- Location: Eugene, Oregon
Library of Souls, Archive
Library of Souls, Archive
I remember LadySilver doing this in the past, And I think it’s still useful. So I’ll take it up.
Who the lyran knows, maybe I’ll do some of the other dreams vaults?
Also not sure how often I’ll update, but feel free to contact me for questions, comments, or suggestions. In dream or leaving a note for me or sending a pigeon ((discord: Christy#9089))
*Scrolls recorded as written, this includes spelling and grammar problems, (hopefully not too many of my own).
**Updated 9/30/2022
~Stormy Edwards
Chaos Knight
((-->template example:
NA location:
Current use: NA
Talisman found:
Title or name: "Example does not exist” ((Unknown stickied))
“Example of scroll doesn’t currently exist in library”
((inscribed on NA, NA function, NA charges, colours selected: NA, NA ))
Sphere One hall:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman found:
Title or name: "Flame ruin”
“the art of flame ruin was created by an ancient dreamsmith called Balthus he was trying to make a small spark to light his pipe, he instead created a raginf ball of fire which is what we know today as flame ruin he burnt off what little hair he had creating this art and suffered much ridicule due to his hair loss he was able to get the last laugh he was rumored to have burnt the hair of 5 dreamsmiths off before running off laughing madly to use this art you must stand still untill it is completely evoked”
((inscribe on Codex 1 function 254 charges, colours selected: Plum, Fire))
Title or Name: “” ((Unknown stickied))
“Nightmare Form was created by an ancient member of the Entropy Coalition,the group responsible for the Nightmares entry into the city. In their studies into the chaos outside the city walls, they found a way for dreamers to act like a mare, however, they did not perfect the art. While one is in Nightmare Form, one cannot evoke arts. The teacher who came up with the art died before he could realize the problem with his art.”
((inscribed on Scroll Unknown functions, unknown charges, Colours: Fire, Gold))
Title or Name: “” ((Unknown stickied))
“There were once 8 great houses of the City. They all held at their core, a prime artifact. They were: Heart of the Union, Star of Alliance, Relic of the Order,Entrancement Stone, Soul of Radiance, Heart of the Shadow, Dreaming Stone and the Orb of Calenture.
((inscribed on an Artifax, function unknown, charges unknown, Colours: Azure, Gold))
Title or Name: “” ((Unknown sticked))
“First Color:
Chalk: 1-2, 1-3, 1-4 minutes
Blood: 45 sec, 50 sec, 1-3 min, 1-5 min
Fire: 30-90 sec, 1-2 min
Gold: 1-2 min
Jade: 1-3 min, 5-10 min
Teal: 1-2 min, 1-4 min
Cyan: Night: 1-2 min
Azure: 1-2 min, 5-10 min
Plum: 1-3 min
Berry: 1-4 min
Sand: 1-5 min
Beige: 20-40 min
Tan: 10-20 min
Earth: 5-10 min, 5-15 min
Abyss: 3-6 min”
((inscribed on Alteror, function unknown, charges unknown, Colors: Blood, Chalk))
Title or Name: “” ((Unknown sticked))
“FlameShaft was the third flame art to be developed. It was created by Aethir who, after seeing Balthus and Tenrik’s efforts, decided he could outdo them both. Building upon their research, it only took Aethir a week to complete his effort. With his newly acquired flame, Aethir was able to overcome the other two masters in a competition called the “Flamewar.” Widely acclaimed for his work at the time, Aethir later fell into obscurity well before the Great Loss. -Pericules”
((inscribed on Artifax, function unknown, charges unknown, Colors: Abyss, Fire))
Title or Name “Painting of a Sword”
“A Beautiful painting of the land just infront of the entrance of the AoE. Vibrant flowers spreading agross the bright grass. And that weird spikey bush in the corner with all the thorns…Though, That’s alittle odd, You don’t seem to remeber any kind of spike bush, Espically one that seems to be one long spikey stem wrapping around itself, spikes sticking out the stem like a Morningstar.”
((Inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or Name “Sense Dreamers”
“Sense Dreamers tells the user where the highest concentration of dreamers is. It returns the names of the three planes with the highest numbers of dreamers currently on them, in descending order.”
((Inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours: Berry, Gold))
Title or Name “Trail”
“The art of Trail. Leaves a trail of jade diamonds behind the caster, only visible to them. A second evoke removes the trail.”
((Inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, Colours: Gold, Jade))
Title or Name “Majors and Minors”
“Major arts are the ones exclusive to your focus, the ones only your focus can learn, and are typically very powerful. Minor arts are ones that anyone can learn, but the ones of your Focus will always be strongest, while the ones not of your Focus will be weaker. Dreamsoul arts are neutral, and we all can learn them and plateau them to equal strength”
((Inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Codex, 254 charges, Colours: Tan, Gold))
Title or Name “Blueprints of Book”
“Blue paper marked upon with chalk, you see drawings of a book like outfit, the drawing has the book open with the dreamer within the middle of the book. a small hole the back side of the book is marked for the dreamers head. To the side a list of meterials, Two large sheets of Leather, around 56 iches in length and around 70 inches in width. 10 sheets of paper of the same length, to be fit within the book.”
((Inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Codex, 254 charges, Colours: Chalk, Cyan))
Title or Name “Sketches of an Ago”
“Sketches of a AgoKnight but with something seemily slightly off, For starters, the AgoKnight usual tail seems to have a slot for legs to stick into the ground, under the tenticals appears to be a whole going inside of the agoknight, yet from what you tell of the drawing, the inside is empty. Finally you notice on the back appears to be a thread going from the bottom to top, sowing the agoknight together.”
((Inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Codex, 254 charges, Colours: Abyss, Night))
Title or Name “The City pt. 1”
“A city of dreams, a place among the countless thoughts of those sleeping. What does it look like from above, from the outside, and are those concepts even applicable to such a strange place? In the old days, we thought we knew a little about it. We were probably wrong.”
((Inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Codex, 254 charges, Colours Chalk, Chalk))
Title or Name “The City pt. 2”
“The geography of the city is difficult to pin down. This is largely due to the presence of portals. Though portals seem to largely adhere to geographical proximity when connecting to other areas, this does not always seem to be the case. Either that, or our understanding of proximity is severely flawed. The portals may have been an attempt to compartmentalize the city. Before them, the geography is assumed to have been more contiguous and consistent.”
((Inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Codex, 254 charges, Colours Chalk, Chalk))
Title or Name “The City pt. 3”
“From the outside, picture the city as a great bubble bobbing in an infinite and stormy sea. Two great rents, or rifts mar the surface of that bubble on opposite sides. Within the bubble floats an uneven, broken disk, perhaps shaped something like a spoked wheel. Parts of the disk jut up into mountains, parts of it fall into valleys, caves and buildings and keeps dot the landscape, all broken up by portals.”
((Inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Codex, 254 charges, Colours Chalk, Chalk))
Title or Name “The City pt. 4”
“At the center of the city, the center of this wheel or disk- exists a hub- what we know as the threshold. This hub seems to form a larger complex or facility, including the library of souls, the citadel, and below, threshold pits and cave (which seem to extend outwards to other parts of the dream). From there outward, the city extends into sweeping landscapes- mountains, hills, valleys, forests, etc. Before portals (if there ever was such a time) they must have been an incredible sight.”
((Inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Codex, 254 charges, Colours Chalk, Chalk))
Title or Name “The City pt. 5”
“Between these landscapes, which might almost be seen as the spokes of a wheel, or the bulk of the disk, are further areas from the threshold- buildings, forests, glades, etc. These outer areas almost all also connect to the outer-most part of the dream- the rifts.Dangerous, corrupt places. Sharing the outer-most rim of the city are the great houses, standing at the end of each “primary” plane in the dream. These houses were for a long time thought to form the walls of the dream, if such a concept matters.”
((Inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Codex, 254 charges, Colours Chalk, Chalk))
Title or Name “The City pt. 6”
“There are wrinkles, as mentioned earlier, to this idea of geography. The houses connect to the threshold. The threshold caves connect to the rifts, and many other shortcuts or unusual elements exist. Perhaps then a disk in a bubble is not the best way to imagine the city. There are also other new areas which have found their way into our city, and outside, in the great mindscape, who knows what other places may exist?”
((Inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Codex, 254 charges, Colours Chalk, Chalk))
Sphere One Study:
Current use:Unknown
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“*** These are the arts that SoulMasters can learn at 1st sphere *** Restore, Reweave and Soul Evoke.”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade ))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“*** These are the arts that DreamSeers can learn at 1st Sphere *** Judgment, Identify, and Soul Evoke.”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Abyss, Azure))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“*** These are the arts that FateSenders can learn at 1st sphere *** Scare and Soul Evoke”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Abyss, Plum))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“**** These are arts you gain upon entering the City **** Focal art (GateKeeper, DreamSeer, Soul Master or FateSender) Focal Blade ( GateSmasher, Dreamblade, SoulReaper or FateSlayer) Drain Essence, Give, Join Party, Know, Locate Dreamer, Meditation, Random Sense Dreamer, Show Talisman, and Trail.”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“*** These are the arts that GateKeepers can learn at 1st sphere *** Resist Fear, Protection and Soul Evoke.”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Gold, Abyss))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“*** These are the arts that everyone can learn as unsphered *** GateKeepers – Push, FlameShaft and Free Action. DreamSeers – Push, Newly Awakened and TranceFlame. SoulMasters – Push, FlameSear and Purify. FateSender – Push, FlameRuin and Deafen.”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“Charms - Same effect colours (secondary) as Alts. First colour denotes the focus.
Chalk = Willpower / GKs, Jade = Insight / DSs, Azure = Resilience / SMs, Beige = Lucidity / fss
SECONARY Effects - {Fire = RF, Gold = Prot, Blood = Vis, Teal = Chamele, Jade = FA}”
((inscribed on Charm, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Fire, Gold))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
May have curses, can’t tell my looking at them (Only ID) - second colour determines the effects it gives you.
SECONARY Effects - {Fire = RF, Gold = Prot, Blood = Vis, Teal = Chamele, Jade = FA}”
((inscribed on Alteror, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Night, Berry))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“CHALK is 2-4% & 10-13 D // BLOOD is 5-9% & 14-17 D // FIRE is 10-14% & 18-23 D // GOLD is 15-19% & 24-29 D // JADE is 20-24% & 30-35 D // TEAL is 25-29% & 36-40 D // CYAN is 30-35% & 41-45 D // NIGHT is 36-40% & 46-50 D // AZURE is 41-45% & 51-55 D // PLUM is 46-50% & 56-60 D // BERRY is 51-55% & 61-65 D // SAND is 56-60% & 66-70 D // BEIGE is 61-65% & 71-78 D // TAN is 66-70% & 79-85 D // EARTH is 71-74% & 86-92 D ABYSS is 75% & 93”
((inscribed on Charm, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Cyan, Blood))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
Ranked from BEST, Amazing and Good (for FSs have another ranking)
GK primary ranking -> Gold, Fire, Blood
SM primary ranking -> Sand, Plum, Berry
DS primary ranking -> Night, Cyan, Teal
FS Primary ranking -> Abyss, Earth, Tan Beige
Secondary effects… (e.g. Abyss Night will have Deafen on it)
Night = Deafen, Azure = Stagger, Plum = Scare, Berry = Poison, Sand = Curse, Beige = Blind, Tan = Paralyze”
((inscribed on Chakram, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Jade, Night))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“Newly Awakened - This resulted in Planes speaking to Teachers, Rulers and Guardians about Newlies entering rooms. Next they separated the portions needed from Locate and Support Train. After successfully doing so, the three bottles imploded in Qyadicia’s pack. They were not in a hurry. Fotowca expressed his distaste for ceremonies, and suggested that they drink the smelling ooze - which they did, against their better wishes. - Night Storm (special thanks to LadySilver)”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Gold, Blood))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“Newly Awakened - This resulted in Planes speaking to Teachers, Rulers and Guardians about Newlies entering rooms. Next they separated the portions needed from Locate and Support Train. After successfully doing so, the three bottles imploded in Qyadicia’s pack. They were not in a hurry. Fotowca expressed his distaste for ceremonies, and suggested that they drink the smelling ooze - which they did, against their better wishes. - Night Storm (special thanks to LadySilver)”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Gold, Blood))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“Newly Awakened
Created by Ramslend and Qyadicia, as well as Ladybug and stalker333. The purpose was to assist Newlies. They removed Locate, Sense, and Support Train from Ramslend. They placed these arts in a bottle, until they could discover what they needed from each. Their best option was to risk destroying the arts altogether, by pulling certain portions out. Ramslend shakily opened the bottle to Sense Dreamers. They successfully removed Insight from Sense, but also released a bit into the dream.”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Gold, Blood))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied)) ~ Special note there are two copies, this is the second.
“Newly Awakened - This resulted in Planes speaking to Teachers, Rulers and Guardians about Newlies entering rooms. Next they separated the portions needed from Locate and Support Train. After successfully doing so, the three bottles imploded in Qyadicia’s pack. They were not in a hurry. Fotowca expressed his distaste for ceremonies, and suggested that they drink the smelling ooze - which they did, against their better wishes. - Night Storm (special thanks to LadySilver)”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Gold, Blood))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“Creates a Chaos Well in which a dreamer can place essences. Learnable at Orbit 35. 5 Dreamsoul to evoke.”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Fire, Gold))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“Sprint increases the movement speed of the user. Learnable at Orbit 35 for Gatekeepers, Orbit 50 for other foci. 20 Willpower to Evoke”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Earth, Earth))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“Translocate is a teleport art. The dreamer evokes the art and will be teleported either to: The Nexus in The Citadel, Focus Guild Hall(if member), House(if member), The Teaching Guild if Master Teacher. Learnable at Orbit 30. 20 Dreasoul to evoke.”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Cyan, Teal))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“Channel Art - The caster evokes Channel and targets a party member. Without a plateau, half of the experience that would have been earned by the caster is diverted to the target. The remaining half is lost. Learnable at Orbit 40. 35 Dreamsoul to evoke”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Tan, Azure))
Sphere One Archives::
Current use:Unknown
Talisman found:
Title or name: "The Lowborne Pens”
“The Lowborne Pens were the housing of the Lowborn: Idjut, Merp, Ogla, Jerm, Argul and Nohbudee are the ones I’m aware of having existed. The pens still contain their personal effects, either stolen or given to them during their times in the City.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Gold, Jade))
Title or name: "Morvant’s Hollow”
“The Morvant’s Hollow were the room of siblings, and lovers, Lilith and Rubedo Morvant. Blood flows through the ebony floor around the support pillars holding the chamber up, as fire burns as it does in the Broken Vestibule, offering no light or warmth to the chilly dark chamber. Who knows what transpired in such a terrible, terrible place.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Blood))
Title or name: "Narthenx/Sacrement”
“The Narthenx of Sacrement could be an alter for the Morvants morbid experimentation with essence and hemomancy, or a forge like the Cauldren or the anvil. Fire still burns at each of the four points of the alter, which continues to churn with spilled blood.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Fire))
Title or name: "The Coffin Hall”
“The Coffin Hall was the throne room of the Highborn, Aescheron, Athenadora, Lilith and Rubedo Morvant, seated in that order from left to right. It was where they would recieve visitors and people from the City. The Portal to Aescheron’s Chambers is now sealed, a time capsule of a long-gone Lord.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Blood))
Title or name: "The Pit”
“The Pit was a punishment for the Lowborn or anyone who broke the many laws of the Highborn, being cast into the pit with no escape for fighting through the Horron down below. The winner was forgiven, and the loser? Forgotten.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
Title or name: "The Coffin Hall”
“The Inky Black functions a lot like the Threshold we know; A single circular room with branching paths providing portals to several locations. The Umbric Plains, noted as BLOO HOOZ, the Ossuary of Dread, noted as OOSAIRY, the Thresh Caves, noted as THREESH KAVES, Everynight Plateau, noted as RED HOOZ and the Chasm of Souls, noted as KASYM OF SOLS. The Signs appear crudely made with the exception of RED and BLOO HOUZ, being old banners of House Calenture and the Keepers of the Eternal Shadow.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: "Broken Vestibule”
“The Broken Vestibule was the main thoroughfare for visitors to the Lightless Hallow. A path to the left contained the entrance to their tunnels, and up the stairs lies The Coffin Hall, the Lowborne Pens and the Narthenx of Sacrament. Despite the presence of torches, no light penetrates the Foyer of the Lightless Hollow”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Fire, Azure))
Title or name: “” ((Unknown stickied))
“Banish Mare converts the targeted mare essence into a banishment token. The dreamer has an essence in hand. He evokes Banish Mare on the essence, and the essence is promptly thrown beyond the City Walls, out into the Chaos, or some believe out of the Dreamstate entirely. What is left behind after evoking this art is a token. When the Nightmare is banished, it has no strength because the maren essence is outside the City walls, not in the token.”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected:Fire, Gold))
Title or name: “” ((Unknown stickied))
“Cleanse Mare converts the targeted mare essence into a cleanse token. We will start with the Essence already in dreamer’s possession. We decide to cleanse it so we evoke Cleanse Mare on it. The Essence is then wrapped in Dreamsoul and exposed to harmonics which in effect purifies the essence. The Dreamsoul and harmonics are created by the dreamer evoking this art. What is left behind is a token. When the Nightmare is cleansed, it has no strength because its maren essence has moved on to another plane,”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected:Fire, cyan))
Title or name: “” ((Unknown stickied))
“The Art of Give was created during the Nightmare Wars. A group called the Seekers of Knowledge dedicated to the researching the portals discovered many new arts one of, which was called Give. It was created after Join Party as a result of the need to be able to transfer needed items from one dreamer to another during a battle with the nightmares and other times when one dreamer had found items during a session at the spawning sites items of use to other foci.”
((inscribed on Charm, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected:Cyan, night))
Title or name: “” ((Unknown stickied))
“Drain Essence removes 1 strength from the essence and transfers it to the evoker’s selected element. With drain, you are doing something different with the essence. Instead of casting the nightmare away, wherever you send it to when banishing or imprisoning, you are absorbing it into your own avatar and a transformation occurs, transforming it into DreamSoul. The effect of this act upon the avatar of the one evoking it is an ongoing debate within the dream”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected:Cyan, Earth))
Title or name: “” ((Unknown stickied))
“Soul Evoke is an odd art that was not created two dreamers. Not to mention they were enemies who hated each other. When the DreamStrike Offensive started, many dreamers fell. So the Demetria 1st Ruler of DoL and K’ess 1st Ruler of HC got together in a secret meeting. They worked on the art that would allow them to spoil the plans of the Masters. They began to formulate an art that would allow access to the energies needed to evoke an art without an avatar to shape them. It was then they created Soul Evoke”
((inscribed on Egg, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected:blood, Earth))
Title or name: “” ((Unknown stickied))
“Art: (M)ajor or (m)inor / Learned / Cost - Fateslayer: M / 0 / 5 Flameruin: M / 1 / 2 Paralyze: M / 30 / 20 Stagger: M / 40 / 10 Blind: M / 45 / 15 Darkness: M / 50 / 25 Firestorm: M / 50 / 25 Hypnotic Weave: M / 60 / 40 Tempest: M / 60 / 40 Terror: M / 60 / 40 Razorwind: M / 70 / 40 —-- Trail: m / 0 others 0 / 2 Deafen: m / 5 others 25 / 15 Scare: m / 10 others 30 / 5”
((inscribed on Scroll, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected:Earth, Earth))
“Title or name: “Flame (art)”
“The Flame art creates a ball of flame which travels in a straight line away from the user in the direction the user is facing, and explodes upon impact. The flame causes damage to anyone hit by it. Travels the length of room or until flame hits a solid object. FlameShaft (GateKeeper), TranceFlame (DreamSeer), FlameSear (SoulMaster), FlameRuin (FateSender)”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Fire, Blood))
“Title or name: “Blade (art)”
“Blade art creates a talisman in the form of a blade. Use of the talisman swings it, causing damage to any dreamer or mare directly in front of the user. The blade will disappear from the inventory after a certain period of time. Dropping the blade will cause it to disappear instantly, and it may not be given to another dreamer. It can, however, be shown to others. Gatesmasher (GateKeeper), Dreamblade (DreamSeer), Soulreaper (SoulMaster), Fateslayer (FateSender).”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Chalk))
“Title or name: “Scare”
“The art of scare. Causes the target to be filled with fear, making them run uncontrollably. The target can turn as they wish, but will continue to run forward until they reach an obstacle. This also prevents the use of arts. The art of Resist Fear counteracts the art.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Beige, Berry))
“Title or name: “Push”
“Push affects the space in front of the user, and as such does not require a target to be evoked. It is useless without one though. If a Dreamer or Mare is standing in front of the user when Push is evoked, It will move them back a short distance, and interrupt any arts currently being evoked. It does not deal any damage.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:teal, chalk))
“Title or name: “Meditation”
“The art of Meditation. The user enters a trance, which is broken by any movement on their part. While in the trance, the user’s elements will restore at a faster rate than usual; 2 points every 4 seconds.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Teal, Abyss))
“Title or name: “Know”
“Know Art. Provides information on the room it is used in. This information includes the name of the room, and the plane it is located on. Some rooms may also have descriptions of the surroundings.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Abyss))
I remember LadySilver doing this in the past, And I think it’s still useful. So I’ll take it up.
Who the lyran knows, maybe I’ll do some of the other dreams vaults?
Also not sure how often I’ll update, but feel free to contact me for questions, comments, or suggestions. In dream or leaving a note for me or sending a pigeon ((discord: Christy#9089))
*Scrolls recorded as written, this includes spelling and grammar problems, (hopefully not too many of my own).
**Updated 9/30/2022
~Stormy Edwards
Chaos Knight
((-->template example:
NA location:
Current use: NA
Talisman found:
Title or name: "Example does not exist” ((Unknown stickied))
“Example of scroll doesn’t currently exist in library”
((inscribed on NA, NA function, NA charges, colours selected: NA, NA ))
Sphere One hall:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman found:
Title or name: "Flame ruin”
“the art of flame ruin was created by an ancient dreamsmith called Balthus he was trying to make a small spark to light his pipe, he instead created a raginf ball of fire which is what we know today as flame ruin he burnt off what little hair he had creating this art and suffered much ridicule due to his hair loss he was able to get the last laugh he was rumored to have burnt the hair of 5 dreamsmiths off before running off laughing madly to use this art you must stand still untill it is completely evoked”
((inscribe on Codex 1 function 254 charges, colours selected: Plum, Fire))
Title or Name: “” ((Unknown stickied))
“Nightmare Form was created by an ancient member of the Entropy Coalition,the group responsible for the Nightmares entry into the city. In their studies into the chaos outside the city walls, they found a way for dreamers to act like a mare, however, they did not perfect the art. While one is in Nightmare Form, one cannot evoke arts. The teacher who came up with the art died before he could realize the problem with his art.”
((inscribed on Scroll Unknown functions, unknown charges, Colours: Fire, Gold))
Title or Name: “” ((Unknown stickied))
“There were once 8 great houses of the City. They all held at their core, a prime artifact. They were: Heart of the Union, Star of Alliance, Relic of the Order,Entrancement Stone, Soul of Radiance, Heart of the Shadow, Dreaming Stone and the Orb of Calenture.
((inscribed on an Artifax, function unknown, charges unknown, Colours: Azure, Gold))
Title or Name: “” ((Unknown sticked))
“First Color:
Chalk: 1-2, 1-3, 1-4 minutes
Blood: 45 sec, 50 sec, 1-3 min, 1-5 min
Fire: 30-90 sec, 1-2 min
Gold: 1-2 min
Jade: 1-3 min, 5-10 min
Teal: 1-2 min, 1-4 min
Cyan: Night: 1-2 min
Azure: 1-2 min, 5-10 min
Plum: 1-3 min
Berry: 1-4 min
Sand: 1-5 min
Beige: 20-40 min
Tan: 10-20 min
Earth: 5-10 min, 5-15 min
Abyss: 3-6 min”
((inscribed on Alteror, function unknown, charges unknown, Colors: Blood, Chalk))
Title or Name: “” ((Unknown sticked))
“FlameShaft was the third flame art to be developed. It was created by Aethir who, after seeing Balthus and Tenrik’s efforts, decided he could outdo them both. Building upon their research, it only took Aethir a week to complete his effort. With his newly acquired flame, Aethir was able to overcome the other two masters in a competition called the “Flamewar.” Widely acclaimed for his work at the time, Aethir later fell into obscurity well before the Great Loss. -Pericules”
((inscribed on Artifax, function unknown, charges unknown, Colors: Abyss, Fire))
Title or Name “Painting of a Sword”
“A Beautiful painting of the land just infront of the entrance of the AoE. Vibrant flowers spreading agross the bright grass. And that weird spikey bush in the corner with all the thorns…Though, That’s alittle odd, You don’t seem to remeber any kind of spike bush, Espically one that seems to be one long spikey stem wrapping around itself, spikes sticking out the stem like a Morningstar.”
((Inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or Name “Sense Dreamers”
“Sense Dreamers tells the user where the highest concentration of dreamers is. It returns the names of the three planes with the highest numbers of dreamers currently on them, in descending order.”
((Inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours: Berry, Gold))
Title or Name “Trail”
“The art of Trail. Leaves a trail of jade diamonds behind the caster, only visible to them. A second evoke removes the trail.”
((Inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, Colours: Gold, Jade))
Title or Name “Majors and Minors”
“Major arts are the ones exclusive to your focus, the ones only your focus can learn, and are typically very powerful. Minor arts are ones that anyone can learn, but the ones of your Focus will always be strongest, while the ones not of your Focus will be weaker. Dreamsoul arts are neutral, and we all can learn them and plateau them to equal strength”
((Inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Codex, 254 charges, Colours: Tan, Gold))
Title or Name “Blueprints of Book”
“Blue paper marked upon with chalk, you see drawings of a book like outfit, the drawing has the book open with the dreamer within the middle of the book. a small hole the back side of the book is marked for the dreamers head. To the side a list of meterials, Two large sheets of Leather, around 56 iches in length and around 70 inches in width. 10 sheets of paper of the same length, to be fit within the book.”
((Inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Codex, 254 charges, Colours: Chalk, Cyan))
Title or Name “Sketches of an Ago”
“Sketches of a AgoKnight but with something seemily slightly off, For starters, the AgoKnight usual tail seems to have a slot for legs to stick into the ground, under the tenticals appears to be a whole going inside of the agoknight, yet from what you tell of the drawing, the inside is empty. Finally you notice on the back appears to be a thread going from the bottom to top, sowing the agoknight together.”
((Inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Codex, 254 charges, Colours: Abyss, Night))
Title or Name “The City pt. 1”
“A city of dreams, a place among the countless thoughts of those sleeping. What does it look like from above, from the outside, and are those concepts even applicable to such a strange place? In the old days, we thought we knew a little about it. We were probably wrong.”
((Inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Codex, 254 charges, Colours Chalk, Chalk))
Title or Name “The City pt. 2”
“The geography of the city is difficult to pin down. This is largely due to the presence of portals. Though portals seem to largely adhere to geographical proximity when connecting to other areas, this does not always seem to be the case. Either that, or our understanding of proximity is severely flawed. The portals may have been an attempt to compartmentalize the city. Before them, the geography is assumed to have been more contiguous and consistent.”
((Inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Codex, 254 charges, Colours Chalk, Chalk))
Title or Name “The City pt. 3”
“From the outside, picture the city as a great bubble bobbing in an infinite and stormy sea. Two great rents, or rifts mar the surface of that bubble on opposite sides. Within the bubble floats an uneven, broken disk, perhaps shaped something like a spoked wheel. Parts of the disk jut up into mountains, parts of it fall into valleys, caves and buildings and keeps dot the landscape, all broken up by portals.”
((Inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Codex, 254 charges, Colours Chalk, Chalk))
Title or Name “The City pt. 4”
“At the center of the city, the center of this wheel or disk- exists a hub- what we know as the threshold. This hub seems to form a larger complex or facility, including the library of souls, the citadel, and below, threshold pits and cave (which seem to extend outwards to other parts of the dream). From there outward, the city extends into sweeping landscapes- mountains, hills, valleys, forests, etc. Before portals (if there ever was such a time) they must have been an incredible sight.”
((Inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Codex, 254 charges, Colours Chalk, Chalk))
Title or Name “The City pt. 5”
“Between these landscapes, which might almost be seen as the spokes of a wheel, or the bulk of the disk, are further areas from the threshold- buildings, forests, glades, etc. These outer areas almost all also connect to the outer-most part of the dream- the rifts.Dangerous, corrupt places. Sharing the outer-most rim of the city are the great houses, standing at the end of each “primary” plane in the dream. These houses were for a long time thought to form the walls of the dream, if such a concept matters.”
((Inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Codex, 254 charges, Colours Chalk, Chalk))
Title or Name “The City pt. 6”
“There are wrinkles, as mentioned earlier, to this idea of geography. The houses connect to the threshold. The threshold caves connect to the rifts, and many other shortcuts or unusual elements exist. Perhaps then a disk in a bubble is not the best way to imagine the city. There are also other new areas which have found their way into our city, and outside, in the great mindscape, who knows what other places may exist?”
((Inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Codex, 254 charges, Colours Chalk, Chalk))
Sphere One Study:
Current use:Unknown
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“*** These are the arts that SoulMasters can learn at 1st sphere *** Restore, Reweave and Soul Evoke.”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade ))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“*** These are the arts that DreamSeers can learn at 1st Sphere *** Judgment, Identify, and Soul Evoke.”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Abyss, Azure))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“*** These are the arts that FateSenders can learn at 1st sphere *** Scare and Soul Evoke”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Abyss, Plum))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“**** These are arts you gain upon entering the City **** Focal art (GateKeeper, DreamSeer, Soul Master or FateSender) Focal Blade ( GateSmasher, Dreamblade, SoulReaper or FateSlayer) Drain Essence, Give, Join Party, Know, Locate Dreamer, Meditation, Random Sense Dreamer, Show Talisman, and Trail.”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“*** These are the arts that GateKeepers can learn at 1st sphere *** Resist Fear, Protection and Soul Evoke.”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Gold, Abyss))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“*** These are the arts that everyone can learn as unsphered *** GateKeepers – Push, FlameShaft and Free Action. DreamSeers – Push, Newly Awakened and TranceFlame. SoulMasters – Push, FlameSear and Purify. FateSender – Push, FlameRuin and Deafen.”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“Charms - Same effect colours (secondary) as Alts. First colour denotes the focus.
Chalk = Willpower / GKs, Jade = Insight / DSs, Azure = Resilience / SMs, Beige = Lucidity / fss
SECONARY Effects - {Fire = RF, Gold = Prot, Blood = Vis, Teal = Chamele, Jade = FA}”
((inscribed on Charm, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Fire, Gold))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
May have curses, can’t tell my looking at them (Only ID) - second colour determines the effects it gives you.
SECONARY Effects - {Fire = RF, Gold = Prot, Blood = Vis, Teal = Chamele, Jade = FA}”
((inscribed on Alteror, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Night, Berry))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“CHALK is 2-4% & 10-13 D // BLOOD is 5-9% & 14-17 D // FIRE is 10-14% & 18-23 D // GOLD is 15-19% & 24-29 D // JADE is 20-24% & 30-35 D // TEAL is 25-29% & 36-40 D // CYAN is 30-35% & 41-45 D // NIGHT is 36-40% & 46-50 D // AZURE is 41-45% & 51-55 D // PLUM is 46-50% & 56-60 D // BERRY is 51-55% & 61-65 D // SAND is 56-60% & 66-70 D // BEIGE is 61-65% & 71-78 D // TAN is 66-70% & 79-85 D // EARTH is 71-74% & 86-92 D ABYSS is 75% & 93”
((inscribed on Charm, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Cyan, Blood))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
Ranked from BEST, Amazing and Good (for FSs have another ranking)
GK primary ranking -> Gold, Fire, Blood
SM primary ranking -> Sand, Plum, Berry
DS primary ranking -> Night, Cyan, Teal
FS Primary ranking -> Abyss, Earth, Tan Beige
Secondary effects… (e.g. Abyss Night will have Deafen on it)
Night = Deafen, Azure = Stagger, Plum = Scare, Berry = Poison, Sand = Curse, Beige = Blind, Tan = Paralyze”
((inscribed on Chakram, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Jade, Night))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“Newly Awakened - This resulted in Planes speaking to Teachers, Rulers and Guardians about Newlies entering rooms. Next they separated the portions needed from Locate and Support Train. After successfully doing so, the three bottles imploded in Qyadicia’s pack. They were not in a hurry. Fotowca expressed his distaste for ceremonies, and suggested that they drink the smelling ooze - which they did, against their better wishes. - Night Storm (special thanks to LadySilver)”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Gold, Blood))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“Newly Awakened - This resulted in Planes speaking to Teachers, Rulers and Guardians about Newlies entering rooms. Next they separated the portions needed from Locate and Support Train. After successfully doing so, the three bottles imploded in Qyadicia’s pack. They were not in a hurry. Fotowca expressed his distaste for ceremonies, and suggested that they drink the smelling ooze - which they did, against their better wishes. - Night Storm (special thanks to LadySilver)”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Gold, Blood))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“Newly Awakened
Created by Ramslend and Qyadicia, as well as Ladybug and stalker333. The purpose was to assist Newlies. They removed Locate, Sense, and Support Train from Ramslend. They placed these arts in a bottle, until they could discover what they needed from each. Their best option was to risk destroying the arts altogether, by pulling certain portions out. Ramslend shakily opened the bottle to Sense Dreamers. They successfully removed Insight from Sense, but also released a bit into the dream.”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Gold, Blood))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied)) ~ Special note there are two copies, this is the second.
“Newly Awakened - This resulted in Planes speaking to Teachers, Rulers and Guardians about Newlies entering rooms. Next they separated the portions needed from Locate and Support Train. After successfully doing so, the three bottles imploded in Qyadicia’s pack. They were not in a hurry. Fotowca expressed his distaste for ceremonies, and suggested that they drink the smelling ooze - which they did, against their better wishes. - Night Storm (special thanks to LadySilver)”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Gold, Blood))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“Creates a Chaos Well in which a dreamer can place essences. Learnable at Orbit 35. 5 Dreamsoul to evoke.”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Fire, Gold))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“Sprint increases the movement speed of the user. Learnable at Orbit 35 for Gatekeepers, Orbit 50 for other foci. 20 Willpower to Evoke”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Earth, Earth))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“Translocate is a teleport art. The dreamer evokes the art and will be teleported either to: The Nexus in The Citadel, Focus Guild Hall(if member), House(if member), The Teaching Guild if Master Teacher. Learnable at Orbit 30. 20 Dreasoul to evoke.”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Cyan, Teal))
Title or name: "” ((Unknown stickied))
“Channel Art - The caster evokes Channel and targets a party member. Without a plateau, half of the experience that would have been earned by the caster is diverted to the target. The remaining half is lost. Learnable at Orbit 40. 35 Dreamsoul to evoke”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected: Tan, Azure))
Sphere One Archives::
Current use:Unknown
Talisman found:
Title or name: "The Lowborne Pens”
“The Lowborne Pens were the housing of the Lowborn: Idjut, Merp, Ogla, Jerm, Argul and Nohbudee are the ones I’m aware of having existed. The pens still contain their personal effects, either stolen or given to them during their times in the City.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Gold, Jade))
Title or name: "Morvant’s Hollow”
“The Morvant’s Hollow were the room of siblings, and lovers, Lilith and Rubedo Morvant. Blood flows through the ebony floor around the support pillars holding the chamber up, as fire burns as it does in the Broken Vestibule, offering no light or warmth to the chilly dark chamber. Who knows what transpired in such a terrible, terrible place.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Blood))
Title or name: "Narthenx/Sacrement”
“The Narthenx of Sacrement could be an alter for the Morvants morbid experimentation with essence and hemomancy, or a forge like the Cauldren or the anvil. Fire still burns at each of the four points of the alter, which continues to churn with spilled blood.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Fire))
Title or name: "The Coffin Hall”
“The Coffin Hall was the throne room of the Highborn, Aescheron, Athenadora, Lilith and Rubedo Morvant, seated in that order from left to right. It was where they would recieve visitors and people from the City. The Portal to Aescheron’s Chambers is now sealed, a time capsule of a long-gone Lord.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Blood))
Title or name: "The Pit”
“The Pit was a punishment for the Lowborn or anyone who broke the many laws of the Highborn, being cast into the pit with no escape for fighting through the Horron down below. The winner was forgiven, and the loser? Forgotten.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
Title or name: "The Coffin Hall”
“The Inky Black functions a lot like the Threshold we know; A single circular room with branching paths providing portals to several locations. The Umbric Plains, noted as BLOO HOOZ, the Ossuary of Dread, noted as OOSAIRY, the Thresh Caves, noted as THREESH KAVES, Everynight Plateau, noted as RED HOOZ and the Chasm of Souls, noted as KASYM OF SOLS. The Signs appear crudely made with the exception of RED and BLOO HOUZ, being old banners of House Calenture and the Keepers of the Eternal Shadow.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: "Broken Vestibule”
“The Broken Vestibule was the main thoroughfare for visitors to the Lightless Hallow. A path to the left contained the entrance to their tunnels, and up the stairs lies The Coffin Hall, the Lowborne Pens and the Narthenx of Sacrament. Despite the presence of torches, no light penetrates the Foyer of the Lightless Hollow”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Fire, Azure))
Title or name: “” ((Unknown stickied))
“Banish Mare converts the targeted mare essence into a banishment token. The dreamer has an essence in hand. He evokes Banish Mare on the essence, and the essence is promptly thrown beyond the City Walls, out into the Chaos, or some believe out of the Dreamstate entirely. What is left behind after evoking this art is a token. When the Nightmare is banished, it has no strength because the maren essence is outside the City walls, not in the token.”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected:Fire, Gold))
Title or name: “” ((Unknown stickied))
“Cleanse Mare converts the targeted mare essence into a cleanse token. We will start with the Essence already in dreamer’s possession. We decide to cleanse it so we evoke Cleanse Mare on it. The Essence is then wrapped in Dreamsoul and exposed to harmonics which in effect purifies the essence. The Dreamsoul and harmonics are created by the dreamer evoking this art. What is left behind is a token. When the Nightmare is cleansed, it has no strength because its maren essence has moved on to another plane,”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected:Fire, cyan))
Title or name: “” ((Unknown stickied))
“The Art of Give was created during the Nightmare Wars. A group called the Seekers of Knowledge dedicated to the researching the portals discovered many new arts one of, which was called Give. It was created after Join Party as a result of the need to be able to transfer needed items from one dreamer to another during a battle with the nightmares and other times when one dreamer had found items during a session at the spawning sites items of use to other foci.”
((inscribed on Charm, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected:Cyan, night))
Title or name: “” ((Unknown stickied))
“Drain Essence removes 1 strength from the essence and transfers it to the evoker’s selected element. With drain, you are doing something different with the essence. Instead of casting the nightmare away, wherever you send it to when banishing or imprisoning, you are absorbing it into your own avatar and a transformation occurs, transforming it into DreamSoul. The effect of this act upon the avatar of the one evoking it is an ongoing debate within the dream”
((inscribed on Compendium, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected:Cyan, Earth))
Title or name: “” ((Unknown stickied))
“Soul Evoke is an odd art that was not created two dreamers. Not to mention they were enemies who hated each other. When the DreamStrike Offensive started, many dreamers fell. So the Demetria 1st Ruler of DoL and K’ess 1st Ruler of HC got together in a secret meeting. They worked on the art that would allow them to spoil the plans of the Masters. They began to formulate an art that would allow access to the energies needed to evoke an art without an avatar to shape them. It was then they created Soul Evoke”
((inscribed on Egg, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected:blood, Earth))
Title or name: “” ((Unknown stickied))
“Art: (M)ajor or (m)inor / Learned / Cost - Fateslayer: M / 0 / 5 Flameruin: M / 1 / 2 Paralyze: M / 30 / 20 Stagger: M / 40 / 10 Blind: M / 45 / 15 Darkness: M / 50 / 25 Firestorm: M / 50 / 25 Hypnotic Weave: M / 60 / 40 Tempest: M / 60 / 40 Terror: M / 60 / 40 Razorwind: M / 70 / 40 —-- Trail: m / 0 others 0 / 2 Deafen: m / 5 others 25 / 15 Scare: m / 10 others 30 / 5”
((inscribed on Scroll, Unknown function, Unknown charges, colours selected:Earth, Earth))
“Title or name: “Flame (art)”
“The Flame art creates a ball of flame which travels in a straight line away from the user in the direction the user is facing, and explodes upon impact. The flame causes damage to anyone hit by it. Travels the length of room or until flame hits a solid object. FlameShaft (GateKeeper), TranceFlame (DreamSeer), FlameSear (SoulMaster), FlameRuin (FateSender)”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Fire, Blood))
“Title or name: “Blade (art)”
“Blade art creates a talisman in the form of a blade. Use of the talisman swings it, causing damage to any dreamer or mare directly in front of the user. The blade will disappear from the inventory after a certain period of time. Dropping the blade will cause it to disappear instantly, and it may not be given to another dreamer. It can, however, be shown to others. Gatesmasher (GateKeeper), Dreamblade (DreamSeer), Soulreaper (SoulMaster), Fateslayer (FateSender).”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Chalk))
“Title or name: “Scare”
“The art of scare. Causes the target to be filled with fear, making them run uncontrollably. The target can turn as they wish, but will continue to run forward until they reach an obstacle. This also prevents the use of arts. The art of Resist Fear counteracts the art.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Beige, Berry))
“Title or name: “Push”
“Push affects the space in front of the user, and as such does not require a target to be evoked. It is useless without one though. If a Dreamer or Mare is standing in front of the user when Push is evoked, It will move them back a short distance, and interrupt any arts currently being evoked. It does not deal any damage.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:teal, chalk))
“Title or name: “Meditation”
“The art of Meditation. The user enters a trance, which is broken by any movement on their part. While in the trance, the user’s elements will restore at a faster rate than usual; 2 points every 4 seconds.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Teal, Abyss))
“Title or name: “Know”
“Know Art. Provides information on the room it is used in. This information includes the name of the room, and the plane it is located on. Some rooms may also have descriptions of the surroundings.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Abyss))
- fancypearl
- PTR Tester (Rank 3)
- Posts: 218
- Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2014 2:29 am
- Character Name(s): Stormy
- Location: Eugene, Oregon
Re: Library of Souls, Archive
((9-30-2022 - 10-3-2022))
Sphere Two Hall:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman found:
Title or name: “Original Beliefs 01”
“Our beliefs as told to Novgorad on the steps of the house of the Protectors of the Radiance by Tybarian, 36th Captain of the Radiant Brigade, Ruler of Radiance, Protector of Old.
We are the Protectors of the Radiance! We take our charge seriously. Ours is the crusade. We exist in the dream for this hallowed purpose! The Dream is our honored duty.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Gold))
Title or name: “Original Beliefs 02”
“It was given us that we might protect and defend the Unawakened from the threats of the Dream… and to see to it that the promise of the Dream is lived to its fullest. We believe our course in the Dream is to Protect the innocent… the Unawakened who cannot Dream are helpless before the threat of the Mares!
We do this primarily through banishing the Mare essence that it may not fester and make their suffering worse. We will not turn a blind eye to those who oppose us.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Gold))
Title or name: “Original Beliefs 03”
“We will always seek a means of saving the Unawakened. This is our purpose… our destiny… in the Dream. This is the foundation of our beliefs.
Our primary purpose is to fight the menace of the mares… a far more insidious threat than most Dreamers realize. The mares are unnatural. They are abominations brought into being to torture the Unawakened. Their foul stench is that of evil incarnate! They torture the Unawakened!”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Gold))
Title or name: “Original Beliefs 04”
“Therefore we believe the proper method of dealing with their essence is to BANISH it. Banish it to the chaos where it came from so that the Unawakened may be kept safe by us whose destiny it is to fight in their name!
Let the mares be blown out to the Hell that spawned them! By Banishing we slay the evil which torments the Unawakened. We fulfill our purpose in the Dream… the reason for our Awakening! The Mares are NOT natural creatures. They are abominations!”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Gold))
Title or name: “Original Beliefs 05”
“Perversions of the Dream must be stopped from destroying lives in the waking world! The Protectors believe the mares are avatars of Chaos that entrap the tortured souls of the Unawakened and keep them from reaching the Dream.
The Mares are abominations spawned from out of the chaos… before they can enter the Dream they must enslave an innocent soul. This they wrap in their cohesion and they then pervert its life force to their own brutal and chaotic bidding.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Gold))
Title or name: “Original Beliefs 06”
“By defeating the mare the soul of the hapless sleeper is freed and returned to them. When this is done, the mare’s twisted presence falls into an inert form… a state of essence.
This essence is to be collected and purified through a process created by the DreamSmiths of Radiance twelve centuries ago. This process prepares the essence for Banishment, which destroys the essence and spreads its remains to the chaos.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Gold))
Title or name: “Original Beliefs 07”
“If the essence is not purified first, the Banishment will be only partial… the raw essence is sent into the chaos but may soon reform as a mare.
What does it mean to you when you are told that our purpose in the Dream is to protect the Unawakened? FreeSoul or Illuminate? Any Dreamer who hears the beliefs of the Protectors of the Radiance and still does not know if we are a FreeSoul house or an Illuminate House is unworthy to join us.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Gold))
Title or name: “Original Beliefs 08”
“Our beliefs speak for themselves and the answer to that question should be obvious. We exist to protect the Unawakened. What does that tell you? It means that we believe the Dream is our Hallowed destiny. We are Illuminate.
If we do not live up to the promise of the Dream… if we do not fulfill our destiny… the TRUE reason we awakened… the promise of the Dream… which is to protect those who do not share this gift… then we are worthless.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Gold))
Title or name: “Original Beliefs 09”
“We dedicate our lives to the Crusade of the Protectors of the Radiance and will only swear allegiance to others who will do so as well.
A note from the Historian: These words still ring true to this very day, and while our current charter has been updated to be more concise, it can all be traced back to the words of Tybarian shortly after the Great Loss.
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Gold))
Title or name: “Return Notes: Lyra1”
“As told by Thunderman was unheard of before the Nightmare Wars, but Nightmares entered the the city, the great Combat began. Powerful commanders needed to go through long distances to come from one front to another. It took too long a time to concentrate main forces in the one battle zone, or all Great Warriors to go in House to protectit from emergency alert. In that difficult time was discovered the art of Return.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Gold, Jade))
Title or name: “Return Notes: Lyra2”
“We will probably never know the great dreamer which created it. History remembers only the name of the great GateKeeper which added this powerful art to the Major GateKeeper Arts, it was Askold, (apprentice to Retvizan). he also researched this art and upgraded it. As a result, it now allows teleportation in each location. It formerly was only to house. Now history will remember his efforts forever.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Gold, Jade))
Title or name: “Deafen History”
“Deafen was originally uncovered in its earliest form by Raeh T’nac. He was a great FateSender and later aided in the knowledge that led up to the art of forget talisman specifically the lucidity talismans. One day, he began practicing his trail art. As he had gotten bored with nothing new developing. On another day his wife started nagging him to clean up his laboratory. He then
thought while he was working on his trail art and imagined silently to himself I’d do anything to stop hearing her nag!”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected:Tan?, Tan?))
Title or name: “Deafen History 2”
“Suddenly the art evoke went wild and instantly he couldn’t hear anything. Each time he worked on it, it only worked on the caster! Thankfully, many years after his death, another dreamer managed to separate the art from this gone awry trail-type deafen, and he designed safeguards to ensure that one couldn’t deafen themselves when cast. When it is cast, an invisible crystal of lucidity surrounds the target and barring all sound from entering. ~Lunk”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected:Tan?, Tan?))
Title or name: “Judgement History 1”
“Judgement was created by the dreamer Kaylar. A justice of the city court, Kaylar presided over many cases of varying degree, seeing all manner of innocense and vile behavior brought before him. One thing irked him in particuar, however. Unless the dreamer was notorious, or a braggart, the more canny evildoers could disguise their sphere symbols not allowing him to make a suitable punishment or penalty. Some would pretend to be higher sphere, in hopes of being let off.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Azure, Chalk))
Title or name: “Judgement History 2”
“Other dreamers would choose to say they were a lower sphere in the hopes of being offered a more lenient sentance. So after much consideration and discussion with his colleagues, Kaylar formed a very piercing art of insight, that would examine the relative strength of a dreamer. Being an avid duelist, Kaylar also tweaked it to show the general health of the dreamer as an added benefit. It is said that his court was quite amusing for a while as those who where unaware of the art would lie to Kaylar.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Azure, Chalk))
Title or name: “Judgement History 1”
“They would state their spheres something it was not, only to have it shamefacedly revealed, exposing their lies. - Thank you palani for the research.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Azure, Chalk))
Title or name: “RECALL #1”
“I was collapsed during my very first dream. I was alone and had just discovered my ability to dream. I wandered into the Thresh Pits amd was attacked by an emphant! I did not even know that I could make a blade at that point and saw what appeared to be my head on the ground! I looked and my dreamsoul was 0! I thought that it was over for me and began to panic! I turned and ran back the way that I came and when I got to the Threshold area, I heard music in my head and miraculously I began to regain my”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Fire))
Title or name: “RECALL # 2”
“Dreamsoul! at the time I was unaware that Sanctuaries even existed or what their purpose was. Of course now, I learned about them and have used them to recover and even to hide from Dark Mares! I even had a strange interaction with a DM while in one, which was actually pretty cool! I now know that I can run into one in the time of need for my safety. What would be great would be to have Recall and have the ability to mark my safe spot so that in emergency I could use that ability to quickly get safe”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Fire))
Title or name: “RECALL # #”
“Sanctuary! I found a couple historic versions of Recalls discovery. 1. Dublin discovered it, using it to zip back to his notes helping his poor memory. 2. GK Renrut Neh mixed Know and Return. Both found that it was also a deterant from Dreamstrike. What is Amazing is that it takes you to your memorized Sanc. when collapsed and make you cohesive as your avatar again! I believe that this is what connects this with the art Restore as they both in different ways can rebuild avatar cohesive form from soulsphere”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Fire))
Title or name: “ID Curse (1)”
“Identify Curse was an art created before the great loss by a dreamer named DiBauda. This dreamer came into the dream just before the beginning of the DreamStrike Wars, and was an empath in his shard. DiBauda was able to carry over his ability to dream as an empath, and was able to feel what others were feeling. His ability to give the prognosis to almost any problem was unrivaled, and knew for the most part what dreamers were feeling, because he himself was able to feel it.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Chalk, Night))
Title or name: “ID Curse (2)”
“DiBauda was a DreamSeer of great influence because of this, and was feared by those who wanted others to succumb to their wills because DiBauda knew what dreamers held in their hearts, no matter how secret they kept it from others. DiBauda had discovered a way of transferring this ability to his use of insight, and was able to teach dreamers the ability to detect the burdens others bared in order to help them. He held himself to 4 apprentices.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Chalk, Night))
Title or name: “ID Curse (3)”
“These 4 dreamers were known as Lorac, the creator of Purify, Morden, the creator of Protection, and Cybele, the creator of Identify and a little known dreamer named Albestor who is still forgotten in the dream, though his deeds for both the dream, and for illuminates are both extensive and far-reaching. DiBauda gathered these 4 apprentices before the height of the DreamStrike Wars opposing both the DreamStrike Masters AND the Entropy Coalition.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Chalk, Night))
Title or name: “ID Curse (4)”
“He attempted to gather all those that he had befriended and helped in the past to help aid his cause and fight the DreamStrike Masters and the Entropy Coalition, believing one group or the other would bring the dream under their sway and have total subjection of the dream before the end, or until they destroyed the dream. The DreamStrike Masters, fearing DiBauda and his following attacked and where able to remove DiBauda and 3 of his followers. The 4th, albestor, went into hiding.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Chalk, Night))
Title or name: “ID Curse (5)”
“Albestor carried on in hiding teaching a select few of his followers to pass on the art of Identify Curse. Eventually, Albestor confronted the DreamStrike Masters and the Entropy Coalition in hopes of bringing peace at the height of the DreamStrike Wars, and was subsequently DreamStruck in fear of bringing about a following similar to that of DiBauda.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Chalk, Night))
Title or name: “ID Curse (6)”
“Identify Curse became a rumor of an art, and only a select few DreamSeers were permitted to learn the art from master teachers of Insight before and after the Great Loss until lately, where the art has been passed down not only to younger DreamSeers, but also to dreamers of other foci, which was the design of DiBauda before his untimely DreamStrike, and loss from the dream. ~Originally placed by Off Kilter. Replaced by Arnaya due to theft.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Chalk, Night))
Title or name: “Translocate ~1~”
“Translocate, a new art found in the City, is all fun and games. It takes the dreamer’s avatar and moves them to a decided location of which contains a guild. However, with it being new, little is really known about it. It has been discovered to cause a storm at places that contain guilds. This was found at a scene with Xyn Rhade, Crizzle, and Stalros(yours truly). Xyn Rhade translocated upon planning their next meet, and a storm took place moments after, forcing both Crizzle and Stalros to suddenly wake.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Gold, Jade))
Title or name: “Translocate ~2~”
“Upon further investigation with Purple Lace, it was found that thunderous noises took place, and lightning even struck on occasion. She interpretted it being that Translocate takes a lot of energy to force the dreamer’s transportation, and the storms are caused by the residue of heavy energy.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Gold, Jade))
Title or name: “Paralyze”
“a good friend of renrut nek named t’kaa was a kind of healer he studied soulmaster arts to nearly rival his own focus arts, he made it his job to care for those with debilitating afflictions like paraplegics , people who suffered with arthritis and other diseases of the bone he wanted to know how a dreamers avatar could be plagued with such ailments he came to find out that sometimes a perfectly healthy person in there shared would be stricken with ailments in the dream and vise versa. he began working”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Jade, Plum))
Title or name: “Paralyze 2”
“on an art and got 3 of his friends to help him out. the first of them he cast the art on began talking non stop for 2 seconds of jibberish. he tweeked a bit then the second person he cast it on fell striaght to the floor with no sense of balance. with a bit more work he quickly cast the art on his 3rd friend before he could run off he stoped dead in his tracks un able to move, and now we have the art of paralyze !”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Jade, Plum))
Title or name: “Tybarian - 1/3”
“Tybarian, a DreamSeer, and Dreamwright, was a Ruler of the Radiance before the Great Loss. He was one of the few who was not dreaming during the first wave of chaos that swept through the city. Returning to find the original Soul of Radiance destroyed, and the souls of old Protectors that rested inside it scattered about the house. He sequestered himself in the Sanctuary and meditated for a long time to make them contact with their souls, and drew them into his avatar to protect and host them.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Fire, Gold))
Title or name: “Tybarian - 2/3”
“Tybarian was lucky that he had remained in the sanctuary because it protected him from the second wave of chaos that completed the Great Loss. Later after the influx of new dreamers to the city, he began seeking out new honorable dreamers to take up the Crusade. He was able to take essences the new Protectors brought into his avatar, for the souls of Old Protectors to purify, but was unable to Banish. Eventually, the pulsing energies began to weaken his avatar, until he couldn’t lift his spear.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Fire, Gold))
Title or name: “Tybarian - 2/3”
“Tybarian, now unable to move, decided to allow his avatar to be sacrificed to be reforged into the new Soul of Radiance. His soul joined the other souls held within the new Soul of Radiance, and now that it was formed into a new prime artifact they could banish again. He returned from time to time to guide the Protectors but was limited to just manifesting upon the house plane. He has been gone for many years now, but his sacrifice is forever remembered by the Radiance. LET THE RADIANCE SHINE FORTH!!!”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Fire, Gold))
Title or name: “Kinesis History 1”
“Though the names are unknown this is a recalled History by Thunderman: it was long ago in a battle in Chasm of Souls when a married couple, that ruled edgeward stronghold were ambushed by a warring house. It was a brutal assault. The female gatekeeper and her husband were cornered, her husband ended up being collapsed.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Jade, Gold))
Title or name: “Kinesis History 2”
“The man began evoking DreamStrike, her cries while being seperated from her husband, were heartbreaking. She knew at this moment she could do nothing. But then her hands began glowing brightly with willpower, and to her avail, she began evoking a new art! Her anger and Will knocked the striker back and cancelled the evoke! thus was the first evocation of the art of kinesis.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Jade, Gold))
Title or name: “Reweave History 1”
“Reweave was created by the DreamWright Mantic, who was also part of the Forger’s Circle. He was very concerned with searching for a way to strengthen the City walls, and creating new things. Mantic searched for a new art that would help him strengthen the City walls. His first attempt at creating that art was Reweave. He found it to weak, even at high plateaus, to affect something as immense as walls, but it was good for spot repeairs. Taking his knowledge a bith further he decided to try…..”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Azure?, Fire))
Title or name: “Reweave History 2”
“reweave on the other talismen as well. After many experimentations, He found out that all the other talisman like blades, chaks, alts,elemens and their silk were all not durable enough to be considered for reweaving. The shields on the other hand were. As no dreamer has the capability yet to reweave our walls, the main function of Reweave has been to fix our shields and path the city walls. Big thanks to Purple Lace for this information.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Azure?, Fire))
Title or name: “Reweave History 1”
“The colour information contained herin comes from Hikari X. Each focus has four colours they may use for the PRIMARY colour when forging. These are as follows: DS - Blood, Teal, Tan, Plum GK - Jade, Azure, Beige, Chalk FS - Night, Sand, Abyss, Gold SM - Cyan, Berry, Earth, Fire”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Azure?, Blood))
Title or name: “History Des. Tali 1”
“The Art of Destroy Talisman was created through a collective effort by the Entropy Coalition. It was one of their first experiments into using Chaos in the Dream. As is known, their last experiment brought the nightmares.They found an interesting way to meddle with talismans and through the careful use of reweave and it’s counterpart, could misshape a talisman. At the time, they also had a mad Elder Dreamsmith with them, ……”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Tan, Fire))
Title or name: “History Des. Tali 2”
“It was she who first thought of the idea. Using this Art, which they guarded jealously, the continued their experiments and used it to ever greater degree. Eventually, they began to test it on the City Walls, with drastic results. The Art was thought lost after that, however it seems that at least one Lyran was a former member of the Entropy Coalition. It presumably then spread from there. Transcribed by LadySilver”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Tan, Fire))
Title or name: “History SoulEvoke 1”
“SoulEvoke is an odd art in that it has not one but 2 creators, who were enemies. At the beginning of the Dreamstrike Offensive many dreamers fell. So, Demetria 1st Ruler of Light and K’ess 1st Ruler of House Calenture met secretly. They worked in secret on an art that would allow them to foil the plans of the Masters. They had restore but sought something that could also be used offensively as well as suprise their foe”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Tan, Fire))
Title or name: “History SoulEvoke 2”
“They began to formulate an art that would allow access to the energies needed to evoke arts without an avatar to shape them. They created SoulEvoke and were happy to pay the price to use it on their enemies. Transcribe by : LadySilver”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Tan, Fire))
Title or name: “History NMF”
“Nightmare Form was created by an ancient member of the Entropy Coalition,the group responsible for the Nightmares entry into the city. In their studies into the chaos outside the city walls, they found a way for dreamers to act like a mare, however, they did not perfect the art. While one is in Nightmare Form, one cannot evoke any arts. The teacher who came up with the art died before he could realize the problem with his art. Transcribed by: LadySilver”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Tan, Fire))
Title or name: “H: Newly Awakened”
“Created on 6/01, by Ramslend and Qyadicia, as well as Ladybug and stalker333. The purpose was to assist Newlies. They removed Locate, Sense, and Support Train from Ramslend. They placed these arts in a bottle, until they could discover what they needed from each. Their best option was to risk destroying the arts altogether, by pulling certain portions out. Ramslend shakily opened the bottle to Sense Dreamers. They successfully removed Insight from Sense, but also released a bit into the Dream.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Do Nothing, 59 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “H: Newly Awakened 2”
“This resulted in Planes speaking to Teachers, Rulers and Guardians about Newlies entering rooms. Next they separated the portions needed from Locate and Support Train. After successfully doing so, the three bottles imploded in Qyadicia’s pack. They where now in a hurry. Fotowca expressed his distaste for ceremonies, and suggested that they drink the smelling ooze - which they did, against their better wishes. - Night Storm (special thanks to LadySilver)”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Do Nothing, 59 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Newly History”
“The art of Newly Awakened was created by Ramslend and the Elder Qyadicia. Ramslend, wanted to do something that would benefit the newly awakened dreamers. She decided to experiment to see how older dreamers could find newlies, in order to aid them. Qyadicia aided Ramslend in her theories, and eventually, they decided to make a combination of three different arts: Sense Dreamer, Locate Dreamer, and Support Train. Sense dreamer was used for it’s ability to locate dreamers and in other….”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Jade, Cyan))
Title or name: “Newly History 2”
“planes, or on the most popular planes. Locate was used for it’s ability to find a dreamer once you know that dreamer’s name. Support train was used as it can assign the age of a dreamer to the token. Ramslend was stripped of the three arts, and Qyadicia combined them in order to make them work in a sequence. First Support Train was used in order to give the art a guildline from which it could work. It was then combined with Sense Dreamer. The combination of these two made it so that Sense…”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Jade, Cyan))
Title or name: “Newly History 3”
“would only sense dreamers who were of a certain age, thus separating the young from the old, and making the art focused on the newlies. The final step, was adding Locate dreamer to this sequence in order to give the newlies who were sensed a location. With the three of these arts sequenced into one, the art of Newly Awakened was created. This allows dreamers to find newlies without resorting to a “doorbell” that all guardians and teachers have become accustomed to. -Shoury”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Jade, Cyan))
Title or name: “H: Mind Blank”
“Mind Blank was reportedly created first by Dalis. Dalis had long been a first hand witness to the forgetfulness caused on others due to a pretty face. Though noted mostly on men. While she studied this effect she found ways to enhance it using dreamsoul. And the effects of which were very similar to today’s Mind Blank. Although her methods in her days could not be repeated in the public eye so she had to find a different way. It is stated that the method worked focusing on the portion of a….”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “H: Mind Blank 2”
“dreamer on that portion of the dreamers avatar that controls location. There are a few theories but I focus on those that were believed at the time; that Mind Blank “Turns off” the portion of the avatar controlling location. The other is that it “Erects” a protective Shield preventing a protective shield that blocks and prevents emanations from this unknown portion of the dreamers avatar trying to be located by others. ~Lunk~”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “H: Cleanse Mare”
“The art of cleanse mare was created by a group of GoE members after their first GoE Prime was destroyed. While roaming CoD the dreamers felt they were failing their house and the city. Because their house prime was gone, they had no way to cleanse the taint from the mare’s essences they had. Taint began to over flood the city. More mares appeared, and they seemed to be getting stronger. More DreamSoul, giving out more damage, and a couple even began to see chameled dreamers.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Plum))
Title or name: “H: Cleanse Mare 2”
“Well one female GoE member thought of an idea while bathing in meylia’s pond, the city’s purest waters. She dropped an Emphant essence into the pond. As she went to pick it up, the water began to boil. Black ooze was seeping from the essence into the pond. She began evoking purify to keep the water taintless. When the bubbling had stopped, she picked up the essence. It had transformed into a clear glass crystal. She realized that the ooze was the taint from the mare. She began studying…”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Plum))
Title or name: “H: Cleanse Mare 3”
“to create an art with the same effect, but there was a problem. When the essence was cleansed of its taint, the taint would continue to ooze out into the dream itself. This was bad because it wasn’t actually doing anything to help them. After remembering the effect of purify, she decided to combine it, thus creating the art of cleanse mare. It would take the taint out, and the purifying effect would destroy the ooze. Soon the City balanced out, and the mare problem was more controlled. - Shoury”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Plum))
Title or name: “H: Abjure (1/2)”
“The art of Abjure was created during the DreamStrike Wars. The art was a creation brought to life by the DreamStrike masters. Though Strike was their primary goal, they decided that abjure had to be created in order to facilitate the art. They found that with the use of recall and return dreamers were able to dissapear from the field of battle if their soul was in danger. Most dreamers had use of Recall and GKs were using Return to keep themselves safe. Using qualities of Purify, in its purest form, …..”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Gold))
Title or name: “H: Abjure (2/2)”
“”cleansed” a dreamers DreamSoul and took away any affects that were not inherent in the DreamSoul itself. By intensifying Purify’s effects the Strike Masters were able to strip arts that were not strong bound to the dreamer’s essence. Later, the Strike Masters taught the art of Abjure only to Soulmasters who possessed a very high ability in the art of Purify. Today, powerful SMs are permitted to learn the art, now known as Abjure. - Pericules
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Gold))
Title or name: “History of Recall”
“The art of recall was developed by a great gatekeeper by the name of renrut nek. He he had heard rumor of dreamers getting ward trapped and either forced to wake as a soulsphere, or wait for the wards to drop and chance being dreamstruck in the process. Renrt pondered this and tried something, he took the knowledge of the rt of know and mingled it with the art of return, he then set a spot by evoking the art, and ventrued out to find batttle, he came across a shamblix protecting its lair, he had purposely”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “History of Recall 2”
“left himself vulnerable by not using the art Free action. He was immeditely collapsed. In the blink of an eye he found himself back in his study safe and sound, and tht is how the art of recall came to be.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “H: Blast”
“Blast was crated by K’kat. He was a mystic of sorts on his shard, being a master of illusion, and powerful sorcerer. When he came to the Dream, he found that he could replicate many of these powers, save his most favorite, levitation. Rather than start with levitating himself, he tried to form a smaller version, telekinesis. After a lot of concentration and research, he found that he could levitate small objects a few inches above the work bench but they would shatter. If he blinked or tried to…..”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Night))
Title or name: “H: Blast 2”
“move the item beyond his sight, it would drop again. Another DreamWright. Rhyssa interrupted his concentration one harrowing eve, by tapping him on the shoulder. K’kat gave her an intense glare and a fair headache. Astonished at what had occured, the two worked on forming this new art which could harm a Dreamer with the merest of glances, and Insight. From these efforts came the art of Blast, with the same restrictions, for the dreamer must see their target to be successful. ~Lunk”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Night))
Title or name: “Corrupt Essence”
“When the Keepers of the Eternal Shadow first opened, it was a house shared between dreamers and darkmares alike. The Kotoke would bring in so many dreamer essences from their battles throughout the City that they began to overfill the vaults. In response to this unique bounty, the Keepers created the art of Corrupt Essence so that the vaults could be cleared out and the Kotoke could contribute to the growth of the prime artifact, just like the dreamers did with nightmare essences.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 59 charges, colours selected: Earth, Jade))
Title or name: “History of Purify”
“According to Midhir: Purify was created by Lorac. It was originally meant to be used in avatar creation. Through a complex set of dyes, and Purify, you could bleach the colors and put them back in. Naturally, this has no practical use in the Dream, since we just simply choose our colors in our mind. Discouraged, Lorac decided to move on with Purify and eventually found that when applied to a soul -instead of clothes- would wipe away and blemishes and curses on a dreamer avatar. ~ Lunk”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Jade, Jade))
Sphere Two Study:
Current use:Unknown
Talisman found:
Title or name: “” ((Unknown stickied))
“*** These are the arts that GateKeepers can learn at 2nd sphere *** Amulet, Inscribe, Newly Awakened, Sense Datoken, Ward, Deafen, Purify and Recall.”
((inscribed on Compendium, NA functions: NA, NA charges, colours selected: Abyss, Gold))
Title or name: “” ((Unknown stickied))
“*** These are the arts that DreamSeers can learn at 2nd sphere *** Chamele, Identify, Curse, Inscribe, Vision, Deafen, Free Action, Purify and Recall.”
((inscribed on Compendium, NA functions: NA, NA charges, colours selected: Abyss, Azure))
Title or name: “” ((Unknown stickied))
“*** These are the arts the SoulMasters can learn at 2nd sphere *** Drain Self, Inscribe, Newly Awakened, Sense Datoken, Deafen, Free Action, and Recall”
((inscribed on Compendium, NA functions: NA, NA charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “” ((Unknown stickied))
“*** These are the arts that FateSenders can learn at 2nd sphere *** Inscribe, Newly Awakened, Sense Datoken, Free Action, Purify and Recall.”
((inscribed on Compendium, NA functions: NA, NA charges, colours selected: Abyss, Plum))
Title or name: “Who Am I ? ~ 1”
“I am Cianne Andrea McCleoud, born to Angus & Lillian McCleoud. I hail from a village called Dunlain, a magical land of immense beauty, the flora and fauna captivate, the eastern shore is mesmerising and to the west, the raw beauty of a mountain range…”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: cyan, cyan))
Title or name: “Who Am I ? ~ 2”
“In my village and surrounding areas, I am a midwife, Those formally trained in medicine are few and far between. I have never married, and so am able to travel for days on end when I am needed. Many times, I will stay with an expectant mother in her last weeks, and do not return until after the child is born and it is certain that the new mother is able to care for it on her own….continued…”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: cyan, cyan))
Title or name: “Who Am I ? ~ 3”
“As you may have guessed, this can be a very lonely existence..although nothing quite compares to helping to bring new life into the world, I must admit I do often find myself pining…to be like the families that I serve…which is how I imagine I came to my dreams here….continued….”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: cyan, cyan))
Title or name: “Who Am I ? ~ 4”
“My longing for companionship and family must have simply over taken me..and to my delight, some 17 or 18 years ago, I joined you all in this city of dreams. Here, I found that companionship, family, a sense of belonging, have achieved wonderous things, surreal things, but have also suffered heart ache and loss…though I would not trade it for the world. This piece of me..I bequeath to you, so that you may know who I am…why I love, why I laugh, why I cry, and why I dream…..~C”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: cyan, cyan))
Title or name: “Invisibility 2”
“Unlike Chamele (which also utilizes Will to a negligble extent), Invisibility utilizes pure Insight to to completely immerse a dreamer’s soulsphere and essence shell. This application of Insight is nuanced to the extent that only a dreamer who is appropriately experienced in the application of Insight and whose essence is properly attuned to containing the focal energies can successfully evoke the Art. ~ Apothos”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Azure, Chalk))
Title or name: “Dr Carl G Jung 1/2”
“Dr Carl G Jung was a ruler of the house of Dreamers of Light. He dressed in all chalk and his skin all but blended with his dress. He served as a prosecutor in the trial of Yog-Ka for the murder of Sabra. He was well respected even among enemy houses. (cont.)”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “SS’s Beliefs pt. 1”
“I believe that the dream effects the waking world and that nightmares are the spawn of unawakened souls. Essences contain the souls within.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Gold, Gold))
Title or name: “SS’s Beliefs pt. 2”
“That they are unawakened just proves that these are souls of weak individuals who cannot attain the dreamstate and only plague the city as nightmares. They serve only one purpose.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Gold, Gold))
Title or name: “SS’s Beliefs pt. 3”
“I drain these souls to strengthen myself and my house, dispite this leading to their death. Why would anyone do otherwise knowing that these souls serve no other purpose? ~Star Scream~”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Gold, Gold))
Title or name: “History of Rally 2”
“Vill brandished his best chakram and faught the beast as best he could. But before anyone could reach him he was collapsed and immediately dispersed to the sanctuary a few rooms away by his art recall. The city forged together and defeated the darkmare. But the events stuck in Vill’s mind, he desided that something needed to be done to remedy this situation to help the dreamers be better prepared in a situation as such that had just occured.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 69 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Gold))
Title or name: “History of Rally 3”
“Vill started the first ‘think tank’ discussion by saying, “We are here to form ideas on new DreamSoul arts, and for the construction of such eventually.” He then went on to detail several ideas he had come up with for a new DreamSoul art. Others in attendance included: Dar’canon, Poppygirl, Inzoum, Coraal, Purple Lace, Anasina, Liolira, and Lunk. After much discussion on several interesting ideas, a vote was cast and it was decided that the Art of Rally would be the focus of the group’s efforts.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 69 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Gold))
Title or name: “History of Rally 4”
“The Doorbell idea was also tossed around, debated, and discussed, but tabled as a DreamSoul art for some rather humorous reasons, mainly the total annoyance of improving such an art, along with ‘ding dong wars’.Next the name was discussed and all agreed on the name “Rally”. The leader of the project was agreed upon as Vill Valorian. Inzoum suggested a message be sent to let others know the target had been cast upon with this art. The discussion then proceeded as to how the art would function.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 69 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Gold))
Title or name: “History of Rally 5”
“with Coraal posing the problem if the art only worked on crested members of a particular house, excluding FreeSpirits and others from different Houses.Vill began the second meeting with, “We’re going into formulation and development phase of Rally. Rally is going to be a House Art.”, and followed up by explaining “It is telepathy that Guardians and Rulers can send any message to any member, I imagine. Rally will be used to help coordinate battles”. Additional uses of the art might include avoiding danger.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 69 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Gold))
Title or name: “History of Rally 6”
“A first attempt to bring forth the Art of Rally occured in the Teaching Guild, attended by Arylana Jax and others. Their attempts were met with unusual whispers; suspected as a result of attempting to use pure telepathy to obtain the Art. After several attempts by the GateKeeper Guild to attune Rally to focal Elemen of Willpower, Vill gathered as many others of different focii to the Center of the City, Provenence, in Threshold.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 69 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Gold))
Title or name: “History of Rally 7”
“Vill Valorian was joined by Harkyn, Flower of Cienn, Purple Lace, Dar’canon, Black Cloud and others. Vill went over the process, noting that the art of Rally was partially created already and that all that was needed was to let the Art affix or “invite it” to the dreamers.Once briefed, dreamers were asked to position themselves at the 4 corners of the Fountain in the Center of the room (the room being the in the center of the City), and those to whom the art would be bestowed upon to stand in the fountain’”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 69 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Gold))
Title or name: “History of Rally 8”
“close as they could to the center of the fountain. Eight candles where placed around the ledge around the fountain’s pool, lit and all assumed their positions. It was agreed that Harkyn (a GateKeeper) and Flower of Cienn (a FateSender) stand dead center, in hopes of them gaining the art as proceeds of the ritual.Insight took East and West positions, while Lucidity and WillPower took North and South, respectfully, with Resilience formidably present within the water of the pool.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 69 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Gold))
Title or name: “History of Rally 9”
“All outside the circle of candles began to meditate, channeling their focal energies towards the volunteers in the center. The volunteers were to call out when extra energy of a certain focus was required. Vill then set the Mandela sigils (candles) aflame and began. Focal Energy began to flow towards Harkyn and Flower of Cienn, and with the arrival of Lu Chaos, more WillPower was requested by him,”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 69 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Gold))
Title or name: “History of Rally 10”
“Vill called upon Chaos, Randoming loud as ever more WillPower was added to the focal energy directed at Harkyn and Flower. The rush of Willpower strengthened and as Harkyn decided to release the energy and abort the attempt, Lu Chaos was drawn into the pool, falling squarely into Harkyn, landing in atop him. Harkyn remarked that we had just created the Art of “Summon Lu Chaos”! The ritual was a sucess the art of rally had been created.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 69 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Gold))
Title or name: “Near Escape 1”
“The story of Yog-Ka and Sabra has been told many times.Thus, this is not that story. This is instead the story of how Yog-Ka very nearly escaped the execution that he was unjustly sentenced to.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “Near Escape 2”
“After his sentencing but before the execution, Yog-Ka was to be walked to the place of execution via the place where the alleged crime was committed, the sanctuary in the Chasm of Souls. Boggen and myself, being students of Yog-Ka’s had other ideas.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “Near Escape 3”
“Using Chamele alterors we followed as Balthiir lead Yog-Ka onwards, awating our chance as we knew we would only get one and had better make it good. Balthiir was on his guard though and we saw no chance. None that is until we reached the Chasm.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “Near Escape 4”
“Boggen, thinking ahead, had run forward of the encumbered Balthiir and warded the sanctuary. This caused them to have to pause and the trap was sprung. I yanked Balthiir’s underpants up to his shoulderblades from behind; Boggen pulled them over his head.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “Near Escape 5”
“Yog-Ka saw his chance and ran for it. Approaching and taking refuge in the sanctuary from the other entrance. Thus our work was done and we departed after Yog-Ka woke. He was of course recaptured the next day but you can only help people so much.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “RaGe’s history 1”
“I entered the city in the Dreamer’s of Light threshold. It looked the coolest, from the flags. I was greeted by a dozen blank faces – I was too shocked to really recall any of them. After quickly showing me the way things worked, they sent me up the mountain in search of further guidance. When I arrived, I found another dozen dreamers standing about the front of the house. Loveslight took me in, and taught me many things – Hunting, talisman, even a bit of the beliefs in the city. I would up standing…”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Earth, Abyss))
Title or name: “RaGe’s history 2”
“against DoL not to long after that. I had joined a Freespirit faction. If they had a name, I do not know it, thought it was ‘led’ by one SoulReaper. There was another war going on at the time…I believe it was the first large-scale Freesoul vs Illuminate war. Regardless, I stayed uncrested for some time, working my way up through multiple spheres before ever truly considering a faction. And I wound up disliking Loveslight, despite her being the first to truly help me.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Earth, Night))
Title or name: “Azraels Final Trick”
“Azrael was a DreamSeer of note during the days leading up to the Great Awakening. He was a great story teller and entertainer, and came around from time to time with a play or prose for all to listen to. He was also a masterful pick-pocket and a confidence man. The last sighting of Azrael came years ago when he appeared in the city with a chest which was placed on the Alter in Thresh Caves.”
((inscribed on Compendium , 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Tan, Abyss))
Title or name: “2nd - Azraels Trick”
“Dreamers gathered around to inspect the chest and great speculation came to the city. One day the population of the dream were called to the caves with the promise that one dreamer would have the key to open the chest in one week. These keys would be hidden around the dream, and only he knew the location of the three keys. The entire of the dream became a flurry of activity as every nook and cranny was searched for the keys.”
((inscribed on Compendium , 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Tan, Abyss))
Title or name: “3rd - Azraels Trick”
“Azrael knew of the greed of the dream and offered that hints of hiding places could be bought. Bidding began for the hints and in a few whispers the deals were struck. Three dreamers, out of greed, were offered the keys for the cost of a house prime. Three primes were delivered unto Azrael and the keys were delivered. The dreamers were given the hour when they could open the chest. Azrael then sealed the portal from the front, and took the primes. That was the last ever seen of Azrael.”
((inscribed on Compendium , 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Tan, Abyss))
Title or name: “4th - Azraels Trick4”
“The dreamers all could not wait for the portal to open, so all three fought and scratched and scrambled through the maze in the Threshold Caves to get to the chest. When they got to the room, they found the rulers of Dreamers of Light, House Calenture and the Order of the Sable Moon all looking for the rogue members who gave away their primes. The three where collapsed and drained until the keys appeared. The chests simply contained 3 demotion tokens, one for each dreamer.”
((inscribed on Compendium , 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Tan, Abyss))
Title or name: “5th - Azraels Trick”
“Rumour is that the Cache Locks set from the Penumbra were made from the primes of the first three houses to open after the great awakening. Though Azrael was never seen nor heard from again, there is a pedestal in each of the three caches. A pedestal were a dreamer could, perhaps, perform a piece or spin yarn with friends.”
((inscribed on Compendium , 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Tan, Abyss))
Title or name: “Unknown” (scroll is out of reach over the ledge, can barely be seen)
“I want you to learn the basics of both arts and how much they cost? Now go around and ask dreamers if there is another way besides amulet to get through a ward? What are your thoughts on what you found and how do you think you will use them?”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Unknown, Unknown charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Sphere Two Hall:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman found:
Title or name: “Original Beliefs 01”
“Our beliefs as told to Novgorad on the steps of the house of the Protectors of the Radiance by Tybarian, 36th Captain of the Radiant Brigade, Ruler of Radiance, Protector of Old.
We are the Protectors of the Radiance! We take our charge seriously. Ours is the crusade. We exist in the dream for this hallowed purpose! The Dream is our honored duty.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Gold))
Title or name: “Original Beliefs 02”
“It was given us that we might protect and defend the Unawakened from the threats of the Dream… and to see to it that the promise of the Dream is lived to its fullest. We believe our course in the Dream is to Protect the innocent… the Unawakened who cannot Dream are helpless before the threat of the Mares!
We do this primarily through banishing the Mare essence that it may not fester and make their suffering worse. We will not turn a blind eye to those who oppose us.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Gold))
Title or name: “Original Beliefs 03”
“We will always seek a means of saving the Unawakened. This is our purpose… our destiny… in the Dream. This is the foundation of our beliefs.
Our primary purpose is to fight the menace of the mares… a far more insidious threat than most Dreamers realize. The mares are unnatural. They are abominations brought into being to torture the Unawakened. Their foul stench is that of evil incarnate! They torture the Unawakened!”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Gold))
Title or name: “Original Beliefs 04”
“Therefore we believe the proper method of dealing with their essence is to BANISH it. Banish it to the chaos where it came from so that the Unawakened may be kept safe by us whose destiny it is to fight in their name!
Let the mares be blown out to the Hell that spawned them! By Banishing we slay the evil which torments the Unawakened. We fulfill our purpose in the Dream… the reason for our Awakening! The Mares are NOT natural creatures. They are abominations!”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Gold))
Title or name: “Original Beliefs 05”
“Perversions of the Dream must be stopped from destroying lives in the waking world! The Protectors believe the mares are avatars of Chaos that entrap the tortured souls of the Unawakened and keep them from reaching the Dream.
The Mares are abominations spawned from out of the chaos… before they can enter the Dream they must enslave an innocent soul. This they wrap in their cohesion and they then pervert its life force to their own brutal and chaotic bidding.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Gold))
Title or name: “Original Beliefs 06”
“By defeating the mare the soul of the hapless sleeper is freed and returned to them. When this is done, the mare’s twisted presence falls into an inert form… a state of essence.
This essence is to be collected and purified through a process created by the DreamSmiths of Radiance twelve centuries ago. This process prepares the essence for Banishment, which destroys the essence and spreads its remains to the chaos.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Gold))
Title or name: “Original Beliefs 07”
“If the essence is not purified first, the Banishment will be only partial… the raw essence is sent into the chaos but may soon reform as a mare.
What does it mean to you when you are told that our purpose in the Dream is to protect the Unawakened? FreeSoul or Illuminate? Any Dreamer who hears the beliefs of the Protectors of the Radiance and still does not know if we are a FreeSoul house or an Illuminate House is unworthy to join us.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Gold))
Title or name: “Original Beliefs 08”
“Our beliefs speak for themselves and the answer to that question should be obvious. We exist to protect the Unawakened. What does that tell you? It means that we believe the Dream is our Hallowed destiny. We are Illuminate.
If we do not live up to the promise of the Dream… if we do not fulfill our destiny… the TRUE reason we awakened… the promise of the Dream… which is to protect those who do not share this gift… then we are worthless.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Gold))
Title or name: “Original Beliefs 09”
“We dedicate our lives to the Crusade of the Protectors of the Radiance and will only swear allegiance to others who will do so as well.
A note from the Historian: These words still ring true to this very day, and while our current charter has been updated to be more concise, it can all be traced back to the words of Tybarian shortly after the Great Loss.
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Gold))
Title or name: “Return Notes: Lyra1”
“As told by Thunderman was unheard of before the Nightmare Wars, but Nightmares entered the the city, the great Combat began. Powerful commanders needed to go through long distances to come from one front to another. It took too long a time to concentrate main forces in the one battle zone, or all Great Warriors to go in House to protectit from emergency alert. In that difficult time was discovered the art of Return.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Gold, Jade))
Title or name: “Return Notes: Lyra2”
“We will probably never know the great dreamer which created it. History remembers only the name of the great GateKeeper which added this powerful art to the Major GateKeeper Arts, it was Askold, (apprentice to Retvizan). he also researched this art and upgraded it. As a result, it now allows teleportation in each location. It formerly was only to house. Now history will remember his efforts forever.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Gold, Jade))
Title or name: “Deafen History”
“Deafen was originally uncovered in its earliest form by Raeh T’nac. He was a great FateSender and later aided in the knowledge that led up to the art of forget talisman specifically the lucidity talismans. One day, he began practicing his trail art. As he had gotten bored with nothing new developing. On another day his wife started nagging him to clean up his laboratory. He then
thought while he was working on his trail art and imagined silently to himself I’d do anything to stop hearing her nag!”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected:Tan?, Tan?))
Title or name: “Deafen History 2”
“Suddenly the art evoke went wild and instantly he couldn’t hear anything. Each time he worked on it, it only worked on the caster! Thankfully, many years after his death, another dreamer managed to separate the art from this gone awry trail-type deafen, and he designed safeguards to ensure that one couldn’t deafen themselves when cast. When it is cast, an invisible crystal of lucidity surrounds the target and barring all sound from entering. ~Lunk”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected:Tan?, Tan?))
Title or name: “Judgement History 1”
“Judgement was created by the dreamer Kaylar. A justice of the city court, Kaylar presided over many cases of varying degree, seeing all manner of innocense and vile behavior brought before him. One thing irked him in particuar, however. Unless the dreamer was notorious, or a braggart, the more canny evildoers could disguise their sphere symbols not allowing him to make a suitable punishment or penalty. Some would pretend to be higher sphere, in hopes of being let off.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Azure, Chalk))
Title or name: “Judgement History 2”
“Other dreamers would choose to say they were a lower sphere in the hopes of being offered a more lenient sentance. So after much consideration and discussion with his colleagues, Kaylar formed a very piercing art of insight, that would examine the relative strength of a dreamer. Being an avid duelist, Kaylar also tweaked it to show the general health of the dreamer as an added benefit. It is said that his court was quite amusing for a while as those who where unaware of the art would lie to Kaylar.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Azure, Chalk))
Title or name: “Judgement History 1”
“They would state their spheres something it was not, only to have it shamefacedly revealed, exposing their lies. - Thank you palani for the research.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Azure, Chalk))
Title or name: “RECALL #1”
“I was collapsed during my very first dream. I was alone and had just discovered my ability to dream. I wandered into the Thresh Pits amd was attacked by an emphant! I did not even know that I could make a blade at that point and saw what appeared to be my head on the ground! I looked and my dreamsoul was 0! I thought that it was over for me and began to panic! I turned and ran back the way that I came and when I got to the Threshold area, I heard music in my head and miraculously I began to regain my”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Fire))
Title or name: “RECALL # 2”
“Dreamsoul! at the time I was unaware that Sanctuaries even existed or what their purpose was. Of course now, I learned about them and have used them to recover and even to hide from Dark Mares! I even had a strange interaction with a DM while in one, which was actually pretty cool! I now know that I can run into one in the time of need for my safety. What would be great would be to have Recall and have the ability to mark my safe spot so that in emergency I could use that ability to quickly get safe”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Fire))
Title or name: “RECALL # #”
“Sanctuary! I found a couple historic versions of Recalls discovery. 1. Dublin discovered it, using it to zip back to his notes helping his poor memory. 2. GK Renrut Neh mixed Know and Return. Both found that it was also a deterant from Dreamstrike. What is Amazing is that it takes you to your memorized Sanc. when collapsed and make you cohesive as your avatar again! I believe that this is what connects this with the art Restore as they both in different ways can rebuild avatar cohesive form from soulsphere”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Blood, Fire))
Title or name: “ID Curse (1)”
“Identify Curse was an art created before the great loss by a dreamer named DiBauda. This dreamer came into the dream just before the beginning of the DreamStrike Wars, and was an empath in his shard. DiBauda was able to carry over his ability to dream as an empath, and was able to feel what others were feeling. His ability to give the prognosis to almost any problem was unrivaled, and knew for the most part what dreamers were feeling, because he himself was able to feel it.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Chalk, Night))
Title or name: “ID Curse (2)”
“DiBauda was a DreamSeer of great influence because of this, and was feared by those who wanted others to succumb to their wills because DiBauda knew what dreamers held in their hearts, no matter how secret they kept it from others. DiBauda had discovered a way of transferring this ability to his use of insight, and was able to teach dreamers the ability to detect the burdens others bared in order to help them. He held himself to 4 apprentices.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Chalk, Night))
Title or name: “ID Curse (3)”
“These 4 dreamers were known as Lorac, the creator of Purify, Morden, the creator of Protection, and Cybele, the creator of Identify and a little known dreamer named Albestor who is still forgotten in the dream, though his deeds for both the dream, and for illuminates are both extensive and far-reaching. DiBauda gathered these 4 apprentices before the height of the DreamStrike Wars opposing both the DreamStrike Masters AND the Entropy Coalition.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Chalk, Night))
Title or name: “ID Curse (4)”
“He attempted to gather all those that he had befriended and helped in the past to help aid his cause and fight the DreamStrike Masters and the Entropy Coalition, believing one group or the other would bring the dream under their sway and have total subjection of the dream before the end, or until they destroyed the dream. The DreamStrike Masters, fearing DiBauda and his following attacked and where able to remove DiBauda and 3 of his followers. The 4th, albestor, went into hiding.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Chalk, Night))
Title or name: “ID Curse (5)”
“Albestor carried on in hiding teaching a select few of his followers to pass on the art of Identify Curse. Eventually, Albestor confronted the DreamStrike Masters and the Entropy Coalition in hopes of bringing peace at the height of the DreamStrike Wars, and was subsequently DreamStruck in fear of bringing about a following similar to that of DiBauda.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Chalk, Night))
Title or name: “ID Curse (6)”
“Identify Curse became a rumor of an art, and only a select few DreamSeers were permitted to learn the art from master teachers of Insight before and after the Great Loss until lately, where the art has been passed down not only to younger DreamSeers, but also to dreamers of other foci, which was the design of DiBauda before his untimely DreamStrike, and loss from the dream. ~Originally placed by Off Kilter. Replaced by Arnaya due to theft.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Chalk, Night))
Title or name: “Translocate ~1~”
“Translocate, a new art found in the City, is all fun and games. It takes the dreamer’s avatar and moves them to a decided location of which contains a guild. However, with it being new, little is really known about it. It has been discovered to cause a storm at places that contain guilds. This was found at a scene with Xyn Rhade, Crizzle, and Stalros(yours truly). Xyn Rhade translocated upon planning their next meet, and a storm took place moments after, forcing both Crizzle and Stalros to suddenly wake.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Gold, Jade))
Title or name: “Translocate ~2~”
“Upon further investigation with Purple Lace, it was found that thunderous noises took place, and lightning even struck on occasion. She interpretted it being that Translocate takes a lot of energy to force the dreamer’s transportation, and the storms are caused by the residue of heavy energy.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Gold, Jade))
Title or name: “Paralyze”
“a good friend of renrut nek named t’kaa was a kind of healer he studied soulmaster arts to nearly rival his own focus arts, he made it his job to care for those with debilitating afflictions like paraplegics , people who suffered with arthritis and other diseases of the bone he wanted to know how a dreamers avatar could be plagued with such ailments he came to find out that sometimes a perfectly healthy person in there shared would be stricken with ailments in the dream and vise versa. he began working”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Jade, Plum))
Title or name: “Paralyze 2”
“on an art and got 3 of his friends to help him out. the first of them he cast the art on began talking non stop for 2 seconds of jibberish. he tweeked a bit then the second person he cast it on fell striaght to the floor with no sense of balance. with a bit more work he quickly cast the art on his 3rd friend before he could run off he stoped dead in his tracks un able to move, and now we have the art of paralyze !”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Jade, Plum))
Title or name: “Tybarian - 1/3”
“Tybarian, a DreamSeer, and Dreamwright, was a Ruler of the Radiance before the Great Loss. He was one of the few who was not dreaming during the first wave of chaos that swept through the city. Returning to find the original Soul of Radiance destroyed, and the souls of old Protectors that rested inside it scattered about the house. He sequestered himself in the Sanctuary and meditated for a long time to make them contact with their souls, and drew them into his avatar to protect and host them.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Fire, Gold))
Title or name: “Tybarian - 2/3”
“Tybarian was lucky that he had remained in the sanctuary because it protected him from the second wave of chaos that completed the Great Loss. Later after the influx of new dreamers to the city, he began seeking out new honorable dreamers to take up the Crusade. He was able to take essences the new Protectors brought into his avatar, for the souls of Old Protectors to purify, but was unable to Banish. Eventually, the pulsing energies began to weaken his avatar, until he couldn’t lift his spear.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Fire, Gold))
Title or name: “Tybarian - 2/3”
“Tybarian, now unable to move, decided to allow his avatar to be sacrificed to be reforged into the new Soul of Radiance. His soul joined the other souls held within the new Soul of Radiance, and now that it was formed into a new prime artifact they could banish again. He returned from time to time to guide the Protectors but was limited to just manifesting upon the house plane. He has been gone for many years now, but his sacrifice is forever remembered by the Radiance. LET THE RADIANCE SHINE FORTH!!!”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Fire, Gold))
Title or name: “Kinesis History 1”
“Though the names are unknown this is a recalled History by Thunderman: it was long ago in a battle in Chasm of Souls when a married couple, that ruled edgeward stronghold were ambushed by a warring house. It was a brutal assault. The female gatekeeper and her husband were cornered, her husband ended up being collapsed.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Jade, Gold))
Title or name: “Kinesis History 2”
“The man began evoking DreamStrike, her cries while being seperated from her husband, were heartbreaking. She knew at this moment she could do nothing. But then her hands began glowing brightly with willpower, and to her avail, she began evoking a new art! Her anger and Will knocked the striker back and cancelled the evoke! thus was the first evocation of the art of kinesis.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Jade, Gold))
Title or name: “Reweave History 1”
“Reweave was created by the DreamWright Mantic, who was also part of the Forger’s Circle. He was very concerned with searching for a way to strengthen the City walls, and creating new things. Mantic searched for a new art that would help him strengthen the City walls. His first attempt at creating that art was Reweave. He found it to weak, even at high plateaus, to affect something as immense as walls, but it was good for spot repeairs. Taking his knowledge a bith further he decided to try…..”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Azure?, Fire))
Title or name: “Reweave History 2”
“reweave on the other talismen as well. After many experimentations, He found out that all the other talisman like blades, chaks, alts,elemens and their silk were all not durable enough to be considered for reweaving. The shields on the other hand were. As no dreamer has the capability yet to reweave our walls, the main function of Reweave has been to fix our shields and path the city walls. Big thanks to Purple Lace for this information.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Azure?, Fire))
Title or name: “Reweave History 1”
“The colour information contained herin comes from Hikari X. Each focus has four colours they may use for the PRIMARY colour when forging. These are as follows: DS - Blood, Teal, Tan, Plum GK - Jade, Azure, Beige, Chalk FS - Night, Sand, Abyss, Gold SM - Cyan, Berry, Earth, Fire”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: codex, 254 charges, colours selected:Azure?, Blood))
Title or name: “History Des. Tali 1”
“The Art of Destroy Talisman was created through a collective effort by the Entropy Coalition. It was one of their first experiments into using Chaos in the Dream. As is known, their last experiment brought the nightmares.They found an interesting way to meddle with talismans and through the careful use of reweave and it’s counterpart, could misshape a talisman. At the time, they also had a mad Elder Dreamsmith with them, ……”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Tan, Fire))
Title or name: “History Des. Tali 2”
“It was she who first thought of the idea. Using this Art, which they guarded jealously, the continued their experiments and used it to ever greater degree. Eventually, they began to test it on the City Walls, with drastic results. The Art was thought lost after that, however it seems that at least one Lyran was a former member of the Entropy Coalition. It presumably then spread from there. Transcribed by LadySilver”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Tan, Fire))
Title or name: “History SoulEvoke 1”
“SoulEvoke is an odd art in that it has not one but 2 creators, who were enemies. At the beginning of the Dreamstrike Offensive many dreamers fell. So, Demetria 1st Ruler of Light and K’ess 1st Ruler of House Calenture met secretly. They worked in secret on an art that would allow them to foil the plans of the Masters. They had restore but sought something that could also be used offensively as well as suprise their foe”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Tan, Fire))
Title or name: “History SoulEvoke 2”
“They began to formulate an art that would allow access to the energies needed to evoke arts without an avatar to shape them. They created SoulEvoke and were happy to pay the price to use it on their enemies. Transcribe by : LadySilver”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Tan, Fire))
Title or name: “History NMF”
“Nightmare Form was created by an ancient member of the Entropy Coalition,the group responsible for the Nightmares entry into the city. In their studies into the chaos outside the city walls, they found a way for dreamers to act like a mare, however, they did not perfect the art. While one is in Nightmare Form, one cannot evoke any arts. The teacher who came up with the art died before he could realize the problem with his art. Transcribed by: LadySilver”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Tan, Fire))
Title or name: “H: Newly Awakened”
“Created on 6/01, by Ramslend and Qyadicia, as well as Ladybug and stalker333. The purpose was to assist Newlies. They removed Locate, Sense, and Support Train from Ramslend. They placed these arts in a bottle, until they could discover what they needed from each. Their best option was to risk destroying the arts altogether, by pulling certain portions out. Ramslend shakily opened the bottle to Sense Dreamers. They successfully removed Insight from Sense, but also released a bit into the Dream.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Do Nothing, 59 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “H: Newly Awakened 2”
“This resulted in Planes speaking to Teachers, Rulers and Guardians about Newlies entering rooms. Next they separated the portions needed from Locate and Support Train. After successfully doing so, the three bottles imploded in Qyadicia’s pack. They where now in a hurry. Fotowca expressed his distaste for ceremonies, and suggested that they drink the smelling ooze - which they did, against their better wishes. - Night Storm (special thanks to LadySilver)”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Do Nothing, 59 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Newly History”
“The art of Newly Awakened was created by Ramslend and the Elder Qyadicia. Ramslend, wanted to do something that would benefit the newly awakened dreamers. She decided to experiment to see how older dreamers could find newlies, in order to aid them. Qyadicia aided Ramslend in her theories, and eventually, they decided to make a combination of three different arts: Sense Dreamer, Locate Dreamer, and Support Train. Sense dreamer was used for it’s ability to locate dreamers and in other….”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Jade, Cyan))
Title or name: “Newly History 2”
“planes, or on the most popular planes. Locate was used for it’s ability to find a dreamer once you know that dreamer’s name. Support train was used as it can assign the age of a dreamer to the token. Ramslend was stripped of the three arts, and Qyadicia combined them in order to make them work in a sequence. First Support Train was used in order to give the art a guildline from which it could work. It was then combined with Sense Dreamer. The combination of these two made it so that Sense…”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Jade, Cyan))
Title or name: “Newly History 3”
“would only sense dreamers who were of a certain age, thus separating the young from the old, and making the art focused on the newlies. The final step, was adding Locate dreamer to this sequence in order to give the newlies who were sensed a location. With the three of these arts sequenced into one, the art of Newly Awakened was created. This allows dreamers to find newlies without resorting to a “doorbell” that all guardians and teachers have become accustomed to. -Shoury”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Jade, Cyan))
Title or name: “H: Mind Blank”
“Mind Blank was reportedly created first by Dalis. Dalis had long been a first hand witness to the forgetfulness caused on others due to a pretty face. Though noted mostly on men. While she studied this effect she found ways to enhance it using dreamsoul. And the effects of which were very similar to today’s Mind Blank. Although her methods in her days could not be repeated in the public eye so she had to find a different way. It is stated that the method worked focusing on the portion of a….”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “H: Mind Blank 2”
“dreamer on that portion of the dreamers avatar that controls location. There are a few theories but I focus on those that were believed at the time; that Mind Blank “Turns off” the portion of the avatar controlling location. The other is that it “Erects” a protective Shield preventing a protective shield that blocks and prevents emanations from this unknown portion of the dreamers avatar trying to be located by others. ~Lunk~”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “H: Cleanse Mare”
“The art of cleanse mare was created by a group of GoE members after their first GoE Prime was destroyed. While roaming CoD the dreamers felt they were failing their house and the city. Because their house prime was gone, they had no way to cleanse the taint from the mare’s essences they had. Taint began to over flood the city. More mares appeared, and they seemed to be getting stronger. More DreamSoul, giving out more damage, and a couple even began to see chameled dreamers.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Plum))
Title or name: “H: Cleanse Mare 2”
“Well one female GoE member thought of an idea while bathing in meylia’s pond, the city’s purest waters. She dropped an Emphant essence into the pond. As she went to pick it up, the water began to boil. Black ooze was seeping from the essence into the pond. She began evoking purify to keep the water taintless. When the bubbling had stopped, she picked up the essence. It had transformed into a clear glass crystal. She realized that the ooze was the taint from the mare. She began studying…”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Plum))
Title or name: “H: Cleanse Mare 3”
“to create an art with the same effect, but there was a problem. When the essence was cleansed of its taint, the taint would continue to ooze out into the dream itself. This was bad because it wasn’t actually doing anything to help them. After remembering the effect of purify, she decided to combine it, thus creating the art of cleanse mare. It would take the taint out, and the purifying effect would destroy the ooze. Soon the City balanced out, and the mare problem was more controlled. - Shoury”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Plum))
Title or name: “H: Abjure (1/2)”
“The art of Abjure was created during the DreamStrike Wars. The art was a creation brought to life by the DreamStrike masters. Though Strike was their primary goal, they decided that abjure had to be created in order to facilitate the art. They found that with the use of recall and return dreamers were able to dissapear from the field of battle if their soul was in danger. Most dreamers had use of Recall and GKs were using Return to keep themselves safe. Using qualities of Purify, in its purest form, …..”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Gold))
Title or name: “H: Abjure (2/2)”
“”cleansed” a dreamers DreamSoul and took away any affects that were not inherent in the DreamSoul itself. By intensifying Purify’s effects the Strike Masters were able to strip arts that were not strong bound to the dreamer’s essence. Later, the Strike Masters taught the art of Abjure only to Soulmasters who possessed a very high ability in the art of Purify. Today, powerful SMs are permitted to learn the art, now known as Abjure. - Pericules
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Gold))
Title or name: “History of Recall”
“The art of recall was developed by a great gatekeeper by the name of renrut nek. He he had heard rumor of dreamers getting ward trapped and either forced to wake as a soulsphere, or wait for the wards to drop and chance being dreamstruck in the process. Renrt pondered this and tried something, he took the knowledge of the rt of know and mingled it with the art of return, he then set a spot by evoking the art, and ventrued out to find batttle, he came across a shamblix protecting its lair, he had purposely”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “History of Recall 2”
“left himself vulnerable by not using the art Free action. He was immeditely collapsed. In the blink of an eye he found himself back in his study safe and sound, and tht is how the art of recall came to be.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “H: Blast”
“Blast was crated by K’kat. He was a mystic of sorts on his shard, being a master of illusion, and powerful sorcerer. When he came to the Dream, he found that he could replicate many of these powers, save his most favorite, levitation. Rather than start with levitating himself, he tried to form a smaller version, telekinesis. After a lot of concentration and research, he found that he could levitate small objects a few inches above the work bench but they would shatter. If he blinked or tried to…..”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Night))
Title or name: “H: Blast 2”
“move the item beyond his sight, it would drop again. Another DreamWright. Rhyssa interrupted his concentration one harrowing eve, by tapping him on the shoulder. K’kat gave her an intense glare and a fair headache. Astonished at what had occured, the two worked on forming this new art which could harm a Dreamer with the merest of glances, and Insight. From these efforts came the art of Blast, with the same restrictions, for the dreamer must see their target to be successful. ~Lunk”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 function: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Night))
Title or name: “Corrupt Essence”
“When the Keepers of the Eternal Shadow first opened, it was a house shared between dreamers and darkmares alike. The Kotoke would bring in so many dreamer essences from their battles throughout the City that they began to overfill the vaults. In response to this unique bounty, the Keepers created the art of Corrupt Essence so that the vaults could be cleared out and the Kotoke could contribute to the growth of the prime artifact, just like the dreamers did with nightmare essences.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 59 charges, colours selected: Earth, Jade))
Title or name: “History of Purify”
“According to Midhir: Purify was created by Lorac. It was originally meant to be used in avatar creation. Through a complex set of dyes, and Purify, you could bleach the colors and put them back in. Naturally, this has no practical use in the Dream, since we just simply choose our colors in our mind. Discouraged, Lorac decided to move on with Purify and eventually found that when applied to a soul -instead of clothes- would wipe away and blemishes and curses on a dreamer avatar. ~ Lunk”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 function: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Jade, Jade))
Sphere Two Study:
Current use:Unknown
Talisman found:
Title or name: “” ((Unknown stickied))
“*** These are the arts that GateKeepers can learn at 2nd sphere *** Amulet, Inscribe, Newly Awakened, Sense Datoken, Ward, Deafen, Purify and Recall.”
((inscribed on Compendium, NA functions: NA, NA charges, colours selected: Abyss, Gold))
Title or name: “” ((Unknown stickied))
“*** These are the arts that DreamSeers can learn at 2nd sphere *** Chamele, Identify, Curse, Inscribe, Vision, Deafen, Free Action, Purify and Recall.”
((inscribed on Compendium, NA functions: NA, NA charges, colours selected: Abyss, Azure))
Title or name: “” ((Unknown stickied))
“*** These are the arts the SoulMasters can learn at 2nd sphere *** Drain Self, Inscribe, Newly Awakened, Sense Datoken, Deafen, Free Action, and Recall”
((inscribed on Compendium, NA functions: NA, NA charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “” ((Unknown stickied))
“*** These are the arts that FateSenders can learn at 2nd sphere *** Inscribe, Newly Awakened, Sense Datoken, Free Action, Purify and Recall.”
((inscribed on Compendium, NA functions: NA, NA charges, colours selected: Abyss, Plum))
Title or name: “Who Am I ? ~ 1”
“I am Cianne Andrea McCleoud, born to Angus & Lillian McCleoud. I hail from a village called Dunlain, a magical land of immense beauty, the flora and fauna captivate, the eastern shore is mesmerising and to the west, the raw beauty of a mountain range…”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: cyan, cyan))
Title or name: “Who Am I ? ~ 2”
“In my village and surrounding areas, I am a midwife, Those formally trained in medicine are few and far between. I have never married, and so am able to travel for days on end when I am needed. Many times, I will stay with an expectant mother in her last weeks, and do not return until after the child is born and it is certain that the new mother is able to care for it on her own….continued…”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: cyan, cyan))
Title or name: “Who Am I ? ~ 3”
“As you may have guessed, this can be a very lonely existence..although nothing quite compares to helping to bring new life into the world, I must admit I do often find myself pining…to be like the families that I serve…which is how I imagine I came to my dreams here….continued….”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: cyan, cyan))
Title or name: “Who Am I ? ~ 4”
“My longing for companionship and family must have simply over taken me..and to my delight, some 17 or 18 years ago, I joined you all in this city of dreams. Here, I found that companionship, family, a sense of belonging, have achieved wonderous things, surreal things, but have also suffered heart ache and loss…though I would not trade it for the world. This piece of me..I bequeath to you, so that you may know who I am…why I love, why I laugh, why I cry, and why I dream…..~C”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: cyan, cyan))
Title or name: “Invisibility 2”
“Unlike Chamele (which also utilizes Will to a negligble extent), Invisibility utilizes pure Insight to to completely immerse a dreamer’s soulsphere and essence shell. This application of Insight is nuanced to the extent that only a dreamer who is appropriately experienced in the application of Insight and whose essence is properly attuned to containing the focal energies can successfully evoke the Art. ~ Apothos”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Azure, Chalk))
Title or name: “Dr Carl G Jung 1/2”
“Dr Carl G Jung was a ruler of the house of Dreamers of Light. He dressed in all chalk and his skin all but blended with his dress. He served as a prosecutor in the trial of Yog-Ka for the murder of Sabra. He was well respected even among enemy houses. (cont.)”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “SS’s Beliefs pt. 1”
“I believe that the dream effects the waking world and that nightmares are the spawn of unawakened souls. Essences contain the souls within.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Gold, Gold))
Title or name: “SS’s Beliefs pt. 2”
“That they are unawakened just proves that these are souls of weak individuals who cannot attain the dreamstate and only plague the city as nightmares. They serve only one purpose.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Gold, Gold))
Title or name: “SS’s Beliefs pt. 3”
“I drain these souls to strengthen myself and my house, dispite this leading to their death. Why would anyone do otherwise knowing that these souls serve no other purpose? ~Star Scream~”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Gold, Gold))
Title or name: “History of Rally 2”
“Vill brandished his best chakram and faught the beast as best he could. But before anyone could reach him he was collapsed and immediately dispersed to the sanctuary a few rooms away by his art recall. The city forged together and defeated the darkmare. But the events stuck in Vill’s mind, he desided that something needed to be done to remedy this situation to help the dreamers be better prepared in a situation as such that had just occured.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 69 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Gold))
Title or name: “History of Rally 3”
“Vill started the first ‘think tank’ discussion by saying, “We are here to form ideas on new DreamSoul arts, and for the construction of such eventually.” He then went on to detail several ideas he had come up with for a new DreamSoul art. Others in attendance included: Dar’canon, Poppygirl, Inzoum, Coraal, Purple Lace, Anasina, Liolira, and Lunk. After much discussion on several interesting ideas, a vote was cast and it was decided that the Art of Rally would be the focus of the group’s efforts.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 69 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Gold))
Title or name: “History of Rally 4”
“The Doorbell idea was also tossed around, debated, and discussed, but tabled as a DreamSoul art for some rather humorous reasons, mainly the total annoyance of improving such an art, along with ‘ding dong wars’.Next the name was discussed and all agreed on the name “Rally”. The leader of the project was agreed upon as Vill Valorian. Inzoum suggested a message be sent to let others know the target had been cast upon with this art. The discussion then proceeded as to how the art would function.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 69 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Gold))
Title or name: “History of Rally 5”
“with Coraal posing the problem if the art only worked on crested members of a particular house, excluding FreeSpirits and others from different Houses.Vill began the second meeting with, “We’re going into formulation and development phase of Rally. Rally is going to be a House Art.”, and followed up by explaining “It is telepathy that Guardians and Rulers can send any message to any member, I imagine. Rally will be used to help coordinate battles”. Additional uses of the art might include avoiding danger.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 69 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Gold))
Title or name: “History of Rally 6”
“A first attempt to bring forth the Art of Rally occured in the Teaching Guild, attended by Arylana Jax and others. Their attempts were met with unusual whispers; suspected as a result of attempting to use pure telepathy to obtain the Art. After several attempts by the GateKeeper Guild to attune Rally to focal Elemen of Willpower, Vill gathered as many others of different focii to the Center of the City, Provenence, in Threshold.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 69 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Gold))
Title or name: “History of Rally 7”
“Vill Valorian was joined by Harkyn, Flower of Cienn, Purple Lace, Dar’canon, Black Cloud and others. Vill went over the process, noting that the art of Rally was partially created already and that all that was needed was to let the Art affix or “invite it” to the dreamers.Once briefed, dreamers were asked to position themselves at the 4 corners of the Fountain in the Center of the room (the room being the in the center of the City), and those to whom the art would be bestowed upon to stand in the fountain’”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 69 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Gold))
Title or name: “History of Rally 8”
“close as they could to the center of the fountain. Eight candles where placed around the ledge around the fountain’s pool, lit and all assumed their positions. It was agreed that Harkyn (a GateKeeper) and Flower of Cienn (a FateSender) stand dead center, in hopes of them gaining the art as proceeds of the ritual.Insight took East and West positions, while Lucidity and WillPower took North and South, respectfully, with Resilience formidably present within the water of the pool.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 69 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Gold))
Title or name: “History of Rally 9”
“All outside the circle of candles began to meditate, channeling their focal energies towards the volunteers in the center. The volunteers were to call out when extra energy of a certain focus was required. Vill then set the Mandela sigils (candles) aflame and began. Focal Energy began to flow towards Harkyn and Flower of Cienn, and with the arrival of Lu Chaos, more WillPower was requested by him,”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 69 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Gold))
Title or name: “History of Rally 10”
“Vill called upon Chaos, Randoming loud as ever more WillPower was added to the focal energy directed at Harkyn and Flower. The rush of Willpower strengthened and as Harkyn decided to release the energy and abort the attempt, Lu Chaos was drawn into the pool, falling squarely into Harkyn, landing in atop him. Harkyn remarked that we had just created the Art of “Summon Lu Chaos”! The ritual was a sucess the art of rally had been created.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 69 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Gold))
Title or name: “Near Escape 1”
“The story of Yog-Ka and Sabra has been told many times.Thus, this is not that story. This is instead the story of how Yog-Ka very nearly escaped the execution that he was unjustly sentenced to.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “Near Escape 2”
“After his sentencing but before the execution, Yog-Ka was to be walked to the place of execution via the place where the alleged crime was committed, the sanctuary in the Chasm of Souls. Boggen and myself, being students of Yog-Ka’s had other ideas.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “Near Escape 3”
“Using Chamele alterors we followed as Balthiir lead Yog-Ka onwards, awating our chance as we knew we would only get one and had better make it good. Balthiir was on his guard though and we saw no chance. None that is until we reached the Chasm.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “Near Escape 4”
“Boggen, thinking ahead, had run forward of the encumbered Balthiir and warded the sanctuary. This caused them to have to pause and the trap was sprung. I yanked Balthiir’s underpants up to his shoulderblades from behind; Boggen pulled them over his head.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “Near Escape 5”
“Yog-Ka saw his chance and ran for it. Approaching and taking refuge in the sanctuary from the other entrance. Thus our work was done and we departed after Yog-Ka woke. He was of course recaptured the next day but you can only help people so much.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “RaGe’s history 1”
“I entered the city in the Dreamer’s of Light threshold. It looked the coolest, from the flags. I was greeted by a dozen blank faces – I was too shocked to really recall any of them. After quickly showing me the way things worked, they sent me up the mountain in search of further guidance. When I arrived, I found another dozen dreamers standing about the front of the house. Loveslight took me in, and taught me many things – Hunting, talisman, even a bit of the beliefs in the city. I would up standing…”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Earth, Abyss))
Title or name: “RaGe’s history 2”
“against DoL not to long after that. I had joined a Freespirit faction. If they had a name, I do not know it, thought it was ‘led’ by one SoulReaper. There was another war going on at the time…I believe it was the first large-scale Freesoul vs Illuminate war. Regardless, I stayed uncrested for some time, working my way up through multiple spheres before ever truly considering a faction. And I wound up disliking Loveslight, despite her being the first to truly help me.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Earth, Night))
Title or name: “Azraels Final Trick”
“Azrael was a DreamSeer of note during the days leading up to the Great Awakening. He was a great story teller and entertainer, and came around from time to time with a play or prose for all to listen to. He was also a masterful pick-pocket and a confidence man. The last sighting of Azrael came years ago when he appeared in the city with a chest which was placed on the Alter in Thresh Caves.”
((inscribed on Compendium , 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Tan, Abyss))
Title or name: “2nd - Azraels Trick”
“Dreamers gathered around to inspect the chest and great speculation came to the city. One day the population of the dream were called to the caves with the promise that one dreamer would have the key to open the chest in one week. These keys would be hidden around the dream, and only he knew the location of the three keys. The entire of the dream became a flurry of activity as every nook and cranny was searched for the keys.”
((inscribed on Compendium , 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Tan, Abyss))
Title or name: “3rd - Azraels Trick”
“Azrael knew of the greed of the dream and offered that hints of hiding places could be bought. Bidding began for the hints and in a few whispers the deals were struck. Three dreamers, out of greed, were offered the keys for the cost of a house prime. Three primes were delivered unto Azrael and the keys were delivered. The dreamers were given the hour when they could open the chest. Azrael then sealed the portal from the front, and took the primes. That was the last ever seen of Azrael.”
((inscribed on Compendium , 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Tan, Abyss))
Title or name: “4th - Azraels Trick4”
“The dreamers all could not wait for the portal to open, so all three fought and scratched and scrambled through the maze in the Threshold Caves to get to the chest. When they got to the room, they found the rulers of Dreamers of Light, House Calenture and the Order of the Sable Moon all looking for the rogue members who gave away their primes. The three where collapsed and drained until the keys appeared. The chests simply contained 3 demotion tokens, one for each dreamer.”
((inscribed on Compendium , 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Tan, Abyss))
Title or name: “5th - Azraels Trick”
“Rumour is that the Cache Locks set from the Penumbra were made from the primes of the first three houses to open after the great awakening. Though Azrael was never seen nor heard from again, there is a pedestal in each of the three caches. A pedestal were a dreamer could, perhaps, perform a piece or spin yarn with friends.”
((inscribed on Compendium , 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Tan, Abyss))
Title or name: “Unknown” (scroll is out of reach over the ledge, can barely be seen)
“I want you to learn the basics of both arts and how much they cost? Now go around and ask dreamers if there is another way besides amulet to get through a ward? What are your thoughts on what you found and how do you think you will use them?”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Unknown, Unknown charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
- fancypearl
- PTR Tester (Rank 3)
- Posts: 218
- Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2014 2:29 am
- Character Name(s): Stormy
- Location: Eugene, Oregon
Re: Library of Souls, Archive
Sphere Two Archives:
Current use:Unknown
Talisman found:
Title or name: “Moon Rising pt. 1”
“This is an account of the houses history and true beliefs from its original inception.
This is not a tale told by the current house but infact an ancient tale that only proves OoSM’s current truths.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
Title or name: “Moon Rising pt. 2”
“The house was originally started with “Evil” motives. It was to be run by Yog-Ka with Sabriana, Aurora, Hemphop, Smoke, Hellseer and few others ruling it. Its preface was that they acknowledged that the”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
Title or name: “Moon Rising pt. 3”
“mare essences contained an inert power in them and that by using their prime they were able to extract its power, and then by draining the prime they were able to use that power for their own benefit.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
Title or name: “Moon Rising pt. 4”
“However, Caladar saw saw this from the rifts of time and chaos, and returned to set the Order on a path he felt was more befitting. Taking “prima nocta”, he made the basis for the old beliefs.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
Title or name: “Legacy of the Lady”
“Every Generation of Dreaming within Underlight has given rise to the Patron Lady of Calenture. After the Great Reawakening, there was Snow Angel. She passed the torch to Taja, who passed the torch to Renna. Pixar became the Patron Lady after the Cataclysm shook the city and Calenture forced to rebuild. Clarity, when the Orb was destroyed by The Dreamers of Light, and again Calenture rebuilt. Many others over the years h ave taken this position. Whom will take up the call in this new Era?”
((inscribed on Compendium , 1 functions: Do Nothing, 9 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Blood))
Title or name: “House Arts”
“The following are the list of the old House arts: UoC-break covenant, AoE- peace aura, PoR- Radiant Blaze, DoL- Dazzle, HC - poison cloud, KoeS- shadow step, GotE - entrancement, and OSM - sable shield. They were powerful arts and house bound.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “The Crusade”
“The Radiant Crusade swore to defend the City of Dreams from those thatwould bring chaos and harm to it and to protect the unawakened souls trapped within the essences of the nightmares. They were strong and loyal to the end of their days.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Blood, Tan))
Title or name: “UoC History 1”
“The Dreamwright Orondal was an avid supporter of all that benefitted the Dream, and a warrior against all that harmed it. When the houses formed and wars broke out, he protected the weaker dreamers, but it became more difficult as the houses gained in power. He gathered those together that believed as he did and made a covenant with them: they vowed to protect each other and offer a place of sanctuary to those who grew tired of fighting. They made their home in the wasteland known as Edgeward.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Earth, Abyss))
Title or name: “UoC History 2”
“Orondal, with his followers, remained in this area for many years. They built two great shelters, known as Gold and Earth Sanctuary. They kept to themselves and were rarely seen in the city, preferring to live a secluded and peaceful existence. Their area was an oasis for peace during the Dreamer Wars. Then, when the Masters created the horrific art of DreamStrike, the members of the Covenant gathered what was left of the striken dreamers and laid them to rest in the Edgeward Barrows.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Earth, Abyss))
Title or name: “UoC History 3”
“When the nightmares first appeared, attacking and destroying all that they could, Orondal could no longer staying out of the fighting, as the nightmares posed a threat to the very Dream itself. He lead the members of the Covenant back to the City to take up the fight and rid the Dream of the nightmares. Though they respected his efforts, none of the other houses would aid him, putting their own members and beliefs before the good of the City.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Earth, Abyss))
Title or name: “UoC History 4”
“In response, Orondal lead the members of the Covenant back to Edgeward Barrows and constructed a great house for both his followers and others to seek refuge and peace. At first, the other houses rejected this new house, but through constant vigilance and effort, they eventually gained acceptance. This new Union of the Covenant became a place to rest from the fight to protect the Dream and share knowledge gained.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Earth, Abyss))
Title or name: “Prime Descriptions”
“There were once 8 great houses of the City. They all held, at their core, a prime artifact. They were: Heart of the Union, Star of Alliance, Relic of the Order,Entrancement Stone, Soul of Radiance, Heart of the Shadow, Dreaming Stone and the Orb of Calenture.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Azure))
Title or name: “Strike of grdDog 1”
“It all started out as a relatively calm night up at the old Union of the Covenant. Starling, RavenXR, Braelynn, KillenMenjaro and a few other Union Members were all hanging around the facade, enjoying eachother’s company and a few laughs here and there. Suddenly, guardDog showed up, out of the blue, glaring at Raven (who was then ruler) and stating that the Union had no.. honor. To which Raven replied that guardDog knew nothing of honor to speak such words.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “Strike of grdDog 2”
“Before the members of the Union could delve any deeper into what guardDog meant, he evoked FLameShaft and fired upon RavenXR. The Union members immediately went into defense mode and retaliated. Eventually, guardDog was collapased by KillenMenjaro. When the Union members approached guardDog and attempted to converse with him as a soulsphere, guardDog cursed the Union, saying it was tainted and that its members needed to be cleansed. During the questioning guardDog ran to sanc to restore himself.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “Strike of grdDog 3”
“The Union members stared at eachother in shock and confusion, but decided that speaking with the Gathering of the Entranced (guardDog’s then house) would be the best way to address the situation. About a half hour passed and the Union members made their way to the Union threshold. guardDog was already there and glared at each member as they entered. Whispers were exchanged, trying to figure out why guardDog was acting so erratic. Eventually the Union members left thresh and headed back to the house, but..”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “Strike of grdDog 4”
“Before they headed out, RavenXR warned guardDog that he had better watch his chaks. Shortly after, guardDog appeared at the Union facade again and this time, attacked EVERY member of the house that was present. Eventually, the Union was successful in collapsing him once more. Once collapsed, his words about the Union and its members did not change - No Honor, Tainted and a need for Cleansing.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “Strike of grdDog 5”
“guardDog informed the Union members that the Gathering had collected 8 pieces of the Codex of Immortal Dreams, a Lyran artifact that possessed the power of DreamStrike, and that he had planned to learn the art and use it on every Union member, starting with Starling(obviously a threat to their Ruler, RavenXR). Now, what is unsure is whether or not guardDog knew that RavenXR, himself, had recently learned this art and had vowed to never use it unless absolutely necessary.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “Strike of grdDog 6”
“After more conversation back and forth, one more sanc restore for guardDog, and more fighting, guardDog was finally collapsed for a third time. This time, was the last time, as RavenXR looked at guardDog’s soulsphere and said, “You shall never, EVER dream again.” And evoked the art of Dreamstrike on his soulsphere. Ending guardDog’s dreams…at least for that time.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “Strike of grdDog 7”
“Legend has it, the Strike of guardDog prompted the Gathering of he Entranced to learn Dreamstrike in retaliation against the Union of the Covenant, and in turn more Freesoul houses/dreamers and illuminate houses/dreamers continued to learn it as well - ultimately leading to the FreeSoul vs Illuminate dreamstrike wars.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “LyranHouseBeliefs”
“There was a way to tell which House was directly opposed to another. It was the way you could tell how the City balanced itself. There are clues all around the City. Look in the Courtyard and Bogram’s Lair and the old master hall in the thresh caves to find them. The houses and their counters are as follows: Union of Covenant and Protectors of Radiance, House Calenture and Dreamers of Light, Alliance of Eclipse and Keepers of Eternal Shaodws, and Gathering of Entranced and Order of Sable Moon.”
((inscribed on Gift, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Night))
Title or name: “LyranHouseBeliefs2”
“The House beliefs are as follows: Union of the Covenant is a House of Defense. It was a FreeSoul House. It believed that what happened here in the City had no lasting effects on the waking world. It drained essences because it was just energy to them. Protectors of Radiance was the House on the Valley. They were an illuminate House of Defense. They believed that there was a direct link to things here and the waking world. They believed that there were souls within essences and they used Banish.”
((inscribed on Gift, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Blood))
Title or name: “LyranHouseBeliefs3”
“House Calenture was a FreeSoul Warrior House. They didnt believe there was a lasting link to the City and Cloudsbreak. They, like PoR, Banished nightmare essences, but did not believe in there being a Soul. || Dreamers of Light were of Mt.Illapse. They were an Illuminate Warrior house that imprisoned the nightmare essences into the Dreaming Stone. it released the soul and kept the mare from returning to claim another Soul of the Unawakened.”
((inscribed on Gift, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Gold))
Title or name: “LyranHouseBeliefs4”
“Alliance of Eclipse was an Illuminate Mystic house. They were opposed to fighting and treated every living thing with respect. They were on the Lambent Flats and used an art called Sacrifice that turned items into energy for their prime. || Keepers of the Eternal Shadow were a FreeSoul Mystic House that drained the energy from all essences, mare or dreamer. They were located at the top of Umbric. They were usually very secretive and didn’t allow others to witness their rituals.”
((inscribed on Gift, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Berry))
Title or name: “LyranHouseBeliefs5”
“Gathering of the Entranced cleansed the nightmare essences and placed them in their Stone. They were an Illuminate Scholar House. They had four paths named after Dragons. Their stronghold was in the Basin of Stars. || Order of Sable Moon was atop the Trinities. They were a FreeSoul Scholar House. They were also Imprisoners who kept the energy for study. They were a house of teachers and scholars. They shared their knowledge freely with others. -Tamarisk”
((inscribed on Gift, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Jade))
Title or name: “Soul of Radiance”
“This powerful artifact is made of the souls of strong and dedicated Protectors of the Past. These souls purify mare essence and banish it from the City. You sense their concious thoughts. A Protector soul may be called from the relic in times of great need.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “Heart of the Shadow”
“This many-faceted stone formed from a large darklight gemstone pulsates steadily at the touch. The throbbing gives a comforting feeling reminiscent of a heart beating strongly.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “Dreaming Stone”
“The Stone feels warm, smooth and well polished, lacking any signs of age. Forged by the hands of the Master Dreamwrights to imprison the essence of nightmares, the Dreaming Stone lays within your hands and seems to almost have a life of its’ own.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “Relic of the Order”
“A pale stone that glows with a soft ivory light. Holding it sends through you a sence of sacred power that fills your avatar with vibrant energy. Peering into it you see the light slowly swirls within its’ depths and pulses. The letters OSM are engraved upon it.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “Entrancement Stone”
“An ornate and intricate stone carved out of cleansed dreamsoul. The stone permeates a sense of pure balance that rests your soul. A line of inscriptions wraps around the equatorial ring of the stone. “Unity, Family, Faith, Loyalty, Balance, Truth”.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “Star of Alliance”
“A glowing Nebula of light that is warm to the touch and pulses with a life of its own, seemingly a star come to the City. At its core is a solid object and if it is concentrated on, the Will of the Alliance is known. To uphold the tenents of Truth, Honor, and Understanding.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “Heart of the Union”
“A stone tablet that is covered in a light coating of Barrows dust, it is warm to the touch and pulses with the energy of the House in much the way a living heart beats. Etched into its face are the words, “Justice, Freedom, Defense, a Covenant’s Bonding Forever”.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “Orb of Calenture”
“The Orb of Calenture, its’ surface without feature, glows deeply red from the inside. You can almost make out the details of an object within.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “Enlightened Freesou”
“Enlightened freesoul is the belief that while our actions do not directly affect the waking world, our memory of the dream does carry over into the waking world of cloudsbreak.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Plum, Plum))
Title or name: “Freesoul”
“Freesoul is the belief that our actions here in the dream do not affect the waking world of cloudsbreak. Not even our memory of events carries over into the waking world, and no physical action in the dream can harm us in cloudbreak.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Plum, Plum))
Title or name: “Draining 1”
“When entering the dreamstate, we borrow energy from the City to give us the form of our avatars. To borrow this energy, we must naturally drain it from the source. When we wake, the energy is returned to its source in its original, raw state. To understand Draining and its harmless benefits, one much understand that we are draining energy in everything that we do. Art evokes are the result of draining energy from your avatar to manipulate it towards the intended outcome.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
Title or name: “Draining 2”
“It is a well known fact that energy cannot be destroyed, so as you’re hitting someone with your blade or chakram you are, in essence, causing the draining of their energy to the point where their avatar breaks and its energies return to the City. Restore, grants you your avatar back through simulating the act of entering the dreamstate, that initial drain that gives you form. Everything must get its energy from somewhere else. Dreaming -is- draining… Over the inevitable, thou shouldst not grieve…”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
Title or name: “Channel Art”
“Focus Dreamsoul
cost is 35
orbit learnable 40
affect..target in party, and caster
Art Research.
the caster evokes channel on to selected party member. All of the experience the caster would have recieved is deverted 50% going to the target and other going back into the city,
the base is 50% wich increases per platue by 5%
unplated is 50%
first plataue 55%
second plataue 60%
Third plataue 65%
The effects last as long as you are in party with the selected target, when”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Change Stat - Stat : Dreamsoul; Modifier : +0 , 25 charges, colours selected: Jade, Gold))
Title or name: “Channel Art2”
“you auto rejoin party.
To discontinue, revoke art on target or leave party.
a work of fiction created by poppygirl.
Akkadian, the master Teacher of all focus’s spent his dreams working diligently on creating a productive teaching system for the young citizens of lyraclesia. The teachers went to the master teachers in search of knowledge posing questions and concern as well as ideas on how to improve the system. The Master teachers would meet twice a month to discuss with each other everything”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Change Stat - Stat : Dreamsoul; Modifier : +0 , 25 charges, colours selected: Jade, Gold))
Title or name: “Channel Art3”
“that had been brought to them since the last meeting. They would, in turn, bring what they could not provide answers for to Akkadian. The list grew longer and longer, his trusted circle of teaching elders had all but vanished from the city. They dreamt seldomly and more times than not they were never there when he was in the city. He was in desperate need of their council. he would meditate for long periods of time trying to will them into thye city to no avail.One day in his study he sat deep in thought,”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Change Stat - Stat : Dreamsoul; Modifier : +0 , 25 charges, colours selected: Jade, Gold))
Title or name: “Channel Art4”
“there had to be a way there just had to be.Then it came to him! he would concentrate his dreamsoul on Figment~ one of his trusted council~ sending some of his experience out into the dreamscape to weave into the very fabric of the city in hopes to create a beacon that Figment would sense and come to his aid. For weeks he continued to attempt this knowing and not everything is accomplished on the first try. Then it happened. very late one night in his study Akkadian was once again attempting to reach Figment”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Change Stat - Stat : Dreamsoul; Modifier : +0 , 25 charges, colours selected: Jade, Gold))
Title or name: “Channel Art5”
“deep in meditation, he suddenly sensed a presence he opened his eyes and there he stood! It was Figment it had worked! they joined party hunting, gen sitting and talked for hours.In the midst of their conversation, Akkadian noticed the experience he was gaining when Figment would collapse a nightmare was considerably diminished. They discussed this at length and came to the conclusion that the experience Akkadian had used to summon Figment had stuck to him because he was gaining more than his share of the”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Change Stat - Stat : Dreamsoul; Modifier : +0 , 25 charges, colours selected: Jade, Gold))
Title or name: “Channel Art6”
“experience from the collapses. Akkadian thought about this and decided what a wonderful gift this would be for the young citizens of lyraclesia, Figment agreed so it came to pass and the art of channel was given to the city as a gift from the Master Elders.~I~”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Change Stat - Stat : Dreamsoul; Modifier : +0 , 25 charges, colours selected: Jade, Gold))
Title or name: “On Guilds (1)”
“There are more than a few reasons why some dreamers might be angry with the Guilds. Have they locked the portal to your favorite hunting ground or generator? Perhaps you’ve been hunting that particular Mare so long, you gave it a name. Or is that new guild room where you married your significant other? Maybe you just don’t like the outfits! Whatever your reasons, you’re upset. Are you in a Guild? You might be wondering what all the fuss is about. I mean, you paid the cost. You’ve got a passion.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “On Guilds (2)”
“Both sides make compelling arguments. When I was considering this issue, I found myself asking a few key questions that we should all take some time to consider. Do dreamers have certain fundamental (or inalienable) rights? Do these protectionss extend to indivuduals and organizations, such as Houses or Guilds? If we accept that certain rights exist, is the right to access or assemble…”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “On Guilds (3)”
“in any part of the City included among them? Does granting Guilds the freedom to assemble in their respective areas infringe on the fundamental rights of other dreamers? Finally, if all this is true, is it morally and socially acceptable to allow such violations to occur?
The argument against the Guilds fails at the third question. For many years, we have Accepted that dreamers are not entitled to access or assemble in any part of the City at any time. For example, it is universally accepted that…”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “On Guilds (4)”
“that Houses have complete sovereignty on their respective House planes-this might also extend to the planes that precede the House, but that’s an issue for a separate article. Similarly, we also accept that a House may expel any dreamer it wishes for any reason and at any time (and may or may not employ violence to do so). there is no legal framework that establishes the right of Houses to do this. But we accept this practice to be valid and simply because the Houses have occupied a plane. This same principle”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “On Guilds (5)”
“should apply to Guilds as well.
There are plenty of other very valid reasons why you might like any one Guild. Perhaps their beliefs are incompatible with your own. Perhaps you suspect a Guild is simply a proxy organization for one of the Houses. Perhaps they smell funny. But if we recognise the authority of Houses simply because they’ve occupied a plane in the City, we must afford those same rights to the Guilds… whether we like them or not.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “Star of Alliance 1”
“This is the story of how the Star of the Alliance came to be in the City. One beautiful day, at the top of the Lambent Flats, there was a brilliant flash of light and an explosion. The stronghold wasn’t build there yet so there was nothing but pastures and swaying grass.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Plum, Chalk))
Title or name: “Star of Alliance 2”
“Dreamers who saw the flash of light went up to investigate. When they reached the top of the Flats, they saw a smoldering crater with a brightly glowing material that they had never encountered before. They could see that the object fell out of the sky and landed violently.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Plum, Chalk))
Title or name: “Star of Alliance 3”
“The object was extremely hot to the touch so a few citizens ran to the streams that permeate the land and got several pails of water. They rushed back to the crater and doused the object with water which super cooled it and caused the rock casing to shatter.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Plum, Chalk))
Title or name: “Star of Alliance 4”
“When the object was cool enough to touch, they pryed open the casing and saw the glowing nebula inside. The newly discovered item created a great sense of calm to all that were present. The dreamers decided that this is where they would build a shrine for”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Plum, Chalk))
Title or name: “Star of Alliance 5”
“for the new visitor to the City. They encased the glowing nebula in metal forged from stores of pieces from the mines on Mount Illapse and the Alliance of the Eclipse fortress was born. The three ringed pool in the common area is the exact spot that the Star fell that day.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Plum, Chalk))
Title or name: “StarKnights of Old”
“The Alliance of the Eclipse started out with a House of Astronomers. They worked diligently on their studies and cared little for the wars of the City. When war came to their doorstep, they enlisted the help of a group of assassins called the StarKnights.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Plum, Chalk))
Title or name: “StarKnights of Old2”
“With the promise of new arts and power as well as a home after the Great war, the Astronomers and the StarKnights created an true Alliance. The StarKnights would defend the house and the City and the Astronomers would retire to their secret workshops and create”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Plum, Chalk))
Title or name: “StarKnights of Old4”
“their arts and work on their projects. After the StarKnights helped end the war and save the House, the Astronomers betrayed the StarKnights saying that they violated the principles of the House of peace and banished them from the Lambents never to return….”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Plum, Chalk))
Current use:Unknown
Talisman found:
Title or name: “Moon Rising pt. 1”
“This is an account of the houses history and true beliefs from its original inception.
This is not a tale told by the current house but infact an ancient tale that only proves OoSM’s current truths.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
Title or name: “Moon Rising pt. 2”
“The house was originally started with “Evil” motives. It was to be run by Yog-Ka with Sabriana, Aurora, Hemphop, Smoke, Hellseer and few others ruling it. Its preface was that they acknowledged that the”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
Title or name: “Moon Rising pt. 3”
“mare essences contained an inert power in them and that by using their prime they were able to extract its power, and then by draining the prime they were able to use that power for their own benefit.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
Title or name: “Moon Rising pt. 4”
“However, Caladar saw saw this from the rifts of time and chaos, and returned to set the Order on a path he felt was more befitting. Taking “prima nocta”, he made the basis for the old beliefs.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
Title or name: “Legacy of the Lady”
“Every Generation of Dreaming within Underlight has given rise to the Patron Lady of Calenture. After the Great Reawakening, there was Snow Angel. She passed the torch to Taja, who passed the torch to Renna. Pixar became the Patron Lady after the Cataclysm shook the city and Calenture forced to rebuild. Clarity, when the Orb was destroyed by The Dreamers of Light, and again Calenture rebuilt. Many others over the years h ave taken this position. Whom will take up the call in this new Era?”
((inscribed on Compendium , 1 functions: Do Nothing, 9 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Blood))
Title or name: “House Arts”
“The following are the list of the old House arts: UoC-break covenant, AoE- peace aura, PoR- Radiant Blaze, DoL- Dazzle, HC - poison cloud, KoeS- shadow step, GotE - entrancement, and OSM - sable shield. They were powerful arts and house bound.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “The Crusade”
“The Radiant Crusade swore to defend the City of Dreams from those thatwould bring chaos and harm to it and to protect the unawakened souls trapped within the essences of the nightmares. They were strong and loyal to the end of their days.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Blood, Tan))
Title or name: “UoC History 1”
“The Dreamwright Orondal was an avid supporter of all that benefitted the Dream, and a warrior against all that harmed it. When the houses formed and wars broke out, he protected the weaker dreamers, but it became more difficult as the houses gained in power. He gathered those together that believed as he did and made a covenant with them: they vowed to protect each other and offer a place of sanctuary to those who grew tired of fighting. They made their home in the wasteland known as Edgeward.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Earth, Abyss))
Title or name: “UoC History 2”
“Orondal, with his followers, remained in this area for many years. They built two great shelters, known as Gold and Earth Sanctuary. They kept to themselves and were rarely seen in the city, preferring to live a secluded and peaceful existence. Their area was an oasis for peace during the Dreamer Wars. Then, when the Masters created the horrific art of DreamStrike, the members of the Covenant gathered what was left of the striken dreamers and laid them to rest in the Edgeward Barrows.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Earth, Abyss))
Title or name: “UoC History 3”
“When the nightmares first appeared, attacking and destroying all that they could, Orondal could no longer staying out of the fighting, as the nightmares posed a threat to the very Dream itself. He lead the members of the Covenant back to the City to take up the fight and rid the Dream of the nightmares. Though they respected his efforts, none of the other houses would aid him, putting their own members and beliefs before the good of the City.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Earth, Abyss))
Title or name: “UoC History 4”
“In response, Orondal lead the members of the Covenant back to Edgeward Barrows and constructed a great house for both his followers and others to seek refuge and peace. At first, the other houses rejected this new house, but through constant vigilance and effort, they eventually gained acceptance. This new Union of the Covenant became a place to rest from the fight to protect the Dream and share knowledge gained.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Earth, Abyss))
Title or name: “Prime Descriptions”
“There were once 8 great houses of the City. They all held, at their core, a prime artifact. They were: Heart of the Union, Star of Alliance, Relic of the Order,Entrancement Stone, Soul of Radiance, Heart of the Shadow, Dreaming Stone and the Orb of Calenture.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Azure))
Title or name: “Strike of grdDog 1”
“It all started out as a relatively calm night up at the old Union of the Covenant. Starling, RavenXR, Braelynn, KillenMenjaro and a few other Union Members were all hanging around the facade, enjoying eachother’s company and a few laughs here and there. Suddenly, guardDog showed up, out of the blue, glaring at Raven (who was then ruler) and stating that the Union had no.. honor. To which Raven replied that guardDog knew nothing of honor to speak such words.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “Strike of grdDog 2”
“Before the members of the Union could delve any deeper into what guardDog meant, he evoked FLameShaft and fired upon RavenXR. The Union members immediately went into defense mode and retaliated. Eventually, guardDog was collapased by KillenMenjaro. When the Union members approached guardDog and attempted to converse with him as a soulsphere, guardDog cursed the Union, saying it was tainted and that its members needed to be cleansed. During the questioning guardDog ran to sanc to restore himself.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “Strike of grdDog 3”
“The Union members stared at eachother in shock and confusion, but decided that speaking with the Gathering of the Entranced (guardDog’s then house) would be the best way to address the situation. About a half hour passed and the Union members made their way to the Union threshold. guardDog was already there and glared at each member as they entered. Whispers were exchanged, trying to figure out why guardDog was acting so erratic. Eventually the Union members left thresh and headed back to the house, but..”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “Strike of grdDog 4”
“Before they headed out, RavenXR warned guardDog that he had better watch his chaks. Shortly after, guardDog appeared at the Union facade again and this time, attacked EVERY member of the house that was present. Eventually, the Union was successful in collapsing him once more. Once collapsed, his words about the Union and its members did not change - No Honor, Tainted and a need for Cleansing.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “Strike of grdDog 5”
“guardDog informed the Union members that the Gathering had collected 8 pieces of the Codex of Immortal Dreams, a Lyran artifact that possessed the power of DreamStrike, and that he had planned to learn the art and use it on every Union member, starting with Starling(obviously a threat to their Ruler, RavenXR). Now, what is unsure is whether or not guardDog knew that RavenXR, himself, had recently learned this art and had vowed to never use it unless absolutely necessary.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “Strike of grdDog 6”
“After more conversation back and forth, one more sanc restore for guardDog, and more fighting, guardDog was finally collapsed for a third time. This time, was the last time, as RavenXR looked at guardDog’s soulsphere and said, “You shall never, EVER dream again.” And evoked the art of Dreamstrike on his soulsphere. Ending guardDog’s dreams…at least for that time.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “Strike of grdDog 7”
“Legend has it, the Strike of guardDog prompted the Gathering of he Entranced to learn Dreamstrike in retaliation against the Union of the Covenant, and in turn more Freesoul houses/dreamers and illuminate houses/dreamers continued to learn it as well - ultimately leading to the FreeSoul vs Illuminate dreamstrike wars.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “LyranHouseBeliefs”
“There was a way to tell which House was directly opposed to another. It was the way you could tell how the City balanced itself. There are clues all around the City. Look in the Courtyard and Bogram’s Lair and the old master hall in the thresh caves to find them. The houses and their counters are as follows: Union of Covenant and Protectors of Radiance, House Calenture and Dreamers of Light, Alliance of Eclipse and Keepers of Eternal Shaodws, and Gathering of Entranced and Order of Sable Moon.”
((inscribed on Gift, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Night))
Title or name: “LyranHouseBeliefs2”
“The House beliefs are as follows: Union of the Covenant is a House of Defense. It was a FreeSoul House. It believed that what happened here in the City had no lasting effects on the waking world. It drained essences because it was just energy to them. Protectors of Radiance was the House on the Valley. They were an illuminate House of Defense. They believed that there was a direct link to things here and the waking world. They believed that there were souls within essences and they used Banish.”
((inscribed on Gift, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Blood))
Title or name: “LyranHouseBeliefs3”
“House Calenture was a FreeSoul Warrior House. They didnt believe there was a lasting link to the City and Cloudsbreak. They, like PoR, Banished nightmare essences, but did not believe in there being a Soul. || Dreamers of Light were of Mt.Illapse. They were an Illuminate Warrior house that imprisoned the nightmare essences into the Dreaming Stone. it released the soul and kept the mare from returning to claim another Soul of the Unawakened.”
((inscribed on Gift, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Gold))
Title or name: “LyranHouseBeliefs4”
“Alliance of Eclipse was an Illuminate Mystic house. They were opposed to fighting and treated every living thing with respect. They were on the Lambent Flats and used an art called Sacrifice that turned items into energy for their prime. || Keepers of the Eternal Shadow were a FreeSoul Mystic House that drained the energy from all essences, mare or dreamer. They were located at the top of Umbric. They were usually very secretive and didn’t allow others to witness their rituals.”
((inscribed on Gift, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Berry))
Title or name: “LyranHouseBeliefs5”
“Gathering of the Entranced cleansed the nightmare essences and placed them in their Stone. They were an Illuminate Scholar House. They had four paths named after Dragons. Their stronghold was in the Basin of Stars. || Order of Sable Moon was atop the Trinities. They were a FreeSoul Scholar House. They were also Imprisoners who kept the energy for study. They were a house of teachers and scholars. They shared their knowledge freely with others. -Tamarisk”
((inscribed on Gift, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 39 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Jade))
Title or name: “Soul of Radiance”
“This powerful artifact is made of the souls of strong and dedicated Protectors of the Past. These souls purify mare essence and banish it from the City. You sense their concious thoughts. A Protector soul may be called from the relic in times of great need.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “Heart of the Shadow”
“This many-faceted stone formed from a large darklight gemstone pulsates steadily at the touch. The throbbing gives a comforting feeling reminiscent of a heart beating strongly.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “Dreaming Stone”
“The Stone feels warm, smooth and well polished, lacking any signs of age. Forged by the hands of the Master Dreamwrights to imprison the essence of nightmares, the Dreaming Stone lays within your hands and seems to almost have a life of its’ own.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “Relic of the Order”
“A pale stone that glows with a soft ivory light. Holding it sends through you a sence of sacred power that fills your avatar with vibrant energy. Peering into it you see the light slowly swirls within its’ depths and pulses. The letters OSM are engraved upon it.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “Entrancement Stone”
“An ornate and intricate stone carved out of cleansed dreamsoul. The stone permeates a sense of pure balance that rests your soul. A line of inscriptions wraps around the equatorial ring of the stone. “Unity, Family, Faith, Loyalty, Balance, Truth”.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “Star of Alliance”
“A glowing Nebula of light that is warm to the touch and pulses with a life of its own, seemingly a star come to the City. At its core is a solid object and if it is concentrated on, the Will of the Alliance is known. To uphold the tenents of Truth, Honor, and Understanding.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “Heart of the Union”
“A stone tablet that is covered in a light coating of Barrows dust, it is warm to the touch and pulses with the energy of the House in much the way a living heart beats. Etched into its face are the words, “Justice, Freedom, Defense, a Covenant’s Bonding Forever”.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “Orb of Calenture”
“The Orb of Calenture, its’ surface without feature, glows deeply red from the inside. You can almost make out the details of an object within.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “Enlightened Freesou”
“Enlightened freesoul is the belief that while our actions do not directly affect the waking world, our memory of the dream does carry over into the waking world of cloudsbreak.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Plum, Plum))
Title or name: “Freesoul”
“Freesoul is the belief that our actions here in the dream do not affect the waking world of cloudsbreak. Not even our memory of events carries over into the waking world, and no physical action in the dream can harm us in cloudbreak.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Plum, Plum))
Title or name: “Draining 1”
“When entering the dreamstate, we borrow energy from the City to give us the form of our avatars. To borrow this energy, we must naturally drain it from the source. When we wake, the energy is returned to its source in its original, raw state. To understand Draining and its harmless benefits, one much understand that we are draining energy in everything that we do. Art evokes are the result of draining energy from your avatar to manipulate it towards the intended outcome.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
Title or name: “Draining 2”
“It is a well known fact that energy cannot be destroyed, so as you’re hitting someone with your blade or chakram you are, in essence, causing the draining of their energy to the point where their avatar breaks and its energies return to the City. Restore, grants you your avatar back through simulating the act of entering the dreamstate, that initial drain that gives you form. Everything must get its energy from somewhere else. Dreaming -is- draining… Over the inevitable, thou shouldst not grieve…”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
Title or name: “Channel Art”
“Focus Dreamsoul
cost is 35
orbit learnable 40
affect..target in party, and caster
Art Research.
the caster evokes channel on to selected party member. All of the experience the caster would have recieved is deverted 50% going to the target and other going back into the city,
the base is 50% wich increases per platue by 5%
unplated is 50%
first plataue 55%
second plataue 60%
Third plataue 65%
The effects last as long as you are in party with the selected target, when”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Change Stat - Stat : Dreamsoul; Modifier : +0 , 25 charges, colours selected: Jade, Gold))
Title or name: “Channel Art2”
“you auto rejoin party.
To discontinue, revoke art on target or leave party.
a work of fiction created by poppygirl.
Akkadian, the master Teacher of all focus’s spent his dreams working diligently on creating a productive teaching system for the young citizens of lyraclesia. The teachers went to the master teachers in search of knowledge posing questions and concern as well as ideas on how to improve the system. The Master teachers would meet twice a month to discuss with each other everything”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Change Stat - Stat : Dreamsoul; Modifier : +0 , 25 charges, colours selected: Jade, Gold))
Title or name: “Channel Art3”
“that had been brought to them since the last meeting. They would, in turn, bring what they could not provide answers for to Akkadian. The list grew longer and longer, his trusted circle of teaching elders had all but vanished from the city. They dreamt seldomly and more times than not they were never there when he was in the city. He was in desperate need of their council. he would meditate for long periods of time trying to will them into thye city to no avail.One day in his study he sat deep in thought,”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Change Stat - Stat : Dreamsoul; Modifier : +0 , 25 charges, colours selected: Jade, Gold))
Title or name: “Channel Art4”
“there had to be a way there just had to be.Then it came to him! he would concentrate his dreamsoul on Figment~ one of his trusted council~ sending some of his experience out into the dreamscape to weave into the very fabric of the city in hopes to create a beacon that Figment would sense and come to his aid. For weeks he continued to attempt this knowing and not everything is accomplished on the first try. Then it happened. very late one night in his study Akkadian was once again attempting to reach Figment”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Change Stat - Stat : Dreamsoul; Modifier : +0 , 25 charges, colours selected: Jade, Gold))
Title or name: “Channel Art5”
“deep in meditation, he suddenly sensed a presence he opened his eyes and there he stood! It was Figment it had worked! they joined party hunting, gen sitting and talked for hours.In the midst of their conversation, Akkadian noticed the experience he was gaining when Figment would collapse a nightmare was considerably diminished. They discussed this at length and came to the conclusion that the experience Akkadian had used to summon Figment had stuck to him because he was gaining more than his share of the”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Change Stat - Stat : Dreamsoul; Modifier : +0 , 25 charges, colours selected: Jade, Gold))
Title or name: “Channel Art6”
“experience from the collapses. Akkadian thought about this and decided what a wonderful gift this would be for the young citizens of lyraclesia, Figment agreed so it came to pass and the art of channel was given to the city as a gift from the Master Elders.~I~”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Change Stat - Stat : Dreamsoul; Modifier : +0 , 25 charges, colours selected: Jade, Gold))
Title or name: “On Guilds (1)”
“There are more than a few reasons why some dreamers might be angry with the Guilds. Have they locked the portal to your favorite hunting ground or generator? Perhaps you’ve been hunting that particular Mare so long, you gave it a name. Or is that new guild room where you married your significant other? Maybe you just don’t like the outfits! Whatever your reasons, you’re upset. Are you in a Guild? You might be wondering what all the fuss is about. I mean, you paid the cost. You’ve got a passion.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “On Guilds (2)”
“Both sides make compelling arguments. When I was considering this issue, I found myself asking a few key questions that we should all take some time to consider. Do dreamers have certain fundamental (or inalienable) rights? Do these protectionss extend to indivuduals and organizations, such as Houses or Guilds? If we accept that certain rights exist, is the right to access or assemble…”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “On Guilds (3)”
“in any part of the City included among them? Does granting Guilds the freedom to assemble in their respective areas infringe on the fundamental rights of other dreamers? Finally, if all this is true, is it morally and socially acceptable to allow such violations to occur?
The argument against the Guilds fails at the third question. For many years, we have Accepted that dreamers are not entitled to access or assemble in any part of the City at any time. For example, it is universally accepted that…”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “On Guilds (4)”
“that Houses have complete sovereignty on their respective House planes-this might also extend to the planes that precede the House, but that’s an issue for a separate article. Similarly, we also accept that a House may expel any dreamer it wishes for any reason and at any time (and may or may not employ violence to do so). there is no legal framework that establishes the right of Houses to do this. But we accept this practice to be valid and simply because the Houses have occupied a plane. This same principle”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “On Guilds (5)”
“should apply to Guilds as well.
There are plenty of other very valid reasons why you might like any one Guild. Perhaps their beliefs are incompatible with your own. Perhaps you suspect a Guild is simply a proxy organization for one of the Houses. Perhaps they smell funny. But if we recognise the authority of Houses simply because they’ve occupied a plane in the City, we must afford those same rights to the Guilds… whether we like them or not.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “Star of Alliance 1”
“This is the story of how the Star of the Alliance came to be in the City. One beautiful day, at the top of the Lambent Flats, there was a brilliant flash of light and an explosion. The stronghold wasn’t build there yet so there was nothing but pastures and swaying grass.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Plum, Chalk))
Title or name: “Star of Alliance 2”
“Dreamers who saw the flash of light went up to investigate. When they reached the top of the Flats, they saw a smoldering crater with a brightly glowing material that they had never encountered before. They could see that the object fell out of the sky and landed violently.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Plum, Chalk))
Title or name: “Star of Alliance 3”
“The object was extremely hot to the touch so a few citizens ran to the streams that permeate the land and got several pails of water. They rushed back to the crater and doused the object with water which super cooled it and caused the rock casing to shatter.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Plum, Chalk))
Title or name: “Star of Alliance 4”
“When the object was cool enough to touch, they pryed open the casing and saw the glowing nebula inside. The newly discovered item created a great sense of calm to all that were present. The dreamers decided that this is where they would build a shrine for”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Plum, Chalk))
Title or name: “Star of Alliance 5”
“for the new visitor to the City. They encased the glowing nebula in metal forged from stores of pieces from the mines on Mount Illapse and the Alliance of the Eclipse fortress was born. The three ringed pool in the common area is the exact spot that the Star fell that day.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Plum, Chalk))
Title or name: “StarKnights of Old”
“The Alliance of the Eclipse started out with a House of Astronomers. They worked diligently on their studies and cared little for the wars of the City. When war came to their doorstep, they enlisted the help of a group of assassins called the StarKnights.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Plum, Chalk))
Title or name: “StarKnights of Old2”
“With the promise of new arts and power as well as a home after the Great war, the Astronomers and the StarKnights created an true Alliance. The StarKnights would defend the house and the City and the Astronomers would retire to their secret workshops and create”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Plum, Chalk))
Title or name: “StarKnights of Old4”
“their arts and work on their projects. After the StarKnights helped end the war and save the House, the Astronomers betrayed the StarKnights saying that they violated the principles of the House of peace and banished them from the Lambents never to return….”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Plum, Chalk))
- fancypearl
- PTR Tester (Rank 3)
- Posts: 218
- Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2014 2:29 am
- Character Name(s): Stormy
- Location: Eugene, Oregon
Re: Library of Souls, Archive
Sphere Three Hall:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman found:
Title or name: “Metal plaque”
“Augh Essul, depicted above, was the first Forger of the Idaoclesian City. We did not even have the words Forge Talisman, or Forge associated with what he was doing, we simply called what he was doing as crafting, or smithing. While he never formally introduced us to Forge, what he did do was challenge our creativity, showing us that creation was possible within in the City of Dreams for those who sought to master it, as was anything our creativity conjured up.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “BC-LDumah”
“Bring in supplies for the house!”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Dumah’s Stuff”
“Dumah’s Stuff”
((inscribed on Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 29 charges, colours selected: Jade, Abyss))
Title or name: “Reflect 70”
“Reflect on your purpose. I see you’ve made some changes in your house choice. Come up with a plan that you can do with your house to get it rolling and active. I’ll leave the spacifics up to you and then you can put it into action and report back to me when you’re done.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Shatter 70”
“ok hunny. I like choices hunny. So here is a choice you will needs to make for this quest. 1. leads a raid on the Lost sea. or 2. writes a codex with your own quest for yourself. youins will still needs to do it, report it back to me a long with the quest.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Ward 70”
“Ok hunny, since I am old. That shatter quest was actually for Ward, and so this quest will be easier as its for shatter. Two choices. 1. Youins cans make your house city scroll relevant and gets that goins. Maybe youins cans post some happenins there. or 2. comes up with a quest for yourself, somethin youins wants to do and do it. Reports to me.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Dumah: Flame 70”
“As a warrior and a guardian, fire is the great equalizer. It can cleanse impurity, harden steel, and warm the bones. How you use it determines it’s value. Take your time to find and execute three uses of fire to improve the city in some way, whether a cleansing inferno, or a candle to light the way. How you go about it is up to you.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: ?, Blood))
Title or name: “Gatesmasher 70”
“Determine your three biggest goals as a dreamer. What may be stopping you from achieving them? choose 1 and put steps in action to cut it down so that it is no longer in your way. Make sure the effort is worthy of the plat you seek.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Dar Restore 50”
“That’s a Codex” ((old style codex, not going to use a charge in case it’s tempararily placed here for some reason))
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 70 charges, colours selected: Earth?, Jade))
Title or name: “Reweave 50”
““That’s a Codex” ((old style codex, not going to use a charge in case it’s tempararily placed here for some reason))
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 91 charges, colours selected: Fire, Fire))
Title or name: “Know - Conclave ᵀᴹ”
“The Gate, in The Conclave has a circular stone set atop the water, between 4 pillars. When you step on the center stone, the water around you stands still and the sky lightens. If you evoke Know, you’ll observe you stepped to a new room: The Spyglass.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Gold, Gold))
Title or name: “Know - Conclave ᵀᴹ”
“The Passage, in The Conclave has two circular plateaus. The first plateau contains six eyes that follow your every move. The second plateau is encased with 18 lightning bolts rising from the ceiling, striking and crackling loudly. Among the other oddities of this room are 2 darkened portals, a prison cell and mist of energy streaming away from the portal leading to the maze.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Gold, Gold))
Title or name: “Know - Conclave ᵀᴹ”
“In The Conclave plane, when you switch rooms without the use of a portal, your trail left behind persists and remains visible between rooms. Conversely, talismen persist but the scope of their visibility is limited to the room you’re currently in.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Gold, Gold))
Title or name: “Know - Conclave ᵀᴹ”
“The Fortification Chamber in The Conclave has a stairwell that winds downard to the right, leading into a well lit alcove. When you step into the alcove. If you evoke Know, you’ll observe that you stepped to a new room: The Operation Room. This room is a vault.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Gold, Gold))
Title or name: “Know - Conclave ᵀᴹ”
“The Ritual Chamber, in The Conclave is a circular room with six pillars. In the center of a room is a large formation of stones encircling a bright fire. Circling the perimeter of the stones are small isolated fires that you can set your garmets ablaze!”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Gold, Gold))
Title or name: “Channeling Art”
“Channeling changes the amount of experience gained to a choosen person. begin’s with 50% and add’s 5% more per plateau. It cost’s 35 dreamsoul . It is a *gift * art. <Blana>”
((inscribed on Flower, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 2 charges, colours selected: Jade, Gold))
Title or name: “Keenan and the SS 1”
“Once there was a boy named Keenan. He was a bit different from the other kids his age and because of this the other kids like to pick on him and make fun of him. The other kids found it fun to try and scare Keenan any chance they had. Slowly he built up a tolerance to being scared and it would take more and more to be able to scare him. As the children realized he was building up a tolerance they started being meaner with their scares. This caused Keenan to be paralyzed with fear, but slowly he built up his”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Blood))
Title or name: “Keenan and the SS 2”
“tolerance for the kind of scares that caused him to be paralyzed. So the other children became even more hateful in their methods and actions. They just could not stand that they could not pick on keenan as they wished and were accustomed to. Until one night they took it a step too far...”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Blood))
Title or name: “Keenan and the SS 3”
“One night the other children’s desire to pick on Keenan hit the lowest point it could. It turned into pure hate and disgust that Keenan had thrwarted their fun once more. They found Keenan and encircled him and began to beat on him and poke at him and everything one could imagine, until finally Keenan lay on the ground barely still breathing. Just when they thought he was about to give up his last breath a bright light began to glow around him. It lifted him up off the ground. The light began to wrap”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Blood))
Title or name: “Keenan and the SS 4”
“ and change to all sorts of colors.The children’s eyes bugged out and their mouths fell open as they watched. As Keenen slowly began to recover a disembodied voice spoke from a distance. Your hatred and dislike of those whom may be different are all embodied into this one child. From henceforth, children like Keenan shall be protected by the energies of the Sable Shield. They will know no fear; no longer be paralyzed by anything that is done to them. They will be protected always and the poison from your”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Blood))
Title or name: “Keenan and the SS 5”
“minds will never infect their’s. They shall hold the ability to dawn the Sable Shield to keep them safe always.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Blood))
Title or name: “Soul of Idaoclesia”
“The Soul of Idaoclesia is a soulsphere that resided back in Idaoclesia. It rested within a room full of trees and water. Some were concerned about her being exposed to dreamers, fearing her destruction.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “Forger’s Circle -1”
“Idoaclesia and the Lyran cities (from what I can tell) were extremely different in methodology, maren presence, art variety, and zillion other areas. The purpose of this article, however, isn’t to highlight our differences. Rather, it is to pay homage to a now ancient group known as the Forger’s Circle. The Lyran City probably had their own Guild related to Forge – outside of those with the gold mark – and I would have loved to have seen the mechanics behind it, if so.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “Forger’s Circle -2”
“Alas, as a member of the Idoaclesian Forger’s Circle, I must give a nod exclusively to it, as I try to stress the importance of the group and the structure thereof.
The Guild Master was named Pazin Nalis. He was rich in willpower, and yet, was able to support all of the dreamers in our City, looking to advance his or her skill-set. He was a hard, proud man and pushed those of in the circle to limits that were usually far superior than most.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “Forger’s Circle -3”
“The goal, according to Pazin Nalis, wasn’t merely to make objects using our art, but rather, something more – something ever-lasting. Our circle was less about who could make the best trinkets and gifts, and more about honing our skills and specialties. The Circle carried a requirement that each member become a specialist in a particular area. For myself, despite being a SoulMaster, I was our “PortalMaster”.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “Forger’s Circle -4”
“Pazin and the group knew my obsession and love for portals, despite my focal class, and urged me to fine-tune my skills even deeper while serving the City and the Circle.
Our version of Forge Talisman was different in that we could create more ‘base’ designs, add more ‘base’ colors, and required elemental masses - crystalized gifts(tokens, almost) from the Dreamscape in order to make the best items possible. Additionally, our City had several Forging Apparatus devices that where used to create certain,”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “Forger’s Circle -5”
“specialized tools (among other things), and these devices were exceptionally influential for sue on big-time projects. I am happy to recognize some of them in our City today in existence, to include my very own Apparatus inside my Windmill, the Cycloynx, in Gloom Peaks. Before the Circle’s influence I was novice, at best, with my portal manipulation skills; after and now because of the Circle’s help and reinforcement, I have become a portal expert.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “Forger’s Circle -6”
“It’s hard pressed for me to know for certain if my trade would have grown the way it has without the Circle; just as it’s hard to imagine spending the amount of time on it that I did, and the rest of us did in our crafts, had there been beasts everywhere needing to be tamed. But one thing is for sure, the purpose of the Guild in Idoaclesia left last implications on my Dreams, on my skills and talents, and on our City… both then and now. - Vampyro, WordSmith”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “Vampiric Draw (I)a”
“Here is written the History of Vampiric Draw with an “Idoaclesian Twist”. This art was created by a spiritual sect of Umbric Followers before the rise of the Emancipators, Prudent, and Academy. Supernatural in nature, the Umbric collection, would draw and extract energies from the plane to conduct their experiments and defense methods for the preservation of the Plane. Masters of stealth, they would develop unique methods to shield the beauty of Umbric from intruders, wanderers, and beasts alike.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “Vampiric Draw (I)b”
“One such tactic was the creation of Vampiric Draw. As battles would rage, the spectre-like collection of Umbric Defenders would collect essences, and attack all foes - void of choosing a right versus wrong, or good versus evil mentality, while under a cloaked veil of secrecy and seclusion. Vampiric Draw would be used to help speed up the conclusion of battles so the soulspheres could then be dispelled away from the plane until the Elder of Umbric (Nyjiman) would enter the City and serve as the buffer….”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “Vampiric Draw (I)c”
“between Umbric’s spiritual forces and a new batch of dreamers coming to settle and rebuild in the City of Underlight. The art works like an undetected leech - sucking the life out of a single target, formulated by supernatural gifts and unique Soul-maniuplation by the Umbric Defenders.. similar to how they envisioned outsiders themselves… sucking the life out of their plane. - V”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “Chalk Chakram”
“” 8 GateKeeper
((Chakram , 1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Slow; Effect : None; Damage : 1 to 8; , 24 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Chalk Chakram”
“” 0 GateKeeper
((Chakram , 1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Minimum; Effect : None; Damage : 1 to 4 ; , 17 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Chalk Chakram”
“” 15 GateKeeper
((Chakram , 1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Minimum; Effect : None; Damage : 5 to 13 ; , 18 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Chalk Chakram”
“” 7 GateKeeper
((Chakram , 1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Minimum ; Effect : None; Damage : 2 to 6 ; , 28 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Chalk Chakram”
“” 8 GateKeeper
((Chakram , 1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Minimum & Bouncing ; Effect : None; Damage : 3 to 6 ; , 47 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Chalk Chakram”
“” 15 GateKeeper
((Chakram , 1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Slow ; Effect : None; Damage : 5 to 13 ; , 21 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Chalk Chakram”
“” 0 GateKeeper
((Chakram , 1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Minimum & Bouncing ; Effect : None; Damage : 1; , 38 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Chalk Chakram”
“” 0 GateKeeper
((Chakram , 1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Slow ; Effect : None; Damage : 1 to 4 ; , 20 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Chalk Chakram”
“”7 GateKeeper
((Chakram , 1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Slow ; Effect : None; Damage : 2 to 6 ; , 43 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Chalk Chakram”
“” 15 GateKeeper
((Chakram , 1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Minimum ; Effect : None; Damage : 5 to 13; ,29 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Sphere Three Study:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman found:
Title or name: “” ((Unknown Stickied))
“*** These are the arts that GateKeepers can learn at 3rd sphere *** Channel, Chaos Well, Kinesis, Mind Blank, Restore, Scare, Destroy Talisman, Identify and Reweave.”
((inscribed on Compendium , NA functions: NA , NA charges, colours selected: Abyss, Gold))
Title or name: “” ((Unknown Stickied))
“*** These are the arts that DreamSeers can learn at 3rd sphere *** Blast, Channel, Chaos Well, Mind Blank, Resist Fear, Restore, Scare, Destroy Talisman, Protection and Reweave.”
((inscribed on Compendium , NA functions: NA , NA charges, colours selected: Abyss, Azure))
Title or name: “” ((Unknown Stickied))
“*** These are the arts that SoulMasters can learn at 3rd sphere *** Antidote, Channel, Chaos Well, Judgement, Mind Blank, Poison, Resist Fear, Scare, Destroy Talisman, Identify and Protection”
((inscribed on Compendium , NA functions: NA , NA charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “” ((Unknown Stickied))
“*** These are the arts that FateSenders can learn at 3rd sphere *** Channel, Chaos Well, Judgement, Mind Blank, Paralyze, Resist Fear, Restore, Destroy Talisman, Identify, Protection and Reweave.”
((inscribed on Compendium , NA functions: NA , NA charges, colours selected: Abyss, Plum))
Title or name: “The Hotai Plague 1”
“It all started with a dreamer named Bandaret, he no longer has the avatar of a dreamer but formerly was a elder type dreamer with a cackle, he longed to acquire the staff Dynroth held. He was always a bit loose in the brain, but at the same time a cunning…”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “The Hotai Plague 2”
“Individual. He knew his sciences under of all that, he began spending time at the Emergence Academy. Most dreamers didn’t think much of his experimentation until suddenly dreamers began becoming ill. Their skin would blacken, ooze would drip from their eyes and mouths.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “The Hotai Plague 3”
“Some dreamers gained a type of minor immunity and would not transform further. It was a painful experience. As they transformed they lost their minds, They were “Hotai”. Dreamers didn’t like the beasts and began hunting as they didn’t understand or trust the newfound beasts. Everytime they collapsed, they released the spore into the air.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “The Hotai Plague 4”
“EA eventually decided against the collapsing and instead went with the curing method. Soon they came upon a method of removing the disease using an Obsidian box. It wasn’t until then that this disease was defeated.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Ido’n Weapons 1/2”
“The Idoaclesian focus weapons project began with Liolira’s attempt to use a Palisades cell bar to forge an Insight Blade capable of returning escaped entities to the Palisades. In the process of retrieving the bar, two imprisoned hota escaped. When Trisha Pawm became ruler of the Council of Wardens, she continued the work with the intent to create a set of such weapons. Em’et created a FateSender spear, Liolira an Insight Dagger, Xyn Rhade completed a SoulMaster sickle.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Beige, Fire))
Title or name: “Ido’n Weapons 2/2”
“With no GateKeeper up to the task, Trisha Pawm created the Axe of Volition at the Cyclonyx, the city’s greatest forge. The set was used one time in a battle against two prisoners at the Temple of the Dreamwalkers. Each weapon had an inscription meant to be read aloud in order. The weapons were more powerful than imagined, however. They didnt just return the prisoner to the Palisades; they destroyed it leaving only a soul essence. Trisha oversaw the safekeeping of the weapons until the city’s last days.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Beige, Fire))
Title or name: “Dynroth’s Devices 1”
“Dynroth had a student named Bandaret that sought to learn of Dynroth’s ability to pass from variant to variant of the City. Bandaret was a teacher, and Dynroth sought the ability of Train. Taking Bandaret as his student he agreed to crafted a set of devices that allowed Bandaret the ability to do what Dynroth did naturally in exchange for the art of Train. This is how the Refitted Talisman and Oddly Shaped device came to be. They were held by Bandaret for only a short time until he upset Dynroth and the…”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
Title or name: “Dynroth’s Devices 2”
“devices were taken back by Dynroth. Bandaret, upset by this move, stole the devices back and used them to come to the variant known as Idoaclesia. Dynroth followed not long after, contracting the Eternal Order to find the devices in exchange for a reward.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
Title or name: “Blast Dueling! 1”
“One eventful duel after the next, the dreamers of this city gathered to hone their skills in blade and chak, until one unique dreamer of the Seer persuation had a thought occur to him. With all these seers around and newlies who have barely obtained the whitful art of Blast, why not hold a Blast Duel Compitition with Rewards!?”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Chalk))
Title or name: “Blast Dueling! 2”
“He set the date, and time, and Seers from many diffrent backgrounds gathered for their very first blast compitions. They were delgated into teams of 2 for each side. Vill being a younger dreamer who just earlier the night before learned blast was paired up with a high sphered Blast Artist, of a diffrent house.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Chalk))
Title or name: “Blast Dueling!3”
“Vill was inexpirenced as he never used blast in a war before, but his partner was a master in it and taught him a few choice ideal ways of using it in battle. As the teams were ready and insight elems were plentiful, the other focus’s went up to the upper areas to watch….”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Chalk))
Title or name: “Blast Dueling! 4”
“Vill watched as 3 seperate teams battled throughout the entire arena, even using the stairs and running throughout the crowds and crowded room blasting away sometimes blasting the wrong dreamers on accident. the tallys were coming out on who was winning….”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Chalk))
Title or name: “Blast Dueling! 5”
“Vill got very excited as his team was up for his very first blast duel, he decided to mostly avoid being blasted, and even with his lower level blast he did well to try to avoid the attacks from two diffrent powerful seers he was up against!, the crowd cheered! Vill was soon enough taken out and collpased however as the two others were quick and expirenced!”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Chalk))
Title or name: “Blast Dueling! 6”
“... However his partner used that opportunity of Vill being taken out to finish the last blows on the two remaining opposing teams, until it was time for the last two teams to compete for the crown and prize!, this was the hardest team, and although Vill’s team got 2nd place, it was a great prize and memory the city has not seen before!”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Chalk))
Title or name: “Metal Plaque”
“Bashir was an ancient dreamer who ascended to a higher form. After its ascension, it was hunted by the Yissen, who sought to bring its power into check, as Bashir habitually terrorized dreamers, calling itself a God. While the being’s true form is unknown, it frequented the four forms above, wrecking hevoc to all who opposed it. It inspired the Cult of Bashir, who offered blood offerings to the diety in exchange for power. When it was destroyed, Shards of Bashir populated the City, now known to be Mares.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “Remulus - 1”
“Remulus first was seen in the Idoaclesian dream in the Citadel, appearing as a ghostly figure out of Sanctum of Resilience. He was a cold calculating main, careful with his words. A devious mind and a planner. He was the first of our city to be a DreamStrike Master - that is, one who knows and can teach Dreamstrike to others.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Earth))
Title or name: “Remulus - 2”
“It is not known how many apprentices he has had, but his most infamous is without doubt Zar’tenya, murderer of countless dreamers of the Idoclesian dream and beyond. Remulus was a Soulmaster who believed in survival of the strongest. He would often pit apprentices against each other, and Zar’Tenya was his favorite because she always, always survived.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Earth))
Title or name: “Remulus - 3”
“While Remulus was not known to strike anyone personally in the Idoaclesian city, it was clear that he did have at least a few Strikes under his metaphorical belt. Before the end of that variant of the City, Remulus was known to be seeking new pupils upon which he could bestow the Fel art, to test their strength. He was a Soulmaster there. Little else is known about him.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Earth))
Title or name: “Nightmarish Forms 1”
“The currently known version of the art Nightmare Form is a pale shadow of iterations that have existed elsewhere, and is perhaps one of the few arts Lyrans have not properly developed. I speculate this is due to the Lyran perception that Chaos and its associated arts is inherently bad…”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Abyss))
Title or name: “Nightmarish Forms 2”
“In Lyran history, Nightmare Form was discovered by the Entrophy Coalition and never perfected. Thus dreamers are stuck with the weak and peurile emphant form. In Idoaclesia, dreamers were able to achieve tiers of “The Perfect Form” though ritual sacrifice to the Divine entity Bashir. This secrets of this art, however, were kept strictly secret amongst the adherents of the Cult of Bashir and believed lost to time…”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Abyss))
Title or name: “NMF 3”
“The perfect form was ultimately crafted into a usable art known as Cloak of Bashir” - The tiers of which scaled with the common Nightmare forms you know today. It is presently unknown if this art or its namesake survived Idoaclesia.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Cyan))
Title or name: “MaceofCastigation 1”
“The Mace of Castigation was originally wielded by Igteus, Seneschal of the Sect of the Prudent. It was a sixth sphere maul, imbued with the art of Dreamstrike and capable of a 10-99 range of damage with infinite charges. The mace was provided to General Zaxun by Bandaret, who claims to have found it in the Rifts, though it is long suspected he rifled through the Sect after it’s demise for the treasure. Zaxun’s primary goal is to obtain all 8 house primes, whose combined power is said to…”
((inscribed on Compendium , 1 functions: Do Nothing , 29 charges, colours selected: Tan, Azure))
Title or name: “MaceofCastigation 2”
“grant a duplication property to the art of dreamstrike, granting all those in allegiance to the wielder the art of dreamstrike as well. With this, the entirety of General Xaxun’s army, The Vanguard, will obtain the art of Dreamstrike, and surely usher in the demise of this City, as was the fate of the Furyans.”
((inscribed on Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 29 charges, colours selected: Tan, Azure))
Title or name: “Dynroth’s Staff 1/2”
“Dynroth was an entity in the Idaoclesian City who was near indestructible. He possess a staff, and a series of devices that provided him additional powers in the form of variant travel, spontaneous portal generation and dreamstrike. While the staff is widely regarded as the sole origin of these powers, it is the devices which work in conjunction to provide the wielder the aforementioned powers. The staff along is simply a walking stick. That being said, the Staff is said to have passed to Bandaret, who…”
((inscribed on Compendium , 1 functions: Do Nothing, 29 charges, colours selected: Tan, Azure))
Title or name: “Dynroth’s Staff 2/2”
“was Dynroth’s aide and servant, by all appearances. Bandaret claimed to have found the staff in the Palisades, along with the devices, however it is unlikely the devices have been found, otherwise Bandaret would have assumed the role of his former master. The staff itself passed to Herbert, who was unaware of its impotence without the devices, and then to BladeSlayer, who studies it for unknown purposes, perhaps to find a link to the devices, or a way to replicate its powers despite the devices’ absence.”
((inscribed on Compendium , 1 functions: Do Nothing, 29 charges, colours selected: Tan, Azure))
Title or name: “Metal Plaque”
“Depicted here is A’kmar Ralnora, Third Soulmaster and initiate of the Sect of the Prudent. He was first of two Variant Walkers in the Idaoclesian City, revealing to dreamers that other cities existed, and the small community we were surrounded by was simply a fraction of the potential dreamers within our midst. He was slain by Ra’as, empowered by bashir of the Cult, in defense of his housemates, at Path of Justice, Edgeward Barrows.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Abyss))
Title or name: “Lu Chao’s Journey”
“It all began my first night in the forest after my brother killed our family.. I remember falling asleep inside of bushes and then waking up in this city… It all seemed so real.. I met a few dreamers who’s names I don’t recollect, however introductions were made.. I remember heading out to the Mt. Seeing dreamers dueling, and laughing questing… Being the warrior that I am I couldn’t help but throw myself in the spars! I remember for months, and months I would spar every day…”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Tan))
Title or name: “Lu Chao’s Journey-2”
“You might not believe it, but I wasn’t very good back then, HA! Sylas Prium, Ash, Kereal, They would beat the hell out of me every single day, over and over again, and I would just keep comin’ and comin’ I didn’t care all I wanted to do was be the greatest warrior in the city, and I told them that faithfully! Back then.. The city loved me.. but my brash behavior did not sit well for too long.. Soon they no longer cared if I was unsphered, they would cast scare on me, deafen.. Blind.. They knew I could do -”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Tan))
Title or name: “Lu Chao’s Journey-3”
“nothing about it.. and they were right.. Our city, idoaclesia had many many, beautiful women Elders… I was young! I had no idea how to contain my raging hormones back then, hahahah! The Elders did not care however.. For some reason they refused to teach me simply because of my brash nature.. I did not let that stop me however, to hell with the Elders, they won’t be able to stop me from progressing forever! I continued to train and train and train… My skills were rising and soon I was able to beat my -”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Tan))
Title or name: “Lu Chao’s Journey-4”
“peers in spars… Of course they still won every now and then but who hell who cares, i’m top tier in my technique by now so their spheres mean’t nothing to me.. Eventually my competitive attitude and nature made nobody in the city want to train me.. I used to wonder why they never wanted to see me grow… I never planned to turn on my city, I just wanted to be their champion… I loved them.. I just wanted them to love me and accept me for who I am….”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Tan))
Title or name: “Lu Chao’s Journey-5”
“Bashir began his rise, and his cult formed and created terror around the city…. Me being the dreamer I am I HAD to do something about it… I formed the Wolf Pack, a group of warriors who would band together, teach dreamers how to defend themselves and stand up against Bashir and his cult.. We were strong back then.. Many many members, we never wanted a house.. Our pack was happy in the Arena. Dar’canon, Krodoc, Pamelar, Xyn Rhade, Em’et, so many dreamers from back in idoaclesia, they were all apart of -”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Tan))
Title or name: “Lu Chao’s Journey-6”
“the wolf pack in some type of way… Those days, were the best days of my dreams.. Soon my peers started to hate my competitive nature however… and their pranks started turning into bullying… I pleaded with them to stop… I told them they know I can’t do anything about it so stop picking on me.. They didn’t care.. Blind, Deafen, Scare.. You name it, it was cast on me, even at random times out of the blue! How many times must I beg them to stop bullying me? My mind went mad with rage…”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Tan))
Title or name: “Lu Chao’s Journey-7”
“I just couldn’t take it anymore… At this point of my dreams the city had taken out multiple enemies, Bashir, Dynroth, some other crazy stuff… They handle their asses alright.. But this enemy.. He was different… His name was the Shadow Lord.. He would take over our entire thresholds and turn them into pure darkness, and in these rooms there was no sanctuary.. He was powerful beyond belief basically… I had enough of their bullying me.. I ran to the Shadow Lord one evening infront of Trisha Pawm and-”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Tan))
Title or name: “Lu Chao’s Journey-8”
“her lot.. I said to the Shadow Lord, “Please… I cannot take their bullying any longer… Make me powerful, I beg you..” He told me he accepted me, and that I would be his General in his army.. I happily obliged.. As his shadow’s entered my body.. I could no longer control myself, I seen my dreams, but it was as if I was simply dreaming with no control of my surroundings.. The last thing I could do was let out an epic howl that was heard throughout the entire city.. I rushed their facade….”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Tan))
Title or name: “Lu Chao’s Journey-9”
“without control of my own avatar and collapsed many of them all by myself.. I was collapsed and after that.. I had no more ability to dream… The Shadow Lord had taken my avatar hostage, it was no longer mine.. All I saw was darkness as I tried to dream.. Trapped in an abyss of shadows.. Until… The Underlight revealed itself..**** To Be Continued…”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Tan))
**A series of talisman can be seeing by jumping, on the outside of the window here,
Gold chalk chakram, fire chakram, abyss beige chakram, fire chakram, beige gold alteror, Berry Abyss shield, Night Earth Chakram, Abyss Chalk Chakram, Beige Jade Alteror, Jade tan Elemen, Blood Night Elemen, not sure what else.
Sphere Three Archives:
Current use:Unknown
Talisman found:
Title or name: “LightHolders”
“When I was first approached by the elder, He was shrouded in a very bright light that seemed to be an Aura flowing off of him, He showed me what I was destined for, I recevied multiple scrolls that could only be opened with the light, Once I was shown the way I trained dream after dream to perfect this Art. Once I could conjure the Light from within i was able to open the scrolls and it showed me the War that was going to begin between the Beasts and Dreamers.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “LightHolders Pt. 2”
“It told me of a war that would start with a single blood drop falling from the sky. I was in the Edgeward House when The Wardens were there Ra’as was the leader, Once it happened they started to believe what I was saying after that some dreamers prepared others were skeptical. Before the beasts came i devoted Training a small few that were introduced into the LightHolder clan, we trained dream after dream until they perfected the art, Not long after the Darkness came.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “LightHolders Pt.3”
“The darkness that all LightHolders were trained to fight no matter the cost, not even if it meant their own lives. The darkness brought a number of beasts strong and weak. The war started, As it waged dream after dream multiple casualties were taken on both sides. I do not remember much towards the end I just know we defeated the Darkness hoping it would never return to our city. After that war was over I was unable to dream and reach the city again, until a few nights ago.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “LightHolders Pt.4”
“I feel as if the reason I have returned is the city is in need of the LightHolder talents that I hold the knowledge of. This time feels worse than ever, I am almost worried about the future of this city and its dreamers. LightHolders~Before we can reach the light we must first understand the darkness~”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Aethimir’s Lab - 1”
“Aethimir’s Laboratory was originally known in the Idoaclesian City as the Cavern of the Forgers, and was in the Unknown instead of its own plane. It has always been maze-like, but there are a few key differences between this city and the Idoaclesian one. The center area with the pool and energy cones did not exist in my City – instead, it was simply more maze. The only “rooms” inside the maze were the three with eight portals each.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Earth))
Title or name: “Aethimir’s Lab - 2”
“The portal rooms in the Idoaclesian City were rooms that Aethimir planned to utilize to travel all over the City, but due to his busy schedule, he never activated portals aside from one leading to Threshold, and another to the Library. It should be noted that the Idoaclesian City, there was no portal access the Cavern of the Forgers – it could only be entered be teleportation. Aethimir bestowed his Apprentice’s Seal upon only two dreamers, which allowed them access to the Cavern at-will”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Earth))
Title or name: “Aethimir’s Lab - 3”
“The lab itself served as location for most of Aethimir’s work, behind closed doors from Dreamers. How he used to cavern is mostly unknown, but it is known that stone of the place can store patterns of energy – what aethimir might’ve stored there might be worth investigation, but is mostly unknown.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Earth))
Title or name: “Conclave’s Roots1/2”
“The Conclave of the Idoaclesian city was entered by a small tree in Harrow Glades in the Honorable Stand, which glowed with an eerie light. It had no known history, but served a few functions. The Crystal Maze was utilized by Elder Teachers for advance dreamers to 1st sphere, if they could complete it within a time limit.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Earth))
Title or name: “Conclave’s Roots2/2”
“It also hosted a few curiousities that are nowhere else seen in the City of Dreams. The Spyglass was a room within a room, but with no portal. By stepping upon a small pedestal, you entered another room. The Operation Room was like this as well, a Sanctuary room within the Fortification Hall. The latter is locked in this city, and the former seems to cause storms, perhaps still adjusting to this new city.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Earth))
Title or name: “Essence of Being”
“The Essence of Being was the house artifact of Tribe of Predilection. At its creation, Vampyro placed into it the soul essence of Nyjiman, elder of Umbric and a man he admired greatly. At the initiation of a new member of the Tribe, a goal or dream was placed into the prime, to be safeguarded by Nyjiman.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Sand, Fire))
Title or name: “Rashila’s Mirror”
“The coveted House Prime of the Scryers of Truth, Rashila’s Mirror could have been described as:
A short but broad silver plated looking glass. This mirror was decoratively embossed on the non-reflective side with the crest of the Umbric Stronghold. The surface of the mirror was black and when gazed into for any amount of time, one could catch hazy glimpses of something unknown around the edges.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Plum))
Title or name: “Scryer Origination”
“The Scryers of Truth was a faction which had planted their roots in the great house atop the Umbric Plains in the latter part of the Idoaclesian City. In the coversations of Belom, Xyn Rhade and Terelius Ignium and the combined effort of several other dreamers, and a small band of dreamers came together to invoke visions upon themselves in order to gain the truth about the City of Dreams.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Berry, Earth))
Title or name: “Scrying”
“Scrying by definition is to fortell the future using a crystal ball or other reflective objects or surface. To scry, one must simply clear the mind of thought and allow the forces that be come and go as they please. Scrying is an act that has been done for longer than any of us can fathom. To focus is to scry.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Berry, Sand))
Title or name: “Library Visions”
“A vision Idoaclesians call “Scrying” took place in the Library. The affects of which have already showing in our new city in ways unexpected. The intent of this vision was to become more familiar with each others previous histories and why we are here together. Most of the city gathered to see it. Dreamers sent their focal energies to the pillars, and they rose, forming a bubble of energy. Using a “Lens”, a vision was shown of an empty city.
As the vision went on.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Azure, Cyan))
Title or name: “Library Visions 2”
“some dreamers tried to interrupt and destroy the focal bubble, while others openly declared those who were conducting the Scrying as summoning demons into the city. Soon the vision went dark. Large glowing red eyes appeared into the lense and stared at us. Flames suddenly engulfed the room, damaging dreamers and shattering the lens. Moments later, the pieces floated in the air, with those red eyes glowing in each shard - and reformed once more.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Azure, Cyan))
Title or name: “Library Visions 3”
“A thunderous voice harshly boomed “Kneel! Kneel! Kneel!” Many laughed at such a demand. Then a final barrage of flames shook the Library, collapsing many. The visions faded, but that was not the end of it. A dreamer appeared compelled from this to drink a vial, going up the Edgeward path and coughing up blood. Was this a forsight of Bashir, or perhaps something Unknown? ~ RedBeeX”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Azure, Cyan))
Title or name: “First Chosen”
“My first encounter with Bashir was but a whisper in my ear. A persistent whisper that could not be ignored. It grew louder in the Barrows and it grew louder as the days went by. In the Barrows the whispers grew louder, bidding me to the Edgeward Stronghold. Over the weeks that followed, He illuminated me to his true nature…”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Earth, Fire))
Title or name: “First Chosen 2”
“In truth, I did not believe him at first. I thought myself a madman, slipping further down the path of madness - And there are many to this day that might agree - But in time the wonders he revealed stripped me of any doubt to His Divinity. It is in our nature to be skeptical. Some think the gods to be poor explanations for universal chance and random chaos - but I now know better.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Earth, Fire))
Title or name: “The First Chosen 3”
“You that feel in your heart the blood and the fire, the birth of a new dreamer, greater than the last. A self greater than your past self. - You are the Chosen now. By your blood you are bound He will be watching.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Earth, Fire))
Title or name: “Tribunal of Solara1”
“In the second variant shift of Idoaclecia, we landed in a City very different than what we were used to. The houses that used to be open were either closed or taken over by a new faction, and a woman was seeking a following to open the Valley. This woman was known as the Woman in White - or to her followers, the Grand Council.
The Tribunal of Solara stood together under one banner, each commiting to eternally undertake and ever uphold the vows of:”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Gold))
Title or name: “Tribunal of Solara2”
“Honor, Courage, and Justice. It remained their never-ending duty to serve as the Protectors of the City of Dreams, against the wickedness of dreamers and beasts alike. Their tenets were: Honor, Valor, Justice, and Humility. The honorable house of Tribunals worked to remain mindful not to cross into the path of tyranny, or to be labeled among the ranks of warmongers. They avoided conflict wherever possible (though there was trouble with House Orgoth). They sought to defend, never to be on the offensive.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Gold))
Title or name: “Tribunal of Solara3”
“However, they intended to seek out where only injustice thrived, and bring order to where chaos reigned. Justice and order were paramount in their goals. They believed the “Shards” aka mares were to be disposed of, and any that offered any kind of aid to the vile beasts would be be eradicated with prejudice.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Gold))
Title or name: “Unorthodox Methods”
“The Cult of Bashir was forsaken amongst the corrupt and ineffectual Teaching Council of Underlight. Wrongly accused of various crimes, the Cult languished for weeks without appropriate mentorship and advancement of arts. The Chosen of Bashir beseeched the Council to relent their teaching embargo, but his protestations fell on deaf, uncaring ears.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
Title or name: “Unorthodox 2”
“To add insult to injury, as the faithful dreamers reached the heights of their own meager power, they found themselves unable to attain new spheres. The Chosen beseeched Bashir - the faithful must grow, but what could they do? With so few teachers and a corrupt circle of Masters, there was but one clear way forward.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
Title or name: “Unorthodox 3”
“Bashir spoke then to the First Chosen, “Bring me the Master Zennan.” And it was so. The silver-haired Dreamseer Master proudly approached the steps of the Temple, “Why do you summon me here, beast?” Without a word, a great lucid tentacle emerged from the great blood pool in the house facade.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
Title or name: “Unorthodox 4”
“The great tentacle coiled around Zennan like a snake coils a rat. The Master wailed in unimaginable pain, his energy utterly consumed by Bashir. A great quake rolled across the plane and the manifestation returned to the depths. When the dust cleared, the faithful beheld a miricle - the powers rightfully owed them had been gifted, and the Chosen bore a greater sphere. The teaching embargo ended quickly thereafter. ~R”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
**There are talisman outside the window out of reach. including but not limited to: Jade Earth Elemen, Berry Night Elemen, Cyan Abyss Elemen, Beige Teal alteror, Gold Beige Chakram, Berry Night Elemen, Gold Biege Chakram, Beige Teal alteror, Abyss Chalk chakram, Beige Gold Alteror, Fire Earth Elemen, Sand Abyss Shield, Berry Cyan Elemen, beige Jade alteror, Blood Cyan elemen, Abyss Chalk Chakram, Jade Tan Elemen, Blood Earth Elemen,
Current use: Unknown
Talisman found:
Title or name: “Metal plaque”
“Augh Essul, depicted above, was the first Forger of the Idaoclesian City. We did not even have the words Forge Talisman, or Forge associated with what he was doing, we simply called what he was doing as crafting, or smithing. While he never formally introduced us to Forge, what he did do was challenge our creativity, showing us that creation was possible within in the City of Dreams for those who sought to master it, as was anything our creativity conjured up.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “BC-LDumah”
“Bring in supplies for the house!”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Dumah’s Stuff”
“Dumah’s Stuff”
((inscribed on Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 29 charges, colours selected: Jade, Abyss))
Title or name: “Reflect 70”
“Reflect on your purpose. I see you’ve made some changes in your house choice. Come up with a plan that you can do with your house to get it rolling and active. I’ll leave the spacifics up to you and then you can put it into action and report back to me when you’re done.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Shatter 70”
“ok hunny. I like choices hunny. So here is a choice you will needs to make for this quest. 1. leads a raid on the Lost sea. or 2. writes a codex with your own quest for yourself. youins will still needs to do it, report it back to me a long with the quest.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Ward 70”
“Ok hunny, since I am old. That shatter quest was actually for Ward, and so this quest will be easier as its for shatter. Two choices. 1. Youins cans make your house city scroll relevant and gets that goins. Maybe youins cans post some happenins there. or 2. comes up with a quest for yourself, somethin youins wants to do and do it. Reports to me.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Dumah: Flame 70”
“As a warrior and a guardian, fire is the great equalizer. It can cleanse impurity, harden steel, and warm the bones. How you use it determines it’s value. Take your time to find and execute three uses of fire to improve the city in some way, whether a cleansing inferno, or a candle to light the way. How you go about it is up to you.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: ?, Blood))
Title or name: “Gatesmasher 70”
“Determine your three biggest goals as a dreamer. What may be stopping you from achieving them? choose 1 and put steps in action to cut it down so that it is no longer in your way. Make sure the effort is worthy of the plat you seek.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Dar Restore 50”
“That’s a Codex” ((old style codex, not going to use a charge in case it’s tempararily placed here for some reason))
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 70 charges, colours selected: Earth?, Jade))
Title or name: “Reweave 50”
““That’s a Codex” ((old style codex, not going to use a charge in case it’s tempararily placed here for some reason))
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 91 charges, colours selected: Fire, Fire))
Title or name: “Know - Conclave ᵀᴹ”
“The Gate, in The Conclave has a circular stone set atop the water, between 4 pillars. When you step on the center stone, the water around you stands still and the sky lightens. If you evoke Know, you’ll observe you stepped to a new room: The Spyglass.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Gold, Gold))
Title or name: “Know - Conclave ᵀᴹ”
“The Passage, in The Conclave has two circular plateaus. The first plateau contains six eyes that follow your every move. The second plateau is encased with 18 lightning bolts rising from the ceiling, striking and crackling loudly. Among the other oddities of this room are 2 darkened portals, a prison cell and mist of energy streaming away from the portal leading to the maze.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Gold, Gold))
Title or name: “Know - Conclave ᵀᴹ”
“In The Conclave plane, when you switch rooms without the use of a portal, your trail left behind persists and remains visible between rooms. Conversely, talismen persist but the scope of their visibility is limited to the room you’re currently in.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Gold, Gold))
Title or name: “Know - Conclave ᵀᴹ”
“The Fortification Chamber in The Conclave has a stairwell that winds downard to the right, leading into a well lit alcove. When you step into the alcove. If you evoke Know, you’ll observe that you stepped to a new room: The Operation Room. This room is a vault.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Gold, Gold))
Title or name: “Know - Conclave ᵀᴹ”
“The Ritual Chamber, in The Conclave is a circular room with six pillars. In the center of a room is a large formation of stones encircling a bright fire. Circling the perimeter of the stones are small isolated fires that you can set your garmets ablaze!”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Gold, Gold))
Title or name: “Channeling Art”
“Channeling changes the amount of experience gained to a choosen person. begin’s with 50% and add’s 5% more per plateau. It cost’s 35 dreamsoul . It is a *gift * art. <Blana>”
((inscribed on Flower, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 2 charges, colours selected: Jade, Gold))
Title or name: “Keenan and the SS 1”
“Once there was a boy named Keenan. He was a bit different from the other kids his age and because of this the other kids like to pick on him and make fun of him. The other kids found it fun to try and scare Keenan any chance they had. Slowly he built up a tolerance to being scared and it would take more and more to be able to scare him. As the children realized he was building up a tolerance they started being meaner with their scares. This caused Keenan to be paralyzed with fear, but slowly he built up his”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Blood))
Title or name: “Keenan and the SS 2”
“tolerance for the kind of scares that caused him to be paralyzed. So the other children became even more hateful in their methods and actions. They just could not stand that they could not pick on keenan as they wished and were accustomed to. Until one night they took it a step too far...”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Blood))
Title or name: “Keenan and the SS 3”
“One night the other children’s desire to pick on Keenan hit the lowest point it could. It turned into pure hate and disgust that Keenan had thrwarted their fun once more. They found Keenan and encircled him and began to beat on him and poke at him and everything one could imagine, until finally Keenan lay on the ground barely still breathing. Just when they thought he was about to give up his last breath a bright light began to glow around him. It lifted him up off the ground. The light began to wrap”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Blood))
Title or name: “Keenan and the SS 4”
“ and change to all sorts of colors.The children’s eyes bugged out and their mouths fell open as they watched. As Keenen slowly began to recover a disembodied voice spoke from a distance. Your hatred and dislike of those whom may be different are all embodied into this one child. From henceforth, children like Keenan shall be protected by the energies of the Sable Shield. They will know no fear; no longer be paralyzed by anything that is done to them. They will be protected always and the poison from your”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Blood))
Title or name: “Keenan and the SS 5”
“minds will never infect their’s. They shall hold the ability to dawn the Sable Shield to keep them safe always.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Blood))
Title or name: “Soul of Idaoclesia”
“The Soul of Idaoclesia is a soulsphere that resided back in Idaoclesia. It rested within a room full of trees and water. Some were concerned about her being exposed to dreamers, fearing her destruction.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “Forger’s Circle -1”
“Idoaclesia and the Lyran cities (from what I can tell) were extremely different in methodology, maren presence, art variety, and zillion other areas. The purpose of this article, however, isn’t to highlight our differences. Rather, it is to pay homage to a now ancient group known as the Forger’s Circle. The Lyran City probably had their own Guild related to Forge – outside of those with the gold mark – and I would have loved to have seen the mechanics behind it, if so.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “Forger’s Circle -2”
“Alas, as a member of the Idoaclesian Forger’s Circle, I must give a nod exclusively to it, as I try to stress the importance of the group and the structure thereof.
The Guild Master was named Pazin Nalis. He was rich in willpower, and yet, was able to support all of the dreamers in our City, looking to advance his or her skill-set. He was a hard, proud man and pushed those of in the circle to limits that were usually far superior than most.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “Forger’s Circle -3”
“The goal, according to Pazin Nalis, wasn’t merely to make objects using our art, but rather, something more – something ever-lasting. Our circle was less about who could make the best trinkets and gifts, and more about honing our skills and specialties. The Circle carried a requirement that each member become a specialist in a particular area. For myself, despite being a SoulMaster, I was our “PortalMaster”.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “Forger’s Circle -4”
“Pazin and the group knew my obsession and love for portals, despite my focal class, and urged me to fine-tune my skills even deeper while serving the City and the Circle.
Our version of Forge Talisman was different in that we could create more ‘base’ designs, add more ‘base’ colors, and required elemental masses - crystalized gifts(tokens, almost) from the Dreamscape in order to make the best items possible. Additionally, our City had several Forging Apparatus devices that where used to create certain,”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “Forger’s Circle -5”
“specialized tools (among other things), and these devices were exceptionally influential for sue on big-time projects. I am happy to recognize some of them in our City today in existence, to include my very own Apparatus inside my Windmill, the Cycloynx, in Gloom Peaks. Before the Circle’s influence I was novice, at best, with my portal manipulation skills; after and now because of the Circle’s help and reinforcement, I have become a portal expert.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “Forger’s Circle -6”
“It’s hard pressed for me to know for certain if my trade would have grown the way it has without the Circle; just as it’s hard to imagine spending the amount of time on it that I did, and the rest of us did in our crafts, had there been beasts everywhere needing to be tamed. But one thing is for sure, the purpose of the Guild in Idoaclesia left last implications on my Dreams, on my skills and talents, and on our City… both then and now. - Vampyro, WordSmith”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “Vampiric Draw (I)a”
“Here is written the History of Vampiric Draw with an “Idoaclesian Twist”. This art was created by a spiritual sect of Umbric Followers before the rise of the Emancipators, Prudent, and Academy. Supernatural in nature, the Umbric collection, would draw and extract energies from the plane to conduct their experiments and defense methods for the preservation of the Plane. Masters of stealth, they would develop unique methods to shield the beauty of Umbric from intruders, wanderers, and beasts alike.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “Vampiric Draw (I)b”
“One such tactic was the creation of Vampiric Draw. As battles would rage, the spectre-like collection of Umbric Defenders would collect essences, and attack all foes - void of choosing a right versus wrong, or good versus evil mentality, while under a cloaked veil of secrecy and seclusion. Vampiric Draw would be used to help speed up the conclusion of battles so the soulspheres could then be dispelled away from the plane until the Elder of Umbric (Nyjiman) would enter the City and serve as the buffer….”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “Vampiric Draw (I)c”
“between Umbric’s spiritual forces and a new batch of dreamers coming to settle and rebuild in the City of Underlight. The art works like an undetected leech - sucking the life out of a single target, formulated by supernatural gifts and unique Soul-maniuplation by the Umbric Defenders.. similar to how they envisioned outsiders themselves… sucking the life out of their plane. - V”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “Chalk Chakram”
“” 8 GateKeeper
((Chakram , 1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Slow; Effect : None; Damage : 1 to 8; , 24 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Chalk Chakram”
“” 0 GateKeeper
((Chakram , 1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Minimum; Effect : None; Damage : 1 to 4 ; , 17 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Chalk Chakram”
“” 15 GateKeeper
((Chakram , 1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Minimum; Effect : None; Damage : 5 to 13 ; , 18 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Chalk Chakram”
“” 7 GateKeeper
((Chakram , 1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Minimum ; Effect : None; Damage : 2 to 6 ; , 28 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Chalk Chakram”
“” 8 GateKeeper
((Chakram , 1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Minimum & Bouncing ; Effect : None; Damage : 3 to 6 ; , 47 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Chalk Chakram”
“” 15 GateKeeper
((Chakram , 1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Slow ; Effect : None; Damage : 5 to 13 ; , 21 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Chalk Chakram”
“” 0 GateKeeper
((Chakram , 1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Minimum & Bouncing ; Effect : None; Damage : 1; , 38 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Chalk Chakram”
“” 0 GateKeeper
((Chakram , 1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Slow ; Effect : None; Damage : 1 to 4 ; , 20 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Chalk Chakram”
“”7 GateKeeper
((Chakram , 1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Slow ; Effect : None; Damage : 2 to 6 ; , 43 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Chalk Chakram”
“” 15 GateKeeper
((Chakram , 1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Minimum ; Effect : None; Damage : 5 to 13; ,29 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Sphere Three Study:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman found:
Title or name: “” ((Unknown Stickied))
“*** These are the arts that GateKeepers can learn at 3rd sphere *** Channel, Chaos Well, Kinesis, Mind Blank, Restore, Scare, Destroy Talisman, Identify and Reweave.”
((inscribed on Compendium , NA functions: NA , NA charges, colours selected: Abyss, Gold))
Title or name: “” ((Unknown Stickied))
“*** These are the arts that DreamSeers can learn at 3rd sphere *** Blast, Channel, Chaos Well, Mind Blank, Resist Fear, Restore, Scare, Destroy Talisman, Protection and Reweave.”
((inscribed on Compendium , NA functions: NA , NA charges, colours selected: Abyss, Azure))
Title or name: “” ((Unknown Stickied))
“*** These are the arts that SoulMasters can learn at 3rd sphere *** Antidote, Channel, Chaos Well, Judgement, Mind Blank, Poison, Resist Fear, Scare, Destroy Talisman, Identify and Protection”
((inscribed on Compendium , NA functions: NA , NA charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “” ((Unknown Stickied))
“*** These are the arts that FateSenders can learn at 3rd sphere *** Channel, Chaos Well, Judgement, Mind Blank, Paralyze, Resist Fear, Restore, Destroy Talisman, Identify, Protection and Reweave.”
((inscribed on Compendium , NA functions: NA , NA charges, colours selected: Abyss, Plum))
Title or name: “The Hotai Plague 1”
“It all started with a dreamer named Bandaret, he no longer has the avatar of a dreamer but formerly was a elder type dreamer with a cackle, he longed to acquire the staff Dynroth held. He was always a bit loose in the brain, but at the same time a cunning…”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “The Hotai Plague 2”
“Individual. He knew his sciences under of all that, he began spending time at the Emergence Academy. Most dreamers didn’t think much of his experimentation until suddenly dreamers began becoming ill. Their skin would blacken, ooze would drip from their eyes and mouths.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “The Hotai Plague 3”
“Some dreamers gained a type of minor immunity and would not transform further. It was a painful experience. As they transformed they lost their minds, They were “Hotai”. Dreamers didn’t like the beasts and began hunting as they didn’t understand or trust the newfound beasts. Everytime they collapsed, they released the spore into the air.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “The Hotai Plague 4”
“EA eventually decided against the collapsing and instead went with the curing method. Soon they came upon a method of removing the disease using an Obsidian box. It wasn’t until then that this disease was defeated.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Ido’n Weapons 1/2”
“The Idoaclesian focus weapons project began with Liolira’s attempt to use a Palisades cell bar to forge an Insight Blade capable of returning escaped entities to the Palisades. In the process of retrieving the bar, two imprisoned hota escaped. When Trisha Pawm became ruler of the Council of Wardens, she continued the work with the intent to create a set of such weapons. Em’et created a FateSender spear, Liolira an Insight Dagger, Xyn Rhade completed a SoulMaster sickle.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Beige, Fire))
Title or name: “Ido’n Weapons 2/2”
“With no GateKeeper up to the task, Trisha Pawm created the Axe of Volition at the Cyclonyx, the city’s greatest forge. The set was used one time in a battle against two prisoners at the Temple of the Dreamwalkers. Each weapon had an inscription meant to be read aloud in order. The weapons were more powerful than imagined, however. They didnt just return the prisoner to the Palisades; they destroyed it leaving only a soul essence. Trisha oversaw the safekeeping of the weapons until the city’s last days.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Beige, Fire))
Title or name: “Dynroth’s Devices 1”
“Dynroth had a student named Bandaret that sought to learn of Dynroth’s ability to pass from variant to variant of the City. Bandaret was a teacher, and Dynroth sought the ability of Train. Taking Bandaret as his student he agreed to crafted a set of devices that allowed Bandaret the ability to do what Dynroth did naturally in exchange for the art of Train. This is how the Refitted Talisman and Oddly Shaped device came to be. They were held by Bandaret for only a short time until he upset Dynroth and the…”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
Title or name: “Dynroth’s Devices 2”
“devices were taken back by Dynroth. Bandaret, upset by this move, stole the devices back and used them to come to the variant known as Idoaclesia. Dynroth followed not long after, contracting the Eternal Order to find the devices in exchange for a reward.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
Title or name: “Blast Dueling! 1”
“One eventful duel after the next, the dreamers of this city gathered to hone their skills in blade and chak, until one unique dreamer of the Seer persuation had a thought occur to him. With all these seers around and newlies who have barely obtained the whitful art of Blast, why not hold a Blast Duel Compitition with Rewards!?”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Chalk))
Title or name: “Blast Dueling! 2”
“He set the date, and time, and Seers from many diffrent backgrounds gathered for their very first blast compitions. They were delgated into teams of 2 for each side. Vill being a younger dreamer who just earlier the night before learned blast was paired up with a high sphered Blast Artist, of a diffrent house.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Chalk))
Title or name: “Blast Dueling!3”
“Vill was inexpirenced as he never used blast in a war before, but his partner was a master in it and taught him a few choice ideal ways of using it in battle. As the teams were ready and insight elems were plentiful, the other focus’s went up to the upper areas to watch….”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Chalk))
Title or name: “Blast Dueling! 4”
“Vill watched as 3 seperate teams battled throughout the entire arena, even using the stairs and running throughout the crowds and crowded room blasting away sometimes blasting the wrong dreamers on accident. the tallys were coming out on who was winning….”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Chalk))
Title or name: “Blast Dueling! 5”
“Vill got very excited as his team was up for his very first blast duel, he decided to mostly avoid being blasted, and even with his lower level blast he did well to try to avoid the attacks from two diffrent powerful seers he was up against!, the crowd cheered! Vill was soon enough taken out and collpased however as the two others were quick and expirenced!”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Chalk))
Title or name: “Blast Dueling! 6”
“... However his partner used that opportunity of Vill being taken out to finish the last blows on the two remaining opposing teams, until it was time for the last two teams to compete for the crown and prize!, this was the hardest team, and although Vill’s team got 2nd place, it was a great prize and memory the city has not seen before!”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Chalk))
Title or name: “Metal Plaque”
“Bashir was an ancient dreamer who ascended to a higher form. After its ascension, it was hunted by the Yissen, who sought to bring its power into check, as Bashir habitually terrorized dreamers, calling itself a God. While the being’s true form is unknown, it frequented the four forms above, wrecking hevoc to all who opposed it. It inspired the Cult of Bashir, who offered blood offerings to the diety in exchange for power. When it was destroyed, Shards of Bashir populated the City, now known to be Mares.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “Remulus - 1”
“Remulus first was seen in the Idoaclesian dream in the Citadel, appearing as a ghostly figure out of Sanctum of Resilience. He was a cold calculating main, careful with his words. A devious mind and a planner. He was the first of our city to be a DreamStrike Master - that is, one who knows and can teach Dreamstrike to others.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Earth))
Title or name: “Remulus - 2”
“It is not known how many apprentices he has had, but his most infamous is without doubt Zar’tenya, murderer of countless dreamers of the Idoclesian dream and beyond. Remulus was a Soulmaster who believed in survival of the strongest. He would often pit apprentices against each other, and Zar’Tenya was his favorite because she always, always survived.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Earth))
Title or name: “Remulus - 3”
“While Remulus was not known to strike anyone personally in the Idoaclesian city, it was clear that he did have at least a few Strikes under his metaphorical belt. Before the end of that variant of the City, Remulus was known to be seeking new pupils upon which he could bestow the Fel art, to test their strength. He was a Soulmaster there. Little else is known about him.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Earth))
Title or name: “Nightmarish Forms 1”
“The currently known version of the art Nightmare Form is a pale shadow of iterations that have existed elsewhere, and is perhaps one of the few arts Lyrans have not properly developed. I speculate this is due to the Lyran perception that Chaos and its associated arts is inherently bad…”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Abyss))
Title or name: “Nightmarish Forms 2”
“In Lyran history, Nightmare Form was discovered by the Entrophy Coalition and never perfected. Thus dreamers are stuck with the weak and peurile emphant form. In Idoaclesia, dreamers were able to achieve tiers of “The Perfect Form” though ritual sacrifice to the Divine entity Bashir. This secrets of this art, however, were kept strictly secret amongst the adherents of the Cult of Bashir and believed lost to time…”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Abyss))
Title or name: “NMF 3”
“The perfect form was ultimately crafted into a usable art known as Cloak of Bashir” - The tiers of which scaled with the common Nightmare forms you know today. It is presently unknown if this art or its namesake survived Idoaclesia.”
((inscribed on Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Cyan))
Title or name: “MaceofCastigation 1”
“The Mace of Castigation was originally wielded by Igteus, Seneschal of the Sect of the Prudent. It was a sixth sphere maul, imbued with the art of Dreamstrike and capable of a 10-99 range of damage with infinite charges. The mace was provided to General Zaxun by Bandaret, who claims to have found it in the Rifts, though it is long suspected he rifled through the Sect after it’s demise for the treasure. Zaxun’s primary goal is to obtain all 8 house primes, whose combined power is said to…”
((inscribed on Compendium , 1 functions: Do Nothing , 29 charges, colours selected: Tan, Azure))
Title or name: “MaceofCastigation 2”
“grant a duplication property to the art of dreamstrike, granting all those in allegiance to the wielder the art of dreamstrike as well. With this, the entirety of General Xaxun’s army, The Vanguard, will obtain the art of Dreamstrike, and surely usher in the demise of this City, as was the fate of the Furyans.”
((inscribed on Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 29 charges, colours selected: Tan, Azure))
Title or name: “Dynroth’s Staff 1/2”
“Dynroth was an entity in the Idaoclesian City who was near indestructible. He possess a staff, and a series of devices that provided him additional powers in the form of variant travel, spontaneous portal generation and dreamstrike. While the staff is widely regarded as the sole origin of these powers, it is the devices which work in conjunction to provide the wielder the aforementioned powers. The staff along is simply a walking stick. That being said, the Staff is said to have passed to Bandaret, who…”
((inscribed on Compendium , 1 functions: Do Nothing, 29 charges, colours selected: Tan, Azure))
Title or name: “Dynroth’s Staff 2/2”
“was Dynroth’s aide and servant, by all appearances. Bandaret claimed to have found the staff in the Palisades, along with the devices, however it is unlikely the devices have been found, otherwise Bandaret would have assumed the role of his former master. The staff itself passed to Herbert, who was unaware of its impotence without the devices, and then to BladeSlayer, who studies it for unknown purposes, perhaps to find a link to the devices, or a way to replicate its powers despite the devices’ absence.”
((inscribed on Compendium , 1 functions: Do Nothing, 29 charges, colours selected: Tan, Azure))
Title or name: “Metal Plaque”
“Depicted here is A’kmar Ralnora, Third Soulmaster and initiate of the Sect of the Prudent. He was first of two Variant Walkers in the Idaoclesian City, revealing to dreamers that other cities existed, and the small community we were surrounded by was simply a fraction of the potential dreamers within our midst. He was slain by Ra’as, empowered by bashir of the Cult, in defense of his housemates, at Path of Justice, Edgeward Barrows.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Abyss))
Title or name: “Lu Chao’s Journey”
“It all began my first night in the forest after my brother killed our family.. I remember falling asleep inside of bushes and then waking up in this city… It all seemed so real.. I met a few dreamers who’s names I don’t recollect, however introductions were made.. I remember heading out to the Mt. Seeing dreamers dueling, and laughing questing… Being the warrior that I am I couldn’t help but throw myself in the spars! I remember for months, and months I would spar every day…”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Tan))
Title or name: “Lu Chao’s Journey-2”
“You might not believe it, but I wasn’t very good back then, HA! Sylas Prium, Ash, Kereal, They would beat the hell out of me every single day, over and over again, and I would just keep comin’ and comin’ I didn’t care all I wanted to do was be the greatest warrior in the city, and I told them that faithfully! Back then.. The city loved me.. but my brash behavior did not sit well for too long.. Soon they no longer cared if I was unsphered, they would cast scare on me, deafen.. Blind.. They knew I could do -”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Tan))
Title or name: “Lu Chao’s Journey-3”
“nothing about it.. and they were right.. Our city, idoaclesia had many many, beautiful women Elders… I was young! I had no idea how to contain my raging hormones back then, hahahah! The Elders did not care however.. For some reason they refused to teach me simply because of my brash nature.. I did not let that stop me however, to hell with the Elders, they won’t be able to stop me from progressing forever! I continued to train and train and train… My skills were rising and soon I was able to beat my -”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Tan))
Title or name: “Lu Chao’s Journey-4”
“peers in spars… Of course they still won every now and then but who hell who cares, i’m top tier in my technique by now so their spheres mean’t nothing to me.. Eventually my competitive attitude and nature made nobody in the city want to train me.. I used to wonder why they never wanted to see me grow… I never planned to turn on my city, I just wanted to be their champion… I loved them.. I just wanted them to love me and accept me for who I am….”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Tan))
Title or name: “Lu Chao’s Journey-5”
“Bashir began his rise, and his cult formed and created terror around the city…. Me being the dreamer I am I HAD to do something about it… I formed the Wolf Pack, a group of warriors who would band together, teach dreamers how to defend themselves and stand up against Bashir and his cult.. We were strong back then.. Many many members, we never wanted a house.. Our pack was happy in the Arena. Dar’canon, Krodoc, Pamelar, Xyn Rhade, Em’et, so many dreamers from back in idoaclesia, they were all apart of -”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Tan))
Title or name: “Lu Chao’s Journey-6”
“the wolf pack in some type of way… Those days, were the best days of my dreams.. Soon my peers started to hate my competitive nature however… and their pranks started turning into bullying… I pleaded with them to stop… I told them they know I can’t do anything about it so stop picking on me.. They didn’t care.. Blind, Deafen, Scare.. You name it, it was cast on me, even at random times out of the blue! How many times must I beg them to stop bullying me? My mind went mad with rage…”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Tan))
Title or name: “Lu Chao’s Journey-7”
“I just couldn’t take it anymore… At this point of my dreams the city had taken out multiple enemies, Bashir, Dynroth, some other crazy stuff… They handle their asses alright.. But this enemy.. He was different… His name was the Shadow Lord.. He would take over our entire thresholds and turn them into pure darkness, and in these rooms there was no sanctuary.. He was powerful beyond belief basically… I had enough of their bullying me.. I ran to the Shadow Lord one evening infront of Trisha Pawm and-”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Tan))
Title or name: “Lu Chao’s Journey-8”
“her lot.. I said to the Shadow Lord, “Please… I cannot take their bullying any longer… Make me powerful, I beg you..” He told me he accepted me, and that I would be his General in his army.. I happily obliged.. As his shadow’s entered my body.. I could no longer control myself, I seen my dreams, but it was as if I was simply dreaming with no control of my surroundings.. The last thing I could do was let out an epic howl that was heard throughout the entire city.. I rushed their facade….”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Tan))
Title or name: “Lu Chao’s Journey-9”
“without control of my own avatar and collapsed many of them all by myself.. I was collapsed and after that.. I had no more ability to dream… The Shadow Lord had taken my avatar hostage, it was no longer mine.. All I saw was darkness as I tried to dream.. Trapped in an abyss of shadows.. Until… The Underlight revealed itself..**** To Be Continued…”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Tan))
**A series of talisman can be seeing by jumping, on the outside of the window here,
Gold chalk chakram, fire chakram, abyss beige chakram, fire chakram, beige gold alteror, Berry Abyss shield, Night Earth Chakram, Abyss Chalk Chakram, Beige Jade Alteror, Jade tan Elemen, Blood Night Elemen, not sure what else.
Sphere Three Archives:
Current use:Unknown
Talisman found:
Title or name: “LightHolders”
“When I was first approached by the elder, He was shrouded in a very bright light that seemed to be an Aura flowing off of him, He showed me what I was destined for, I recevied multiple scrolls that could only be opened with the light, Once I was shown the way I trained dream after dream to perfect this Art. Once I could conjure the Light from within i was able to open the scrolls and it showed me the War that was going to begin between the Beasts and Dreamers.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “LightHolders Pt. 2”
“It told me of a war that would start with a single blood drop falling from the sky. I was in the Edgeward House when The Wardens were there Ra’as was the leader, Once it happened they started to believe what I was saying after that some dreamers prepared others were skeptical. Before the beasts came i devoted Training a small few that were introduced into the LightHolder clan, we trained dream after dream until they perfected the art, Not long after the Darkness came.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “LightHolders Pt.3”
“The darkness that all LightHolders were trained to fight no matter the cost, not even if it meant their own lives. The darkness brought a number of beasts strong and weak. The war started, As it waged dream after dream multiple casualties were taken on both sides. I do not remember much towards the end I just know we defeated the Darkness hoping it would never return to our city. After that war was over I was unable to dream and reach the city again, until a few nights ago.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “LightHolders Pt.4”
“I feel as if the reason I have returned is the city is in need of the LightHolder talents that I hold the knowledge of. This time feels worse than ever, I am almost worried about the future of this city and its dreamers. LightHolders~Before we can reach the light we must first understand the darkness~”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Aethimir’s Lab - 1”
“Aethimir’s Laboratory was originally known in the Idoaclesian City as the Cavern of the Forgers, and was in the Unknown instead of its own plane. It has always been maze-like, but there are a few key differences between this city and the Idoaclesian one. The center area with the pool and energy cones did not exist in my City – instead, it was simply more maze. The only “rooms” inside the maze were the three with eight portals each.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Earth))
Title or name: “Aethimir’s Lab - 2”
“The portal rooms in the Idoaclesian City were rooms that Aethimir planned to utilize to travel all over the City, but due to his busy schedule, he never activated portals aside from one leading to Threshold, and another to the Library. It should be noted that the Idoaclesian City, there was no portal access the Cavern of the Forgers – it could only be entered be teleportation. Aethimir bestowed his Apprentice’s Seal upon only two dreamers, which allowed them access to the Cavern at-will”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Earth))
Title or name: “Aethimir’s Lab - 3”
“The lab itself served as location for most of Aethimir’s work, behind closed doors from Dreamers. How he used to cavern is mostly unknown, but it is known that stone of the place can store patterns of energy – what aethimir might’ve stored there might be worth investigation, but is mostly unknown.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Earth))
Title or name: “Conclave’s Roots1/2”
“The Conclave of the Idoaclesian city was entered by a small tree in Harrow Glades in the Honorable Stand, which glowed with an eerie light. It had no known history, but served a few functions. The Crystal Maze was utilized by Elder Teachers for advance dreamers to 1st sphere, if they could complete it within a time limit.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Earth))
Title or name: “Conclave’s Roots2/2”
“It also hosted a few curiousities that are nowhere else seen in the City of Dreams. The Spyglass was a room within a room, but with no portal. By stepping upon a small pedestal, you entered another room. The Operation Room was like this as well, a Sanctuary room within the Fortification Hall. The latter is locked in this city, and the former seems to cause storms, perhaps still adjusting to this new city.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Earth))
Title or name: “Essence of Being”
“The Essence of Being was the house artifact of Tribe of Predilection. At its creation, Vampyro placed into it the soul essence of Nyjiman, elder of Umbric and a man he admired greatly. At the initiation of a new member of the Tribe, a goal or dream was placed into the prime, to be safeguarded by Nyjiman.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Sand, Fire))
Title or name: “Rashila’s Mirror”
“The coveted House Prime of the Scryers of Truth, Rashila’s Mirror could have been described as:
A short but broad silver plated looking glass. This mirror was decoratively embossed on the non-reflective side with the crest of the Umbric Stronghold. The surface of the mirror was black and when gazed into for any amount of time, one could catch hazy glimpses of something unknown around the edges.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Plum))
Title or name: “Scryer Origination”
“The Scryers of Truth was a faction which had planted their roots in the great house atop the Umbric Plains in the latter part of the Idoaclesian City. In the coversations of Belom, Xyn Rhade and Terelius Ignium and the combined effort of several other dreamers, and a small band of dreamers came together to invoke visions upon themselves in order to gain the truth about the City of Dreams.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Berry, Earth))
Title or name: “Scrying”
“Scrying by definition is to fortell the future using a crystal ball or other reflective objects or surface. To scry, one must simply clear the mind of thought and allow the forces that be come and go as they please. Scrying is an act that has been done for longer than any of us can fathom. To focus is to scry.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Berry, Sand))
Title or name: “Library Visions”
“A vision Idoaclesians call “Scrying” took place in the Library. The affects of which have already showing in our new city in ways unexpected. The intent of this vision was to become more familiar with each others previous histories and why we are here together. Most of the city gathered to see it. Dreamers sent their focal energies to the pillars, and they rose, forming a bubble of energy. Using a “Lens”, a vision was shown of an empty city.
As the vision went on.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Azure, Cyan))
Title or name: “Library Visions 2”
“some dreamers tried to interrupt and destroy the focal bubble, while others openly declared those who were conducting the Scrying as summoning demons into the city. Soon the vision went dark. Large glowing red eyes appeared into the lense and stared at us. Flames suddenly engulfed the room, damaging dreamers and shattering the lens. Moments later, the pieces floated in the air, with those red eyes glowing in each shard - and reformed once more.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Azure, Cyan))
Title or name: “Library Visions 3”
“A thunderous voice harshly boomed “Kneel! Kneel! Kneel!” Many laughed at such a demand. Then a final barrage of flames shook the Library, collapsing many. The visions faded, but that was not the end of it. A dreamer appeared compelled from this to drink a vial, going up the Edgeward path and coughing up blood. Was this a forsight of Bashir, or perhaps something Unknown? ~ RedBeeX”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Azure, Cyan))
Title or name: “First Chosen”
“My first encounter with Bashir was but a whisper in my ear. A persistent whisper that could not be ignored. It grew louder in the Barrows and it grew louder as the days went by. In the Barrows the whispers grew louder, bidding me to the Edgeward Stronghold. Over the weeks that followed, He illuminated me to his true nature…”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Earth, Fire))
Title or name: “First Chosen 2”
“In truth, I did not believe him at first. I thought myself a madman, slipping further down the path of madness - And there are many to this day that might agree - But in time the wonders he revealed stripped me of any doubt to His Divinity. It is in our nature to be skeptical. Some think the gods to be poor explanations for universal chance and random chaos - but I now know better.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Earth, Fire))
Title or name: “The First Chosen 3”
“You that feel in your heart the blood and the fire, the birth of a new dreamer, greater than the last. A self greater than your past self. - You are the Chosen now. By your blood you are bound He will be watching.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Earth, Fire))
Title or name: “Tribunal of Solara1”
“In the second variant shift of Idoaclecia, we landed in a City very different than what we were used to. The houses that used to be open were either closed or taken over by a new faction, and a woman was seeking a following to open the Valley. This woman was known as the Woman in White - or to her followers, the Grand Council.
The Tribunal of Solara stood together under one banner, each commiting to eternally undertake and ever uphold the vows of:”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Gold))
Title or name: “Tribunal of Solara2”
“Honor, Courage, and Justice. It remained their never-ending duty to serve as the Protectors of the City of Dreams, against the wickedness of dreamers and beasts alike. Their tenets were: Honor, Valor, Justice, and Humility. The honorable house of Tribunals worked to remain mindful not to cross into the path of tyranny, or to be labeled among the ranks of warmongers. They avoided conflict wherever possible (though there was trouble with House Orgoth). They sought to defend, never to be on the offensive.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Gold))
Title or name: “Tribunal of Solara3”
“However, they intended to seek out where only injustice thrived, and bring order to where chaos reigned. Justice and order were paramount in their goals. They believed the “Shards” aka mares were to be disposed of, and any that offered any kind of aid to the vile beasts would be be eradicated with prejudice.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Gold))
Title or name: “Unorthodox Methods”
“The Cult of Bashir was forsaken amongst the corrupt and ineffectual Teaching Council of Underlight. Wrongly accused of various crimes, the Cult languished for weeks without appropriate mentorship and advancement of arts. The Chosen of Bashir beseeched the Council to relent their teaching embargo, but his protestations fell on deaf, uncaring ears.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
Title or name: “Unorthodox 2”
“To add insult to injury, as the faithful dreamers reached the heights of their own meager power, they found themselves unable to attain new spheres. The Chosen beseeched Bashir - the faithful must grow, but what could they do? With so few teachers and a corrupt circle of Masters, there was but one clear way forward.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
Title or name: “Unorthodox 3”
“Bashir spoke then to the First Chosen, “Bring me the Master Zennan.” And it was so. The silver-haired Dreamseer Master proudly approached the steps of the Temple, “Why do you summon me here, beast?” Without a word, a great lucid tentacle emerged from the great blood pool in the house facade.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
Title or name: “Unorthodox 4”
“The great tentacle coiled around Zennan like a snake coils a rat. The Master wailed in unimaginable pain, his energy utterly consumed by Bashir. A great quake rolled across the plane and the manifestation returned to the depths. When the dust cleared, the faithful beheld a miricle - the powers rightfully owed them had been gifted, and the Chosen bore a greater sphere. The teaching embargo ended quickly thereafter. ~R”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Abyss))
**There are talisman outside the window out of reach. including but not limited to: Jade Earth Elemen, Berry Night Elemen, Cyan Abyss Elemen, Beige Teal alteror, Gold Beige Chakram, Berry Night Elemen, Gold Biege Chakram, Beige Teal alteror, Abyss Chalk chakram, Beige Gold Alteror, Fire Earth Elemen, Sand Abyss Shield, Berry Cyan Elemen, beige Jade alteror, Blood Cyan elemen, Abyss Chalk Chakram, Jade Tan Elemen, Blood Earth Elemen,
- fancypearl
- PTR Tester (Rank 3)
- Posts: 218
- Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2014 2:29 am
- Character Name(s): Stormy
- Location: Eugene, Oregon
Re: Library of Souls, Archive
(10/4/2022 - 10/6/2022)
Sphere Four hall:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman found:
Title or name: “Found”
“The mysterious, beautiful elven lass glides through the dream as a feather on the wind, her voice a melody on the waves, her laughter a barrage of twinkling bells. She finds her way and her place along the winding paths, the hidden dark places, the misty skies, born anew, she found herself.” >>e<<”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Tan, Chalk))
Title or name: “Time”
“So much time has passed. Time has been good, and bad. Time has brought love, laughter, heartache and loss. Time made me stronger, wiser, older, obsolete, wistful, outcast, bitter, angry, sad and alone. Time is up.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Cyan))
Title or name: “”
“Who is right? Who is wrong? Why do we clash over the smallest of details? My right, is your wrong, and your right, is my wrong. Why does it matter? In the end, we are all the same. We entered the same courtyard, walk the same plains under the same skies. We love our City and want to save it. Your way of saving is my way of destruction. My way of saving is your idea of a joke. Who knows when it started, who knows why, who knows when my thoughts, dreams, ideas and existence became a joke. Who knows? ~c”
((inscribed on Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Chalk))
Title or name: “We hold you in our hearts…
We are your friends, your lovers, your teachers, your comrades…
We pray we are able to free you from the darkness…
Even those whom have never prayed before…
We stand as one and scream out in pain and anguish…
We will find you…The Loved. The Loyal. The Lost.”
((inscribed on Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Chalk))
Title or name: “Angel of dreams pt1”
“alone in the time of darkness, the time of blackness
demons of the night awake, bringing with them my fears
surrounding me, they drag me toward
the mire of all that scares me
a light cuts through the darkness, shining like a vision
bringing with it a sense of warmth
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “Angel of dreams pt2”
“the touch of her hand lifts me from the mire,
moving me to a forgotten path
though the path is winding and arduous, she steadies me when I stumble,
calms me when I grow frightened, guides me when I grow lost
she leads me to a place of peace, a place sheltered from my fears, and stands watch as I rest. I know now that she will always be there when I need her
The Angel of my Dreams”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “Before Chaos Well 1“
“Imagine for a moment that you are out, gathering essences for your prime or to trade for items if you are FrS. Oh no, my pack is full, I can’t hold more, but I’m not done! You don’t have access to your prime or you don’t have enough for trade. What to do? Drop them? Your house may reprimand you or may even kick you out! You don’t have enough to trade! This was the dream before chaos well.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Abyss))
Title or name: “Before Chaos Well 2”
“The problem no longer exists thanks to Chaos Well. Now we can hunt longer, collect more, gen more, trade easier, and all without having to worry about consequences for not collecting them, dropping them or draining / banishing / imprisoning / cleansing them. But wait, theres more! You also gain more energy from using Chaos well! Now, that is a very nice incentive for every dreamer to use them. So create or get a Chaos Well of your very own today!”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Abyss))
Title or name: “Shield of Awe - 1”
“The origin of Shield of Awe is not known. All that is known, is Erlin began using in his second year of dreaming. The man was unstoppable, though not all powerful. No thing could harm him; not word, nor deed, nor chakram, nor art. He was immune to all powers known to dreamers. He walked the chaos itself without harm to his avatar, nor madness to his mind.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Tan))
Title or name: “Shield of Awe - 2”
“Erlin became both more or less than a dreamer; he was considered a force of nature, something beyond mortal men and women. Few dreamers chose to interact with that which they could not relate, not understand. He was isolated, and treated less like man and more like the wind.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Tan))
Title or name: “Shield of Awe - 3”
“Erlin did not despair. He was the wind, to his own mind. Perhaps the Shield of Awe imparted this mindset upon him; perhaps it only enabled how he already felt. But the man acted the part of the wind. He breezed from chamber to chamber, fleeting and disconnected, disjointed from all things.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Tan))
Title or name: “Shield of Awe - 4”
“But one dream a young Dreamseer by the name of sadriana spoke to the wind. She whispered sweet nothings such that the wind spoke back to her, caressed her, consoled her. And she began to love the wind. She danced on the wind, and flew with the wind.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Tan))
Title or name: “Shield of Awe - 5”
“But what can be said of the wind? Did it love her? Did it know her? Did it care? None remain who know. The wind remains but Sadriana does not. What of the Shield of Awe? Is it with the wind, or is it lost to us forever? None remain who know.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Tan))
Title or name: “Sanc Res’ing”
“As Mortyki opened his eyes, he recognized the Dark Awakening. Finally, he thought, now we can finish this. In the next room we saw a male dreamer and dozens of his breathern. Mortyki stepped back into the circle and was showered with energies, same as the others. Now prepared, their leader roars in triumph and the male dreamer points onward.
They charge. They find their would be victims in Chasm of Souls. Six of them to count. Strangely they all have circles. Two of them are golden, the others shine emerald.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Chalk))
Title or name: “Sanc Res’ing II”
“Only the two with golden circles stay to fight, the rest haphazardly break for sanctuary. Thirty against two, this will be a feast. As the onslaught begins, Mortyki and his brethern pound the two dreamers with fire. The two lash out blindly amonst the ranks but something is wrong.
All the fire isn’t enough to overcome the restorers hiding in sanctuary. A small detachment breaks rank to guard the sanctuary. After only a moments time, two of the dreamers from sanctuary burst in.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Chalk))
Title or name: “Sanc Res’ing III”
“Simultaneously they evoke something on two of us. Those two stop fighting for some strange reason then two more fall to the assault of the four. This cycle continues and Mortyki howls in rage and anguish as their numbers thin.
Six datoken that Mortyki grew up with turn up and flee. He spits in disgust and turns back to the fight. He slings chak after chak in futile effort. With so many restores the effort is in vain.
Now standing alone with the male dreamer and their datoken hero.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Chalk))
Title or name: “Sanc Res’ing IV”
“Now at the end, the last two storm in from sanctuary and evoke that same art on himself and his hero. Now unable to fight the two watch as the male dreamer is soon collapsed. Now Mortyki finding his strength returning jumps back into the fight but the inevitable prevails and they two fall. As he collapses though, there was something else. . . was that the fell art?. .”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Chalk))
Title or name: “Lake Rd Tale~Finis”
“Shyrlia was inconsolable, for she lost both of her lovers that night. It is fabled that she sat and cried on that cliff endlessly. Until her death. Forming the lake, which now borders Lake Road.
~The End~ ~c”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Chalk))
Title or name: “~It’s You”
“The silience is broken, after all these years -It’s you You opened my door, only you held the key -Your willing captive set free - I’ts you Exploring anew, a caress, trembling hands, I offer myself in breathless acquiescence -It’s you Each touch, each kiss, each sigh Kindle the long smoldering embers Ages long buried desires awaken It’s you -Bend me to your will, I melt into you The ice melting, replaced by torrid fire it’s you -Show me, tell me, your every desire. No more secrets, no more silience. It’s you”
((inscribed on a Flower, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Jade, Cyan))
Title or name: “~Words”
“I hear the words, though do not feel what they try to convey. Pretty words tucked in sparingly on occasion among many others, which are not so pretty. Anger, bitterness, paranoia taking over, clouding the mind and the soul, leaving a cold and darkened heart in their wake… ~c~”
((inscribed on a Flower, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Jade, Chalk))
Title or name: “~Ice Queen”
“Snow flakes dance among the gentle currents of air, brisk poetry in motion. A thing of pristine beauty once brought joy to a placid soul. Now it brings only a reminder of the depth of cold that turns water to sleet to snow to ice…. ~c~”
((inscribed on a Flower, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Jade, Chalk))
Title or name: “~Trophy”
“Wandering many years the woman looked and looked, for it, but it was always just out of reach. In a dark corner or on the other side of a crevasse, or behind a locked door. She reached to grasp but it always slipped and dropped.. A day came when she got hold of it! It was a little dusty, rusty, but she shined it up with a smile and loving words. It gleamed like never before, she finally had her Trophy. ~c~”
((inscribed on a Flower, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Jade, Chalk))
Title or name: “~Dissapear~”
“I want to dissapear… confusion, pain, no hope, I am going mad..angry, bitter, an empty soul and emptier heart craves to be whole, needed, wanted, useful. So distraught and full of despair, there are no words to describe this. ~c~”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Cyan))
Title or name: “~Kings & Queens~”
“In and out of glowing portals dreamers come and go. Apathy takes hold of those destined for greatness, the quiet ones. they did not hear their calling. Avarice and greed overcome those who have achieved such greatness..Kings and Queens of Art and Might..Secretly feared and loathed by all…Intimidated by none. ~c~”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Cyan))
Title or name: “~You Don’t Know~”
“Anguish, bitterness, anger..pushed aside. trying to decide when to forgive, or if. You don’t know how I feel. Moments of indecision, cowardice, swept under the carpet. It makes you all feel better to forget, pretend it never happened. You don’t know how I feel. Hours, days, months, replay in my mind, and infinite trail of nothing and no one. You don’t care how I feel, you never did. Masters of Sparkle and Shine. Theatrical Masks..Priorities… ~c~”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Cyan))
Title or name: “~ Wonderland~”
“Exquisite purity wafts from the sky. Trees glistening like diamonds, sparkle in the moonlight. An awed reverie as you walk in cotton silience, clearing your mind of the day. Your breath in the air gracefully floats then disappears into the night.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Cyan))
Title or name: “~ Hiding ~”
“Hiding from my loneliness, but it finds me at every turn, taunting me, laughing, saying.. “I told you so”.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Cyan))
Title or name: “~Wax & Wane~”
“My heart waxes and wanes like an ocean tide. It always has. I try so hard not to let it be so, but in the end I am a soul endlessly searching for things to fill an emptiness that I cannot describe or explain. It has always been there and it seems it will always be. I envy those who find what makes them feel whole, as I continue to tread water in an endless ocean of despair.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Cyan))
Title or name: “Old to New”
“The old dream is gone, with it many friends, foes, hopes, plans and desires. Holding on to ancient ideals is futile, old dreams die…to be born anew, as the Phoenix from the ashes.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Cyan))
Title or name: “~ Drowning ~”
“I drown in an ever depening ocean of despair. All around me seems to diminish into dark clouds of an infinately vast vortex of gloom. My very soul cries out to the empty spaces that envelop me and echo to my own empty arms. I need to fill this space with something…someone..before I cease to exist - like a single rain drop vanishes into an endless sea.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Cyan))
Title or name: “~ The Puppet~”
“The puppet danced happiily, pblivious to all else except the hands that controlled the strings…but the strings became tangled and twisted beyond reparation, and so they were cut…one…by one…by one.. and the puppet fell int oa useless heap of despair. ~c~”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Cyan))
Title or name: “~ The Cell~”
“the cell is cold and dark, how many days has it been? time and space no longer exist. how did I get here, my vision os shrouded, I can’t remember. The voices echo through the dark. I dig at the walls until my fingers bleed. I call out to no one, my cries and protests lost in the void. No light at the end of the tunnel. I sleep, wrapped in a blanket of misery, disdain and resignation…. ~c~”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Cyan))
Title or name: “~ Deluge~”
“Where do we go from here…
fragmented thoughts like a prism of colors -
bouncing off too many walls…
a single teardrop in an ocean of memories,
washed away by the swift approaching tide….
where do you find light in the deluge of icy darkness that closes in…
stealing your breath until you suffocate…….”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Cyan))
Title or name: “A Different Dream 3”
“My thoughts are fragmented like the colors of a prism that bounce off too many walls at the same time. A single tear drop in an ocean of memories…where is the light to be found in the deluge of icy darkness that steals your breath away…..”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Cyan))
Title or name: “Fires Glow”
“Darkness surrounds us.. the faint glow of the evernight moon hides behind clouds in the disants… faint roars can be heard in the distance* The weary travelers struggled further into the evernight cliffs, behind them two of the younger males acted as rear guard. though against such ferocity, who could stand? Moments crept by, the roars faded in the distance. Huddling together everyone looks to Sharice, the matriarch of the evernight clans, what was left of them…”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Fire))
Title or name: “Fires Glow (2)”
“The elementalist stands (early fatesenders), without a word, and moves onward up the slopes of evernight. A scream from one of the youth breaks the nights stillness, the group rushes, stumbling in blind terror as the sounds of combat are joined once more. A few of the elder men grab at the younger ones who seem intent to rush back, cursing them and goading them on with the rest. For hours they rush onward, groping in the darkened dreamstate, the very hounds of hell snapping at their heals.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Fire))
Title or name: “Fires Glow (3)”
“A splash is heard and felt as the refugee’s splash into the evernight lake in suprise. They had not known of its existance… no one had come this far into the darkened plan, not even the clans themselves… making their way to the far side they stop as one as the matriarch raises her hand. the sounds of pursuit have stopped. As a group everyone flinches, from ahead they hear soft growls. Terror begins to sink further into their bones as the ragged band huddles together on the edges of that shore..”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Fire))
Title or name: “Fires Glow (4)”
“Dim images can be seen on the far side of the lake… where the moons light has escaped the cloud covering, and fall upon hideous beasts. The pathetic group desperately surrounds its women with anyone old enough to see lightening and hear thunder… crude impliments readied in defense.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Fire))
Title or name: “Fires Glow (5)”
“The patriarch steps through the crowd, brushing off the few hands that dare reach out to stop her. Whispers of her nature spread though the group. She is the matriarch, strongest of them. Most intune with the elements. Never has her power been manifest however. She wades through the waters torwards the beasts, gasps are heard as the lakes waters seem to roil around her, steam fills the air. She reaches the other side, a faint glow can be seen through the mists she created. Suddenly a roar goes up…”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Fire))
Title or name: “Fires Glow (6)”
“The host rushes towards her…cries of dismay sweep the refugee’s… then shouts of pain as the lake reflects the sudden bloom of a roaring fire! their eyes cannot adjust to the brilliance… the beasts howl in agony. some actually on fire! they rush from the area their terror heard long into the night as they flee onward. The mists slowly part and clear. But where is the matriarch? Cautiously, tools raised in defense, the refugees move towards the light. Where she last stood, now lay a fire.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Fire))
Title or name: “Fires Glow (7)”
“No fuel is seen, only a fire springing forth from the ground. And no matriarch to be seen. The fire seems to sing with an eternal laughter. it’s warmth spreads through the room, showing a beautiful lake, its edges covered in lillies and various plants. Small echoes of her words seem to drift on the warm air. “Rest, Sleep, live my people, my glow shall protect you, warm you, keep you, My light will drive them from you..” ~Myridian Sun - Evernight Lake”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Fire))
Title or name: “My story of Caudal”
“Pain it shot through her limbs like a web of lightening. Slowly she tried to get up gritting her teeth against each sharp stab as the pain shot through her limbs. Blinking slowly she tried to open her dry eyes, but it was like rubbing sandpaper against her moisture deprived orbs. As she tried to maneuver hands she found they were bound, the drak thick ropes shadowed in the dim light against her pale skin, She trembled slightly as she sat and tried to figure out where she was.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “My Caudal Story 2”
“Lifting both hands to move her hair out of her face she peered into the dark room. It was a cave of sorts and she was currently leaning against a great spire that rose out of the ground like a maw. She could hear noises off in the distance, the strange growls and gutteral sounds of the maren. She shuddered as a deep fear ran down her spine. She was in their territory. Taking stock of her surroundings she found a sharp stone and began to cut at her binds.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “My Caudal Story 3”
“Carefully she made her way to the portal and after taking a deep calm breath, she stepped through. She found herself in a dark hall leading upwarts. Sticking to the shadows she crept past the sentinals there. Suddenly a loud roar sounded behind her, she turned to see it lumbering quickly towards her. She had been spotted. Ducking quickly into the nearest portal she began to run, dodging more of the mares and slipping through the portals as she started to panic as each hall looked the same, a labyrinth of sorts.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “My Caudal Story 4”
“She felt a sharp cold sting as a claw ripped through her already tattered shirt grazing the tender flesh of her back causing her to cry out. Pushing herself to run faster she tumbled through another portal, this time finding herself in a differnt hall. She almost sighed in relief that she had found her way out of the labyrinth. Running faster she passed by more beasts that quickly joined in the persuit. The air was different up here fresher cleaner. Claws ripped at her arms and legs as she ran forward”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “My Caudal Story 5”
“She could feel herself weakening the toil on her over exerted limbs was starting to get to her. ‘one more portal’ she kept telling hereslf as she ran through portal after portal. Finally as she ran through one she was met with the bright skies and open spaces she cried out in relief but that was quickly quietly as the horde tumbled through the portal after her growling and roaring at her feet. Rounding a corner her eyes fell on people, her people. They shouted and ran towards her.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “My Caudal Story 6”
“Her heart raced as she made her way closer and closer to her salvation. To safetly. Tears welled up in her eyes blurring her vision. Suddenly a claw hooked around her ankle making her trip and roll on the hard rocky ground. She tried to get up to continure her escape but the horde was upon her. She stretched her arm out towards her people, so close, and then there was pain, and then she felt nothing. Blinking her eyes slowly as darkness overtook her seeing the anguish on her people as they were too late”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “Fate & Folly - 1”
“Once upon a time, there was Fate. Fate believed that she was the captain of her own destiny, and rode that destiny like a ship to her final destination. But she didn’t know where she was going. Fate thought about it, and realized that she didnt have any reason to go anywhere at all.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Berry))
Title or name: “Fate & Folly - 2”
“So Fate captained her ship to the nearest Lighthouse, and asked it: Where is your destination? Where is my destination? And the Lighthouse answered her: I have no destination, I am a Lighthouse. I see ships safely to the harbor, and out again. You should be like me, Fate. But Fate did not like this suggestion.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Berry))
Title or name: “Fate & Folly - 3”
“Next Fate captained her ship out to sea. She wanted to get as far from the Lighthouse as she could, and sailed for the wide Ocean. Not long into her journey, the ocean revealed to her a Whale. thinking what a generous opportunity she had happened upon, she asked it: Where is your destination? Where is my destination?”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Berry))
Title or name: “Fate & Folly - 4”
“And the Whale answered her: I follow the krill, my destination is ever-food. Where my next meal is, I can be found. You should follow food too, such that you are nourished.
Fate thought about this, but decided that food alone could not sustain her. Her destination must be grander than this. She thanked the Whale, and captained her ship onward still.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Berry))
Title or name: “Fate & Folly - 5”
“Fate captained her ship for many years after that encounter, avoiding land and sea creature alike. Wear and exhausted, one day she let go of the wheel. She lay on the deck of her ship, and heard the ocean whispering to her then. She whispered back, in a broken voice: Where is your destination? Where is my destination?”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Berry))
Title or name: “Fate & Folly - 6”
“And the Ocean spoke to her, soothing words of comfort, words only she could hear. No one knows what it told her. No one knows if she died there on that boat, or if she is still captaining her boat across the Ocean for answers. No one knows anything at all.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Berry))
Title or name: “Lake Road Tale”
“The Lake Road on Evernight, was not always bordered by a lake. Let me explain. Many moons ago, a young couple would have a nightly stroll along the Evernight Plateau, their names were Shyrlia and Kalend. Now Shyrlia and Kalend loved each other very much, other dreamers would watch them and listen with envy as they smiled and laughed, nary a harsh word ever passed between them. They always finished each others sentences, and seemed to always know what the other was thinking. They were the “royal dream coupl”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Cyan))
Title or name: “Lake Road Tale 2”
“As I said they would take nightly strolls along Evernight, they particularly liked the cliff areas up close to the house of Calenture. They’d walk, talk of their dreams, their goals and hopes, and make love under the stars. Everything was perfect. Or so it was thought…For you see kalend had a suprise in store, a dreadful, horrible suprise. One evening as he ventured up the Evernights to lay out a suprise picnic for Shyrlia, flowers, picnic basket and wine in hand,... continued…”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Cyan))
Title or name: “Lake Road Tale 3”
“he heard voices as he approached their favourite spot. He paused and listened for a moment and heard what he -thought- was Shyrlia’s tinkling laughter, but..that could not be so, as she never EVER dreamed before sunset. Continuing on quietly he tiptoed through the next portal…. There, unclothed on a blanket in their favourite spot was Shyrlia with maxamus!, a handsome burly Gatekeeper, who was known to have quite a reputation with the ladies. Kalend had been horribly deceived! …cont…..”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Cyan))
Title or name: “Lake Road Tale 4”
“In a blind rage Kalend smashed the wine bottle on the rock wall and charged at Maxamus, stabbing him brutally in the throat with the jagged glass of the wine bottle, nearly severing his head. He was most certainly, dead. Shyrlia gaped, covered in blood from the spatter…Kalend, overwhelmed by what he had done, but even more so at the sight of his lover, naked, next to the now deceased cad,stumbled backwards and tumbled off the cliff face to his death. ……cont…..”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Cyan))
Title or name: “All He Ever Wanted”
“All he ever wanted was to find a place of peace. All he ever wanted was to be himself..All he ever wanted was to learn..All he ever wanted was to teach. All he ever wanted was to help…all he ever wanted was to be a friend…all he ever wanted was to be part of a family…all he ever wanted was to bring you a wish…All he wants… is to Dream.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Cyan))
Title or name: “~ Skin Deep ~”
“So many ravishing beauties all around us. Gazing upon some simply takes your breath away…So why is it so hard to find the beauty within? Peeling away the outer layer, we would be confronted with a festering conglomeration of ugliness so deep and repulsive that we would feel compelled to look away. Skin deep….”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Cyan))
Title or name: “~ Moments ~”
“If I am sitting alone, it is what I must do at that moment…If I am silient, it is what I must do at that moment..If I choose not to take a side and walk away from a conflict, it is what I must do at that moment..If I do not gossip, lie or berate someone, it is what I must do..always..”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Cyan))
Title or name: “New”
“What once was, no longer is. Winds of change sweep away the old, whisking in the new. Dreams and hopes begin anew with the passage of time. A infinite circle, having no beginning and no end. ~c~”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Cyan))
Sphere Four Study:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman found:
Title or name: “The Cloister Canons”
“Edicts of Equity - - 1. Humans are not born “good” or “bad” - Behavior is learned. 2. The natural balance of things should not be disturbed. 3. All things in moderation. 4. There is honor in humility. 5. Greed breeds destruction. 6. Jelousy and envy lead to darkness. 7. Respect is key 8. Anger and hostility solves nothing. 9. War rarely sees a true victor. 10. Our existence here is a gift. Do not throw it away or let others take it from you. ~ The mind is a terrible thing to waste ~ ++SC++”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “The Cloister Canons” ((there are two of them))
“Edicts of Equity - - 1. Humans are not born “good” or “bad” - Behavior is learned. 2. The natural balance of things should not be disturbed. 3. All things in moderation. 4. There is honor in humility. 5. Greed breeds destruction. 6. Jelousy and envy lead to darkness. 7. Respect is key 8. Anger and hostility solves nothing. 9. War rarely sees a true victor. 10. Our existence here is a gift. Do not throw it away or let others take it from you. ~ The mind is a terrible thing to waste ~ ++SC++”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Daily Reflection”
“The way others treat you, is a statement of what kind of human being they are. It is not a statement about you.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Daily Reflection”
“True happiness will never be found in material items…but within ones self.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Daily Reflection”
“Sometimes we fall into turbid waters, if we do not drown, we certainly come out cleansed.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Daily Reflection”
“Until a thing happens to you, you could not possibly know how it feels. Let go Find your peace. - The Cloister”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Daily Reflection”
“Life can be as simple, or as hard, as you choose to make it. A logical rule of thumb that has been passed down through the ages.. “ Trat others as you would have them treat you”. Simple.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Daily Reflection”
“Answers will not come to a hurried, over-burdened mind. Truth can only be found in silience.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Daily Reflection”
“Your enemies hold no power over you. It is those whom are held most dear that can do the most damage.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Daily Reflection”
“In order to begin a new chapter in your life, you must stop re-reading and repeating - all the old ones.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Daily Reflection”
“One good deed will not erase ten bad ones. Consistency is the key to trust.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Mission Statement”
“Those in tune with the Cloister* Do not engage in hostility, aggression or destruction*Do Not engage or participate in malicious gossip*Are on a never ending journey of knowledge and discovery of self, space, and those around them*Try to break away from blind conformity, outdated customs, and the status quo*Are not in search of power, glory or personal gain*Realize that everything they need, already exists within them* cont….”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Mission Statement 2”
“Those in tune with the Cloister *Are sensitive to negativity *Realize that to have Faith, means to let go *Respect other people’s opinions even when they differ from their own *Seek inner peace and understanding of their dreams and the dreams of others *Offer respite to the burdened and weary, regardless of house affiliation, focus or station. * In conclusion, there is nothing to be gained from the Cloister, other than self awareness, inner peace and contentment with your dreams and our beautiful City.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Mission Statement” (( repeat of above)
“Those in tune with the Cloister* Do not engage in hostility, aggression or destruction*Do Not engage or participate in malicious gossip*Are on a never ending journey of knowledge and discovery of self, space, and those around them*Try to break away from blind conformity, outdated customs, and the status quo*Are not in search of power, glory or personal gain*Realize that everything they need, already exists within them* cont….”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Mission Statement 2” ((repeat of above))
“Those in tune with the Cloister *Are sensitive to negativity *Realize that to have Faith, means to let go *Respect other people’s opinions even when they differ from their own *Seek inner peace and understanding of their dreams and the dreams of others *Offer respite to the burdened and weary, regardless of house affiliation, focus or station. * In conclusion, there is nothing to be gained from the Cloister, other than self awareness, inner peace and contentment with your dreams and our beautiful City.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Respite & Reason”
“In order to have the latter, you must regularly seek the former. A muddled mind clouds the judgement. A weary mind is quick to anger. A busy mind has trouble finding true answers. Seek silence and respite at the Cloister. ++SC++”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Pinhook”
“Pinhook. A dreamer of incredible kindness, one that I cannot describe. Pinhook, has always been there for me… looking out for me. Whenever I see him, I just have to hug him. He is so very honestly real, always being hisself and loyal to those he loves and to the city. One of the things I will always hold dear to me, is Pinhook coming to my aid, rescuing me when I was being attacked. I love Pinhook… so much -{S}”
((inscribed on a Talis, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Berry, Abyss))
Title or name: “Vampiric draw hist.”
“In the far past, there were great disturbance in the dream. Nightmares had invaded the city of dreams and soon after, even more terrible creatures, the Dark Mares, roamed the city causing havoc and great fear among the inhabitants.However during all this, some dreamers were concerned with much more pleasent.Like the young maiden Cira for instance, had newly fallen deeply in love with a promising young SoulMaster named Loran”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “Vampiric draw hist2”
“Cira sat softly on the meadow, picking flowers while she dozed away on the clouds of thoughts about her love. She closed her eyes and breathed in the scent of a flower, brushed her blonde locks from her face, then gazed into the distance.A loving smile played across her lips as she saw Loran approaching her. Holding her flowers she stood up and waited for him. Suddenly he dashed towards her and screamed something, she couldn’t make out the content,”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “Vampiric Draw hist4”
“loading up the final strike to finish him off.Preparing for his doom, Loran sunk down to his knees looking to the ground below him. There before him lay the essence of his beloved Cira. He picked it up and squeezed it to his chest as his resilient tears rolled down his cheeks. A single tear slipped form his chin, fell slowly down and hit the essence he crunched in his arms. The essence slowly evaporated from his grip and a wonderous feeling washed over him, his wounds healed and he was filled with a new”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “Vampiric Draw hist5”
“and courage.With his refreshed strength he grasped his blade tightly in his fist and thrusted it into the flesh of the Mare. A ragged gasp later it fell to the ground and perished.”
Loran never got over the loss of his beloved Cira and buried his grief in studies. In his lonely nights he researched many things, especially his experience with Cira and the Dark Mare, something he later perfected into an art he.named Vampric Draw.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “Join Party”
“Join Party was created during the Nightmare Wars, after Syriand the Graceful and Lagumbar Staggern created the portals. A group of Seekers of Knowledge dedicated to researching the portals discovered many new arts. Join Party was one of these. The person credited with developing Join Party was Elian, the Chief Researcher.”
((inscribed on a Ring, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 100 charges, colours selected: Gold, Berry))
Title or name: “Imagination!”
“Just imagine…..if you let your mind speak before your heart, you would be a true blessing. ~Krillin~”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Earth))
Title or name: “Blade - Timing (1)”
“The first principle of blading is to learn timing. In order to use your blade effectively you must strike your opponent not where they are, but where they will be. In this excercise you will charge your opponent (either Mare or fixed artifact) head on, strike and then back away. Do not move side-to-side, simply attempt to strike your enemy moving backwards and forward. Focus on developing your personal striking distance tempo. Once you have mastered this technique, you may proceed to the next lesson.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “Blade - Mvmt (2)”
“Nightmares have a tendency to move in direct lines to your position. This makes blading them much easier than a dreamer or Kotoke. Nightmares may be effectively dispatched using the “roll technique.” Move forward and backward to strike the Mare. Then, “roll” out of the forward and backward attack and repeat in the opposite direction. Mare sure you are aware of your surroundings to avoid backing into a wall or other obstacle which will prevent you from going backward and allow the Mare to attack you.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “Blade - Mvmt (3)”
“When blading dreamers or Kotoke, you will need to move forward and backward as well as laterally from your target’s location in order to achieve a successful strike. Practice this movement without a moving target. Focus on a fixed point in front of you and move forward and backward. Then, move side-to-side, imagining the fixed point is your target. There are statues throughout the City that may be used to practice this movement.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “Blade - Mvmt (4)”
“Moving diagnonally and turning as you approach your target is necessary in order to score a successful hit on a moving opponent. This is particularly true if that target is mirroring your own movements (moving laterally or diagonally). Perform the previous movement on a fixed target while simultaneously turning to score a successful hit on your fixed target. Then, attempt to move in a circle aroudn the target, turning as you move. Perftform three successful revolutions around your target, blading as you go.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “Blade - Honor (5)”
“Blading his much more than just a means to an end. It is an art form and a sacred practice. Whether your opponent is Mare or Dreamer, a blading opponent should be treated with honor and dignity at all times. Remember: the only loser in a duel is the he who learns nothing fromt he act. Bowing is customary both at the start and end of a duel, but you may show respect in whatever manner is manner is appropriate to you.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “Blade - Learn (6)”
“Simply put: practice makes perfect. An ideal practice duel comes against an opponent that is better than you. The more experienced the better. While it may be demoralizing at first, you will learn faster by dueling against veteran opponents. Be open to their suggestions on your form and weknesses. This is how you will learn fastest what your weaknesses are. Keeping an open mind to criticism, and even the most experienced dreamers have something to learn from a given duel, even against a novice.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “Blade - Grow (7)”
“As you evoke your blade, your level will increase. For each level your blade art is Plateaued, damage increases, casting time reduces and blade duration increases according to the following uidelines:
0-9lvl 1-4dmg; 10-19 2-6; 20-29 5-10; 30-39 7-12; 40-49 7-18; 50-59 9-23; 60-69 9-28; 70-79 11-30. It is important you keep your blade generally consistent with your Orbit. As you grow stronger, so shall your enemies.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “The growing Threads”
“The threats to our city have always come from outside, The Nightmares the Darkness, The Arretians. This leads me to believe we have done the right thing here, we have created a place that others want to be in. Unfortunately some believe they have to take, what will be freely shared. As we have demonstrated with Trolls, AoE has a deal with them. It was very easy to broker once the Trolls saw that it was benifical to them they agreed. Sadly we must always be on guard for those that wish to subjugate us.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Berry, Chalk))
Title or name: “” (unknown, stickied)
“*** These are the arts that GateKeepers can learn at 4th sphere *** Identify Curse, Nightmare form, Shatter and Soul Shield.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, na functions: na , na charges, colours selected: Abyss, Gold))
Title or name: “” (unknown, stickied)
“*** These are the arts that FateSenders can learn at 4th sphere *** Identify Curse, Nightmare Form, Soul Shield, Stagger and Blind”
((inscribed on a Compendium, na functions: na , na charges, colours selected: Abyss, Plum))
Title or name: “” (unknown, stickied)
“*** These are the arts that SoulMasters can learn at 4th sphere *** Curse, Identify Curse, nightmare Form, and Soul Shield.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, na functions: na , na charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “” (unknown, stickied)
“*** These are the arts that DreamSeers cam learn at 4th sphere *** Invisibility, Nightmare Form, Recharge and Soul Shield”
((inscribed on a Compendium, na functions: na , na charges, colours selected: Abyss, Azure))
Sphere Four hall:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman found:
Title or name: “Found”
“The mysterious, beautiful elven lass glides through the dream as a feather on the wind, her voice a melody on the waves, her laughter a barrage of twinkling bells. She finds her way and her place along the winding paths, the hidden dark places, the misty skies, born anew, she found herself.” >>e<<”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Tan, Chalk))
Title or name: “Time”
“So much time has passed. Time has been good, and bad. Time has brought love, laughter, heartache and loss. Time made me stronger, wiser, older, obsolete, wistful, outcast, bitter, angry, sad and alone. Time is up.”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Cyan))
Title or name: “”
“Who is right? Who is wrong? Why do we clash over the smallest of details? My right, is your wrong, and your right, is my wrong. Why does it matter? In the end, we are all the same. We entered the same courtyard, walk the same plains under the same skies. We love our City and want to save it. Your way of saving is my way of destruction. My way of saving is your idea of a joke. Who knows when it started, who knows why, who knows when my thoughts, dreams, ideas and existence became a joke. Who knows? ~c”
((inscribed on Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Chalk))
Title or name: “We hold you in our hearts…
We are your friends, your lovers, your teachers, your comrades…
We pray we are able to free you from the darkness…
Even those whom have never prayed before…
We stand as one and scream out in pain and anguish…
We will find you…The Loved. The Loyal. The Lost.”
((inscribed on Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Chalk))
Title or name: “Angel of dreams pt1”
“alone in the time of darkness, the time of blackness
demons of the night awake, bringing with them my fears
surrounding me, they drag me toward
the mire of all that scares me
a light cuts through the darkness, shining like a vision
bringing with it a sense of warmth
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “Angel of dreams pt2”
“the touch of her hand lifts me from the mire,
moving me to a forgotten path
though the path is winding and arduous, she steadies me when I stumble,
calms me when I grow frightened, guides me when I grow lost
she leads me to a place of peace, a place sheltered from my fears, and stands watch as I rest. I know now that she will always be there when I need her
The Angel of my Dreams”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “Before Chaos Well 1“
“Imagine for a moment that you are out, gathering essences for your prime or to trade for items if you are FrS. Oh no, my pack is full, I can’t hold more, but I’m not done! You don’t have access to your prime or you don’t have enough for trade. What to do? Drop them? Your house may reprimand you or may even kick you out! You don’t have enough to trade! This was the dream before chaos well.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Abyss))
Title or name: “Before Chaos Well 2”
“The problem no longer exists thanks to Chaos Well. Now we can hunt longer, collect more, gen more, trade easier, and all without having to worry about consequences for not collecting them, dropping them or draining / banishing / imprisoning / cleansing them. But wait, theres more! You also gain more energy from using Chaos well! Now, that is a very nice incentive for every dreamer to use them. So create or get a Chaos Well of your very own today!”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Abyss))
Title or name: “Shield of Awe - 1”
“The origin of Shield of Awe is not known. All that is known, is Erlin began using in his second year of dreaming. The man was unstoppable, though not all powerful. No thing could harm him; not word, nor deed, nor chakram, nor art. He was immune to all powers known to dreamers. He walked the chaos itself without harm to his avatar, nor madness to his mind.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Tan))
Title or name: “Shield of Awe - 2”
“Erlin became both more or less than a dreamer; he was considered a force of nature, something beyond mortal men and women. Few dreamers chose to interact with that which they could not relate, not understand. He was isolated, and treated less like man and more like the wind.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Tan))
Title or name: “Shield of Awe - 3”
“Erlin did not despair. He was the wind, to his own mind. Perhaps the Shield of Awe imparted this mindset upon him; perhaps it only enabled how he already felt. But the man acted the part of the wind. He breezed from chamber to chamber, fleeting and disconnected, disjointed from all things.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Tan))
Title or name: “Shield of Awe - 4”
“But one dream a young Dreamseer by the name of sadriana spoke to the wind. She whispered sweet nothings such that the wind spoke back to her, caressed her, consoled her. And she began to love the wind. She danced on the wind, and flew with the wind.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Tan))
Title or name: “Shield of Awe - 5”
“But what can be said of the wind? Did it love her? Did it know her? Did it care? None remain who know. The wind remains but Sadriana does not. What of the Shield of Awe? Is it with the wind, or is it lost to us forever? None remain who know.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Tan))
Title or name: “Sanc Res’ing”
“As Mortyki opened his eyes, he recognized the Dark Awakening. Finally, he thought, now we can finish this. In the next room we saw a male dreamer and dozens of his breathern. Mortyki stepped back into the circle and was showered with energies, same as the others. Now prepared, their leader roars in triumph and the male dreamer points onward.
They charge. They find their would be victims in Chasm of Souls. Six of them to count. Strangely they all have circles. Two of them are golden, the others shine emerald.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Chalk))
Title or name: “Sanc Res’ing II”
“Only the two with golden circles stay to fight, the rest haphazardly break for sanctuary. Thirty against two, this will be a feast. As the onslaught begins, Mortyki and his brethern pound the two dreamers with fire. The two lash out blindly amonst the ranks but something is wrong.
All the fire isn’t enough to overcome the restorers hiding in sanctuary. A small detachment breaks rank to guard the sanctuary. After only a moments time, two of the dreamers from sanctuary burst in.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Chalk))
Title or name: “Sanc Res’ing III”
“Simultaneously they evoke something on two of us. Those two stop fighting for some strange reason then two more fall to the assault of the four. This cycle continues and Mortyki howls in rage and anguish as their numbers thin.
Six datoken that Mortyki grew up with turn up and flee. He spits in disgust and turns back to the fight. He slings chak after chak in futile effort. With so many restores the effort is in vain.
Now standing alone with the male dreamer and their datoken hero.”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Chalk))
Title or name: “Sanc Res’ing IV”
“Now at the end, the last two storm in from sanctuary and evoke that same art on himself and his hero. Now unable to fight the two watch as the male dreamer is soon collapsed. Now Mortyki finding his strength returning jumps back into the fight but the inevitable prevails and they two fall. As he collapses though, there was something else. . . was that the fell art?. .”
((inscribed on Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Chalk))
Title or name: “Lake Rd Tale~Finis”
“Shyrlia was inconsolable, for she lost both of her lovers that night. It is fabled that she sat and cried on that cliff endlessly. Until her death. Forming the lake, which now borders Lake Road.
~The End~ ~c”
((inscribed on Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Chalk))
Title or name: “~It’s You”
“The silience is broken, after all these years -It’s you You opened my door, only you held the key -Your willing captive set free - I’ts you Exploring anew, a caress, trembling hands, I offer myself in breathless acquiescence -It’s you Each touch, each kiss, each sigh Kindle the long smoldering embers Ages long buried desires awaken It’s you -Bend me to your will, I melt into you The ice melting, replaced by torrid fire it’s you -Show me, tell me, your every desire. No more secrets, no more silience. It’s you”
((inscribed on a Flower, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Jade, Cyan))
Title or name: “~Words”
“I hear the words, though do not feel what they try to convey. Pretty words tucked in sparingly on occasion among many others, which are not so pretty. Anger, bitterness, paranoia taking over, clouding the mind and the soul, leaving a cold and darkened heart in their wake… ~c~”
((inscribed on a Flower, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Jade, Chalk))
Title or name: “~Ice Queen”
“Snow flakes dance among the gentle currents of air, brisk poetry in motion. A thing of pristine beauty once brought joy to a placid soul. Now it brings only a reminder of the depth of cold that turns water to sleet to snow to ice…. ~c~”
((inscribed on a Flower, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Jade, Chalk))
Title or name: “~Trophy”
“Wandering many years the woman looked and looked, for it, but it was always just out of reach. In a dark corner or on the other side of a crevasse, or behind a locked door. She reached to grasp but it always slipped and dropped.. A day came when she got hold of it! It was a little dusty, rusty, but she shined it up with a smile and loving words. It gleamed like never before, she finally had her Trophy. ~c~”
((inscribed on a Flower, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Jade, Chalk))
Title or name: “~Dissapear~”
“I want to dissapear… confusion, pain, no hope, I am going mad..angry, bitter, an empty soul and emptier heart craves to be whole, needed, wanted, useful. So distraught and full of despair, there are no words to describe this. ~c~”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Cyan))
Title or name: “~Kings & Queens~”
“In and out of glowing portals dreamers come and go. Apathy takes hold of those destined for greatness, the quiet ones. they did not hear their calling. Avarice and greed overcome those who have achieved such greatness..Kings and Queens of Art and Might..Secretly feared and loathed by all…Intimidated by none. ~c~”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Cyan))
Title or name: “~You Don’t Know~”
“Anguish, bitterness, anger..pushed aside. trying to decide when to forgive, or if. You don’t know how I feel. Moments of indecision, cowardice, swept under the carpet. It makes you all feel better to forget, pretend it never happened. You don’t know how I feel. Hours, days, months, replay in my mind, and infinite trail of nothing and no one. You don’t care how I feel, you never did. Masters of Sparkle and Shine. Theatrical Masks..Priorities… ~c~”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Cyan))
Title or name: “~ Wonderland~”
“Exquisite purity wafts from the sky. Trees glistening like diamonds, sparkle in the moonlight. An awed reverie as you walk in cotton silience, clearing your mind of the day. Your breath in the air gracefully floats then disappears into the night.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Cyan))
Title or name: “~ Hiding ~”
“Hiding from my loneliness, but it finds me at every turn, taunting me, laughing, saying.. “I told you so”.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Cyan))
Title or name: “~Wax & Wane~”
“My heart waxes and wanes like an ocean tide. It always has. I try so hard not to let it be so, but in the end I am a soul endlessly searching for things to fill an emptiness that I cannot describe or explain. It has always been there and it seems it will always be. I envy those who find what makes them feel whole, as I continue to tread water in an endless ocean of despair.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Cyan))
Title or name: “Old to New”
“The old dream is gone, with it many friends, foes, hopes, plans and desires. Holding on to ancient ideals is futile, old dreams die…to be born anew, as the Phoenix from the ashes.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Cyan))
Title or name: “~ Drowning ~”
“I drown in an ever depening ocean of despair. All around me seems to diminish into dark clouds of an infinately vast vortex of gloom. My very soul cries out to the empty spaces that envelop me and echo to my own empty arms. I need to fill this space with something…someone..before I cease to exist - like a single rain drop vanishes into an endless sea.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Cyan))
Title or name: “~ The Puppet~”
“The puppet danced happiily, pblivious to all else except the hands that controlled the strings…but the strings became tangled and twisted beyond reparation, and so they were cut…one…by one…by one.. and the puppet fell int oa useless heap of despair. ~c~”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Cyan))
Title or name: “~ The Cell~”
“the cell is cold and dark, how many days has it been? time and space no longer exist. how did I get here, my vision os shrouded, I can’t remember. The voices echo through the dark. I dig at the walls until my fingers bleed. I call out to no one, my cries and protests lost in the void. No light at the end of the tunnel. I sleep, wrapped in a blanket of misery, disdain and resignation…. ~c~”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Cyan))
Title or name: “~ Deluge~”
“Where do we go from here…
fragmented thoughts like a prism of colors -
bouncing off too many walls…
a single teardrop in an ocean of memories,
washed away by the swift approaching tide….
where do you find light in the deluge of icy darkness that closes in…
stealing your breath until you suffocate…….”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Cyan))
Title or name: “A Different Dream 3”
“My thoughts are fragmented like the colors of a prism that bounce off too many walls at the same time. A single tear drop in an ocean of memories…where is the light to be found in the deluge of icy darkness that steals your breath away…..”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Cyan))
Title or name: “Fires Glow”
“Darkness surrounds us.. the faint glow of the evernight moon hides behind clouds in the disants… faint roars can be heard in the distance* The weary travelers struggled further into the evernight cliffs, behind them two of the younger males acted as rear guard. though against such ferocity, who could stand? Moments crept by, the roars faded in the distance. Huddling together everyone looks to Sharice, the matriarch of the evernight clans, what was left of them…”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Fire))
Title or name: “Fires Glow (2)”
“The elementalist stands (early fatesenders), without a word, and moves onward up the slopes of evernight. A scream from one of the youth breaks the nights stillness, the group rushes, stumbling in blind terror as the sounds of combat are joined once more. A few of the elder men grab at the younger ones who seem intent to rush back, cursing them and goading them on with the rest. For hours they rush onward, groping in the darkened dreamstate, the very hounds of hell snapping at their heals.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Fire))
Title or name: “Fires Glow (3)”
“A splash is heard and felt as the refugee’s splash into the evernight lake in suprise. They had not known of its existance… no one had come this far into the darkened plan, not even the clans themselves… making their way to the far side they stop as one as the matriarch raises her hand. the sounds of pursuit have stopped. As a group everyone flinches, from ahead they hear soft growls. Terror begins to sink further into their bones as the ragged band huddles together on the edges of that shore..”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Fire))
Title or name: “Fires Glow (4)”
“Dim images can be seen on the far side of the lake… where the moons light has escaped the cloud covering, and fall upon hideous beasts. The pathetic group desperately surrounds its women with anyone old enough to see lightening and hear thunder… crude impliments readied in defense.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Fire))
Title or name: “Fires Glow (5)”
“The patriarch steps through the crowd, brushing off the few hands that dare reach out to stop her. Whispers of her nature spread though the group. She is the matriarch, strongest of them. Most intune with the elements. Never has her power been manifest however. She wades through the waters torwards the beasts, gasps are heard as the lakes waters seem to roil around her, steam fills the air. She reaches the other side, a faint glow can be seen through the mists she created. Suddenly a roar goes up…”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Fire))
Title or name: “Fires Glow (6)”
“The host rushes towards her…cries of dismay sweep the refugee’s… then shouts of pain as the lake reflects the sudden bloom of a roaring fire! their eyes cannot adjust to the brilliance… the beasts howl in agony. some actually on fire! they rush from the area their terror heard long into the night as they flee onward. The mists slowly part and clear. But where is the matriarch? Cautiously, tools raised in defense, the refugees move towards the light. Where she last stood, now lay a fire.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Fire))
Title or name: “Fires Glow (7)”
“No fuel is seen, only a fire springing forth from the ground. And no matriarch to be seen. The fire seems to sing with an eternal laughter. it’s warmth spreads through the room, showing a beautiful lake, its edges covered in lillies and various plants. Small echoes of her words seem to drift on the warm air. “Rest, Sleep, live my people, my glow shall protect you, warm you, keep you, My light will drive them from you..” ~Myridian Sun - Evernight Lake”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Fire))
Title or name: “My story of Caudal”
“Pain it shot through her limbs like a web of lightening. Slowly she tried to get up gritting her teeth against each sharp stab as the pain shot through her limbs. Blinking slowly she tried to open her dry eyes, but it was like rubbing sandpaper against her moisture deprived orbs. As she tried to maneuver hands she found they were bound, the drak thick ropes shadowed in the dim light against her pale skin, She trembled slightly as she sat and tried to figure out where she was.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “My Caudal Story 2”
“Lifting both hands to move her hair out of her face she peered into the dark room. It was a cave of sorts and she was currently leaning against a great spire that rose out of the ground like a maw. She could hear noises off in the distance, the strange growls and gutteral sounds of the maren. She shuddered as a deep fear ran down her spine. She was in their territory. Taking stock of her surroundings she found a sharp stone and began to cut at her binds.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “My Caudal Story 3”
“Carefully she made her way to the portal and after taking a deep calm breath, she stepped through. She found herself in a dark hall leading upwarts. Sticking to the shadows she crept past the sentinals there. Suddenly a loud roar sounded behind her, she turned to see it lumbering quickly towards her. She had been spotted. Ducking quickly into the nearest portal she began to run, dodging more of the mares and slipping through the portals as she started to panic as each hall looked the same, a labyrinth of sorts.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “My Caudal Story 4”
“She felt a sharp cold sting as a claw ripped through her already tattered shirt grazing the tender flesh of her back causing her to cry out. Pushing herself to run faster she tumbled through another portal, this time finding herself in a differnt hall. She almost sighed in relief that she had found her way out of the labyrinth. Running faster she passed by more beasts that quickly joined in the persuit. The air was different up here fresher cleaner. Claws ripped at her arms and legs as she ran forward”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “My Caudal Story 5”
“She could feel herself weakening the toil on her over exerted limbs was starting to get to her. ‘one more portal’ she kept telling hereslf as she ran through portal after portal. Finally as she ran through one she was met with the bright skies and open spaces she cried out in relief but that was quickly quietly as the horde tumbled through the portal after her growling and roaring at her feet. Rounding a corner her eyes fell on people, her people. They shouted and ran towards her.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “My Caudal Story 6”
“Her heart raced as she made her way closer and closer to her salvation. To safetly. Tears welled up in her eyes blurring her vision. Suddenly a claw hooked around her ankle making her trip and roll on the hard rocky ground. She tried to get up to continure her escape but the horde was upon her. She stretched her arm out towards her people, so close, and then there was pain, and then she felt nothing. Blinking her eyes slowly as darkness overtook her seeing the anguish on her people as they were too late”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “Fate & Folly - 1”
“Once upon a time, there was Fate. Fate believed that she was the captain of her own destiny, and rode that destiny like a ship to her final destination. But she didn’t know where she was going. Fate thought about it, and realized that she didnt have any reason to go anywhere at all.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Berry))
Title or name: “Fate & Folly - 2”
“So Fate captained her ship to the nearest Lighthouse, and asked it: Where is your destination? Where is my destination? And the Lighthouse answered her: I have no destination, I am a Lighthouse. I see ships safely to the harbor, and out again. You should be like me, Fate. But Fate did not like this suggestion.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Berry))
Title or name: “Fate & Folly - 3”
“Next Fate captained her ship out to sea. She wanted to get as far from the Lighthouse as she could, and sailed for the wide Ocean. Not long into her journey, the ocean revealed to her a Whale. thinking what a generous opportunity she had happened upon, she asked it: Where is your destination? Where is my destination?”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Berry))
Title or name: “Fate & Folly - 4”
“And the Whale answered her: I follow the krill, my destination is ever-food. Where my next meal is, I can be found. You should follow food too, such that you are nourished.
Fate thought about this, but decided that food alone could not sustain her. Her destination must be grander than this. She thanked the Whale, and captained her ship onward still.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Berry))
Title or name: “Fate & Folly - 5”
“Fate captained her ship for many years after that encounter, avoiding land and sea creature alike. Wear and exhausted, one day she let go of the wheel. She lay on the deck of her ship, and heard the ocean whispering to her then. She whispered back, in a broken voice: Where is your destination? Where is my destination?”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Berry))
Title or name: “Fate & Folly - 6”
“And the Ocean spoke to her, soothing words of comfort, words only she could hear. No one knows what it told her. No one knows if she died there on that boat, or if she is still captaining her boat across the Ocean for answers. No one knows anything at all.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Berry))
Title or name: “Lake Road Tale”
“The Lake Road on Evernight, was not always bordered by a lake. Let me explain. Many moons ago, a young couple would have a nightly stroll along the Evernight Plateau, their names were Shyrlia and Kalend. Now Shyrlia and Kalend loved each other very much, other dreamers would watch them and listen with envy as they smiled and laughed, nary a harsh word ever passed between them. They always finished each others sentences, and seemed to always know what the other was thinking. They were the “royal dream coupl”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Cyan))
Title or name: “Lake Road Tale 2”
“As I said they would take nightly strolls along Evernight, they particularly liked the cliff areas up close to the house of Calenture. They’d walk, talk of their dreams, their goals and hopes, and make love under the stars. Everything was perfect. Or so it was thought…For you see kalend had a suprise in store, a dreadful, horrible suprise. One evening as he ventured up the Evernights to lay out a suprise picnic for Shyrlia, flowers, picnic basket and wine in hand,... continued…”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Cyan))
Title or name: “Lake Road Tale 3”
“he heard voices as he approached their favourite spot. He paused and listened for a moment and heard what he -thought- was Shyrlia’s tinkling laughter, but..that could not be so, as she never EVER dreamed before sunset. Continuing on quietly he tiptoed through the next portal…. There, unclothed on a blanket in their favourite spot was Shyrlia with maxamus!, a handsome burly Gatekeeper, who was known to have quite a reputation with the ladies. Kalend had been horribly deceived! …cont…..”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Cyan))
Title or name: “Lake Road Tale 4”
“In a blind rage Kalend smashed the wine bottle on the rock wall and charged at Maxamus, stabbing him brutally in the throat with the jagged glass of the wine bottle, nearly severing his head. He was most certainly, dead. Shyrlia gaped, covered in blood from the spatter…Kalend, overwhelmed by what he had done, but even more so at the sight of his lover, naked, next to the now deceased cad,stumbled backwards and tumbled off the cliff face to his death. ……cont…..”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Cyan))
Title or name: “All He Ever Wanted”
“All he ever wanted was to find a place of peace. All he ever wanted was to be himself..All he ever wanted was to learn..All he ever wanted was to teach. All he ever wanted was to help…all he ever wanted was to be a friend…all he ever wanted was to be part of a family…all he ever wanted was to bring you a wish…All he wants… is to Dream.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Cyan))
Title or name: “~ Skin Deep ~”
“So many ravishing beauties all around us. Gazing upon some simply takes your breath away…So why is it so hard to find the beauty within? Peeling away the outer layer, we would be confronted with a festering conglomeration of ugliness so deep and repulsive that we would feel compelled to look away. Skin deep….”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Cyan))
Title or name: “~ Moments ~”
“If I am sitting alone, it is what I must do at that moment…If I am silient, it is what I must do at that moment..If I choose not to take a side and walk away from a conflict, it is what I must do at that moment..If I do not gossip, lie or berate someone, it is what I must do..always..”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Cyan))
Title or name: “New”
“What once was, no longer is. Winds of change sweep away the old, whisking in the new. Dreams and hopes begin anew with the passage of time. A infinite circle, having no beginning and no end. ~c~”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Cyan))
Sphere Four Study:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman found:
Title or name: “The Cloister Canons”
“Edicts of Equity - - 1. Humans are not born “good” or “bad” - Behavior is learned. 2. The natural balance of things should not be disturbed. 3. All things in moderation. 4. There is honor in humility. 5. Greed breeds destruction. 6. Jelousy and envy lead to darkness. 7. Respect is key 8. Anger and hostility solves nothing. 9. War rarely sees a true victor. 10. Our existence here is a gift. Do not throw it away or let others take it from you. ~ The mind is a terrible thing to waste ~ ++SC++”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “The Cloister Canons” ((there are two of them))
“Edicts of Equity - - 1. Humans are not born “good” or “bad” - Behavior is learned. 2. The natural balance of things should not be disturbed. 3. All things in moderation. 4. There is honor in humility. 5. Greed breeds destruction. 6. Jelousy and envy lead to darkness. 7. Respect is key 8. Anger and hostility solves nothing. 9. War rarely sees a true victor. 10. Our existence here is a gift. Do not throw it away or let others take it from you. ~ The mind is a terrible thing to waste ~ ++SC++”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Daily Reflection”
“The way others treat you, is a statement of what kind of human being they are. It is not a statement about you.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Daily Reflection”
“True happiness will never be found in material items…but within ones self.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Daily Reflection”
“Sometimes we fall into turbid waters, if we do not drown, we certainly come out cleansed.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Daily Reflection”
“Until a thing happens to you, you could not possibly know how it feels. Let go Find your peace. - The Cloister”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Daily Reflection”
“Life can be as simple, or as hard, as you choose to make it. A logical rule of thumb that has been passed down through the ages.. “ Trat others as you would have them treat you”. Simple.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Daily Reflection”
“Answers will not come to a hurried, over-burdened mind. Truth can only be found in silience.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Daily Reflection”
“Your enemies hold no power over you. It is those whom are held most dear that can do the most damage.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Daily Reflection”
“In order to begin a new chapter in your life, you must stop re-reading and repeating - all the old ones.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Daily Reflection”
“One good deed will not erase ten bad ones. Consistency is the key to trust.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Mission Statement”
“Those in tune with the Cloister* Do not engage in hostility, aggression or destruction*Do Not engage or participate in malicious gossip*Are on a never ending journey of knowledge and discovery of self, space, and those around them*Try to break away from blind conformity, outdated customs, and the status quo*Are not in search of power, glory or personal gain*Realize that everything they need, already exists within them* cont….”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Mission Statement 2”
“Those in tune with the Cloister *Are sensitive to negativity *Realize that to have Faith, means to let go *Respect other people’s opinions even when they differ from their own *Seek inner peace and understanding of their dreams and the dreams of others *Offer respite to the burdened and weary, regardless of house affiliation, focus or station. * In conclusion, there is nothing to be gained from the Cloister, other than self awareness, inner peace and contentment with your dreams and our beautiful City.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Mission Statement” (( repeat of above)
“Those in tune with the Cloister* Do not engage in hostility, aggression or destruction*Do Not engage or participate in malicious gossip*Are on a never ending journey of knowledge and discovery of self, space, and those around them*Try to break away from blind conformity, outdated customs, and the status quo*Are not in search of power, glory or personal gain*Realize that everything they need, already exists within them* cont….”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Mission Statement 2” ((repeat of above))
“Those in tune with the Cloister *Are sensitive to negativity *Realize that to have Faith, means to let go *Respect other people’s opinions even when they differ from their own *Seek inner peace and understanding of their dreams and the dreams of others *Offer respite to the burdened and weary, regardless of house affiliation, focus or station. * In conclusion, there is nothing to be gained from the Cloister, other than self awareness, inner peace and contentment with your dreams and our beautiful City.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Respite & Reason”
“In order to have the latter, you must regularly seek the former. A muddled mind clouds the judgement. A weary mind is quick to anger. A busy mind has trouble finding true answers. Seek silence and respite at the Cloister. ++SC++”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood))
Title or name: “Pinhook”
“Pinhook. A dreamer of incredible kindness, one that I cannot describe. Pinhook, has always been there for me… looking out for me. Whenever I see him, I just have to hug him. He is so very honestly real, always being hisself and loyal to those he loves and to the city. One of the things I will always hold dear to me, is Pinhook coming to my aid, rescuing me when I was being attacked. I love Pinhook… so much -{S}”
((inscribed on a Talis, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Berry, Abyss))
Title or name: “Vampiric draw hist.”
“In the far past, there were great disturbance in the dream. Nightmares had invaded the city of dreams and soon after, even more terrible creatures, the Dark Mares, roamed the city causing havoc and great fear among the inhabitants.However during all this, some dreamers were concerned with much more pleasent.Like the young maiden Cira for instance, had newly fallen deeply in love with a promising young SoulMaster named Loran”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “Vampiric draw hist2”
“Cira sat softly on the meadow, picking flowers while she dozed away on the clouds of thoughts about her love. She closed her eyes and breathed in the scent of a flower, brushed her blonde locks from her face, then gazed into the distance.A loving smile played across her lips as she saw Loran approaching her. Holding her flowers she stood up and waited for him. Suddenly he dashed towards her and screamed something, she couldn’t make out the content,”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “Vampiric Draw hist4”
“loading up the final strike to finish him off.Preparing for his doom, Loran sunk down to his knees looking to the ground below him. There before him lay the essence of his beloved Cira. He picked it up and squeezed it to his chest as his resilient tears rolled down his cheeks. A single tear slipped form his chin, fell slowly down and hit the essence he crunched in his arms. The essence slowly evaporated from his grip and a wonderous feeling washed over him, his wounds healed and he was filled with a new”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “Vampiric Draw hist5”
“and courage.With his refreshed strength he grasped his blade tightly in his fist and thrusted it into the flesh of the Mare. A ragged gasp later it fell to the ground and perished.”
Loran never got over the loss of his beloved Cira and buried his grief in studies. In his lonely nights he researched many things, especially his experience with Cira and the Dark Mare, something he later perfected into an art he.named Vampric Draw.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Blood, Blood))
Title or name: “Join Party”
“Join Party was created during the Nightmare Wars, after Syriand the Graceful and Lagumbar Staggern created the portals. A group of Seekers of Knowledge dedicated to researching the portals discovered many new arts. Join Party was one of these. The person credited with developing Join Party was Elian, the Chief Researcher.”
((inscribed on a Ring, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 100 charges, colours selected: Gold, Berry))
Title or name: “Imagination!”
“Just imagine…..if you let your mind speak before your heart, you would be a true blessing. ~Krillin~”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Earth))
Title or name: “Blade - Timing (1)”
“The first principle of blading is to learn timing. In order to use your blade effectively you must strike your opponent not where they are, but where they will be. In this excercise you will charge your opponent (either Mare or fixed artifact) head on, strike and then back away. Do not move side-to-side, simply attempt to strike your enemy moving backwards and forward. Focus on developing your personal striking distance tempo. Once you have mastered this technique, you may proceed to the next lesson.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “Blade - Mvmt (2)”
“Nightmares have a tendency to move in direct lines to your position. This makes blading them much easier than a dreamer or Kotoke. Nightmares may be effectively dispatched using the “roll technique.” Move forward and backward to strike the Mare. Then, “roll” out of the forward and backward attack and repeat in the opposite direction. Mare sure you are aware of your surroundings to avoid backing into a wall or other obstacle which will prevent you from going backward and allow the Mare to attack you.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “Blade - Mvmt (3)”
“When blading dreamers or Kotoke, you will need to move forward and backward as well as laterally from your target’s location in order to achieve a successful strike. Practice this movement without a moving target. Focus on a fixed point in front of you and move forward and backward. Then, move side-to-side, imagining the fixed point is your target. There are statues throughout the City that may be used to practice this movement.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “Blade - Mvmt (4)”
“Moving diagnonally and turning as you approach your target is necessary in order to score a successful hit on a moving opponent. This is particularly true if that target is mirroring your own movements (moving laterally or diagonally). Perform the previous movement on a fixed target while simultaneously turning to score a successful hit on your fixed target. Then, attempt to move in a circle aroudn the target, turning as you move. Perftform three successful revolutions around your target, blading as you go.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “Blade - Honor (5)”
“Blading his much more than just a means to an end. It is an art form and a sacred practice. Whether your opponent is Mare or Dreamer, a blading opponent should be treated with honor and dignity at all times. Remember: the only loser in a duel is the he who learns nothing fromt he act. Bowing is customary both at the start and end of a duel, but you may show respect in whatever manner is manner is appropriate to you.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “Blade - Learn (6)”
“Simply put: practice makes perfect. An ideal practice duel comes against an opponent that is better than you. The more experienced the better. While it may be demoralizing at first, you will learn faster by dueling against veteran opponents. Be open to their suggestions on your form and weknesses. This is how you will learn fastest what your weaknesses are. Keeping an open mind to criticism, and even the most experienced dreamers have something to learn from a given duel, even against a novice.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “Blade - Grow (7)”
“As you evoke your blade, your level will increase. For each level your blade art is Plateaued, damage increases, casting time reduces and blade duration increases according to the following uidelines:
0-9lvl 1-4dmg; 10-19 2-6; 20-29 5-10; 30-39 7-12; 40-49 7-18; 50-59 9-23; 60-69 9-28; 70-79 11-30. It is important you keep your blade generally consistent with your Orbit. As you grow stronger, so shall your enemies.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss))
Title or name: “The growing Threads”
“The threats to our city have always come from outside, The Nightmares the Darkness, The Arretians. This leads me to believe we have done the right thing here, we have created a place that others want to be in. Unfortunately some believe they have to take, what will be freely shared. As we have demonstrated with Trolls, AoE has a deal with them. It was very easy to broker once the Trolls saw that it was benifical to them they agreed. Sadly we must always be on guard for those that wish to subjugate us.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Berry, Chalk))
Title or name: “” (unknown, stickied)
“*** These are the arts that GateKeepers can learn at 4th sphere *** Identify Curse, Nightmare form, Shatter and Soul Shield.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, na functions: na , na charges, colours selected: Abyss, Gold))
Title or name: “” (unknown, stickied)
“*** These are the arts that FateSenders can learn at 4th sphere *** Identify Curse, Nightmare Form, Soul Shield, Stagger and Blind”
((inscribed on a Compendium, na functions: na , na charges, colours selected: Abyss, Plum))
Title or name: “” (unknown, stickied)
“*** These are the arts that SoulMasters can learn at 4th sphere *** Curse, Identify Curse, nightmare Form, and Soul Shield.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, na functions: na , na charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “” (unknown, stickied)
“*** These are the arts that DreamSeers cam learn at 4th sphere *** Invisibility, Nightmare Form, Recharge and Soul Shield”
((inscribed on a Compendium, na functions: na , na charges, colours selected: Abyss, Azure))
- fancypearl
- PTR Tester (Rank 3)
- Posts: 218
- Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2014 2:29 am
- Character Name(s): Stormy
- Location: Eugene, Oregon
Re: Library of Souls, Archive
Sphere Four Archives:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman found:
Title or name: “Soul Shield”
“Soul shield has many practical uses that may escape common knowledge. The first and most logical use is to evoke it aggresively, preventing another dreamer from mindblanking. You could also use it to stop others from removing your own mindblank. A dreamer might also utilize it as an extra defense against abjure. So be aware, soul shield is a very functional art!”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Chalk))
Title or name: “Cadilin’s 1/2”
“Cadilin’s Charm Hill; Lambent Flats: By Aileron. Back in the older dreams there was a man named Cadilin, he was considered a handsome man by the ladies and a typical flirt. He would take the ladies to the Hill use his sauve and charming mannor to get close to them then make his move. One day he took a beautiful young lady to the hill and seduced her. The brother of this girl heard about Cadilin and told his father that she went with him. Enraged the father went to the hill to find …”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Cadilin’s 2/2”
“Cadilin’s Charm Hill - Lambent Flat: …that it was too late and that Cadlilin had already had his way with his daughter. In a violent rage the father slew Cadilin, Cadilin was burried on the hill and it was named after him and the charm that sedcued so many women was the cause of his death.”
((inscribed on a Codex, functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Staff of Resilience”
“In the dreams of old, each focus had a Prime Artifact. The one of the SoulMasters was the Staff of Resilience. I, along with many other Masters searched and found pieces of said Staff. They were fused back together and the Staff made whole. Last known dreamer to hold the Staff of Resilience was Rathis Tarn. ~c”
((inscribed on a Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Cyan))
Title or name: “Enfeeblement”
“Enfeeblement is one of my personal favorite Arts, but it’s also a good way of explaining the burdens we all carry. They weight down more than our minds, they can weigh down our souls. They can drain all of our will to Dream, and force you to Dreamless if you don’t handle them. Asking for help is always wise, but how do you do that when everyone seems out for themselves? taking your burdens and sharing them with your Family will help, but learning how to handle your problems on your own is important, too.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “~Love~”
“There is no greater force than love. From ember to brightest star. A drug to so completely ensnare heart and soul. How else find we light for our path, ease from our burdens, balm for our pain than by love? Love is never unrequited, and returns love upon the sending, through we oft see it not. There is no greater hope than love. For love is the only gift we provide to others, but also to ourselves.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Blood))
Title or name: “Ephram’s Bad Day 1”
“Ephram the Emphant woke up one morning in the Great Dark Beyond, the place where all nightmares begin and end. Today was his day to go stand quietly and motionlessly on the Evernight Plateau, just outside the Sanctuary. “Damnit all!” he cursed, knowing it to be the most dangerous job in the dream. “It must’ve been when the foreman caught me smoking that chronic during my break the other day…” he ruminated. Thurman the Bogrom, his foreman, was a strict bastard indeed. Ephram donned his bowler hat…”
((inscribed on a Codex, functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Chalk))
Title or name: “Ephram’s Bad Day 2”
“... hung his briefcase from the center back-horn, and headed out to the Dream-Beam; the portal to the dream, and to the Evernight Plateau on this particular day. Thurman laughed at Ephram as he floated on the portal platform, and wickedly wished him, “Good luck, hah!” Ephram maintained his composure, shut his eyes, breathed in deeply, and waited for the woosh. Moments passed, and nothing. Ephram opened his eyes slowly to look around, and discovered Thurman was gone. “Strange,” he thought…”
((inscribed on a Codex, functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Chalk))
Title or name: “Ephram’s Bad Day 3”
“... looking for his foreman - a bogrom who had never left his post, and never failed to exact vengeance on those that displeased him. Suddenly, from the shadows was thrown the desiccated corpse of the foreman, which crumpled in a pile at his tail. What emerged from the shadows thereafter sent a chill down Ephram’s back-horns - it was the big boss! It was Horace, the horron. Horace’s fiery pinpoint gaze fixed itself on Ephram, and he froze with dread. “I’d rather a dreamer collapse me, sir! BE MERCIFUL!””
((inscribed on a Codex, functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Chalk))
Title or name: “Ephram’s Bad Day 4”
“Horace stopped cold in his tracks, remaining silient and fixated on Ephram, who in turn was frozen to the spot above the Dream-Beam. It seemed like hours passed, and Ephram soiled himself slightly, as the desire to urinate becoming overwhelming. Finally Horace spoke, Dude! Woah,, don’t harsh my buzz!” Ephram looked up from his tremulous wings, feeling quite confused. Horace finally asked, “Bro, I heard you had some reefer? Wanna hit my office, hot box the place, and mellow out on some ludes?” - The End”
((inscribed on a Codex, functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Chalk))
Title or name: “Enfeeblement”
“The Art of enfeeblment was originally Idoaclesian, it found it’s way here during a recent shift and reduces the target’s movement speed by 50%. While it functions opposite of sprint, the two are not mutually exclusive. A dreamer can be affected by both at the same time. Ü”
((inscribed on a Banner, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Earth))
Title or name: “Spools of Honor”
“The Silver and gold threads of truth and honor bind the Sable Moon’s light and shadows to be complete to be complete repurposing the essences to a usable energy and to fuel and inspire the Sabled ones. )ag(”
((inscribed on a Ring, 1 functions: , 25 charges, colours selected: Tan, Gold))
Title or name: “Sable Shield”
“The loose outline of a Shallow V suggesting New Ideas of a Dream, the patience to see them through and stubborness to keep trying no matter what. The gap at top suggests the Sable Moon in the shape of the Shield”
((inscribed on a Shield, 1 functions: Armor- Curr Durability : 10; Max durability : 10, Absorbption : 10% , 23 charges, colours selected: Tan, Gold))
Title or name: “Water of Trinity”
“This glob on the end of the staff is filled nearly full with water from The Trinities Sanctuaries, it grows with the dreams of the dreamers that have chosen this dream.”
((inscribed on a Staff, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 20 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Tan))
Title or name: “Orders Embrace!”
“A not so small parchment hads been painted over a text of sorts. You see dreamer’s engaging in all sort’ve things, cleaning, blacksmithing all humming along as one. A small depiction of Lace Stone can be seen pushing a cart filled with talisman.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Fire))
Title or name: “Returned”
“” ~old style codex, with only 6 charges, Did not open to prevent loss of charges..
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 6 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Gold))
Title or name: “Abjure I”
“Abjure, created to assist the art Dreamstrike. The Dreamstrike masters, in their infinite wisdom, realised it could make Dreamstrike more effective, so Abjure and Dreamstrike were created side by side. The effectiveness of Abjure improved, first taking only minor effects away until it could remove each of them.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Berry, Jade))
Title or name: “Abjure II”
“Once the ‘sister’ arts were finished, the Dreamstrike masters now had what they desired, ‘ultimate power’. Some of these masters began to question what they had done, and eventually turned on their former colleagues. They began to teach Abjure to other Soulmasters, as they had an inate understanding of Purify, the art Abjure is based on.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Berry, Jade))
Title or name: “Abjure III”
“The Dreamstrike Wars continued on, but as the dream expanded and grew, higher sphere Soulmasters were still allowed to learn Abjure, most learned it as a counter to Dreamstrike and other offensive arts. There are h owever, those that continue to seek Abjure for its original purpose, even now.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Berry, Jade))
Title or name: “Many Faces of ‘Pyro”
“A paper Program with the title”Behold: The Many Faces of Vampyro!” This colorful assortment of pages shows Vampyro throughout many stages of his Dreamlife cycle. From unsphered, all the way up to 6th. From no halo, to an apprentice to being a Master TEacher. From a mere bartender, to an advanced brewmaster. From a portal scientist, to a PortalMaster. From uncrested, to the mark of the Academ’ys Guid and all other crests in between. This is a detailed scrapbook rich in Vampyric History.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Blood))
Title or name: “Tapestry 1”
“A large, shifting tapestry that depicts dreamers under dire assault from a black cloud-like creature. The dreamers flee. The image shifts to those dreamers gathered around a large tree, engaged in a heated debate. A large man steps forward and extends his arms, his face pleading. Most of the other dreamers walk away. The large dreamer hangs his head.
((inscribed on a Banner , 1 functions: Do Nothing, 25 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Blood))
Title or name: “Tapestry 2”
“A large, shifting tapestry that depicts a large dreamer, sword drawn, facing the black cloud with a small contingent of other dreamers. The black cloud lashes out at the small group but they stand in defiance. Slowly, the dreamers begin receiving vicious wounds as the cloud lashes at them.
((inscribed on a Banner , 1 functions: Do Nothing, 25 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Blood))
Title or name: “Tapestry 3”
“A large, shifting tapestry that depicts a large dreamer kneeling and wounded as a large black cloud swirls overhead. A few other dreamers, equally wounded, barely maintain coherence near the large dreamer. Another dreamer enters the scene, sword drawn and stands at the wounded dreamer’s sides. Then another, and another join until a multitude of dreamers fight back.
((inscribed on a Banner , 1 functions: Do Nothing, 25 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Blood))
Title or name: “Tapestry 4”
“A large, shifting tapestry that depicts a crowd of dreamers cheering as a massive black cloud retreats. Dreamers help each other to their feet, smiling wearily. The bottom of the tapestry bears text in golden embroidery:
“Follow your heart and what you know is right. Others will follow you eventually.”
((inscribed on a Banner , 1 functions: Do Nothing, 25 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Blood))
Title or name: “Protect…The Heart”
“The Heart… its treacherous. Love, why need it? When pain enters and just leaves a hole? Why love? when pain enters and damages your inner being? Why love? When all that seperates the mind and heart is despair? Love… its a protection. its a shield, and a sword when used right. Love cuts down through iron, cuts through bone, cuts through all hate. Love is something that we need. Something that i’m proud protects. -{S}”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Azure))
Title or name: “Id”
“” (old style codex, didnt read it so as not to use one of the last few charges)
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 4 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Azure))
Title or name: “ID”
“” (old style codex, didnt read it so as not to use one of the last few charges)
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 3 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Azure))
Title or name: “Pinhook”
“Pinhook. A dreamer of incredible kindness, one that I cannot describe. Pinhook, has always been there for me… looking out for me. Whenever I see him, I just have to hug him. He is so very honestly real, always being hisself and loyal to those he loves and to this city. One of the things I will always hold dear to me, is Pinhook coming to my aid, rescuing me when I was being attacked. I love Pinhook… So much. -{S}”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 1 charges, colours selected: Berry, Abyss))
Title or name: “Sketch, Cia”
“On a the white page is a black, shaded and heavily detailed sketch. In the background are lightly airy clouds, shaded in with delicate presicion. In the middle of the page is the figure of a woman in what appears to be a ballgown that flows gently around her. Snow falls around her as she hold in her hand a paintbrush close to her chest. In her other hand, her palms face up to the sky, as a snowflake materializes. Her beauty is pronounced, as white hair flowing down, bright eyes and full lips into a smile.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “Poison”
“” (old style codex, didnt read it so as not to use one of the last few charges)
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 13 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Berry))
Title or name: “Trap 20”
“” (old style codex, didnt read it so as not to use one of the last few charges)
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 9 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Berry))
Title or name: “Abjuration”
“” (old style codex, didnt read it so as not to use one of the last few charges)
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 8 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Berry))
Title or name: “H: Sense Datoken 2”
“chaotic energy. PAMSWEETS tried to protect Lotus, but failed. Synteny took the orbs for safe keeping. They figured out what they where for. When Folko was going to publicly create his art, Synteny waited in deep meditation - knowing there was a great chance that Lotus would not be able to control the strength alone. The city received an invitation that night to witness the changing of oaths and the new skill the Union had in store. Ruler Folko, and his Co-Ruler Triste, began to use the strength in their”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 59 charges, colours selected: Night, Cyan))
Title or name: “The Crippling Fear”
“The codex was inscribed by Hael Frost; it reads: Tears upon tears, here is where it began, not where it started, but where the first tear was shed. Blood upon blood, here is where it started, not where it began, but where the first drop was fell. Breath upon breath, here is where it ends, not where it is finished, but where the last breath was seen, Bone upon bone, here is where it is finished, not where it ends, but where the last bone was broken.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Berry, Gold))
Title or name: “The Words as Weapons”
“The codex was inscribed by Hael Frost; it reads: The weapon of blood and pain,on the alter preceding madness.It can eviscerate,but that is not its power.Scorching chaos,that is where it excels.Blooding chaos into the cylinder.Dance to the path of fire.The alter will halt the bleeding.The weapon of bone and anxiety,willful earth recoiled with fear.Near a grave of what it contains.It can crush,but that is not its power.Smothering chaos,that is where it excels.Force chaos into the cylinder. March West of the cemeteries sanctuary.The alter will bind the bones.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Berry, Gold))
Title or name: “Words as Weapons II”
“The codex was inscribed by Hael Frost; it reads: The weapon of tears and sorrow,resilient water stagnant with loss.In rancid smelling darkness where purity is lost.It can poison,but that is not its power.Drowning chaos,that is where it excels. Wash chaos into the cylinder.Guild to where the words are master.The alter will dry your tears.The weapon of breath and depression, insightful air choking with doubt.Upon highest peak bravest of all nearing chaos itself.If can peirce, but that is not it’s power.Asphyxiating chaos, that is where it excels.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Berry, Gold))
Title or name: “Words as Weapons II+”
“The codex was inscribed by Hael Frost; it reads: …Blast chaos into the cylinder. Fly through the Valleys where the land can bite. The alter will calm your dreams.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Berry, Gold))
Title or name: “Diary #1”
“The codex was inscribed by Sadara; it reads: Cianne. Beautiful, Wonderful, and intelligent. I used to read some of her poems a while back and still read them. I knew as soon as I saw ice throughout Thresh, Cianne must’ve been returning. When I met Cianne, it was a dream come true! A legend of the city, someone that I look up to. One of my top favorite moments within the city so far… meeting such an amazing woman. -{S}”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Berry, Chalk))
Title or name: “Diary #2”
“The codex was inscribed by Sadara; it reads: Coraal and Elmer. Where to start with these two beautiful dreamers. So full of life, so full of love for each other and others. When I met these two it was not in the best of circumstances, yet they both brought a calm and warm presence that cut right through my anxiety at a dire time. When talking to them now whether together or apart, I find that my worry is eased. Ive grown in my short time dreaming, to love them dearly. -{S}”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Night))
Title or name: “Diary #3”
“The codex was inscribed by Sadara; it reads: Alder. Even though he is a tree now, one day I hope to awaken him and listen to his wisdom. I remember the first time I learned of alder. I went down the next time I dreamed and began speaking to him, hoping that one day he would awaken. Of course it wasnt that simple, alas I continued to talk to this motionless wooden dreamer. I would spend some of my dreams talking to him conveying my thoughts that could not simply be put on paper. Adler holds a special place in my heart.-{S}”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Berry))
Title or name: “Diary #4”
“The codex was inscribed by Sadara; it reads:Nmoto. This Magical Tree Frog. One of a kind dreamer that has touched my heart with his passions and his determination and his will to do whats right. Nmoto has always been a wonderful dreamer, one of which that I also go to when I have a problem. One memory I can think of is Nmoto teaching me how to climb, it was such a simple thing yet he talked me through it step by step and encouraged me to continue going. To not give up, Nmoto is a treasure and one of my best friends.-{S} ”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Abyss))
Title or name: “Diary #5”
“The codex was inscribed by Sadara; it reads: Riff Raff. Such a sweet and wonderful dreamer. I remember meeting this beautiful dreamer. She was in the Lightless, with meng and I came down since I had sensed someone in the Lightless. And recently I had sensed her in the Lightless again, It was wonderful! We played a little game of Random and she was kicking my butt to! She is quite one of the sweetest things ever and I cant wait to see her again! -{S}”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Berry, Chalk))
Title or name: “Diary #6”
“The codex was inscribed by Sadara; it reads: Shae. This bubbly and bouncing bundle of joy! When I first met Shae I could tell she would be my best friend. Her sweetness is so wonderful and a breath of fresh air. Especially at a time I was going through rough patch. Shae came back to dream and brought her beautfiul voice and loving personality as well! Meeting and speaking to her is certatintly a blessing within the dream. -{S}”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Azure))
Title or name: “Diary # 7”
“The codex was inscribed by Sadara; it reads: Magnilia Where to start with this magnificent woman. Let’s start with her humor, her kindness, her warmth. I remember meeting her for the first time, it didnt go so well yet I cherish that memory. Magnilia is a wonderful dreamer one that has made an impact on so many lives and within the dream. She is intelligent magnificent, a true friend in the times you need her or your worst enemy! To me however she is Mags and always will be my loving Mags. -{S}”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Berry))
Title or name: “Diary #9”
“The codex was inscribed by Sadara; it reads: Ruben. Ruben… such an interesting man. Meeting Ruben I remember clicking with him instantly, mightve been our SM connection. Yet he was so charming and quite a great teacher as well! Besides that he has such an admirable quality of his determination and strong will! His love of his house sparks inspiration! Ruben and I have such a weird sibling rilviray as well, which I appreciate. Yet beyond our quarrels I would, jump in front of a chak for him. -{S}”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Chalk))
Title or name: “Diary #10”
“The codex was inscribed by Sadara; it reads: Trisha Pawm. The remarkable, intelligent, and very dangerous Trisha! She has no doubt helped me very much in my time within the dream. She has been there as a shoulder to lean on and has taken the place of a mother to me. Telling me things I need to hear, rather than things I want to hear. She is an amazing fighter and remarkable leader, things that I have learned from. As a friend, near mother, she is someone I hold dear. -{S}”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Berry))
Current use: Unknown
Talisman found:
Title or name: “Soul Shield”
“Soul shield has many practical uses that may escape common knowledge. The first and most logical use is to evoke it aggresively, preventing another dreamer from mindblanking. You could also use it to stop others from removing your own mindblank. A dreamer might also utilize it as an extra defense against abjure. So be aware, soul shield is a very functional art!”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Chalk))
Title or name: “Cadilin’s 1/2”
“Cadilin’s Charm Hill; Lambent Flats: By Aileron. Back in the older dreams there was a man named Cadilin, he was considered a handsome man by the ladies and a typical flirt. He would take the ladies to the Hill use his sauve and charming mannor to get close to them then make his move. One day he took a beautiful young lady to the hill and seduced her. The brother of this girl heard about Cadilin and told his father that she went with him. Enraged the father went to the hill to find …”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Cadilin’s 2/2”
“Cadilin’s Charm Hill - Lambent Flat: …that it was too late and that Cadlilin had already had his way with his daughter. In a violent rage the father slew Cadilin, Cadilin was burried on the hill and it was named after him and the charm that sedcued so many women was the cause of his death.”
((inscribed on a Codex, functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Staff of Resilience”
“In the dreams of old, each focus had a Prime Artifact. The one of the SoulMasters was the Staff of Resilience. I, along with many other Masters searched and found pieces of said Staff. They were fused back together and the Staff made whole. Last known dreamer to hold the Staff of Resilience was Rathis Tarn. ~c”
((inscribed on a Codex , 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Cyan))
Title or name: “Enfeeblement”
“Enfeeblement is one of my personal favorite Arts, but it’s also a good way of explaining the burdens we all carry. They weight down more than our minds, they can weigh down our souls. They can drain all of our will to Dream, and force you to Dreamless if you don’t handle them. Asking for help is always wise, but how do you do that when everyone seems out for themselves? taking your burdens and sharing them with your Family will help, but learning how to handle your problems on your own is important, too.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “~Love~”
“There is no greater force than love. From ember to brightest star. A drug to so completely ensnare heart and soul. How else find we light for our path, ease from our burdens, balm for our pain than by love? Love is never unrequited, and returns love upon the sending, through we oft see it not. There is no greater hope than love. For love is the only gift we provide to others, but also to ourselves.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Blood))
Title or name: “Ephram’s Bad Day 1”
“Ephram the Emphant woke up one morning in the Great Dark Beyond, the place where all nightmares begin and end. Today was his day to go stand quietly and motionlessly on the Evernight Plateau, just outside the Sanctuary. “Damnit all!” he cursed, knowing it to be the most dangerous job in the dream. “It must’ve been when the foreman caught me smoking that chronic during my break the other day…” he ruminated. Thurman the Bogrom, his foreman, was a strict bastard indeed. Ephram donned his bowler hat…”
((inscribed on a Codex, functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Chalk))
Title or name: “Ephram’s Bad Day 2”
“... hung his briefcase from the center back-horn, and headed out to the Dream-Beam; the portal to the dream, and to the Evernight Plateau on this particular day. Thurman laughed at Ephram as he floated on the portal platform, and wickedly wished him, “Good luck, hah!” Ephram maintained his composure, shut his eyes, breathed in deeply, and waited for the woosh. Moments passed, and nothing. Ephram opened his eyes slowly to look around, and discovered Thurman was gone. “Strange,” he thought…”
((inscribed on a Codex, functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Chalk))
Title or name: “Ephram’s Bad Day 3”
“... looking for his foreman - a bogrom who had never left his post, and never failed to exact vengeance on those that displeased him. Suddenly, from the shadows was thrown the desiccated corpse of the foreman, which crumpled in a pile at his tail. What emerged from the shadows thereafter sent a chill down Ephram’s back-horns - it was the big boss! It was Horace, the horron. Horace’s fiery pinpoint gaze fixed itself on Ephram, and he froze with dread. “I’d rather a dreamer collapse me, sir! BE MERCIFUL!””
((inscribed on a Codex, functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Chalk))
Title or name: “Ephram’s Bad Day 4”
“Horace stopped cold in his tracks, remaining silient and fixated on Ephram, who in turn was frozen to the spot above the Dream-Beam. It seemed like hours passed, and Ephram soiled himself slightly, as the desire to urinate becoming overwhelming. Finally Horace spoke, Dude! Woah,, don’t harsh my buzz!” Ephram looked up from his tremulous wings, feeling quite confused. Horace finally asked, “Bro, I heard you had some reefer? Wanna hit my office, hot box the place, and mellow out on some ludes?” - The End”
((inscribed on a Codex, functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Chalk))
Title or name: “Enfeeblement”
“The Art of enfeeblment was originally Idoaclesian, it found it’s way here during a recent shift and reduces the target’s movement speed by 50%. While it functions opposite of sprint, the two are not mutually exclusive. A dreamer can be affected by both at the same time. Ü”
((inscribed on a Banner, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Earth))
Title or name: “Spools of Honor”
“The Silver and gold threads of truth and honor bind the Sable Moon’s light and shadows to be complete to be complete repurposing the essences to a usable energy and to fuel and inspire the Sabled ones. )ag(”
((inscribed on a Ring, 1 functions: , 25 charges, colours selected: Tan, Gold))
Title or name: “Sable Shield”
“The loose outline of a Shallow V suggesting New Ideas of a Dream, the patience to see them through and stubborness to keep trying no matter what. The gap at top suggests the Sable Moon in the shape of the Shield”
((inscribed on a Shield, 1 functions: Armor- Curr Durability : 10; Max durability : 10, Absorbption : 10% , 23 charges, colours selected: Tan, Gold))
Title or name: “Water of Trinity”
“This glob on the end of the staff is filled nearly full with water from The Trinities Sanctuaries, it grows with the dreams of the dreamers that have chosen this dream.”
((inscribed on a Staff, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 20 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Tan))
Title or name: “Orders Embrace!”
“A not so small parchment hads been painted over a text of sorts. You see dreamer’s engaging in all sort’ve things, cleaning, blacksmithing all humming along as one. A small depiction of Lace Stone can be seen pushing a cart filled with talisman.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Fire))
Title or name: “Returned”
“” ~old style codex, with only 6 charges, Did not open to prevent loss of charges..
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 6 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Gold))
Title or name: “Abjure I”
“Abjure, created to assist the art Dreamstrike. The Dreamstrike masters, in their infinite wisdom, realised it could make Dreamstrike more effective, so Abjure and Dreamstrike were created side by side. The effectiveness of Abjure improved, first taking only minor effects away until it could remove each of them.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Berry, Jade))
Title or name: “Abjure II”
“Once the ‘sister’ arts were finished, the Dreamstrike masters now had what they desired, ‘ultimate power’. Some of these masters began to question what they had done, and eventually turned on their former colleagues. They began to teach Abjure to other Soulmasters, as they had an inate understanding of Purify, the art Abjure is based on.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Berry, Jade))
Title or name: “Abjure III”
“The Dreamstrike Wars continued on, but as the dream expanded and grew, higher sphere Soulmasters were still allowed to learn Abjure, most learned it as a counter to Dreamstrike and other offensive arts. There are h owever, those that continue to seek Abjure for its original purpose, even now.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Berry, Jade))
Title or name: “Many Faces of ‘Pyro”
“A paper Program with the title”Behold: The Many Faces of Vampyro!” This colorful assortment of pages shows Vampyro throughout many stages of his Dreamlife cycle. From unsphered, all the way up to 6th. From no halo, to an apprentice to being a Master TEacher. From a mere bartender, to an advanced brewmaster. From a portal scientist, to a PortalMaster. From uncrested, to the mark of the Academ’ys Guid and all other crests in between. This is a detailed scrapbook rich in Vampyric History.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Blood))
Title or name: “Tapestry 1”
“A large, shifting tapestry that depicts dreamers under dire assault from a black cloud-like creature. The dreamers flee. The image shifts to those dreamers gathered around a large tree, engaged in a heated debate. A large man steps forward and extends his arms, his face pleading. Most of the other dreamers walk away. The large dreamer hangs his head.
((inscribed on a Banner , 1 functions: Do Nothing, 25 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Blood))
Title or name: “Tapestry 2”
“A large, shifting tapestry that depicts a large dreamer, sword drawn, facing the black cloud with a small contingent of other dreamers. The black cloud lashes out at the small group but they stand in defiance. Slowly, the dreamers begin receiving vicious wounds as the cloud lashes at them.
((inscribed on a Banner , 1 functions: Do Nothing, 25 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Blood))
Title or name: “Tapestry 3”
“A large, shifting tapestry that depicts a large dreamer kneeling and wounded as a large black cloud swirls overhead. A few other dreamers, equally wounded, barely maintain coherence near the large dreamer. Another dreamer enters the scene, sword drawn and stands at the wounded dreamer’s sides. Then another, and another join until a multitude of dreamers fight back.
((inscribed on a Banner , 1 functions: Do Nothing, 25 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Blood))
Title or name: “Tapestry 4”
“A large, shifting tapestry that depicts a crowd of dreamers cheering as a massive black cloud retreats. Dreamers help each other to their feet, smiling wearily. The bottom of the tapestry bears text in golden embroidery:
“Follow your heart and what you know is right. Others will follow you eventually.”
((inscribed on a Banner , 1 functions: Do Nothing, 25 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Blood))
Title or name: “Protect…The Heart”
“The Heart… its treacherous. Love, why need it? When pain enters and just leaves a hole? Why love? when pain enters and damages your inner being? Why love? When all that seperates the mind and heart is despair? Love… its a protection. its a shield, and a sword when used right. Love cuts down through iron, cuts through bone, cuts through all hate. Love is something that we need. Something that i’m proud protects. -{S}”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Azure))
Title or name: “Id”
“” (old style codex, didnt read it so as not to use one of the last few charges)
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 4 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Azure))
Title or name: “ID”
“” (old style codex, didnt read it so as not to use one of the last few charges)
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 3 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Azure))
Title or name: “Pinhook”
“Pinhook. A dreamer of incredible kindness, one that I cannot describe. Pinhook, has always been there for me… looking out for me. Whenever I see him, I just have to hug him. He is so very honestly real, always being hisself and loyal to those he loves and to this city. One of the things I will always hold dear to me, is Pinhook coming to my aid, rescuing me when I was being attacked. I love Pinhook… So much. -{S}”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 1 charges, colours selected: Berry, Abyss))
Title or name: “Sketch, Cia”
“On a the white page is a black, shaded and heavily detailed sketch. In the background are lightly airy clouds, shaded in with delicate presicion. In the middle of the page is the figure of a woman in what appears to be a ballgown that flows gently around her. Snow falls around her as she hold in her hand a paintbrush close to her chest. In her other hand, her palms face up to the sky, as a snowflake materializes. Her beauty is pronounced, as white hair flowing down, bright eyes and full lips into a smile.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “Poison”
“” (old style codex, didnt read it so as not to use one of the last few charges)
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 13 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Berry))
Title or name: “Trap 20”
“” (old style codex, didnt read it so as not to use one of the last few charges)
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 9 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Berry))
Title or name: “Abjuration”
“” (old style codex, didnt read it so as not to use one of the last few charges)
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 8 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Berry))
Title or name: “H: Sense Datoken 2”
“chaotic energy. PAMSWEETS tried to protect Lotus, but failed. Synteny took the orbs for safe keeping. They figured out what they where for. When Folko was going to publicly create his art, Synteny waited in deep meditation - knowing there was a great chance that Lotus would not be able to control the strength alone. The city received an invitation that night to witness the changing of oaths and the new skill the Union had in store. Ruler Folko, and his Co-Ruler Triste, began to use the strength in their”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 59 charges, colours selected: Night, Cyan))
Title or name: “The Crippling Fear”
“The codex was inscribed by Hael Frost; it reads: Tears upon tears, here is where it began, not where it started, but where the first tear was shed. Blood upon blood, here is where it started, not where it began, but where the first drop was fell. Breath upon breath, here is where it ends, not where it is finished, but where the last breath was seen, Bone upon bone, here is where it is finished, not where it ends, but where the last bone was broken.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Berry, Gold))
Title or name: “The Words as Weapons”
“The codex was inscribed by Hael Frost; it reads: The weapon of blood and pain,on the alter preceding madness.It can eviscerate,but that is not its power.Scorching chaos,that is where it excels.Blooding chaos into the cylinder.Dance to the path of fire.The alter will halt the bleeding.The weapon of bone and anxiety,willful earth recoiled with fear.Near a grave of what it contains.It can crush,but that is not its power.Smothering chaos,that is where it excels.Force chaos into the cylinder. March West of the cemeteries sanctuary.The alter will bind the bones.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Berry, Gold))
Title or name: “Words as Weapons II”
“The codex was inscribed by Hael Frost; it reads: The weapon of tears and sorrow,resilient water stagnant with loss.In rancid smelling darkness where purity is lost.It can poison,but that is not its power.Drowning chaos,that is where it excels. Wash chaos into the cylinder.Guild to where the words are master.The alter will dry your tears.The weapon of breath and depression, insightful air choking with doubt.Upon highest peak bravest of all nearing chaos itself.If can peirce, but that is not it’s power.Asphyxiating chaos, that is where it excels.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Berry, Gold))
Title or name: “Words as Weapons II+”
“The codex was inscribed by Hael Frost; it reads: …Blast chaos into the cylinder. Fly through the Valleys where the land can bite. The alter will calm your dreams.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Berry, Gold))
Title or name: “Diary #1”
“The codex was inscribed by Sadara; it reads: Cianne. Beautiful, Wonderful, and intelligent. I used to read some of her poems a while back and still read them. I knew as soon as I saw ice throughout Thresh, Cianne must’ve been returning. When I met Cianne, it was a dream come true! A legend of the city, someone that I look up to. One of my top favorite moments within the city so far… meeting such an amazing woman. -{S}”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Berry, Chalk))
Title or name: “Diary #2”
“The codex was inscribed by Sadara; it reads: Coraal and Elmer. Where to start with these two beautiful dreamers. So full of life, so full of love for each other and others. When I met these two it was not in the best of circumstances, yet they both brought a calm and warm presence that cut right through my anxiety at a dire time. When talking to them now whether together or apart, I find that my worry is eased. Ive grown in my short time dreaming, to love them dearly. -{S}”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Night))
Title or name: “Diary #3”
“The codex was inscribed by Sadara; it reads: Alder. Even though he is a tree now, one day I hope to awaken him and listen to his wisdom. I remember the first time I learned of alder. I went down the next time I dreamed and began speaking to him, hoping that one day he would awaken. Of course it wasnt that simple, alas I continued to talk to this motionless wooden dreamer. I would spend some of my dreams talking to him conveying my thoughts that could not simply be put on paper. Adler holds a special place in my heart.-{S}”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Berry))
Title or name: “Diary #4”
“The codex was inscribed by Sadara; it reads:Nmoto. This Magical Tree Frog. One of a kind dreamer that has touched my heart with his passions and his determination and his will to do whats right. Nmoto has always been a wonderful dreamer, one of which that I also go to when I have a problem. One memory I can think of is Nmoto teaching me how to climb, it was such a simple thing yet he talked me through it step by step and encouraged me to continue going. To not give up, Nmoto is a treasure and one of my best friends.-{S} ”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Abyss))
Title or name: “Diary #5”
“The codex was inscribed by Sadara; it reads: Riff Raff. Such a sweet and wonderful dreamer. I remember meeting this beautiful dreamer. She was in the Lightless, with meng and I came down since I had sensed someone in the Lightless. And recently I had sensed her in the Lightless again, It was wonderful! We played a little game of Random and she was kicking my butt to! She is quite one of the sweetest things ever and I cant wait to see her again! -{S}”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Berry, Chalk))
Title or name: “Diary #6”
“The codex was inscribed by Sadara; it reads: Shae. This bubbly and bouncing bundle of joy! When I first met Shae I could tell she would be my best friend. Her sweetness is so wonderful and a breath of fresh air. Especially at a time I was going through rough patch. Shae came back to dream and brought her beautfiul voice and loving personality as well! Meeting and speaking to her is certatintly a blessing within the dream. -{S}”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Azure))
Title or name: “Diary # 7”
“The codex was inscribed by Sadara; it reads: Magnilia Where to start with this magnificent woman. Let’s start with her humor, her kindness, her warmth. I remember meeting her for the first time, it didnt go so well yet I cherish that memory. Magnilia is a wonderful dreamer one that has made an impact on so many lives and within the dream. She is intelligent magnificent, a true friend in the times you need her or your worst enemy! To me however she is Mags and always will be my loving Mags. -{S}”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Berry))
Title or name: “Diary #9”
“The codex was inscribed by Sadara; it reads: Ruben. Ruben… such an interesting man. Meeting Ruben I remember clicking with him instantly, mightve been our SM connection. Yet he was so charming and quite a great teacher as well! Besides that he has such an admirable quality of his determination and strong will! His love of his house sparks inspiration! Ruben and I have such a weird sibling rilviray as well, which I appreciate. Yet beyond our quarrels I would, jump in front of a chak for him. -{S}”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Azure, Chalk))
Title or name: “Diary #10”
“The codex was inscribed by Sadara; it reads: Trisha Pawm. The remarkable, intelligent, and very dangerous Trisha! She has no doubt helped me very much in my time within the dream. She has been there as a shoulder to lean on and has taken the place of a mother to me. Telling me things I need to hear, rather than things I want to hear. She is an amazing fighter and remarkable leader, things that I have learned from. As a friend, near mother, she is someone I hold dear. -{S}”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Berry))
- fancypearl
- PTR Tester (Rank 3)
- Posts: 218
- Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2014 2:29 am
- Character Name(s): Stormy
- Location: Eugene, Oregon
Re: Library of Souls, Archive
Sphere Five Hall:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman found:
Title or name: “The art of Return”
“Duration 10 minutes.
Description: Sets a return point with the first evoke. The second evoke returns the user to that point from anywhere else.
Focus: Willpower
Cost: 20
Orbit Required: 50
Plateau Effect: Duration increased by 10 minutes, decreased evoke time.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Gold, Jade))
Title or name: “Lightless Hollow 1”
“Long ago, disaster struck the Lightless Hollow. Many were “killed,” and it was transformed into it’s current state. The Highborn, Lord Ascheron in particular, said that their City was a beautiful place of forest and plains, rivers and lakes, with palaces and places of interest. A properly thriving City. Fragments of Lyra and Ideoclesia appeared in the sky above the Hollow, drawn to it for unknown reasons. As they merged, they blocked the sky and drained the city below of it’s Energies. ~Mengyao”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Earth, Abyss))
Title or name: “Lightless Hollow 3”
“The Highborn fed the Low of their own reserves as long as they could, but those reserves dwindled as time went on and a solution couldn’t be found. The ones that survived and didn’t become lowborn were sent to find Energy, but none came back. The Lowborn were next sent to scout, gather knowledge of the City above and see what they could scavenge. The Lowborn found out City about two years ago. They spent much of their time watching and waiting, stealing what they could or snatching genned items. ~Mengyao”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Earth, Abyss))
Title or name: “Lightless Hollow 4”
“Upon learning that Dreamers inhabit this City, the Highborn named us “Dark Bringers,” blaming us for the destruction of their home. It was their belief that we intentionally demolished the Hallow. Rubedo still ascribes to these notions. After the Lowborn were discovered by Coraal, Lace, Nathan, and Cloud, Lord Ascheron came into the City, warning that retribution was coming. He was open to negotiation after finding out that Dreamers had no idea there was another City under this one. ~ Mengyao”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Earth, Abyss))
Title or name: “Lightless Hollow 5”
“From there, Lord Ascheron opened trade negotiations with The City, for Essences to be exchanged for goods and the Highborn created. High powered Talisman and other such. The Lowborn were tasked to begin finding a way to fix the Lightless Hollow, and Dreamers, though not offered the same, were not prevented from assisting them. About this time, The Dreamers of Light viewed them as a threat, wanting to destroy them. This didn’t go well with Rubedo Morvant, who also drained both the Light and PC. ~Mengyao”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Earth, Abyss))
Title or name: “Lightless Hollow 6”
“Lord Ascheron attempted to secure Fayd’s Fortress for the Lowborn to live in, as a place they could be safe up in the City, some were quite upset by that concept as well. The Red Witch, DreamStrike Assassin Zar’tenya went into the Lightless Hollow and Struck the Highborn, putting an end to the legacy of both The Highborn and The Lowborn until just recently, when Rubedo and the Lowborn made their return. ~ Mengyao”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Earth, Abyss))
Title or name: “The Lowborn Pens”
“The Lowborn Pens were the housing quarters used by the Lowborn. Currently Idjut, Merp, Olga, Jerm, Argul, and Nohbudee are the Lowborn known to residents of the City above, though others might have lived here as well. Their pens still contain their personal effects, either given to them as gifts by the dreamers of the City above, stolen from Essence Storages, Vaults, and Armories, or scavenged from the City.” ~ Mengyao, Archivist of the Hollow”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Azure, Fire))
Title or name: “Lingering Chambers”
“The Lingering Chambers appears to be the remnants of the experimentation reportedly conducted by the Morvants. Essences, trapped in stone, sit above pools of still churning blood seem indicative of such things through their research and texts are now lost to history currently.” ~ Mengyao, Archivist of the Hollow”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Azure, Fire))
Title or name: “Athenadora’s Cavern”
“Athenadora’s Cavern, located across the Pit from the Lowborn Pens, contains the only semblance of energy to reach the Lightless Hollow. What appears to be a prototype Focal Pad is located in the center of the room, points no doubt to the efforts to drain energy from the City above to empower it. Structures in recesses on either of the room could potentially be generators of sorts to process whatever energy was successfully funneled to the Lightless Hollow from above.” ~ Mengyao, Archivist of the Hollow”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Azure, Fire))
Title or name: “The Coffin Hall”
“The Coffin Hall served as the throne room of the Highborn. Ascheron, Athenadora, Rubedo, and Lilith, seated in that order from left to right as you enter the room, would receive and interrogate vistors from the City above. A raised dais in the center of the room is where visitors would be made to stand before the Highborn. The portal to Ascheron’s Chambers, located in the back of the room, is now sealed and is a time capsule of a long-gone Lord.” ~ Mengyao, Archivist of the Hollow”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Azure, Fire))
Title or name: “The Pit”
“Being sent to The Pit was a punishment for the Lowborn or anyone who broke one of the many laws of the Highborn. A circular room with an aptly named pit in the middle, surrounded by thrones dotting the higher level for the Highborn to sit upon and watch their punishments. The Highborn would cast the Lowborn, or whoever, into the Pit with no escape but to fight through the Horron contained within. The winner was forgiven and the loser was considered guilty and forgotten.” ~ Mengyao, Archivist of the Hollow”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Azure, Fire))
Title or name: “Narthenx Sacrement”
“The Narthenx of Sacrement is a mystery. Fire still burns at four points attached to the base of what appears to be an altar or other apparatus. The Morvants would hold gruesome experiementation with Essences and Hemomancy using the device, which could function similary to the Anvil or Cauldron in the city above. The purposes of these experiments is as yet unknown.” ~ Mengyao, Archivist of the Hollow”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Azure, Fire))
Title or name: “Broken Vestibule”
“The Broken Vestibule was the main thoroughfare for vistors to the Lightless Hollow. A path fo the left contains to the entrances to the tunnels, and up the stairs lay The Coffin Hall, the Lowborn Pens, and the Narthenx of Sacrament. Despite the presence of torches, no light penetrates the foyer of the Lightless Hollow.” ~ Mengyao, Archivist of the Hollow”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Azure, Fire))
Title or name: “The Morvants Hollow”
“The Morvants Hollow were the private chambers of the incestuous siblings and lovers, Lilith and Rubedo Morvant. Blood flows freely through gaps in the ebony floor. while fires burn in the corners similarly to The Broken Vestibule, though the flames provide no light or warmth to the chamber. Who knows what transpired in such a terrible place that can only be a reflection of those who once resided within it. “ ~ Mengyao, Archivist of the Hollow”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Azure, Fire))
Title or name: “Ironies doing”
“” (unknown contents, older style codex, not used to preserve charges)
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 54 charges, colours selected: Plum, Jade))
Sphere Five Study:
Current Use: Unknown
Talisman Found:
Title or name: “Teaching - 1”
“Inscribed by Em’et; It reads: Teaching is a process by which we connect with the Dream. Both for the student, and the teacher. This means of connection drives us to continue dreaming, and continue growing. Not only in our arts, but our minds. Our personalities. Our strengths, our weaknesses. We grow in unexpected ways, and the expected.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Earth))
Title or name: “Teaching - 2”
“Inscribed by Em’et; It reads: For students, this is fairly straightfoward. One tasks to learn or improve an ability, and receives work to do. Ideally it is something they would already wish to do, but in some cases, maybe not. Either way, the task is assigned. You either do it or don’t.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Earth))
Title or name: “Teaching - 3”
“Inscribed by Em’et; It reads: For the teacher, things are little more complicated. You have to consider your student, each and every: Know them as best you are able, and consider what will help them grow. You have the ability to prune paths you wish them to avoid, and sponsor certain paths that you wish to cultivate. But you also must be wary of students who look for opportunities to avoid growth of any kind, and simply grasp for power. Most students will have something of this in them, even if it is not a large part.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Earth))
Title or name: “Teaching - 4”
“Inscribed by Em’et; It reads: As a teacher, your job is to facilitate the growth. Not cause it. You will not be successful in trying to force someone to grow; They must choose to do it themselves. You are only a means to an end. But you can be better or worse at this facilitation. Work with your students to their interests, and overarching goals for the dream. But do not abandon your own priciples in favor of thier own. You must also be true to your own self.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Earth))
Title or name: “Teaching - 5”
“Inscribed by Em’et; It reads: When considering the path of a teacher, I urge you to consider your time. Are you willing to take the time to write tasks, and hear reports? Are you willing to dedicate your dreams to growing others, sometimes at the expense of onesself? It is quite fulfilling, but be wary of the full implications of the job. Not everyone will be a teacher.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Earth))
Sphere Five Archives
Current use:Unknown
Talisman Found: None, empty.
((Got rallied into here thanks to huthut:) Thank you!))
Sphere Six Hall:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman Found:
Title or name: “”Dual Focus” 8”
“”Dual Focus” Manual: As told by Thunderman *™
“Teachers working on or have completed a secondary focus are capable of training both primary and secondary focus majors and minors that with adherence to the mechanics of Train. Teachers with a secondary focus will not have multi-colored halos. The secondary focus halo color will show until the dreamer has ascended to ninth sphere and has returned to their primary focus. A golden fingerprint is pressed into the form of the talisman.”
((inscribed on a ward, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 8 charges, colours selected: Na,Na))
Title or name: “”Dual Focus” 10”
“”Dual Focus” Manual: As told by Thunderman *™
“Most often teachers who are working with a newly awakened will introduce the concept of a secondary focus as they introduce them to a dreamer with a secondary focus. This can serve as an educational point and to also introduce them to a teacher who can teach their primary focus arts, despite not showing the primary focus halo color.” A golden fingerprint is pressed into the form of the talisman.”
((inscribed on a ward, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 10 charges, colours selected: Na,Na))
Title or name: “Draining Device”
“Inscribed by Anasina; it reads: This ornamental tablet of onyx that is fixed to the wall above the Draining Device. Engraved upon the front, reads: “This is a replica of the draining device that was extracted by Avayla from the Order of the Sabled Moon’s house prime, the Relic. This was done in order to switch the prime’s essence manipulation method to Imprisonment.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “Piece of Scroll”
“Inscribed by Anasina; it reads Agonarius was a man who led a maren army throughout the dreamstate. He had positioned himself in the Lost Caves as leader of the Kabal”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected:Abyss ,Jade))
Title or name: “A Different Dream”
“Inscribed by Cianne; it reads: it seems as though it were just yesterday when I roamed these halls…but it cannot be..so many are gone, yet some remain. What has happened here..? ~Cianne”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected:Chalk ,Teal))
Title or name: “A Different Dream 2”
“Inscribed by Gray Tones; it reads: Where there was darkness, in a realm you hardly knew. You walked in the shadows, waiting to be born anew. You happened upon this new land, where the shell was recognized. Yet you knew, you’d have to look at it with new eyes. But don’t you worry, we will hold your hand. And guide you, As you gaze upon this new land.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected:Teal ,Chalk))
Title or name: “Codex”
“Inscribed by Eldora; it reads: It has been a century since our last engagement. Now that the portals are open we can all come back to the city eventually. Wait for us and get to know us. tell us what has changed since we were gone.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected:Abyss ,Azure))
Title or name: “Changes - The City”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: As far as specific places in the dream. There are no longer focus-specific gens for 20s or 30s within the Rifts and the various 2nd sphere areas. Likewise, your personal vaults have been lost to you, as well as any contents within, significantly increasing the reliance on pack management, or house vaults. The ability of Planesmith has been lost or not rediscovered, believed to because of the City’s ancient nature and stability. It is commonly believed our City was younger, and thus more susceptible…”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected:Chalk ,Chalk))
Title or name: “Abil, Devas Tableau”
“A carved bas-relief tableau showing in loving detail the scene of the fateful battle where Abil fought Tehthu until his dying breath to protect the body of the recently slain Devas. The reverse of the tableau bears a carving of the Lake of Tears memorial honoring two lost souls. ~
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 39 charges, colours selected: Earth ,Sand))
Title or name: “Nightmare-Emphant”
“Inscribed by Starfall; it reads: The weakest of Nightmares, Emphants appear as winged snakes and attack by biting and slashing with its tail. They move slowly and have no arts of note.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 50 charges, colours selected: Teal , Abyss))
Title or name: “Nightmare-Bogrom”
“Inscribed by Starfall; It reads: Bogroms six-limbed creatures, four of which are used for locomotion and two claws they use for attacking. They are much more resilient than emphants, but are just as slow and incapable of arts.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 50 charges, colours selected: Teal , Abyss))
Title or name: “Nightmare-Agoknight”
“Inscribed by Starfall; it reads: Agoknights are tentacled monopods with two upper limbs ending in large, divided claws, and a spiked tail. Occasionally they are known to Blast dreamers, as well as rarely firing a paralyzing flame.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 25 charges, colours selected: Teal , Abyss))
Title or name: “Nightmare-Shamblix”
“Inscribed by Starfall; it reads: Shamblixes appear as hooded ghostly skeletal figures that float just off the ground. Meeting their gaze directly inflicts a curse, but can be avoited by averting one’s eyes. Their primary attack is a paralyzing flame. They can only be hurt from behind.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 50 charges, colours selected: Teal , Abyss))
Title or name: “ Nightmare-Horron”
“Inscribed by Starfall; it reads: Horrons appear much like shamblixes, but are far more dangerous. They have an aura that inflicts pain and terrifies those nearby. Their direct gaze can paralyze. Their flame attack is blinding. Like shamblixes, they can only be harmed from beind.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 50 charges, colours selected: Teal , Abyss))
Title or name: “Datoken”
“Inscribed by Starfall; It reads: Datoken (sing. Datoke) comes from the Maren word for those beings of chaos. They appear like nightmares, but have unique identities and show the ability to reason. However, they are not capable of complex communication.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 50 charges, colours selected: Teal , Abyss))
Title or name: “Sand Chalk Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 SoulMaster)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect : None; Damage : 1 to 50; , 41 charges, colours selected: Sand, Chalk))
Title or name: “Sand Plum Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 SoulMaster)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Scare; Damage : 25; ,31 charges, colours selected: Sand, Plum))
Title or name: “Gold Beige Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 GateKeeper)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Blind; Damage : 25; , 36 charges, colours selected: Gold, Beige))
Title or name: “Gold Azure Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 GateKeeper)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Stagger; Damage : 1 to 50; , 38 charges, colours selected: Gold, Azure))
Title or name: “Gold Chalk Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 GateKeeper)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fastest & Bouncing; Effect : None; Damage : 1 to 50; , 17 charges, colours selected: Gold, Chalk))
Title or name: “Night Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fastest & Bouncing; Effect : Deafen; Damage : 25; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Night))
Title or name: “Night Chalk Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect : None; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Chalk))
Title or name: “Night Chalk Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Fast & Bouncing; Effect : None; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Chalk))
Title or name: “Night Chalk Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fastest & Bouncing; Effect : None; Damage : 25; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Chalk))
Title or name: “Night Berry Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Poison; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Berry))
Title or name: “Night Beige Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Blind; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Beige))
Title or name: “Night Azure Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Stagger; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Azure))
Title or name: “Night Sand Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Curse; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Sand))
Title or name: “Night Tan Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Paralyze; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Chalk))
Title or name: “Avatar to Arts 1”
“Inscribed by Krodoc; it reads: I believe that upon entering the dreamstate, our raw subconcience barrows the energy required to form an avatar from the City itself. Through this we take what enerygy is required to sustain us in a somewhat physical form. This shell is our protection, and one of our greatest tools. The avatar serves many purposes such as shielding our subconcience (Soul essence), providing us with a physical sensation in our plane of existence foreign to our native shards, and as a tool to accomplish our goals….”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Bloodl , Abyss))
Title or name: “Avatar to Arts 2”
“Inscribed by Krodoc; it reads: Evocation, is when we are drawing from within our avatars the required energy needed and manipulating it to complete the intended art evoke. A firm belief of mine is that we are very much connected to this City as dreamers. The energy we barrow is broken down to its original raw form and distributed back into the City when we wake. I believe if it did not our empty avatars would be stuck in place after we wake, and those in the City would be able to see our mindless, empty shells.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood , Abyss))
Title or name: “Changes - Arts”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: Missing arts are missing, it would appear, and many have been gained. In this City, you have access to minor arts that where previous not available, Such as Free Action for a DreamSeer. These arts cannot be plateau’d above 29. Additionally, your energy arts do not exist in this City, as the nightmare essences have filled the gap Energy Spheres once covered. The bartering ability of energy is gone, as well. Yes, unfortunately, you will no longer be able to improve shields or chakrams without Forge, 50+ art.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk , Chalk))
Title or name: “Changes - City 2”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: …to manipulation by dreamers, whether in the form of energy manipulation or brute force and construction. While it may be considered a negative, the loss of these abilities has translated into a City that appears much more stable at its foundation, though the idaoclesian tenants of creativity and innovation are still welcome, and needed.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk , Chalk))
Title or name: “Changes - Beasts”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: There are two major changes to beasts. First, there are lesser nightmares roaming around which you have likely encountered. Emphants are easiest, then Bogroms, Agoknight, Shamblix and Horrons. Horrons and Shamblix are similar to the Hotaii in that they can paralyze you with gaze or shot, and are very strong. The second is they are called mares, and that there are “Daymares” which are lesser versions of the Hotaii with no frontal immunity, however some arts such as Blast require the back.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk , Chalk))
Title or name: “Changes - Beliefs”
“Inscribed by Cuero; It reads: The most common change in the City is the belief system. Some Lyrans believe every mare has a soul, and that improper treatment of that soul destroys the potential dreamer’s ability to dream. The mistreadment of those souls is a common cause to war, given the grave nature and theoretically mass genocide commited by either party. Additionally, some believe that the treatment of those essences can simply harm the City itself by causing imbalance to chaotic energy, similarly reducing City’s population.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk , Chalk))
Title or name: “Personal Bubble 1”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: It is my belief that dreamsoul, in addition to protecting our soulspheres, actually works as a barrier to avoid the forceful actions of others. While on our waking worlds, we can push and attack at will, those actions are an assault that goes against social norms of behavior. Given that each person enters the dream through their minds, by their own path, I cannot willingly, and without assistance, force myself upon another person. In order to do so, I need something to bridge the gap between minds.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Personal Bubble 2”
“Inscribed by cuero; it reads: In the same way, it is exceedingly rare that two dreamers come from the same shard, or use the same path… but even those dreamers need assistance of arts in order to engage each other. I believe that it comes from the uniqueness of their minds. I cannot fully understand another dreamer’s connection to the City and how they interact with it… the arts work as a way to translate the conenction and interpret how my actions will affect them.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Personal Bubble 3”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: it would stand to reason that I would need an art in order to be able to communicate with another dreamer, but I believe that communication supercedes understanding. Someone can speak to me in a language I cannot understand, thus the Dream does not require an art to enable speech. It is not always necessary to understand another dreamer. But in order to exert myself upon them, the Dream requires me to direct my actions in a way that is interpretable.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Personal Bubble 4”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: In a similar way… show talisman is one person presenting to another what they believe something to be. Given that Show Talisman can be inaccurate or used to deceive, it is merely a display of what is presented. Even an item on the ground may not be what we perceive it to be. The City granted us Identify to understand its true nature once we have obtained it.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Vampiric Draw”
“The art of Vampiric Draw is one of the most powerful weapons in Soulmasters arsenal and should not be discounted. It will remove ANY element the soulmaster chooses. This increases incrimentally as the art is platted. An essence of your target is required. At higher plateaus is is possible to collapse a Dreamer in 2 or 3 evokes.
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Cyan , Berry))
Title or name: “Revenant Contact 1”
“Inscribed by Mandus; it reads: First impressions of the Revenant were those of terror. It was a sad, pitiful sight. It wears our clothes and mimicks our mannerisms. It moved like a puppet, a dreamer with it’s strings cut… It used arts - blind, earth tremor, some protectile I will identify later… -ctp2”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Abyss))
Title or name: “Revenant Contact 2”
“Inscribed by Mandus; it reads: It seemed more nimble than most dreamers. It lept about, never slowing down, except to evoke. I think the most important detail to note, was it’s forward shield - that of a shamblix. When my guide would attack, it would glance off, but one Flameruin in the back and the monster turned its focus to me in the light of a match.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Abyss))
Title or name: “Provenance Theory”
“It is told that Provenance is as it’s name suggests: The origin. Is provenance the origin of the city? Some geographical evidence suggests so. If you’ve ever held a Map of Threshold, It illustrates that Threshold and its hallways form a circle. But what about the space inside the Threshold ring? We’ve inferred that Threshold Pits occupies the space inside the ring, decending deep under the city. It is also a logical conclusion that the space above it, is the Library of Souls. Especially since Threshold…”
((inscribed on a Charm, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 39 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Provenance Theory 2”
“Pits can be entered from the Library of Souls. How then can Provenance occupy a space within the center as well? I believe Provenance to be above the Library of Souls. The Nature of the room is that of Sanctuary with an open sky and two portals leading to Threshold rooms. All the Great House flags remain intact, unlike the Courtyard of Awakening. The layout suggests that other portals would have led to other Threshold hallway rooms. Why was it not finished? I speculate that despite..”
((inscribed on a Charm, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 39 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Provenance Theory 3”
“Provenance being “new” to us, it is in fact not. It has been hidden away for many dreams. It is my theory that Provenance is the heart of the city. It is the ying to the Courtyard of awakening’s yang. They seek to balance each other. Just as the Couryard allows us to enter the dream via House Threshold rooms, Provenance leads or implies to lead us to the hallways between each House Threshold room. The Courtyard is the beacon that calls us to the city and allows entrance….”
((inscribed on a Charm, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 39 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Provenance Theory 4”
“I speculate that Provenance is the glue that holds the city (planes and rooms) together. But why is it hidden? I feel that this city is self aware of any danger to it. During our final dreams, the Darkmares overran the city and invaded Threshold, our Sanctuary for the Newly awakened! The destruction of the city by the Darkmares wasn’t long to follow. Mt. Illapse was brought down upon all the dreamers and the City. After this event, the city was lost to Dreamers, or so I thought. Since the city was…”
((inscribed on a Charm, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 39 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Provenance Theory 5”
“always under attack, I believe Provenance veiled itself before our influx of dreamers entered the city initially, in an effort to keep itself safe. The House flags in Provenance were preserved while the room was hidden. Is there more to why we couldn’t enter the city? I think so. Theoretically, the longer provenance was hidden the weaker the bods between each plane and room became. After the last Darkmare battle atop illapse, the City couldn’t sustain itself any longer. Why can we dream…”
((inscribed on a Charm, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 39 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Land Baron 2”
“Teeth that wobbled when he spoke with a heavy accent. Castellan revealed his role as the prossessor of the estate planes - property known as the Eight Great Houses of Underlight. Castellan explained that in exchange for rent (a promise of upkeep), the dreamers/tenants could reside with a set of beliefs by contract. The Dreamers scattered to find the pieces the Land Baron required. Once the pieces were gathered by promising group of ten with established beliefs, the lease was signed. The Land Baron…”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 49 charges, colours selected: Beige ,Earth))
Title or name: “Land Baron 3”
“was very clear: If the tenants violated the agreement of active dreamer upkeep, the house could fall to an eviction. As time went on, Castellan’s visits lessened. He learned to trust each set of dreamers residing on their leased lands. Castellan was content, till the day squatters seized the Valley. The elitist Consortium group and the Land Baron was rumored to have a battle; no dreamer was present to witness this. As days went by and dreamers wondered what happened to Castellan, Kael Lupich finally…”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 49 charges, colours selected: Beige ,Earth))
Title or name: “Land Baron 4”
“announced that Castellan had been imprisoned for trespassing on Consortium lands. Furthermore, many more would meet his fate if they interfered with their affairs. Later, rumors spun around the city that elder Herbert met a similar fate because of the tasks he wrote involving the Consortium - Which was eventually confirmed. Dreamers became extremely concerned. Portunes returned to the city, vowing the Consortium would pay as he took care of his old friend’s land duty. The citizens of Underlight…”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 49 charges, colours selected: Beige ,Earth))
Title or name: “Land Baron 5”
“realized their elders were dissapearing and began to get involved, with Dreiko at the lead. A meeting was held to plan for a jailbreak. During the rescue, castellan appeared severely wounded. Portunes arrived to assist in releasing the land baron as the faint silhouette of Castellan’s soulsphere faded in and out of view. The distinct scent of ash could be smelled as flashes of energy drained away, and Castellan passed. Portunes went into a state of deep shock, vanishing soon afterward. ~Liolira”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 49 charges, colours selected: Beige ,Earth))
Sphere Five Hall:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman found:
Title or name: “The art of Return”
“Duration 10 minutes.
Description: Sets a return point with the first evoke. The second evoke returns the user to that point from anywhere else.
Focus: Willpower
Cost: 20
Orbit Required: 50
Plateau Effect: Duration increased by 10 minutes, decreased evoke time.”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Gold, Jade))
Title or name: “Lightless Hollow 1”
“Long ago, disaster struck the Lightless Hollow. Many were “killed,” and it was transformed into it’s current state. The Highborn, Lord Ascheron in particular, said that their City was a beautiful place of forest and plains, rivers and lakes, with palaces and places of interest. A properly thriving City. Fragments of Lyra and Ideoclesia appeared in the sky above the Hollow, drawn to it for unknown reasons. As they merged, they blocked the sky and drained the city below of it’s Energies. ~Mengyao”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Earth, Abyss))
Title or name: “Lightless Hollow 3”
“The Highborn fed the Low of their own reserves as long as they could, but those reserves dwindled as time went on and a solution couldn’t be found. The ones that survived and didn’t become lowborn were sent to find Energy, but none came back. The Lowborn were next sent to scout, gather knowledge of the City above and see what they could scavenge. The Lowborn found out City about two years ago. They spent much of their time watching and waiting, stealing what they could or snatching genned items. ~Mengyao”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Earth, Abyss))
Title or name: “Lightless Hollow 4”
“Upon learning that Dreamers inhabit this City, the Highborn named us “Dark Bringers,” blaming us for the destruction of their home. It was their belief that we intentionally demolished the Hallow. Rubedo still ascribes to these notions. After the Lowborn were discovered by Coraal, Lace, Nathan, and Cloud, Lord Ascheron came into the City, warning that retribution was coming. He was open to negotiation after finding out that Dreamers had no idea there was another City under this one. ~ Mengyao”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Earth, Abyss))
Title or name: “Lightless Hollow 5”
“From there, Lord Ascheron opened trade negotiations with The City, for Essences to be exchanged for goods and the Highborn created. High powered Talisman and other such. The Lowborn were tasked to begin finding a way to fix the Lightless Hollow, and Dreamers, though not offered the same, were not prevented from assisting them. About this time, The Dreamers of Light viewed them as a threat, wanting to destroy them. This didn’t go well with Rubedo Morvant, who also drained both the Light and PC. ~Mengyao”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Earth, Abyss))
Title or name: “Lightless Hollow 6”
“Lord Ascheron attempted to secure Fayd’s Fortress for the Lowborn to live in, as a place they could be safe up in the City, some were quite upset by that concept as well. The Red Witch, DreamStrike Assassin Zar’tenya went into the Lightless Hollow and Struck the Highborn, putting an end to the legacy of both The Highborn and The Lowborn until just recently, when Rubedo and the Lowborn made their return. ~ Mengyao”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Earth, Abyss))
Title or name: “The Lowborn Pens”
“The Lowborn Pens were the housing quarters used by the Lowborn. Currently Idjut, Merp, Olga, Jerm, Argul, and Nohbudee are the Lowborn known to residents of the City above, though others might have lived here as well. Their pens still contain their personal effects, either given to them as gifts by the dreamers of the City above, stolen from Essence Storages, Vaults, and Armories, or scavenged from the City.” ~ Mengyao, Archivist of the Hollow”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Azure, Fire))
Title or name: “Lingering Chambers”
“The Lingering Chambers appears to be the remnants of the experimentation reportedly conducted by the Morvants. Essences, trapped in stone, sit above pools of still churning blood seem indicative of such things through their research and texts are now lost to history currently.” ~ Mengyao, Archivist of the Hollow”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Azure, Fire))
Title or name: “Athenadora’s Cavern”
“Athenadora’s Cavern, located across the Pit from the Lowborn Pens, contains the only semblance of energy to reach the Lightless Hollow. What appears to be a prototype Focal Pad is located in the center of the room, points no doubt to the efforts to drain energy from the City above to empower it. Structures in recesses on either of the room could potentially be generators of sorts to process whatever energy was successfully funneled to the Lightless Hollow from above.” ~ Mengyao, Archivist of the Hollow”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Azure, Fire))
Title or name: “The Coffin Hall”
“The Coffin Hall served as the throne room of the Highborn. Ascheron, Athenadora, Rubedo, and Lilith, seated in that order from left to right as you enter the room, would receive and interrogate vistors from the City above. A raised dais in the center of the room is where visitors would be made to stand before the Highborn. The portal to Ascheron’s Chambers, located in the back of the room, is now sealed and is a time capsule of a long-gone Lord.” ~ Mengyao, Archivist of the Hollow”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Azure, Fire))
Title or name: “The Pit”
“Being sent to The Pit was a punishment for the Lowborn or anyone who broke one of the many laws of the Highborn. A circular room with an aptly named pit in the middle, surrounded by thrones dotting the higher level for the Highborn to sit upon and watch their punishments. The Highborn would cast the Lowborn, or whoever, into the Pit with no escape but to fight through the Horron contained within. The winner was forgiven and the loser was considered guilty and forgotten.” ~ Mengyao, Archivist of the Hollow”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Azure, Fire))
Title or name: “Narthenx Sacrement”
“The Narthenx of Sacrement is a mystery. Fire still burns at four points attached to the base of what appears to be an altar or other apparatus. The Morvants would hold gruesome experiementation with Essences and Hemomancy using the device, which could function similary to the Anvil or Cauldron in the city above. The purposes of these experiments is as yet unknown.” ~ Mengyao, Archivist of the Hollow”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Azure, Fire))
Title or name: “Broken Vestibule”
“The Broken Vestibule was the main thoroughfare for vistors to the Lightless Hollow. A path fo the left contains to the entrances to the tunnels, and up the stairs lay The Coffin Hall, the Lowborn Pens, and the Narthenx of Sacrament. Despite the presence of torches, no light penetrates the foyer of the Lightless Hollow.” ~ Mengyao, Archivist of the Hollow”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Azure, Fire))
Title or name: “The Morvants Hollow”
“The Morvants Hollow were the private chambers of the incestuous siblings and lovers, Lilith and Rubedo Morvant. Blood flows freely through gaps in the ebony floor. while fires burn in the corners similarly to The Broken Vestibule, though the flames provide no light or warmth to the chamber. Who knows what transpired in such a terrible place that can only be a reflection of those who once resided within it. “ ~ Mengyao, Archivist of the Hollow”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Azure, Fire))
Title or name: “Ironies doing”
“” (unknown contents, older style codex, not used to preserve charges)
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 54 charges, colours selected: Plum, Jade))
Sphere Five Study:
Current Use: Unknown
Talisman Found:
Title or name: “Teaching - 1”
“Inscribed by Em’et; It reads: Teaching is a process by which we connect with the Dream. Both for the student, and the teacher. This means of connection drives us to continue dreaming, and continue growing. Not only in our arts, but our minds. Our personalities. Our strengths, our weaknesses. We grow in unexpected ways, and the expected.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Earth))
Title or name: “Teaching - 2”
“Inscribed by Em’et; It reads: For students, this is fairly straightfoward. One tasks to learn or improve an ability, and receives work to do. Ideally it is something they would already wish to do, but in some cases, maybe not. Either way, the task is assigned. You either do it or don’t.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Earth))
Title or name: “Teaching - 3”
“Inscribed by Em’et; It reads: For the teacher, things are little more complicated. You have to consider your student, each and every: Know them as best you are able, and consider what will help them grow. You have the ability to prune paths you wish them to avoid, and sponsor certain paths that you wish to cultivate. But you also must be wary of students who look for opportunities to avoid growth of any kind, and simply grasp for power. Most students will have something of this in them, even if it is not a large part.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Earth))
Title or name: “Teaching - 4”
“Inscribed by Em’et; It reads: As a teacher, your job is to facilitate the growth. Not cause it. You will not be successful in trying to force someone to grow; They must choose to do it themselves. You are only a means to an end. But you can be better or worse at this facilitation. Work with your students to their interests, and overarching goals for the dream. But do not abandon your own priciples in favor of thier own. You must also be true to your own self.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Earth))
Title or name: “Teaching - 5”
“Inscribed by Em’et; It reads: When considering the path of a teacher, I urge you to consider your time. Are you willing to take the time to write tasks, and hear reports? Are you willing to dedicate your dreams to growing others, sometimes at the expense of onesself? It is quite fulfilling, but be wary of the full implications of the job. Not everyone will be a teacher.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Earth))
Sphere Five Archives
Current use:Unknown
Talisman Found: None, empty.
((Got rallied into here thanks to huthut:) Thank you!))
Sphere Six Hall:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman Found:
Title or name: “”Dual Focus” 8”
“”Dual Focus” Manual: As told by Thunderman *™
“Teachers working on or have completed a secondary focus are capable of training both primary and secondary focus majors and minors that with adherence to the mechanics of Train. Teachers with a secondary focus will not have multi-colored halos. The secondary focus halo color will show until the dreamer has ascended to ninth sphere and has returned to their primary focus. A golden fingerprint is pressed into the form of the talisman.”
((inscribed on a ward, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 8 charges, colours selected: Na,Na))
Title or name: “”Dual Focus” 10”
“”Dual Focus” Manual: As told by Thunderman *™
“Most often teachers who are working with a newly awakened will introduce the concept of a secondary focus as they introduce them to a dreamer with a secondary focus. This can serve as an educational point and to also introduce them to a teacher who can teach their primary focus arts, despite not showing the primary focus halo color.” A golden fingerprint is pressed into the form of the talisman.”
((inscribed on a ward, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 10 charges, colours selected: Na,Na))
Title or name: “Draining Device”
“Inscribed by Anasina; it reads: This ornamental tablet of onyx that is fixed to the wall above the Draining Device. Engraved upon the front, reads: “This is a replica of the draining device that was extracted by Avayla from the Order of the Sabled Moon’s house prime, the Relic. This was done in order to switch the prime’s essence manipulation method to Imprisonment.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “Piece of Scroll”
“Inscribed by Anasina; it reads Agonarius was a man who led a maren army throughout the dreamstate. He had positioned himself in the Lost Caves as leader of the Kabal”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected:Abyss ,Jade))
Title or name: “A Different Dream”
“Inscribed by Cianne; it reads: it seems as though it were just yesterday when I roamed these halls…but it cannot be..so many are gone, yet some remain. What has happened here..? ~Cianne”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected:Chalk ,Teal))
Title or name: “A Different Dream 2”
“Inscribed by Gray Tones; it reads: Where there was darkness, in a realm you hardly knew. You walked in the shadows, waiting to be born anew. You happened upon this new land, where the shell was recognized. Yet you knew, you’d have to look at it with new eyes. But don’t you worry, we will hold your hand. And guide you, As you gaze upon this new land.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected:Teal ,Chalk))
Title or name: “Codex”
“Inscribed by Eldora; it reads: It has been a century since our last engagement. Now that the portals are open we can all come back to the city eventually. Wait for us and get to know us. tell us what has changed since we were gone.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected:Abyss ,Azure))
Title or name: “Changes - The City”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: As far as specific places in the dream. There are no longer focus-specific gens for 20s or 30s within the Rifts and the various 2nd sphere areas. Likewise, your personal vaults have been lost to you, as well as any contents within, significantly increasing the reliance on pack management, or house vaults. The ability of Planesmith has been lost or not rediscovered, believed to because of the City’s ancient nature and stability. It is commonly believed our City was younger, and thus more susceptible…”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected:Chalk ,Chalk))
Title or name: “Abil, Devas Tableau”
“A carved bas-relief tableau showing in loving detail the scene of the fateful battle where Abil fought Tehthu until his dying breath to protect the body of the recently slain Devas. The reverse of the tableau bears a carving of the Lake of Tears memorial honoring two lost souls. ~
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 39 charges, colours selected: Earth ,Sand))
Title or name: “Nightmare-Emphant”
“Inscribed by Starfall; it reads: The weakest of Nightmares, Emphants appear as winged snakes and attack by biting and slashing with its tail. They move slowly and have no arts of note.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 50 charges, colours selected: Teal , Abyss))
Title or name: “Nightmare-Bogrom”
“Inscribed by Starfall; It reads: Bogroms six-limbed creatures, four of which are used for locomotion and two claws they use for attacking. They are much more resilient than emphants, but are just as slow and incapable of arts.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 50 charges, colours selected: Teal , Abyss))
Title or name: “Nightmare-Agoknight”
“Inscribed by Starfall; it reads: Agoknights are tentacled monopods with two upper limbs ending in large, divided claws, and a spiked tail. Occasionally they are known to Blast dreamers, as well as rarely firing a paralyzing flame.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 25 charges, colours selected: Teal , Abyss))
Title or name: “Nightmare-Shamblix”
“Inscribed by Starfall; it reads: Shamblixes appear as hooded ghostly skeletal figures that float just off the ground. Meeting their gaze directly inflicts a curse, but can be avoited by averting one’s eyes. Their primary attack is a paralyzing flame. They can only be hurt from behind.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 50 charges, colours selected: Teal , Abyss))
Title or name: “ Nightmare-Horron”
“Inscribed by Starfall; it reads: Horrons appear much like shamblixes, but are far more dangerous. They have an aura that inflicts pain and terrifies those nearby. Their direct gaze can paralyze. Their flame attack is blinding. Like shamblixes, they can only be harmed from beind.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 50 charges, colours selected: Teal , Abyss))
Title or name: “Datoken”
“Inscribed by Starfall; It reads: Datoken (sing. Datoke) comes from the Maren word for those beings of chaos. They appear like nightmares, but have unique identities and show the ability to reason. However, they are not capable of complex communication.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 50 charges, colours selected: Teal , Abyss))
Title or name: “Sand Chalk Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 SoulMaster)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect : None; Damage : 1 to 50; , 41 charges, colours selected: Sand, Chalk))
Title or name: “Sand Plum Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 SoulMaster)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Scare; Damage : 25; ,31 charges, colours selected: Sand, Plum))
Title or name: “Gold Beige Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 GateKeeper)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Blind; Damage : 25; , 36 charges, colours selected: Gold, Beige))
Title or name: “Gold Azure Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 GateKeeper)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Stagger; Damage : 1 to 50; , 38 charges, colours selected: Gold, Azure))
Title or name: “Gold Chalk Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 GateKeeper)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fastest & Bouncing; Effect : None; Damage : 1 to 50; , 17 charges, colours selected: Gold, Chalk))
Title or name: “Night Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fastest & Bouncing; Effect : Deafen; Damage : 25; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Night))
Title or name: “Night Chalk Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect : None; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Chalk))
Title or name: “Night Chalk Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Fast & Bouncing; Effect : None; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Chalk))
Title or name: “Night Chalk Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fastest & Bouncing; Effect : None; Damage : 25; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Chalk))
Title or name: “Night Berry Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Poison; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Berry))
Title or name: “Night Beige Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Blind; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Beige))
Title or name: “Night Azure Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Stagger; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Azure))
Title or name: “Night Sand Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Curse; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Sand))
Title or name: “Night Tan Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Paralyze; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Chalk))
Title or name: “Avatar to Arts 1”
“Inscribed by Krodoc; it reads: I believe that upon entering the dreamstate, our raw subconcience barrows the energy required to form an avatar from the City itself. Through this we take what enerygy is required to sustain us in a somewhat physical form. This shell is our protection, and one of our greatest tools. The avatar serves many purposes such as shielding our subconcience (Soul essence), providing us with a physical sensation in our plane of existence foreign to our native shards, and as a tool to accomplish our goals….”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Bloodl , Abyss))
Title or name: “Avatar to Arts 2”
“Inscribed by Krodoc; it reads: Evocation, is when we are drawing from within our avatars the required energy needed and manipulating it to complete the intended art evoke. A firm belief of mine is that we are very much connected to this City as dreamers. The energy we barrow is broken down to its original raw form and distributed back into the City when we wake. I believe if it did not our empty avatars would be stuck in place after we wake, and those in the City would be able to see our mindless, empty shells.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood , Abyss))
Title or name: “Changes - Arts”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: Missing arts are missing, it would appear, and many have been gained. In this City, you have access to minor arts that where previous not available, Such as Free Action for a DreamSeer. These arts cannot be plateau’d above 29. Additionally, your energy arts do not exist in this City, as the nightmare essences have filled the gap Energy Spheres once covered. The bartering ability of energy is gone, as well. Yes, unfortunately, you will no longer be able to improve shields or chakrams without Forge, 50+ art.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk , Chalk))
Title or name: “Changes - City 2”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: …to manipulation by dreamers, whether in the form of energy manipulation or brute force and construction. While it may be considered a negative, the loss of these abilities has translated into a City that appears much more stable at its foundation, though the idaoclesian tenants of creativity and innovation are still welcome, and needed.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk , Chalk))
Title or name: “Changes - Beasts”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: There are two major changes to beasts. First, there are lesser nightmares roaming around which you have likely encountered. Emphants are easiest, then Bogroms, Agoknight, Shamblix and Horrons. Horrons and Shamblix are similar to the Hotaii in that they can paralyze you with gaze or shot, and are very strong. The second is they are called mares, and that there are “Daymares” which are lesser versions of the Hotaii with no frontal immunity, however some arts such as Blast require the back.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk , Chalk))
Title or name: “Changes - Beliefs”
“Inscribed by Cuero; It reads: The most common change in the City is the belief system. Some Lyrans believe every mare has a soul, and that improper treatment of that soul destroys the potential dreamer’s ability to dream. The mistreadment of those souls is a common cause to war, given the grave nature and theoretically mass genocide commited by either party. Additionally, some believe that the treatment of those essences can simply harm the City itself by causing imbalance to chaotic energy, similarly reducing City’s population.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk , Chalk))
Title or name: “Personal Bubble 1”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: It is my belief that dreamsoul, in addition to protecting our soulspheres, actually works as a barrier to avoid the forceful actions of others. While on our waking worlds, we can push and attack at will, those actions are an assault that goes against social norms of behavior. Given that each person enters the dream through their minds, by their own path, I cannot willingly, and without assistance, force myself upon another person. In order to do so, I need something to bridge the gap between minds.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Personal Bubble 2”
“Inscribed by cuero; it reads: In the same way, it is exceedingly rare that two dreamers come from the same shard, or use the same path… but even those dreamers need assistance of arts in order to engage each other. I believe that it comes from the uniqueness of their minds. I cannot fully understand another dreamer’s connection to the City and how they interact with it… the arts work as a way to translate the conenction and interpret how my actions will affect them.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Personal Bubble 3”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: it would stand to reason that I would need an art in order to be able to communicate with another dreamer, but I believe that communication supercedes understanding. Someone can speak to me in a language I cannot understand, thus the Dream does not require an art to enable speech. It is not always necessary to understand another dreamer. But in order to exert myself upon them, the Dream requires me to direct my actions in a way that is interpretable.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Personal Bubble 4”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: In a similar way… show talisman is one person presenting to another what they believe something to be. Given that Show Talisman can be inaccurate or used to deceive, it is merely a display of what is presented. Even an item on the ground may not be what we perceive it to be. The City granted us Identify to understand its true nature once we have obtained it.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Vampiric Draw”
“The art of Vampiric Draw is one of the most powerful weapons in Soulmasters arsenal and should not be discounted. It will remove ANY element the soulmaster chooses. This increases incrimentally as the art is platted. An essence of your target is required. At higher plateaus is is possible to collapse a Dreamer in 2 or 3 evokes.
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Cyan , Berry))
Title or name: “Revenant Contact 1”
“Inscribed by Mandus; it reads: First impressions of the Revenant were those of terror. It was a sad, pitiful sight. It wears our clothes and mimicks our mannerisms. It moved like a puppet, a dreamer with it’s strings cut… It used arts - blind, earth tremor, some protectile I will identify later… -ctp2”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Abyss))
Title or name: “Revenant Contact 2”
“Inscribed by Mandus; it reads: It seemed more nimble than most dreamers. It lept about, never slowing down, except to evoke. I think the most important detail to note, was it’s forward shield - that of a shamblix. When my guide would attack, it would glance off, but one Flameruin in the back and the monster turned its focus to me in the light of a match.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Abyss))
Title or name: “Provenance Theory”
“It is told that Provenance is as it’s name suggests: The origin. Is provenance the origin of the city? Some geographical evidence suggests so. If you’ve ever held a Map of Threshold, It illustrates that Threshold and its hallways form a circle. But what about the space inside the Threshold ring? We’ve inferred that Threshold Pits occupies the space inside the ring, decending deep under the city. It is also a logical conclusion that the space above it, is the Library of Souls. Especially since Threshold…”
((inscribed on a Charm, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 39 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Provenance Theory 2”
“Pits can be entered from the Library of Souls. How then can Provenance occupy a space within the center as well? I believe Provenance to be above the Library of Souls. The Nature of the room is that of Sanctuary with an open sky and two portals leading to Threshold rooms. All the Great House flags remain intact, unlike the Courtyard of Awakening. The layout suggests that other portals would have led to other Threshold hallway rooms. Why was it not finished? I speculate that despite..”
((inscribed on a Charm, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 39 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Provenance Theory 3”
“Provenance being “new” to us, it is in fact not. It has been hidden away for many dreams. It is my theory that Provenance is the heart of the city. It is the ying to the Courtyard of awakening’s yang. They seek to balance each other. Just as the Couryard allows us to enter the dream via House Threshold rooms, Provenance leads or implies to lead us to the hallways between each House Threshold room. The Courtyard is the beacon that calls us to the city and allows entrance….”
((inscribed on a Charm, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 39 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Provenance Theory 4”
“I speculate that Provenance is the glue that holds the city (planes and rooms) together. But why is it hidden? I feel that this city is self aware of any danger to it. During our final dreams, the Darkmares overran the city and invaded Threshold, our Sanctuary for the Newly awakened! The destruction of the city by the Darkmares wasn’t long to follow. Mt. Illapse was brought down upon all the dreamers and the City. After this event, the city was lost to Dreamers, or so I thought. Since the city was…”
((inscribed on a Charm, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 39 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Provenance Theory 5”
“always under attack, I believe Provenance veiled itself before our influx of dreamers entered the city initially, in an effort to keep itself safe. The House flags in Provenance were preserved while the room was hidden. Is there more to why we couldn’t enter the city? I think so. Theoretically, the longer provenance was hidden the weaker the bods between each plane and room became. After the last Darkmare battle atop illapse, the City couldn’t sustain itself any longer. Why can we dream…”
((inscribed on a Charm, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 39 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Land Baron 2”
“Teeth that wobbled when he spoke with a heavy accent. Castellan revealed his role as the prossessor of the estate planes - property known as the Eight Great Houses of Underlight. Castellan explained that in exchange for rent (a promise of upkeep), the dreamers/tenants could reside with a set of beliefs by contract. The Dreamers scattered to find the pieces the Land Baron required. Once the pieces were gathered by promising group of ten with established beliefs, the lease was signed. The Land Baron…”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 49 charges, colours selected: Beige ,Earth))
Title or name: “Land Baron 3”
“was very clear: If the tenants violated the agreement of active dreamer upkeep, the house could fall to an eviction. As time went on, Castellan’s visits lessened. He learned to trust each set of dreamers residing on their leased lands. Castellan was content, till the day squatters seized the Valley. The elitist Consortium group and the Land Baron was rumored to have a battle; no dreamer was present to witness this. As days went by and dreamers wondered what happened to Castellan, Kael Lupich finally…”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 49 charges, colours selected: Beige ,Earth))
Title or name: “Land Baron 4”
“announced that Castellan had been imprisoned for trespassing on Consortium lands. Furthermore, many more would meet his fate if they interfered with their affairs. Later, rumors spun around the city that elder Herbert met a similar fate because of the tasks he wrote involving the Consortium - Which was eventually confirmed. Dreamers became extremely concerned. Portunes returned to the city, vowing the Consortium would pay as he took care of his old friend’s land duty. The citizens of Underlight…”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 49 charges, colours selected: Beige ,Earth))
Title or name: “Land Baron 5”
“realized their elders were dissapearing and began to get involved, with Dreiko at the lead. A meeting was held to plan for a jailbreak. During the rescue, castellan appeared severely wounded. Portunes arrived to assist in releasing the land baron as the faint silhouette of Castellan’s soulsphere faded in and out of view. The distinct scent of ash could be smelled as flashes of energy drained away, and Castellan passed. Portunes went into a state of deep shock, vanishing soon afterward. ~Liolira”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 49 charges, colours selected: Beige ,Earth))
- fancypearl
- PTR Tester (Rank 3)
- Posts: 218
- Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2014 2:29 am
- Character Name(s): Stormy
- Location: Eugene, Oregon
Re: Library of Souls, Archive
((Got rallied into here thanks to huthut:) Thank you!))
Sphere Six Hall:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman Found:
Title or name: “”Dual Focus” 8”
“”Dual Focus” Manual: As told by Thunderman *™
“Teachers working on or have completed a secondary focus are capable of training both primary and secondary focus majors and minors that with adherence to the mechanics of Train. Teachers with a secondary focus will not have multi-colored halos. The secondary focus halo color will show until the dreamer has ascended to ninth sphere and has returned to their primary focus. A golden fingerprint is pressed into the form of the talisman.”
((inscribed on a ward, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 8 charges, colours selected: Na,Na))
Title or name: “”Dual Focus” 10”
“”Dual Focus” Manual: As told by Thunderman *™
“Most often teachers who are working with a newly awakened will introduce the concept of a secondary focus as they introduce them to a dreamer with a secondary focus. This can serve as an educational point and to also introduce them to a teacher who can teach their primary focus arts, despite not showing the primary focus halo color.” A golden fingerprint is pressed into the form of the talisman.”
((inscribed on a ward, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 10 charges, colours selected: Na,Na))
Title or name: “Draining Device”
“Inscribed by Anasina; it reads: This ornamental tablet of onyx that is fixed to the wall above the Draining Device. Engraved upon the front, reads: “This is a replica of the draining device that was extracted by Avayla from the Order of the Sabled Moon’s house prime, the Relic. This was done in order to switch the prime’s essence manipulation method to Imprisonment.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “Piece of Scroll”
“Inscribed by Anasina; it reads Agonarius was a man who led a maren army throughout the dreamstate. He had positioned himself in the Lost Caves as leader of the Kabal”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected:Abyss ,Jade))
Title or name: “A Different Dream”
“Inscribed by Cianne; it reads: it seems as though it were just yesterday when I roamed these halls…but it cannot be..so many are gone, yet some remain. What has happened here..? ~Cianne”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected:Chalk ,Teal))
Title or name: “A Different Dream 2”
“Inscribed by Gray Tones; it reads: Where there was darkness, in a realm you hardly knew. You walked in the shadows, waiting to be born anew. You happened upon this new land, where the shell was recognized. Yet you knew, you’d have to look at it with new eyes. But don’t you worry, we will hold your hand. And guide you, As you gaze upon this new land.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected:Teal ,Chalk))
Title or name: “Codex”
“Inscribed by Eldora; it reads: It has been a century since our last engagement. Now that the portals are open we can all come back to the city eventually. Wait for us and get to know us. tell us what has changed since we were gone.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected:Abyss ,Azure))
Title or name: “Changes - The City”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: As far as specific places in the dream. There are no longer focus-specific gens for 20s or 30s within the Rifts and the various 2nd sphere areas. Likewise, your personal vaults have been lost to you, as well as any contents within, significantly increasing the reliance on pack management, or house vaults. The ability of Planesmith has been lost or not rediscovered, believed to because of the City’s ancient nature and stability. It is commonly believed our City was younger, and thus more susceptible…”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected:Chalk ,Chalk))
Title or name: “Abil, Devas Tableau”
“A carved bas-relief tableau showing in loving detail the scene of the fateful battle where Abil fought Tehthu until his dying breath to protect the body of the recently slain Devas. The reverse of the tableau bears a carving of the Lake of Tears memorial honoring two lost souls. ~
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 39 charges, colours selected: Earth ,Sand))
Title or name: “Nightmare-Emphant”
“Inscribed by Starfall; it reads: The weakest of Nightmares, Emphants appear as winged snakes and attack by biting and slashing with its tail. They move slowly and have no arts of note.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 50 charges, colours selected: Teal , Abyss))
Title or name: “Nightmare-Bogrom”
“Inscribed by Starfall; It reads: Bogroms six-limbed creatures, four of which are used for locomotion and two claws they use for attacking. They are much more resilient than emphants, but are just as slow and incapable of arts.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 50 charges, colours selected: Teal , Abyss))
Title or name: “Nightmare-Agoknight”
“Inscribed by Starfall; it reads: Agoknights are tentacled monopods with two upper limbs ending in large, divided claws, and a spiked tail. Occasionally they are known to Blast dreamers, as well as rarely firing a paralyzing flame.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 25 charges, colours selected: Teal , Abyss))
Title or name: “Nightmare-Shamblix”
“Inscribed by Starfall; it reads: Shamblixes appear as hooded ghostly skeletal figures that float just off the ground. Meeting their gaze directly inflicts a curse, but can be avoited by averting one’s eyes. Their primary attack is a paralyzing flame. They can only be hurt from behind.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 50 charges, colours selected: Teal , Abyss))
Title or name: “ Nightmare-Horron”
“Inscribed by Starfall; it reads: Horrons appear much like shamblixes, but are far more dangerous. They have an aura that inflicts pain and terrifies those nearby. Their direct gaze can paralyze. Their flame attack is blinding. Like shamblixes, they can only be harmed from beind.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 50 charges, colours selected: Teal , Abyss))
Title or name: “Datoken”
“Inscribed by Starfall; It reads: Datoken (sing. Datoke) comes from the Maren word for those beings of chaos. They appear like nightmares, but have unique identities and show the ability to reason. However, they are not capable of complex communication.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 50 charges, colours selected: Teal , Abyss))
Title or name: “Sand Chalk Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 SoulMaster)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect : None; Damage : 1 to 50; , 41 charges, colours selected: Sand, Chalk))
Title or name: “Sand Plum Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 SoulMaster)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Scare; Damage : 25; ,31 charges, colours selected: Sand, Plum))
Title or name: “Gold Beige Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 GateKeeper)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Blind; Damage : 25; , 36 charges, colours selected: Gold, Beige))
Title or name: “Gold Azure Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 GateKeeper)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Stagger; Damage : 1 to 50; , 38 charges, colours selected: Gold, Azure))
Title or name: “Gold Chalk Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 GateKeeper)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fastest & Bouncing; Effect : None; Damage : 1 to 50; , 17 charges, colours selected: Gold, Chalk))
Title or name: “Night Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fastest & Bouncing; Effect : Deafen; Damage : 25; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Night))
Title or name: “Night Chalk Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect : None; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Chalk))
Title or name: “Night Chalk Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Fast & Bouncing; Effect : None; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Chalk))
Title or name: “Night Chalk Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fastest & Bouncing; Effect : None; Damage : 25; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Chalk))
Title or name: “Night Berry Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Poison; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Berry))
Title or name: “Night Beige Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Blind; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Beige))
Title or name: “Night Azure Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Stagger; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Azure))
Title or name: “Night Sand Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Curse; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Sand))
Title or name: “Night Tan Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Paralyze; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Chalk))
Title or name: “Avatar to Arts 1”
“Inscribed by Krodoc; it reads: I believe that upon entering the dreamstate, our raw subconcience barrows the energy required to form an avatar from the City itself. Through this we take what enerygy is required to sustain us in a somewhat physical form. This shell is our protection, and one of our greatest tools. The avatar serves many purposes such as shielding our subconcience (Soul essence), providing us with a physical sensation in our plane of existence foreign to our native shards, and as a tool to accomplish our goals….”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Bloodl , Abyss))
Title or name: “Avatar to Arts 2”
“Inscribed by Krodoc; it reads: Evocation, is when we are drawing from within our avatars the required energy needed and manipulating it to complete the intended art evoke. A firm belief of mine is that we are very much connected to this City as dreamers. The energy we barrow is broken down to its original raw form and distributed back into the City when we wake. I believe if it did not our empty avatars would be stuck in place after we wake, and those in the City would be able to see our mindless, empty shells.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood , Abyss))
Title or name: “Changes - Arts”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: Missing arts are missing, it would appear, and many have been gained. In this City, you have access to minor arts that where previous not available, Such as Free Action for a DreamSeer. These arts cannot be plateau’d above 29. Additionally, your energy arts do not exist in this City, as the nightmare essences have filled the gap Energy Spheres once covered. The bartering ability of energy is gone, as well. Yes, unfortunately, you will no longer be able to improve shields or chakrams without Forge, 50+ art.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk , Chalk))
Title or name: “Changes - City 2”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: …to manipulation by dreamers, whether in the form of energy manipulation or brute force and construction. While it may be considered a negative, the loss of these abilities has translated into a City that appears much more stable at its foundation, though the idaoclesian tenants of creativity and innovation are still welcome, and needed.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk , Chalk))
Title or name: “Changes - Beasts”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: There are two major changes to beasts. First, there are lesser nightmares roaming around which you have likely encountered. Emphants are easiest, then Bogroms, Agoknight, Shamblix and Horrons. Horrons and Shamblix are similar to the Hotaii in that they can paralyze you with gaze or shot, and are very strong. The second is they are called mares, and that there are “Daymares” which are lesser versions of the Hotaii with no frontal immunity, however some arts such as Blast require the back.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk , Chalk))
Title or name: “Changes - Beliefs”
“Inscribed by Cuero; It reads: The most common change in the City is the belief system. Some Lyrans believe every mare has a soul, and that improper treatment of that soul destroys the potential dreamer’s ability to dream. The mistreadment of those souls is a common cause to war, given the grave nature and theoretically mass genocide commited by either party. Additionally, some believe that the treatment of those essences can simply harm the City itself by causing imbalance to chaotic energy, similarly reducing City’s population.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk , Chalk))
Title or name: “Personal Bubble 1”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: It is my belief that dreamsoul, in addition to protecting our soulspheres, actually works as a barrier to avoid the forceful actions of others. While on our waking worlds, we can push and attack at will, those actions are an assault that goes against social norms of behavior. Given that each person enters the dream through their minds, by their own path, I cannot willingly, and without assistance, force myself upon another person. In order to do so, I need something to bridge the gap between minds.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Personal Bubble 2”
“Inscribed by cuero; it reads: In the same way, it is exceedingly rare that two dreamers come from the same shard, or use the same path… but even those dreamers need assistance of arts in order to engage each other. I believe that it comes from the uniqueness of their minds. I cannot fully understand another dreamer’s connection to the City and how they interact with it… the arts work as a way to translate the conenction and interpret how my actions will affect them.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Personal Bubble 3”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: it would stand to reason that I would need an art in order to be able to communicate with another dreamer, but I believe that communication supercedes understanding. Someone can speak to me in a language I cannot understand, thus the Dream does not require an art to enable speech. It is not always necessary to understand another dreamer. But in order to exert myself upon them, the Dream requires me to direct my actions in a way that is interpretable.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Personal Bubble 4”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: In a similar way… show talisman is one person presenting to another what they believe something to be. Given that Show Talisman can be inaccurate or used to deceive, it is merely a display of what is presented. Even an item on the ground may not be what we perceive it to be. The City granted us Identify to understand its true nature once we have obtained it.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Vampiric Draw”
“The art of Vampiric Draw is one of the most powerful weapons in Soulmasters arsenal and should not be discounted. It will remove ANY element the soulmaster chooses. This increases incrimentally as the art is platted. An essence of your target is required. At higher plateaus is is possible to collapse a Dreamer in 2 or 3 evokes.
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Cyan , Berry))
Title or name: “Revenant Contact 1”
“Inscribed by Mandus; it reads: First impressions of the Revenant were those of terror. It was a sad, pitiful sight. It wears our clothes and mimicks our mannerisms. It moved like a puppet, a dreamer with it’s strings cut… It used arts - blind, earth tremor, some protectile I will identify later… -ctp2”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Abyss))
Title or name: “Revenant Contact 2”
“Inscribed by Mandus; it reads: It seemed more nimble than most dreamers. It lept about, never slowing down, except to evoke. I think the most important detail to note, was it’s forward shield - that of a shamblix. When my guide would attack, it would glance off, but one Flameruin in the back and the monster turned its focus to me in the light of a match.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Abyss))
Title or name: “Provenance Theory”
“It is told that Provenance is as it’s name suggests: The origin. Is provenance the origin of the city? Some geographical evidence suggests so. If you’ve ever held a Map of Threshold, It illustrates that Threshold and its hallways form a circle. But what about the space inside the Threshold ring? We’ve inferred that Threshold Pits occupies the space inside the ring, decending deep under the city. It is also a logical conclusion that the space above it, is the Library of Souls. Especially since Threshold…”
((inscribed on a Charm, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 39 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Provenance Theory 2”
“Pits can be entered from the Library of Souls. How then can Provenance occupy a space within the center as well? I believe Provenance to be above the Library of Souls. The Nature of the room is that of Sanctuary with an open sky and two portals leading to Threshold rooms. All the Great House flags remain intact, unlike the Courtyard of Awakening. The layout suggests that other portals would have led to other Threshold hallway rooms. Why was it not finished? I speculate that despite..”
((inscribed on a Charm, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 39 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Provenance Theory 3”
“Provenance being “new” to us, it is in fact not. It has been hidden away for many dreams. It is my theory that Provenance is the heart of the city. It is the ying to the Courtyard of awakening’s yang. They seek to balance each other. Just as the Couryard allows us to enter the dream via House Threshold rooms, Provenance leads or implies to lead us to the hallways between each House Threshold room. The Courtyard is the beacon that calls us to the city and allows entrance….”
((inscribed on a Charm, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 39 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Provenance Theory 4”
“I speculate that Provenance is the glue that holds the city (planes and rooms) together. But why is it hidden? I feel that this city is self aware of any danger to it. During our final dreams, the Darkmares overran the city and invaded Threshold, our Sanctuary for the Newly awakened! The destruction of the city by the Darkmares wasn’t long to follow. Mt. Illapse was brought down upon all the dreamers and the City. After this event, the city was lost to Dreamers, or so I thought. Since the city was…”
((inscribed on a Charm, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 39 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Provenance Theory 5”
“always under attack, I believe Provenance veiled itself before our influx of dreamers entered the city initially, in an effort to keep itself safe. The House flags in Provenance were preserved while the room was hidden. Is there more to why we couldn’t enter the city? I think so. Theoretically, the longer provenance was hidden the weaker the bods between each plane and room became. After the last Darkmare battle atop illapse, the City couldn’t sustain itself any longer. Why can we dream…”
((inscribed on a Charm, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 39 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Land Baron 2”
“Teeth that wobbled when he spoke with a heavy accent. Castellan revealed his role as the prossessor of the estate planes - property known as the Eight Great Houses of Underlight. Castellan explained that in exchange for rent (a promise of upkeep), the dreamers/tenants could reside with a set of beliefs by contract. The Dreamers scattered to find the pieces the Land Baron required. Once the pieces were gathered by promising group of ten with established beliefs, the lease was signed. The Land Baron…”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 49 charges, colours selected: Beige ,Earth))
Title or name: “Land Baron 3”
“was very clear: If the tenants violated the agreement of active dreamer upkeep, the house could fall to an eviction. As time went on, Castellan’s visits lessened. He learned to trust each set of dreamers residing on their leased lands. Castellan was content, till the day squatters seized the Valley. The elitist Consortium group and the Land Baron was rumored to have a battle; no dreamer was present to witness this. As days went by and dreamers wondered what happened to Castellan, Kael Lupich finally…”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 49 charges, colours selected: Beige ,Earth))
Title or name: “Land Baron 4”
“announced that Castellan had been imprisoned for trespassing on Consortium lands. Furthermore, many more would meet his fate if they interfered with their affairs. Later, rumors spun around the city that elder Herbert met a similar fate because of the tasks he wrote involving the Consortium - Which was eventually confirmed. Dreamers became extremely concerned. Portunes returned to the city, vowing the Consortium would pay as he took care of his old friend’s land duty. The citizens of Underlight…”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 49 charges, colours selected: Beige ,Earth))
Title or name: “Land Baron 5”
“realized their elders were dissapearing and began to get involved, with Dreiko at the lead. A meeting was held to plan for a jailbreak. During the rescue, castellan appeared severely wounded. Portunes arrived to assist in releasing the land baron as the faint silhouette of Castellan’s soulsphere faded in and out of view. The distinct scent of ash could be smelled as flashes of energy drained away, and Castellan passed. Portunes went into a state of deep shock, vanishing soon afterward. ~Liolira”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 49 charges, colours selected: Beige ,Earth))
Sphere Six Study:
Current use:Unknown
Talisman Found:
Title or name: “Sable Guard”
“Though history, very few mass mobb houses have ever truely won a war. Oh overwehlming numbers have often put organized houses firmly on the defensive, yet they tend to remain and hold fast over the long term. “No organized force is eventually truely outnumbered” -Novgorad. A trained guard force, with ranks and duties, prior, during, and after combat are essential to a houses long term survival. Quite often a guard force is an excellent place to house your quartermaster corps. <con’t>”
((inscribed on a Shield, 1 functions: Armor - curent durability 43; max durability 43; absorbtion 43%, 39 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Abyss))
Title or name: “Sable Guard (2)”
“An organized guard needs several key components. Especially amongst its leadership. It isnt a true “house” organization in that political maneuvering and popularity should NOT be key in its ranks. It is important to note that in a more liberal minded house the guard will be out of step with the rest of the structure. training must be hard and constant, with no regard to the “feelings” of individuals. It is a military organism designed to safeguard the house.”
((inscribed on a Shield, 1 functions: Armor - curent durability 23; max durability 23; absorbtion 23%, 49 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Abyss))
Title or name: “Sable Guard (3)”
“The leaders of the Order must be willing to subjorn their own authority to whomever the highest ranking Guard member is during an emergency. It is the guards role to utilize -any- house member available, and to learn the skills of each member of the house. this isnt to create mini dictators, but to put the houses general safety in the hands of those trained to keep her safe. Again in a more open house this is hard pill to swallow, as such the leadership must lead by example in this area.”
((inscribed on a Shield, 1 functions: Armor - curent durability 23; max durability 23; absorbtion 23%, 49 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Abyss))
Title or name: “Sable Guard (4)”
“Leadership: The ranking member must have 3 key skills 1: Peronal Fighting ability (you cant train if you cant fight) 2: tactical skill (able to use others to defend the house, using the facade and focii wisely) 3: leadership skills. Perhaps the hardest, needs to be able to deal with and work with a wide variety of members.”
((inscribed on a Shield, 1 functions: Armor - curent durability 23; max durability 23; absorbtion 23%, 49 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Abyss))
Title or name: “Sable Guard (5)”
“Membership: Accept only those that can take orders, and arn’t simply looking for a checkmark on their to do list for political/power gain. A force of 4 dreamers properly trained can take on far more numberous numbers. Better to take only those willing to learn than to accept those that talk a good talk. they need to be willing to learn and train, and put the house above their own personal coherance. to play the role requested by leadership. A guards life is duty, not rewards.”
((inscribed on a Shield, 1 functions: Armor - curent durability 23; max durability 23; absorbtion 23%, 49 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Abyss))
Title or name: “Essence/DreamStrike”
“Our use of essence shall include any process available now and in the future that will further our knowledge and growth. It shall be referred to as Repurposing of Essence.
Stance on DreamStrike:
The Order of the Sable Moon stands opposed to the art of Dreamstrike; it does not align with our tenents of Purpose, Patience, and Perseverance. It does not allow for advancement of knowledge and growth. It is the antithesis of growth and advancement. ~ ”
((inscribed on a Crest OoSM, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 59 charges, colours selected: Biege, Blood))
Title or name: “Three Divisions”
“There are three distinct divisions within the Order of the Sable Moon:
-Teaching & Research. Made up of teachers and dreamers who are looking to advance themselves and the arts within the dream.
-Diplomacy. Made up of dreamers who are looking to practice their diplomatic skills for the betterment of the city.
-Defense. Made up of dreamers who are looking to develop and advance their defensive skills as well as defensive teachers who are looking to coach and train members in defensive tactics. ~”
((inscribed on a Crest OoSM, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 49 charges, colours selected: Biege, Cyan))
Title or name: “Tenet: Perseverance”
“The third of the three tenets of the Order of Sable Moon is Perseverance.
The Dream is in a constant state of flux. It can shift from wild chaos to peace in moments. For us to survive this and keep other dreamers and the city intact we must persevere. At times this may be a battle against the chaos (defending the dream from forces both external and internal), or it may mean finding the peaceful solution. No matter what the correct answer may be, it must be one that is full of purpose and virtue. ~”
((inscribed on a Crest OoSM, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 59 charges, colours selected: Biege, Plum))
Title or name: “Tenet: Patience”
“The second of the three tenets of the Order of the Sable Moon is patience.
As a house of learning and teaching patience is key. Patience with one’s student and with one’s self. It takes time to fully grasp new knowledge. Time spent researching, experiencing, and reflecting. Patience is a skill that is mastered over time; like our arts, the more it is practiced the better we will become at applying it. Patience is also invaluable in diplomacy as well as calculating a skilled defense, when necessary. ~”
((inscribed on a Crest OoSM, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 59 charges, colours selected: Biege, Plum))
Title or name: “Tenet: Purpose”
“The first of the three tenets of the Order of Sable Moon is Purpose.
Dream deliberately. Your short-term goal should be to make a daily positive impact on someone else’s dream and your long-term goal should be to make a positive impact on the city overall. By doing this, you will advance yourself, others and the city in positive and productive ways. You will also advance knowledge and growth within the city. ~”
((inscribed on a Crest OoSM, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 59 charges, colours selected: Biege, Plum))
Title or name: “Stance on Mares”
“If a mare of any kind attacks you or your fellow dreamers immediately on site, defend yourself, your fellow dreamers, and the dream city. Do as your arts allow with the essence and return it to the Order so that we may Repurpose it. If a mare of any form approaches you in a calm and civil manner, observe it and take what knowledge you can get from it. But always be prepared and guarded. Report such information to the leadership of the order so that it can be shared within the house and the dream. ~”
((inscribed on a Crest OoSM, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 59 charges, colours selected: Biege, earth))
Title or name: “Four Totems”
“Inscribed by Wolfgar; it reads: A small collection of carvings, which tie the beliefs I was taught to the city I have learned. All the People carry a personal totem, but people of the same totem are uniquely bonded one to another. Each focus is made up of various people from dramatically different worlds, but a focus calls to the person and chooses them, bonding us as our totems do. Embrace your focus as it has embraced you… follow your totem as it has followed you. Peace can only be achieved by living according to your natural self…”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “Dreamseer”
“Inscribed by Wolfgar; it reads: In your hand rests a small object, each subtle curve polished to a mirror finish giving the dark wood a feel of velvet against your fingertips. One of the largest of all creatures, he is suprisingly without malice or aggression, for based on his long life he is the keeper of ancient knowledge lost to most all other creatures. Keenly aware of his surroundings, his memory a vast catalog of events and facts, his sapphire eyes take in all around him in his deep blue world. He is Whale.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “Fatesender”
“Inscribed by Wolfgar; it reads: In your hand rests a small object, surface smooth like glass and darker than a moonless night sky, carved from a knot of a venerable tree. The animal’s body appears tense as he stands with ears up, snout slightly raised and his tongue lolling as if smiling at some unknown thought. An ancient trickster is know for his stealth and humor, combined with his ability to disrupt even the most calm of circumstances. His eyes gleam as the light catches the facets of rubies inlaid into his face. He is Coyote.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Fire, Abyss))
Title or name: “Soulmaster”
“Inscribed by Wolfgar; it reads: In your hand rests a small object, the fine detail of the fur giving the illusion of wind ruffling it as you turn it slowly. Lean of form, yet strong of character and duty, few creatures compare in their contradiction of independence versus family unity. To kill or nurture lies in equal parts, though the sparkling emerald eyes give nary a clue. A fierce defender, a dependable leader, and possessing true heart… He is wolf”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Jade, Abyss))
Title or name: “Gatekeeper”
“Inscribed by Wolfgar; it reads: In your hand rests a small object, its dark surface textured to show a multitude of feathers upon outstretched wings. The fine grain of the wood further enhances the illusion of flight as it catches the light. Each talon and the tip of his beak sharpened to a needlelike point, inlaid amber eyes flash as he constantly watching over his cast. Single minded in purpose, undaunted by adversity, and fearless in combat…He is Hawk”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Gold, Abyss))
Title or name: “Art Check 1 of 2”
“Some boots are harder to fill than others. He wasn’t a huge man but he walked with a step of confidence and had a presence about him. His name was William, William Powers.
He carried a war hammer slung across his back always within reach for a cause. He traveled the dream with a song as he hummed to himself to pass the time Always quick with a wave and smile.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 25 charges, colours selected: Azure, Teal))
Title or name: “Art Check 2 of 2”
“He had a habit of walking into a crowd and stomping his foot making the ground shake and they would dance. Annoyed the elder decided to make it so there was a way to avoid his command performances in using their arts. William was pleased as he felt he could remind others to art up and be ready for anything. So as time passed he would always check to see who had their arts on with a request they dance. He was later responsible for the art aptly named Dreamquake. )ag(”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 25 charges, colours selected: Azure, Teal))
Title or name: “” Unknown stickied
“*** These are the arts that DreamSeers can learn at 6th sphere *** Combine and Misdirection.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: na, na charges, colours selected: Abyss, Azure))
Title or name: “” Unknown stickied
“*** These are the arts that SoulMasters can learn at 6th sphere *** Healing Aura, Misdirection, and Vampiric Draw.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: na, na charges, colours selected: Abyss, Azure))
Title or name: “” Unknown stickied
“*** These are the arts that FateSenders can learn at 6th sphere *** Hypnotic Weave Misdirection, Tempest and Terror. *** These are the arts that FateSenders can learn at 7th sphere*** Razorwind”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: na, na charges, colours selected: Abyss, Azure)
Title or name: “” Unknown stickied
“*** These are the arts that GateKeepers can learn at 6th sphere *** Hypnotic Weave, Misdirection, Tempest and Terror. *** These are the arts that Fatesenders can learn at 7th sphere *** Razorwind
*** These are the arts that GateKeepers can learn at 6th sphere ***
DreamQuake,Misdirection and Reflect”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: na, na charges, colours selected: Abyss, Azure))
Title or name: “Blade Specs”
“Plat: 0 - 9 Dmg: 1 - 4
10 - 19 2 - 6
20 - 29 5 - 10
30 - 39 7 - 12
40 - 49 7 - 18
50 - 59 9 - 23
60 - 69 9 - 28
70 - 79 11 - 30”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Jade, Biege))
Title or name: “Blade Specs”
“Plat: 0 - 9 Dmg: 1 - 4
10 - 19 2 - 6
20 - 29 5 - 10
30 - 39 7 - 12
40 - 49 7 - 18
50 - 59 9 - 23
60 - 69 9 - 28
70 - 79 11 - 30”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Teal, Azure ))
Title or name: “Blade Specs”
“Plat: 0 - 9 Dmg: 1 - 4
10 - 19 2 - 6
20 - 29 5 - 10
30 - 39 7 - 12
40 - 49 7 - 18
50 - 59 9 - 23
60 - 69 9 - 28
70 - 79 11 - 30”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Gold, Gold))
Title or name: “Flame Specs”
“Plat: 0 - 9 Dmg: 1 - 4 Color: Cyan/Chalk
10 - 19 2 - 6 Cyan
20 - 29 5 - 10 Cyan
30 - 39 7 - 12 Berry/Plum
40 - 49 7 - 18 Gold
50 - 59 9 - 23 Gold/Fire
60 - 69 9 - 28 Jade
70 - 79 11 - 30 Jade/Teal”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Jade, Biege))
Title or name: “Flame Specs”
““Plat: 0 - 9 Dmg: 1 - 4 Color: Cyan/Chalk
10 - 19 2 - 6 Cyan
20 - 29 5 - 10 Cyan
30 - 39 7 - 12 Berry/Plum
40 - 49 7 - 18 Gold
50 - 59 9 - 23 Gold/Fire
60 - 69 9 - 28 Jade
70 - 79 11 - 30 Jade/Teal”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Azure))
Title or name: “Flame Specs”
““Plat: 0 - 9 Dmg: 1 - 4 Color: Cyan/Chalk
10 - 19 2 - 6 Cyan
20 - 29 5 - 10 Cyan
30 - 39 7 - 12 Berry/Plum
40 - 49 7 - 18 Gold
50 - 59 9 - 23 Gold/Fire
60 - 69 9 - 28 Jade
70 - 79 11 - 30 Jade/Teal”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Jade, Biege))
Sphere Six Archives:
Current use:Unknown
Talisman Found:
Title or name: “Conclave: Ranking”
“Inscribed by En’th it reads:
Leadership of the Preserver Conclave shall be identified as detailed below:
Rulers are known as Superiors, for they hold dominion over their branch of the Conclave.
Guardians are known as Sentinels, and they shall serve as the right hand of the Superior of their branch.
At all times there must be two Superiors, and two Sentinels. One for each branch of the Preserver Conclave.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “Conclave: T1”
“Inscribed by En’th; it reads:
The first tennet of the Preserver Conclave is Understanding.
To serve the City Underlight, and all its Dreamers, we strive to Understand all things;
even that which we may disagree with. Especially that which we may find distasteful. Understanding leads to opportunity. Opportunity to expand upon that which serves Underlight, and opprtunity to destroy that which harms it.
We know and accept that Understanding can never be truly complete. We do our Duty as the Conclave permits.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “Conclave: T2”
“Inscribed by En’th; it reads:
The second tennet of the Preserver Conclave is Growth.
To Grow allows one opportunity to serve Underlight more fully. Dreaming without Growth is futility. Failing to Grow is a failure to serve Underlight, which is core to the Preserver Conclave.
Growth is not limited to Sphere, and Arts; one can Grow in many ways. The Preservers seek to grow in all ways. No path may be rejected without first Understanding.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “Conclave: T3”
“Inscribed by En’th; it reads:
The third tennet of the Preserver Conclave is Freedom.
All Dreamers deserve Freedom. No one should fear being true to oneself. Indeed, being true to onesself is one’s Duty. With this recognized, Dreamers must also Understand that all choices have consequences. Being faced with those consequences is not a denial of Freedom; it is the cost of it.
No Dreamer should be denied his/her Freedom of Choice. This is a sacred right which the Preserver Conclave will fight, whenever necessary, to protect.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “Conclave: T4”
“Inscribed by En’th; it reads:
The fourth tennet of the Preserver Conclave is the Duty to Act.
Our membership shall have no excuse for failure to Act in the service of Underlight.
All members are expected, and indeed required to Act in the service of Underlight.
Indecision and inaction are the primary causes of stagnation, or a failure to Grow.
All membership, from the highest ranks to the lowest, shall be required to remember the Duty to Act in the service of Underlight, at all times.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “Conclave: Branches”
“Inscribed by En’th; it reads:
The Preserver Conclave shall be split into two branches: The Conclave Knights, and the Conservators. Each branch will be led by one Superior, and one Sentinel.
The purpose of the branches will be to divide responsibility for service of Underlight, and to maintain the integrity of the Preserver Conclave throughout time.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “Conclave: Essences”
“Inscribed by En’th; it reads:
The preserver Conclave believes Nightmares to be unawakened dreamers touching briefly with Underlight, and their essences should thusly be treated with care. This said, all methods can serve:
| Banishing allows the unawakened mind escape, and thus peace.
| Imprisonment stores the chaos, separating it from the mind of the unawakened.
| Cleansing transmutes the chaos within, releasing the mind from its influence.
Draining does not help the unawakened mind, but does not harm it eather.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “Conclave: Palisades”
“Inscribed by En’th; it reads:
The Preserver Conclave assumes responsibility for maintaining and protecting the Palisades. As an institution capable of denying Dreamer’s Freedom, the Palisades are a danger, but a necessity. They shall serve as a means of solving those problems which cannot otherwise be killed. Wraiths, they have been called.
Dreamers of Underlight should never be imprisoned within. It is not a place for Dreamers. Great care should be taken whenver entering the Palisades, let alone attempting to work within.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “Conclave: Law (1/1)”
“Inscribed by En’th; it reads:
Laws shall be debated and decided upon the formation of the Preserver Conclave. All founding members shall have an equal say, regardless of future or present rank. When the laws are thusly written, they shall be recorded in the Library of the Conclave for all membership to know and remember.
After the initial formation of the Conclave, membership shall meet once a month, on a meeting date agreed upon by both Superiors, to propose new laws, or amendments to former laws.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “Conclave: Law (2/2)”
“Inscribed by En’th; It reads:
For the week following proposed amendments or new law, there shall be a voting process by the house. Superiors shall collect and record votes. A majorty, 2/3rds vote is required to add or amend a law.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “Preserver Conclave”
“Inscribed by En’th; it reads:
The Conclave Knights shall be responsible for making known the Will of the Conclave outside of the house. To serve Underlight in combat, and in force. They will serve as the primary defenders and warriors of the Preserver Conclave.
Their duties are not exclusive to combat, however. They shall be responsible for representing the house in foreign affairs. They must, above all else, remember the Duty to Act.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “The Conservators”
“Inscribed by En’th; it reads:
The Conservator branch shall be responsible for the inner mechanisms of the Preserver Conclave. Maintaining the house stores, vaults, library. They are responsible for the laws and rules that govern the Conclave, and keeping careful watch for violation of those laws within the Conclave.
Conservators shall be responsible for gathering knowledge for the dual purposes of both Growth and Understanding. They shall further these tennets within the membership of the Conclave whenever possible.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “Conclave Knights”
“Inscribed by En’th; it reads: The Preserver Conclave shall serve all Dreamers, from the edge of the Edgeward Barrows. The Preservers shall recognize Need in the Dream, for: | Understanding | Growth | Freedom | Duty to act |
These four tennets will govern the actions of the Preserver Conclave for all Dreams, for all time. They may be expanded upon, but these are our core.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “Broken Masonry”
“A think chunk of broken Masonry, chipped mortar still flaking away in pieces, One edge is etched with intricate designs, clearly the outward face where this stone once stood. The opposite edge is roughworked stone, suggesting this piece once stood against a wall. A rough, arid texture of dirt and mortar coats its entirety.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Earth, Beige)
Title or name: “Cordate Leaf”
“A delicate leaf fallen from the tree of Trinity Plains. Thin veins run pale green throughout the leaf, outlining its oval form. Tiny ridges at its edges appear shape, but are quite soft to the touch. A faint scent earthy scent clings to it.”
((inscribed on a Feather, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Earth, Abyss))
Title or name: “Dreamquake Essay 1”
“Inscribed by JAwsman; it reads:
By Jawsman, for Thrawn, in fulfillment of a task for the initial training of Dreamquake. (With input by Joshua Mandrake and Nmoto): Dreamquake is an outlier among GK major arts. Other than the flame and blade shared by all, Gatekeeper arts are defensive in nature, with Dreamquake being the only offensive art available to GK’s. As the original creators of the art have passed into the divine dreamscape, I can only speculate on their original intent. Therefore, I might say that they gave GateKeepers”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Gold, Blood)
Title or name: “Dreamquake Essay 2”
“Inscribed by Jawsman; it reads:
(2 of 2) an exception for an offensive art, that is meant mainly for crowd control. It doesn’t cause damage, merely disruption. And it does not affect anyone the evoker is in party with. Therefore, my final speculation is that it was created as the lone “offensive” art, with the catch being that it not be damage causing, for GateKeepers to maintain a balance in the dream. As someone impacted by a staggering dreamquake wouldn’t be able to evoke any arts at all. This is still easily countered by FA.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Gold)
Title or name: “Dark Mares”
“SSvatra is noted in the histories as being a footsoldier in Tehthu’s Army. It was the first to re-appear in the City after the return of dreamers. Current and historical data suggests that Ssvatra may be acting as a scout for a (at this time) hypothetical Mare force. Kruugaar: The most significant of the returned Dark Mares. It previously held the fourth seat of Power just behind Tzayak in Tehthu’s Inner Circle. Kruugaar’s experience and strength make it a natural choice for a leadership role in whatever..”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 39 charges, colours selected: Beige, Abyss)
Title or name: “Dark Mares 2”
“organization exists. The other Mares, Yazashinara, Salmakah, Arrasas and Bhegwir have no officially documented roles within the former Tehthu organization. Furthermore, Kruugaar seems to be antagonistic towards them. Dreamers have posited they are from the other City. At this time, several information gaps remain. What is the status of Tehthu’s former organization and generals? What is the status of his mate Fae-baal?”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 39 charges, colours selected: Beige, Abyss)
Title or name: “Dark Mares 3”
“Was Tzayak’s attempt at a coups within Tehthu’s organization successful and what is its current status?Assessment: At this time, I assess that the Dark Mares have achieved some measure of organization. However, without dreamers to galvanize against, they lack a centralized and regimented command structure as we previously understood it.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 39 charges, colours selected: Beige, Abyss)
Title or name: “Dark Mares 4”
“Recent battle data suggests that Lyran mares and Hotai of the other City do not share an affiliation. However, this is likely to change as they united against a common enemy: dreamers. At this time, priority should be placed on determining the status and intentions of Tzayak. Tzayak, as perhaps the most powerful Dark Mare known to be in existence, is responsible for the latest misfortune to come upon the Houses. It is also the most likely to reform Tehthu’s Army. -Apothos”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 39 charges, colours selected: Beige, Abyss)
Title or name: “nightmareRemoval P1”
“Beginning with an idea and a plan by blackthunder222, initiates of other houses took it upon themselves to meet and discuss how to accomplish this feat. Elspet was a key member in the Movement, Taking it upon herself to educate others of the Movement and seek, by diplomatic means, to get the support of all other houses. As the weeks developed, concern about taking the houses primes outside of their homes nearly halted the movement in it’s tracks.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Berry)
Title or name: “nightmareRemoval P2”
“As none were willing, feeling as though it was a trap to steal their primes, the OoSM offered to use their prime at others’ houses, instead. That too was not very well recepted due to their mistrust. Drawing inspiration from a Healing Aura to 20 quest I received to think of a way to rid AoE of our nightmares, I used the proceeds and fruits of my labor from that quest and made use of it for the purpose of the movement. I gathered 52k strength in 4 dreams to put the Star of the Alliance over 100k strength”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Berry)
Title or name: “nightmareRemoval P3”
“I set out on a mission to honor the spirit of AoE of past ages. I planted the ideals of Peace and Unity into the minds of all dreamers. I offered to use the Star of the Alliance at ALL four houses. And so it came to be that the Star was brought as a beacon for Peace and Unity. For in the end, the star could not help the other houses. Their own primes had to be used. DoL’s Stone lacked the strength necessary. Poppygirl, ruler of DoL decided we should continue on with the other houses instead.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Berry)
Title or name: “nightmareRemoval P4”
“We finished with the removal of AoE’s nightmares. Personal sacrifices and strength sacrifices were made by all. With an amazing display and combination of Courage, Peace, Trust, Determination, Cooperation, and Sacrifice, the Movement for Nightmare Removal within the houses was a success! We then celebrated our evening of Peace and the success of the Movement. A big THANK YOU to all those who attended and participated. And thank you for believing that we CAN do most amazing things when we focus our efforts.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Berry)
Title or name: “PC Tenet 1”
“Condensed - Created by Coraal - “The only limits that exist are those we placed upon ourselves” - the PC strives to recognize limitations that obstruct our paths and remove them. We stive to exceed in a never ending process of growth and improvement.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood)
Title or name: “PC Tenet 2”
“Condensed - Created by Coraal - “My Word is My Bond” You are in sole custody of your words and should be considered yourmostprized possession. Give your word sparingly and only after great thought and consideration. For your choices and failings reflect not only upon yourself, but your fellows as well.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood)
Title or name: “PC Tenet 3”
“Condensed - Created by Coraal - “My companions before the stranger” The PC is a community founded on the principles of loyalty, dedication, strength and honor. to the support of these ideals we are fiercly protective. Only by standing in this support can we rise and maintain our integrity throughout the community.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood)
Title or name: “PC Tenet 4”
“Condensed - Created by Coraal - “All for one and one for All” As a community we encourage the thoughts, ideals and goals of our comrades. It is our express goal to work together to achieve our goals as a whole and then to exceed them.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood)
Title or name: “PC Tenet 5”
“Condensed - Created by Coraal - “Professionalism is a way of life -govern yourself accordingly” - Professionalism is one of the most important aspects of life within the PC. There is wisdom in curbing the excesses of our nature. Always carry yourselves with dignity and professionalism at all times.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood)
Title or name: “PC Tenet 6”
“Condensed - Created by Coraal - “The World is a Stage for Promotion” - The World is indeed a stage and we should be cognizant of the varied roles we are asked to play. Always make a positive impression for our community and business in the public domain.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood)
Title or name: “PC Tenet 7”
“Condensed - Created by Coraal - “Knowledge equals power and profit” - The acquisition of knowledge is highly relevant. It is our task to sift through information to find gems that may become a basis for future profit.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood)
Title or name: “PC Tenet 8”
“Condensed - Created by Cooral - “War & Peace are good for Business” - A good business person is able to find or create opportunity, no matter what political or socioeconomic situation in the market happens to exist at any given time.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood)
Title or name: “PC Tenet 9”
“Condensed - Created by Coraal - “Ever Man Has His Price” - No matter how an offer is received, there is always the potential for a more lucrative deal. Always strive to operate in a fashion that promotes repetitive business and respect.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood)
Title or name: “PC Tenet 10”
“Condensed - Created by Coraal - “If that is what is written, then that is what is written” - Contractual obligation is at the very core of the busines aspect of PC. The moment a contract is established it is our duty and responsibility to see it to it’s successful completetion and resolution to satisfy the needs of our clients.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood)
Title or name: “Channel History 1”
“Akkadian, the master Teacher of all focus’s spent his dreams working diligently on creating a productive teaching system for the young citizens of lyraclesia. The teachers went to the master teachers in search of knowledge posing questions and concern as well as ideas on how to improve the system. The Master teachers would meet twice a month to discuss with each other everything that had been brought to them since the last meeting. They would, in turn bring what they could not provide answers for to him.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Codex, 1 charges, colours selected: Tan, Chalk)
Title or name: “Channel History 2”
“The list grew longer and longer, his trusted circle of teaching elders had all but vanished from the city. They dreamt seldomly and more times than not they were never there when he was in the city. He was in desperate need of their council. He would meditate for long periods of time trying to will them into thye city to no avail. One day in his study he sat in deep thought, there had to be a way there just had to be.Then it came to him!”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Codex, 1 charges, colours selected: Tan, Chalk)
Title or name: “Channel History 3”
“He would concentrate his dreamsoul on Figment~ one of his trusted council~ sending some of his experience out into the dreamscape to weave into the very fabric of the city in hopes to create a beacon that Figment would sense and come to his aid. For weeks he continued to attempt this knowing not everything is accomplished on the first try. Then it happened. Very late one night in his study akkadian was once again attempting to reach figment deep in meditation, he suddenly sensed a presence.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Codex, 1 charges, colours selected: Tan, Chalk)
Title or name: “Channel History 4”
“He opened his eyes and there he stood! It was Figment it had worked! they joined party hunting, gen sitting and talking for hours. In the midst of their conversation, Akkadian noticed the experience he was gaining when Figment would collapse a nightmare was considerably diminished. They discussed this at length and came to the conclusion that the experience Akkadian had used to summon Figment had stuck to him because he was gaining more than his share of the experience from the collapses.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Codex, 1 charges, colours selected: Tan, Chalk)
Title or name: “Channel History 5”
“Akkadian thought about this and decided what a wonderful gift this would be for the young citizens of lyraclesia, Figment agreed, so it came to pass and the art of channel was given to the city as a gift from the Master Elders. Created by poppygirl (transcirbe by ladysilver”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Codex, 1 charges, colours selected: Tan, Chalk)
Sphere Six Hall:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman Found:
Title or name: “”Dual Focus” 8”
“”Dual Focus” Manual: As told by Thunderman *™
“Teachers working on or have completed a secondary focus are capable of training both primary and secondary focus majors and minors that with adherence to the mechanics of Train. Teachers with a secondary focus will not have multi-colored halos. The secondary focus halo color will show until the dreamer has ascended to ninth sphere and has returned to their primary focus. A golden fingerprint is pressed into the form of the talisman.”
((inscribed on a ward, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 8 charges, colours selected: Na,Na))
Title or name: “”Dual Focus” 10”
“”Dual Focus” Manual: As told by Thunderman *™
“Most often teachers who are working with a newly awakened will introduce the concept of a secondary focus as they introduce them to a dreamer with a secondary focus. This can serve as an educational point and to also introduce them to a teacher who can teach their primary focus arts, despite not showing the primary focus halo color.” A golden fingerprint is pressed into the form of the talisman.”
((inscribed on a ward, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 10 charges, colours selected: Na,Na))
Title or name: “Draining Device”
“Inscribed by Anasina; it reads: This ornamental tablet of onyx that is fixed to the wall above the Draining Device. Engraved upon the front, reads: “This is a replica of the draining device that was extracted by Avayla from the Order of the Sabled Moon’s house prime, the Relic. This was done in order to switch the prime’s essence manipulation method to Imprisonment.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade))
Title or name: “Piece of Scroll”
“Inscribed by Anasina; it reads Agonarius was a man who led a maren army throughout the dreamstate. He had positioned himself in the Lost Caves as leader of the Kabal”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected:Abyss ,Jade))
Title or name: “A Different Dream”
“Inscribed by Cianne; it reads: it seems as though it were just yesterday when I roamed these halls…but it cannot be..so many are gone, yet some remain. What has happened here..? ~Cianne”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected:Chalk ,Teal))
Title or name: “A Different Dream 2”
“Inscribed by Gray Tones; it reads: Where there was darkness, in a realm you hardly knew. You walked in the shadows, waiting to be born anew. You happened upon this new land, where the shell was recognized. Yet you knew, you’d have to look at it with new eyes. But don’t you worry, we will hold your hand. And guide you, As you gaze upon this new land.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected:Teal ,Chalk))
Title or name: “Codex”
“Inscribed by Eldora; it reads: It has been a century since our last engagement. Now that the portals are open we can all come back to the city eventually. Wait for us and get to know us. tell us what has changed since we were gone.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected:Abyss ,Azure))
Title or name: “Changes - The City”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: As far as specific places in the dream. There are no longer focus-specific gens for 20s or 30s within the Rifts and the various 2nd sphere areas. Likewise, your personal vaults have been lost to you, as well as any contents within, significantly increasing the reliance on pack management, or house vaults. The ability of Planesmith has been lost or not rediscovered, believed to because of the City’s ancient nature and stability. It is commonly believed our City was younger, and thus more susceptible…”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected:Chalk ,Chalk))
Title or name: “Abil, Devas Tableau”
“A carved bas-relief tableau showing in loving detail the scene of the fateful battle where Abil fought Tehthu until his dying breath to protect the body of the recently slain Devas. The reverse of the tableau bears a carving of the Lake of Tears memorial honoring two lost souls. ~
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 39 charges, colours selected: Earth ,Sand))
Title or name: “Nightmare-Emphant”
“Inscribed by Starfall; it reads: The weakest of Nightmares, Emphants appear as winged snakes and attack by biting and slashing with its tail. They move slowly and have no arts of note.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 50 charges, colours selected: Teal , Abyss))
Title or name: “Nightmare-Bogrom”
“Inscribed by Starfall; It reads: Bogroms six-limbed creatures, four of which are used for locomotion and two claws they use for attacking. They are much more resilient than emphants, but are just as slow and incapable of arts.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 50 charges, colours selected: Teal , Abyss))
Title or name: “Nightmare-Agoknight”
“Inscribed by Starfall; it reads: Agoknights are tentacled monopods with two upper limbs ending in large, divided claws, and a spiked tail. Occasionally they are known to Blast dreamers, as well as rarely firing a paralyzing flame.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 25 charges, colours selected: Teal , Abyss))
Title or name: “Nightmare-Shamblix”
“Inscribed by Starfall; it reads: Shamblixes appear as hooded ghostly skeletal figures that float just off the ground. Meeting their gaze directly inflicts a curse, but can be avoited by averting one’s eyes. Their primary attack is a paralyzing flame. They can only be hurt from behind.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 50 charges, colours selected: Teal , Abyss))
Title or name: “ Nightmare-Horron”
“Inscribed by Starfall; it reads: Horrons appear much like shamblixes, but are far more dangerous. They have an aura that inflicts pain and terrifies those nearby. Their direct gaze can paralyze. Their flame attack is blinding. Like shamblixes, they can only be harmed from beind.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 50 charges, colours selected: Teal , Abyss))
Title or name: “Datoken”
“Inscribed by Starfall; It reads: Datoken (sing. Datoke) comes from the Maren word for those beings of chaos. They appear like nightmares, but have unique identities and show the ability to reason. However, they are not capable of complex communication.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 50 charges, colours selected: Teal , Abyss))
Title or name: “Sand Chalk Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 SoulMaster)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect : None; Damage : 1 to 50; , 41 charges, colours selected: Sand, Chalk))
Title or name: “Sand Plum Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 SoulMaster)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Scare; Damage : 25; ,31 charges, colours selected: Sand, Plum))
Title or name: “Gold Beige Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 GateKeeper)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Blind; Damage : 25; , 36 charges, colours selected: Gold, Beige))
Title or name: “Gold Azure Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 GateKeeper)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Stagger; Damage : 1 to 50; , 38 charges, colours selected: Gold, Azure))
Title or name: “Gold Chalk Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 GateKeeper)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fastest & Bouncing; Effect : None; Damage : 1 to 50; , 17 charges, colours selected: Gold, Chalk))
Title or name: “Night Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fastest & Bouncing; Effect : Deafen; Damage : 25; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Night))
Title or name: “Night Chalk Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect : None; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Chalk))
Title or name: “Night Chalk Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Fast & Bouncing; Effect : None; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Chalk))
Title or name: “Night Chalk Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fastest & Bouncing; Effect : None; Damage : 25; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Chalk))
Title or name: “Night Berry Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Poison; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Berry))
Title or name: “Night Beige Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Blind; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Beige))
Title or name: “Night Azure Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Stagger; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Azure))
Title or name: “Night Sand Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Curse; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Sand))
Title or name: “Night Tan Chakram”
“” (Need skill of 50 DreamSeer)
((1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Very Fast & Bouncing; Effect : Paralyze; Damage : 1 to 50; , 49 charges, colours selected: Night, Chalk))
Title or name: “Avatar to Arts 1”
“Inscribed by Krodoc; it reads: I believe that upon entering the dreamstate, our raw subconcience barrows the energy required to form an avatar from the City itself. Through this we take what enerygy is required to sustain us in a somewhat physical form. This shell is our protection, and one of our greatest tools. The avatar serves many purposes such as shielding our subconcience (Soul essence), providing us with a physical sensation in our plane of existence foreign to our native shards, and as a tool to accomplish our goals….”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Bloodl , Abyss))
Title or name: “Avatar to Arts 2”
“Inscribed by Krodoc; it reads: Evocation, is when we are drawing from within our avatars the required energy needed and manipulating it to complete the intended art evoke. A firm belief of mine is that we are very much connected to this City as dreamers. The energy we barrow is broken down to its original raw form and distributed back into the City when we wake. I believe if it did not our empty avatars would be stuck in place after we wake, and those in the City would be able to see our mindless, empty shells.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Blood , Abyss))
Title or name: “Changes - Arts”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: Missing arts are missing, it would appear, and many have been gained. In this City, you have access to minor arts that where previous not available, Such as Free Action for a DreamSeer. These arts cannot be plateau’d above 29. Additionally, your energy arts do not exist in this City, as the nightmare essences have filled the gap Energy Spheres once covered. The bartering ability of energy is gone, as well. Yes, unfortunately, you will no longer be able to improve shields or chakrams without Forge, 50+ art.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk , Chalk))
Title or name: “Changes - City 2”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: …to manipulation by dreamers, whether in the form of energy manipulation or brute force and construction. While it may be considered a negative, the loss of these abilities has translated into a City that appears much more stable at its foundation, though the idaoclesian tenants of creativity and innovation are still welcome, and needed.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk , Chalk))
Title or name: “Changes - Beasts”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: There are two major changes to beasts. First, there are lesser nightmares roaming around which you have likely encountered. Emphants are easiest, then Bogroms, Agoknight, Shamblix and Horrons. Horrons and Shamblix are similar to the Hotaii in that they can paralyze you with gaze or shot, and are very strong. The second is they are called mares, and that there are “Daymares” which are lesser versions of the Hotaii with no frontal immunity, however some arts such as Blast require the back.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk , Chalk))
Title or name: “Changes - Beliefs”
“Inscribed by Cuero; It reads: The most common change in the City is the belief system. Some Lyrans believe every mare has a soul, and that improper treatment of that soul destroys the potential dreamer’s ability to dream. The mistreadment of those souls is a common cause to war, given the grave nature and theoretically mass genocide commited by either party. Additionally, some believe that the treatment of those essences can simply harm the City itself by causing imbalance to chaotic energy, similarly reducing City’s population.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk , Chalk))
Title or name: “Personal Bubble 1”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: It is my belief that dreamsoul, in addition to protecting our soulspheres, actually works as a barrier to avoid the forceful actions of others. While on our waking worlds, we can push and attack at will, those actions are an assault that goes against social norms of behavior. Given that each person enters the dream through their minds, by their own path, I cannot willingly, and without assistance, force myself upon another person. In order to do so, I need something to bridge the gap between minds.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Personal Bubble 2”
“Inscribed by cuero; it reads: In the same way, it is exceedingly rare that two dreamers come from the same shard, or use the same path… but even those dreamers need assistance of arts in order to engage each other. I believe that it comes from the uniqueness of their minds. I cannot fully understand another dreamer’s connection to the City and how they interact with it… the arts work as a way to translate the conenction and interpret how my actions will affect them.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Personal Bubble 3”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: it would stand to reason that I would need an art in order to be able to communicate with another dreamer, but I believe that communication supercedes understanding. Someone can speak to me in a language I cannot understand, thus the Dream does not require an art to enable speech. It is not always necessary to understand another dreamer. But in order to exert myself upon them, the Dream requires me to direct my actions in a way that is interpretable.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Personal Bubble 4”
“Inscribed by Cuero; it reads: In a similar way… show talisman is one person presenting to another what they believe something to be. Given that Show Talisman can be inaccurate or used to deceive, it is merely a display of what is presented. Even an item on the ground may not be what we perceive it to be. The City granted us Identify to understand its true nature once we have obtained it.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Vampiric Draw”
“The art of Vampiric Draw is one of the most powerful weapons in Soulmasters arsenal and should not be discounted. It will remove ANY element the soulmaster chooses. This increases incrimentally as the art is platted. An essence of your target is required. At higher plateaus is is possible to collapse a Dreamer in 2 or 3 evokes.
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 1 charges, colours selected: Cyan , Berry))
Title or name: “Revenant Contact 1”
“Inscribed by Mandus; it reads: First impressions of the Revenant were those of terror. It was a sad, pitiful sight. It wears our clothes and mimicks our mannerisms. It moved like a puppet, a dreamer with it’s strings cut… It used arts - blind, earth tremor, some protectile I will identify later… -ctp2”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Abyss))
Title or name: “Revenant Contact 2”
“Inscribed by Mandus; it reads: It seemed more nimble than most dreamers. It lept about, never slowing down, except to evoke. I think the most important detail to note, was it’s forward shield - that of a shamblix. When my guide would attack, it would glance off, but one Flameruin in the back and the monster turned its focus to me in the light of a match.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Abyss))
Title or name: “Provenance Theory”
“It is told that Provenance is as it’s name suggests: The origin. Is provenance the origin of the city? Some geographical evidence suggests so. If you’ve ever held a Map of Threshold, It illustrates that Threshold and its hallways form a circle. But what about the space inside the Threshold ring? We’ve inferred that Threshold Pits occupies the space inside the ring, decending deep under the city. It is also a logical conclusion that the space above it, is the Library of Souls. Especially since Threshold…”
((inscribed on a Charm, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 39 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Provenance Theory 2”
“Pits can be entered from the Library of Souls. How then can Provenance occupy a space within the center as well? I believe Provenance to be above the Library of Souls. The Nature of the room is that of Sanctuary with an open sky and two portals leading to Threshold rooms. All the Great House flags remain intact, unlike the Courtyard of Awakening. The layout suggests that other portals would have led to other Threshold hallway rooms. Why was it not finished? I speculate that despite..”
((inscribed on a Charm, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 39 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Provenance Theory 3”
“Provenance being “new” to us, it is in fact not. It has been hidden away for many dreams. It is my theory that Provenance is the heart of the city. It is the ying to the Courtyard of awakening’s yang. They seek to balance each other. Just as the Couryard allows us to enter the dream via House Threshold rooms, Provenance leads or implies to lead us to the hallways between each House Threshold room. The Courtyard is the beacon that calls us to the city and allows entrance….”
((inscribed on a Charm, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 39 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Provenance Theory 4”
“I speculate that Provenance is the glue that holds the city (planes and rooms) together. But why is it hidden? I feel that this city is self aware of any danger to it. During our final dreams, the Darkmares overran the city and invaded Threshold, our Sanctuary for the Newly awakened! The destruction of the city by the Darkmares wasn’t long to follow. Mt. Illapse was brought down upon all the dreamers and the City. After this event, the city was lost to Dreamers, or so I thought. Since the city was…”
((inscribed on a Charm, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 39 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Provenance Theory 5”
“always under attack, I believe Provenance veiled itself before our influx of dreamers entered the city initially, in an effort to keep itself safe. The House flags in Provenance were preserved while the room was hidden. Is there more to why we couldn’t enter the city? I think so. Theoretically, the longer provenance was hidden the weaker the bods between each plane and room became. After the last Darkmare battle atop illapse, the City couldn’t sustain itself any longer. Why can we dream…”
((inscribed on a Charm, 1 functions: Do Nothing , 39 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Azure))
Title or name: “Land Baron 2”
“Teeth that wobbled when he spoke with a heavy accent. Castellan revealed his role as the prossessor of the estate planes - property known as the Eight Great Houses of Underlight. Castellan explained that in exchange for rent (a promise of upkeep), the dreamers/tenants could reside with a set of beliefs by contract. The Dreamers scattered to find the pieces the Land Baron required. Once the pieces were gathered by promising group of ten with established beliefs, the lease was signed. The Land Baron…”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 49 charges, colours selected: Beige ,Earth))
Title or name: “Land Baron 3”
“was very clear: If the tenants violated the agreement of active dreamer upkeep, the house could fall to an eviction. As time went on, Castellan’s visits lessened. He learned to trust each set of dreamers residing on their leased lands. Castellan was content, till the day squatters seized the Valley. The elitist Consortium group and the Land Baron was rumored to have a battle; no dreamer was present to witness this. As days went by and dreamers wondered what happened to Castellan, Kael Lupich finally…”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 49 charges, colours selected: Beige ,Earth))
Title or name: “Land Baron 4”
“announced that Castellan had been imprisoned for trespassing on Consortium lands. Furthermore, many more would meet his fate if they interfered with their affairs. Later, rumors spun around the city that elder Herbert met a similar fate because of the tasks he wrote involving the Consortium - Which was eventually confirmed. Dreamers became extremely concerned. Portunes returned to the city, vowing the Consortium would pay as he took care of his old friend’s land duty. The citizens of Underlight…”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 49 charges, colours selected: Beige ,Earth))
Title or name: “Land Baron 5”
“realized their elders were dissapearing and began to get involved, with Dreiko at the lead. A meeting was held to plan for a jailbreak. During the rescue, castellan appeared severely wounded. Portunes arrived to assist in releasing the land baron as the faint silhouette of Castellan’s soulsphere faded in and out of view. The distinct scent of ash could be smelled as flashes of energy drained away, and Castellan passed. Portunes went into a state of deep shock, vanishing soon afterward. ~Liolira”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 49 charges, colours selected: Beige ,Earth))
Sphere Six Study:
Current use:Unknown
Talisman Found:
Title or name: “Sable Guard”
“Though history, very few mass mobb houses have ever truely won a war. Oh overwehlming numbers have often put organized houses firmly on the defensive, yet they tend to remain and hold fast over the long term. “No organized force is eventually truely outnumbered” -Novgorad. A trained guard force, with ranks and duties, prior, during, and after combat are essential to a houses long term survival. Quite often a guard force is an excellent place to house your quartermaster corps. <con’t>”
((inscribed on a Shield, 1 functions: Armor - curent durability 43; max durability 43; absorbtion 43%, 39 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Abyss))
Title or name: “Sable Guard (2)”
“An organized guard needs several key components. Especially amongst its leadership. It isnt a true “house” organization in that political maneuvering and popularity should NOT be key in its ranks. It is important to note that in a more liberal minded house the guard will be out of step with the rest of the structure. training must be hard and constant, with no regard to the “feelings” of individuals. It is a military organism designed to safeguard the house.”
((inscribed on a Shield, 1 functions: Armor - curent durability 23; max durability 23; absorbtion 23%, 49 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Abyss))
Title or name: “Sable Guard (3)”
“The leaders of the Order must be willing to subjorn their own authority to whomever the highest ranking Guard member is during an emergency. It is the guards role to utilize -any- house member available, and to learn the skills of each member of the house. this isnt to create mini dictators, but to put the houses general safety in the hands of those trained to keep her safe. Again in a more open house this is hard pill to swallow, as such the leadership must lead by example in this area.”
((inscribed on a Shield, 1 functions: Armor - curent durability 23; max durability 23; absorbtion 23%, 49 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Abyss))
Title or name: “Sable Guard (4)”
“Leadership: The ranking member must have 3 key skills 1: Peronal Fighting ability (you cant train if you cant fight) 2: tactical skill (able to use others to defend the house, using the facade and focii wisely) 3: leadership skills. Perhaps the hardest, needs to be able to deal with and work with a wide variety of members.”
((inscribed on a Shield, 1 functions: Armor - curent durability 23; max durability 23; absorbtion 23%, 49 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Abyss))
Title or name: “Sable Guard (5)”
“Membership: Accept only those that can take orders, and arn’t simply looking for a checkmark on their to do list for political/power gain. A force of 4 dreamers properly trained can take on far more numberous numbers. Better to take only those willing to learn than to accept those that talk a good talk. they need to be willing to learn and train, and put the house above their own personal coherance. to play the role requested by leadership. A guards life is duty, not rewards.”
((inscribed on a Shield, 1 functions: Armor - curent durability 23; max durability 23; absorbtion 23%, 49 charges, colours selected: Abyss , Abyss))
Title or name: “Essence/DreamStrike”
“Our use of essence shall include any process available now and in the future that will further our knowledge and growth. It shall be referred to as Repurposing of Essence.
Stance on DreamStrike:
The Order of the Sable Moon stands opposed to the art of Dreamstrike; it does not align with our tenents of Purpose, Patience, and Perseverance. It does not allow for advancement of knowledge and growth. It is the antithesis of growth and advancement. ~ ”
((inscribed on a Crest OoSM, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 59 charges, colours selected: Biege, Blood))
Title or name: “Three Divisions”
“There are three distinct divisions within the Order of the Sable Moon:
-Teaching & Research. Made up of teachers and dreamers who are looking to advance themselves and the arts within the dream.
-Diplomacy. Made up of dreamers who are looking to practice their diplomatic skills for the betterment of the city.
-Defense. Made up of dreamers who are looking to develop and advance their defensive skills as well as defensive teachers who are looking to coach and train members in defensive tactics. ~”
((inscribed on a Crest OoSM, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 49 charges, colours selected: Biege, Cyan))
Title or name: “Tenet: Perseverance”
“The third of the three tenets of the Order of Sable Moon is Perseverance.
The Dream is in a constant state of flux. It can shift from wild chaos to peace in moments. For us to survive this and keep other dreamers and the city intact we must persevere. At times this may be a battle against the chaos (defending the dream from forces both external and internal), or it may mean finding the peaceful solution. No matter what the correct answer may be, it must be one that is full of purpose and virtue. ~”
((inscribed on a Crest OoSM, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 59 charges, colours selected: Biege, Plum))
Title or name: “Tenet: Patience”
“The second of the three tenets of the Order of the Sable Moon is patience.
As a house of learning and teaching patience is key. Patience with one’s student and with one’s self. It takes time to fully grasp new knowledge. Time spent researching, experiencing, and reflecting. Patience is a skill that is mastered over time; like our arts, the more it is practiced the better we will become at applying it. Patience is also invaluable in diplomacy as well as calculating a skilled defense, when necessary. ~”
((inscribed on a Crest OoSM, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 59 charges, colours selected: Biege, Plum))
Title or name: “Tenet: Purpose”
“The first of the three tenets of the Order of Sable Moon is Purpose.
Dream deliberately. Your short-term goal should be to make a daily positive impact on someone else’s dream and your long-term goal should be to make a positive impact on the city overall. By doing this, you will advance yourself, others and the city in positive and productive ways. You will also advance knowledge and growth within the city. ~”
((inscribed on a Crest OoSM, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 59 charges, colours selected: Biege, Plum))
Title or name: “Stance on Mares”
“If a mare of any kind attacks you or your fellow dreamers immediately on site, defend yourself, your fellow dreamers, and the dream city. Do as your arts allow with the essence and return it to the Order so that we may Repurpose it. If a mare of any form approaches you in a calm and civil manner, observe it and take what knowledge you can get from it. But always be prepared and guarded. Report such information to the leadership of the order so that it can be shared within the house and the dream. ~”
((inscribed on a Crest OoSM, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 59 charges, colours selected: Biege, earth))
Title or name: “Four Totems”
“Inscribed by Wolfgar; it reads: A small collection of carvings, which tie the beliefs I was taught to the city I have learned. All the People carry a personal totem, but people of the same totem are uniquely bonded one to another. Each focus is made up of various people from dramatically different worlds, but a focus calls to the person and chooses them, bonding us as our totems do. Embrace your focus as it has embraced you… follow your totem as it has followed you. Peace can only be achieved by living according to your natural self…”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss))
Title or name: “Dreamseer”
“Inscribed by Wolfgar; it reads: In your hand rests a small object, each subtle curve polished to a mirror finish giving the dark wood a feel of velvet against your fingertips. One of the largest of all creatures, he is suprisingly without malice or aggression, for based on his long life he is the keeper of ancient knowledge lost to most all other creatures. Keenly aware of his surroundings, his memory a vast catalog of events and facts, his sapphire eyes take in all around him in his deep blue world. He is Whale.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “Fatesender”
“Inscribed by Wolfgar; it reads: In your hand rests a small object, surface smooth like glass and darker than a moonless night sky, carved from a knot of a venerable tree. The animal’s body appears tense as he stands with ears up, snout slightly raised and his tongue lolling as if smiling at some unknown thought. An ancient trickster is know for his stealth and humor, combined with his ability to disrupt even the most calm of circumstances. His eyes gleam as the light catches the facets of rubies inlaid into his face. He is Coyote.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Fire, Abyss))
Title or name: “Soulmaster”
“Inscribed by Wolfgar; it reads: In your hand rests a small object, the fine detail of the fur giving the illusion of wind ruffling it as you turn it slowly. Lean of form, yet strong of character and duty, few creatures compare in their contradiction of independence versus family unity. To kill or nurture lies in equal parts, though the sparkling emerald eyes give nary a clue. A fierce defender, a dependable leader, and possessing true heart… He is wolf”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Jade, Abyss))
Title or name: “Gatekeeper”
“Inscribed by Wolfgar; it reads: In your hand rests a small object, its dark surface textured to show a multitude of feathers upon outstretched wings. The fine grain of the wood further enhances the illusion of flight as it catches the light. Each talon and the tip of his beak sharpened to a needlelike point, inlaid amber eyes flash as he constantly watching over his cast. Single minded in purpose, undaunted by adversity, and fearless in combat…He is Hawk”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Gold, Abyss))
Title or name: “Art Check 1 of 2”
“Some boots are harder to fill than others. He wasn’t a huge man but he walked with a step of confidence and had a presence about him. His name was William, William Powers.
He carried a war hammer slung across his back always within reach for a cause. He traveled the dream with a song as he hummed to himself to pass the time Always quick with a wave and smile.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 25 charges, colours selected: Azure, Teal))
Title or name: “Art Check 2 of 2”
“He had a habit of walking into a crowd and stomping his foot making the ground shake and they would dance. Annoyed the elder decided to make it so there was a way to avoid his command performances in using their arts. William was pleased as he felt he could remind others to art up and be ready for anything. So as time passed he would always check to see who had their arts on with a request they dance. He was later responsible for the art aptly named Dreamquake. )ag(”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 25 charges, colours selected: Azure, Teal))
Title or name: “” Unknown stickied
“*** These are the arts that DreamSeers can learn at 6th sphere *** Combine and Misdirection.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: na, na charges, colours selected: Abyss, Azure))
Title or name: “” Unknown stickied
“*** These are the arts that SoulMasters can learn at 6th sphere *** Healing Aura, Misdirection, and Vampiric Draw.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: na, na charges, colours selected: Abyss, Azure))
Title or name: “” Unknown stickied
“*** These are the arts that FateSenders can learn at 6th sphere *** Hypnotic Weave Misdirection, Tempest and Terror. *** These are the arts that FateSenders can learn at 7th sphere*** Razorwind”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: na, na charges, colours selected: Abyss, Azure)
Title or name: “” Unknown stickied
“*** These are the arts that GateKeepers can learn at 6th sphere *** Hypnotic Weave, Misdirection, Tempest and Terror. *** These are the arts that Fatesenders can learn at 7th sphere *** Razorwind
*** These are the arts that GateKeepers can learn at 6th sphere ***
DreamQuake,Misdirection and Reflect”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: na, na charges, colours selected: Abyss, Azure))
Title or name: “Blade Specs”
“Plat: 0 - 9 Dmg: 1 - 4
10 - 19 2 - 6
20 - 29 5 - 10
30 - 39 7 - 12
40 - 49 7 - 18
50 - 59 9 - 23
60 - 69 9 - 28
70 - 79 11 - 30”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Jade, Biege))
Title or name: “Blade Specs”
“Plat: 0 - 9 Dmg: 1 - 4
10 - 19 2 - 6
20 - 29 5 - 10
30 - 39 7 - 12
40 - 49 7 - 18
50 - 59 9 - 23
60 - 69 9 - 28
70 - 79 11 - 30”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Teal, Azure ))
Title or name: “Blade Specs”
“Plat: 0 - 9 Dmg: 1 - 4
10 - 19 2 - 6
20 - 29 5 - 10
30 - 39 7 - 12
40 - 49 7 - 18
50 - 59 9 - 23
60 - 69 9 - 28
70 - 79 11 - 30”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Gold, Gold))
Title or name: “Flame Specs”
“Plat: 0 - 9 Dmg: 1 - 4 Color: Cyan/Chalk
10 - 19 2 - 6 Cyan
20 - 29 5 - 10 Cyan
30 - 39 7 - 12 Berry/Plum
40 - 49 7 - 18 Gold
50 - 59 9 - 23 Gold/Fire
60 - 69 9 - 28 Jade
70 - 79 11 - 30 Jade/Teal”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Jade, Biege))
Title or name: “Flame Specs”
““Plat: 0 - 9 Dmg: 1 - 4 Color: Cyan/Chalk
10 - 19 2 - 6 Cyan
20 - 29 5 - 10 Cyan
30 - 39 7 - 12 Berry/Plum
40 - 49 7 - 18 Gold
50 - 59 9 - 23 Gold/Fire
60 - 69 9 - 28 Jade
70 - 79 11 - 30 Jade/Teal”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Azure))
Title or name: “Flame Specs”
““Plat: 0 - 9 Dmg: 1 - 4 Color: Cyan/Chalk
10 - 19 2 - 6 Cyan
20 - 29 5 - 10 Cyan
30 - 39 7 - 12 Berry/Plum
40 - 49 7 - 18 Gold
50 - 59 9 - 23 Gold/Fire
60 - 69 9 - 28 Jade
70 - 79 11 - 30 Jade/Teal”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Jade, Biege))
Sphere Six Archives:
Current use:Unknown
Talisman Found:
Title or name: “Conclave: Ranking”
“Inscribed by En’th it reads:
Leadership of the Preserver Conclave shall be identified as detailed below:
Rulers are known as Superiors, for they hold dominion over their branch of the Conclave.
Guardians are known as Sentinels, and they shall serve as the right hand of the Superior of their branch.
At all times there must be two Superiors, and two Sentinels. One for each branch of the Preserver Conclave.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “Conclave: T1”
“Inscribed by En’th; it reads:
The first tennet of the Preserver Conclave is Understanding.
To serve the City Underlight, and all its Dreamers, we strive to Understand all things;
even that which we may disagree with. Especially that which we may find distasteful. Understanding leads to opportunity. Opportunity to expand upon that which serves Underlight, and opprtunity to destroy that which harms it.
We know and accept that Understanding can never be truly complete. We do our Duty as the Conclave permits.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “Conclave: T2”
“Inscribed by En’th; it reads:
The second tennet of the Preserver Conclave is Growth.
To Grow allows one opportunity to serve Underlight more fully. Dreaming without Growth is futility. Failing to Grow is a failure to serve Underlight, which is core to the Preserver Conclave.
Growth is not limited to Sphere, and Arts; one can Grow in many ways. The Preservers seek to grow in all ways. No path may be rejected without first Understanding.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “Conclave: T3”
“Inscribed by En’th; it reads:
The third tennet of the Preserver Conclave is Freedom.
All Dreamers deserve Freedom. No one should fear being true to oneself. Indeed, being true to onesself is one’s Duty. With this recognized, Dreamers must also Understand that all choices have consequences. Being faced with those consequences is not a denial of Freedom; it is the cost of it.
No Dreamer should be denied his/her Freedom of Choice. This is a sacred right which the Preserver Conclave will fight, whenever necessary, to protect.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “Conclave: T4”
“Inscribed by En’th; it reads:
The fourth tennet of the Preserver Conclave is the Duty to Act.
Our membership shall have no excuse for failure to Act in the service of Underlight.
All members are expected, and indeed required to Act in the service of Underlight.
Indecision and inaction are the primary causes of stagnation, or a failure to Grow.
All membership, from the highest ranks to the lowest, shall be required to remember the Duty to Act in the service of Underlight, at all times.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “Conclave: Branches”
“Inscribed by En’th; it reads:
The Preserver Conclave shall be split into two branches: The Conclave Knights, and the Conservators. Each branch will be led by one Superior, and one Sentinel.
The purpose of the branches will be to divide responsibility for service of Underlight, and to maintain the integrity of the Preserver Conclave throughout time.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “Conclave: Essences”
“Inscribed by En’th; it reads:
The preserver Conclave believes Nightmares to be unawakened dreamers touching briefly with Underlight, and their essences should thusly be treated with care. This said, all methods can serve:
| Banishing allows the unawakened mind escape, and thus peace.
| Imprisonment stores the chaos, separating it from the mind of the unawakened.
| Cleansing transmutes the chaos within, releasing the mind from its influence.
Draining does not help the unawakened mind, but does not harm it eather.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “Conclave: Palisades”
“Inscribed by En’th; it reads:
The Preserver Conclave assumes responsibility for maintaining and protecting the Palisades. As an institution capable of denying Dreamer’s Freedom, the Palisades are a danger, but a necessity. They shall serve as a means of solving those problems which cannot otherwise be killed. Wraiths, they have been called.
Dreamers of Underlight should never be imprisoned within. It is not a place for Dreamers. Great care should be taken whenver entering the Palisades, let alone attempting to work within.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “Conclave: Law (1/1)”
“Inscribed by En’th; it reads:
Laws shall be debated and decided upon the formation of the Preserver Conclave. All founding members shall have an equal say, regardless of future or present rank. When the laws are thusly written, they shall be recorded in the Library of the Conclave for all membership to know and remember.
After the initial formation of the Conclave, membership shall meet once a month, on a meeting date agreed upon by both Superiors, to propose new laws, or amendments to former laws.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “Conclave: Law (2/2)”
“Inscribed by En’th; It reads:
For the week following proposed amendments or new law, there shall be a voting process by the house. Superiors shall collect and record votes. A majorty, 2/3rds vote is required to add or amend a law.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “Preserver Conclave”
“Inscribed by En’th; it reads:
The Conclave Knights shall be responsible for making known the Will of the Conclave outside of the house. To serve Underlight in combat, and in force. They will serve as the primary defenders and warriors of the Preserver Conclave.
Their duties are not exclusive to combat, however. They shall be responsible for representing the house in foreign affairs. They must, above all else, remember the Duty to Act.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “The Conservators”
“Inscribed by En’th; it reads:
The Conservator branch shall be responsible for the inner mechanisms of the Preserver Conclave. Maintaining the house stores, vaults, library. They are responsible for the laws and rules that govern the Conclave, and keeping careful watch for violation of those laws within the Conclave.
Conservators shall be responsible for gathering knowledge for the dual purposes of both Growth and Understanding. They shall further these tennets within the membership of the Conclave whenever possible.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “Conclave Knights”
“Inscribed by En’th; it reads: The Preserver Conclave shall serve all Dreamers, from the edge of the Edgeward Barrows. The Preservers shall recognize Need in the Dream, for: | Understanding | Growth | Freedom | Duty to act |
These four tennets will govern the actions of the Preserver Conclave for all Dreams, for all time. They may be expanded upon, but these are our core.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Earth)
Title or name: “Broken Masonry”
“A think chunk of broken Masonry, chipped mortar still flaking away in pieces, One edge is etched with intricate designs, clearly the outward face where this stone once stood. The opposite edge is roughworked stone, suggesting this piece once stood against a wall. A rough, arid texture of dirt and mortar coats its entirety.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Earth, Beige)
Title or name: “Cordate Leaf”
“A delicate leaf fallen from the tree of Trinity Plains. Thin veins run pale green throughout the leaf, outlining its oval form. Tiny ridges at its edges appear shape, but are quite soft to the touch. A faint scent earthy scent clings to it.”
((inscribed on a Feather, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Earth, Abyss))
Title or name: “Dreamquake Essay 1”
“Inscribed by JAwsman; it reads:
By Jawsman, for Thrawn, in fulfillment of a task for the initial training of Dreamquake. (With input by Joshua Mandrake and Nmoto): Dreamquake is an outlier among GK major arts. Other than the flame and blade shared by all, Gatekeeper arts are defensive in nature, with Dreamquake being the only offensive art available to GK’s. As the original creators of the art have passed into the divine dreamscape, I can only speculate on their original intent. Therefore, I might say that they gave GateKeepers”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Gold, Blood)
Title or name: “Dreamquake Essay 2”
“Inscribed by Jawsman; it reads:
(2 of 2) an exception for an offensive art, that is meant mainly for crowd control. It doesn’t cause damage, merely disruption. And it does not affect anyone the evoker is in party with. Therefore, my final speculation is that it was created as the lone “offensive” art, with the catch being that it not be damage causing, for GateKeepers to maintain a balance in the dream. As someone impacted by a staggering dreamquake wouldn’t be able to evoke any arts at all. This is still easily countered by FA.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Gold)
Title or name: “Dark Mares”
“SSvatra is noted in the histories as being a footsoldier in Tehthu’s Army. It was the first to re-appear in the City after the return of dreamers. Current and historical data suggests that Ssvatra may be acting as a scout for a (at this time) hypothetical Mare force. Kruugaar: The most significant of the returned Dark Mares. It previously held the fourth seat of Power just behind Tzayak in Tehthu’s Inner Circle. Kruugaar’s experience and strength make it a natural choice for a leadership role in whatever..”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 39 charges, colours selected: Beige, Abyss)
Title or name: “Dark Mares 2”
“organization exists. The other Mares, Yazashinara, Salmakah, Arrasas and Bhegwir have no officially documented roles within the former Tehthu organization. Furthermore, Kruugaar seems to be antagonistic towards them. Dreamers have posited they are from the other City. At this time, several information gaps remain. What is the status of Tehthu’s former organization and generals? What is the status of his mate Fae-baal?”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 39 charges, colours selected: Beige, Abyss)
Title or name: “Dark Mares 3”
“Was Tzayak’s attempt at a coups within Tehthu’s organization successful and what is its current status?Assessment: At this time, I assess that the Dark Mares have achieved some measure of organization. However, without dreamers to galvanize against, they lack a centralized and regimented command structure as we previously understood it.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 39 charges, colours selected: Beige, Abyss)
Title or name: “Dark Mares 4”
“Recent battle data suggests that Lyran mares and Hotai of the other City do not share an affiliation. However, this is likely to change as they united against a common enemy: dreamers. At this time, priority should be placed on determining the status and intentions of Tzayak. Tzayak, as perhaps the most powerful Dark Mare known to be in existence, is responsible for the latest misfortune to come upon the Houses. It is also the most likely to reform Tehthu’s Army. -Apothos”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 39 charges, colours selected: Beige, Abyss)
Title or name: “nightmareRemoval P1”
“Beginning with an idea and a plan by blackthunder222, initiates of other houses took it upon themselves to meet and discuss how to accomplish this feat. Elspet was a key member in the Movement, Taking it upon herself to educate others of the Movement and seek, by diplomatic means, to get the support of all other houses. As the weeks developed, concern about taking the houses primes outside of their homes nearly halted the movement in it’s tracks.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Berry)
Title or name: “nightmareRemoval P2”
“As none were willing, feeling as though it was a trap to steal their primes, the OoSM offered to use their prime at others’ houses, instead. That too was not very well recepted due to their mistrust. Drawing inspiration from a Healing Aura to 20 quest I received to think of a way to rid AoE of our nightmares, I used the proceeds and fruits of my labor from that quest and made use of it for the purpose of the movement. I gathered 52k strength in 4 dreams to put the Star of the Alliance over 100k strength”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Berry)
Title or name: “nightmareRemoval P3”
“I set out on a mission to honor the spirit of AoE of past ages. I planted the ideals of Peace and Unity into the minds of all dreamers. I offered to use the Star of the Alliance at ALL four houses. And so it came to be that the Star was brought as a beacon for Peace and Unity. For in the end, the star could not help the other houses. Their own primes had to be used. DoL’s Stone lacked the strength necessary. Poppygirl, ruler of DoL decided we should continue on with the other houses instead.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Berry)
Title or name: “nightmareRemoval P4”
“We finished with the removal of AoE’s nightmares. Personal sacrifices and strength sacrifices were made by all. With an amazing display and combination of Courage, Peace, Trust, Determination, Cooperation, and Sacrifice, the Movement for Nightmare Removal within the houses was a success! We then celebrated our evening of Peace and the success of the Movement. A big THANK YOU to all those who attended and participated. And thank you for believing that we CAN do most amazing things when we focus our efforts.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Berry)
Title or name: “PC Tenet 1”
“Condensed - Created by Coraal - “The only limits that exist are those we placed upon ourselves” - the PC strives to recognize limitations that obstruct our paths and remove them. We stive to exceed in a never ending process of growth and improvement.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood)
Title or name: “PC Tenet 2”
“Condensed - Created by Coraal - “My Word is My Bond” You are in sole custody of your words and should be considered yourmostprized possession. Give your word sparingly and only after great thought and consideration. For your choices and failings reflect not only upon yourself, but your fellows as well.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood)
Title or name: “PC Tenet 3”
“Condensed - Created by Coraal - “My companions before the stranger” The PC is a community founded on the principles of loyalty, dedication, strength and honor. to the support of these ideals we are fiercly protective. Only by standing in this support can we rise and maintain our integrity throughout the community.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood)
Title or name: “PC Tenet 4”
“Condensed - Created by Coraal - “All for one and one for All” As a community we encourage the thoughts, ideals and goals of our comrades. It is our express goal to work together to achieve our goals as a whole and then to exceed them.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood)
Title or name: “PC Tenet 5”
“Condensed - Created by Coraal - “Professionalism is a way of life -govern yourself accordingly” - Professionalism is one of the most important aspects of life within the PC. There is wisdom in curbing the excesses of our nature. Always carry yourselves with dignity and professionalism at all times.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood)
Title or name: “PC Tenet 6”
“Condensed - Created by Coraal - “The World is a Stage for Promotion” - The World is indeed a stage and we should be cognizant of the varied roles we are asked to play. Always make a positive impression for our community and business in the public domain.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood)
Title or name: “PC Tenet 7”
“Condensed - Created by Coraal - “Knowledge equals power and profit” - The acquisition of knowledge is highly relevant. It is our task to sift through information to find gems that may become a basis for future profit.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood)
Title or name: “PC Tenet 8”
“Condensed - Created by Cooral - “War & Peace are good for Business” - A good business person is able to find or create opportunity, no matter what political or socioeconomic situation in the market happens to exist at any given time.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood)
Title or name: “PC Tenet 9”
“Condensed - Created by Coraal - “Ever Man Has His Price” - No matter how an offer is received, there is always the potential for a more lucrative deal. Always strive to operate in a fashion that promotes repetitive business and respect.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood)
Title or name: “PC Tenet 10”
“Condensed - Created by Coraal - “If that is what is written, then that is what is written” - Contractual obligation is at the very core of the busines aspect of PC. The moment a contract is established it is our duty and responsibility to see it to it’s successful completetion and resolution to satisfy the needs of our clients.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Sand, Blood)
Title or name: “Channel History 1”
“Akkadian, the master Teacher of all focus’s spent his dreams working diligently on creating a productive teaching system for the young citizens of lyraclesia. The teachers went to the master teachers in search of knowledge posing questions and concern as well as ideas on how to improve the system. The Master teachers would meet twice a month to discuss with each other everything that had been brought to them since the last meeting. They would, in turn bring what they could not provide answers for to him.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Codex, 1 charges, colours selected: Tan, Chalk)
Title or name: “Channel History 2”
“The list grew longer and longer, his trusted circle of teaching elders had all but vanished from the city. They dreamt seldomly and more times than not they were never there when he was in the city. He was in desperate need of their council. He would meditate for long periods of time trying to will them into thye city to no avail. One day in his study he sat in deep thought, there had to be a way there just had to be.Then it came to him!”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Codex, 1 charges, colours selected: Tan, Chalk)
Title or name: “Channel History 3”
“He would concentrate his dreamsoul on Figment~ one of his trusted council~ sending some of his experience out into the dreamscape to weave into the very fabric of the city in hopes to create a beacon that Figment would sense and come to his aid. For weeks he continued to attempt this knowing not everything is accomplished on the first try. Then it happened. Very late one night in his study akkadian was once again attempting to reach figment deep in meditation, he suddenly sensed a presence.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Codex, 1 charges, colours selected: Tan, Chalk)
Title or name: “Channel History 4”
“He opened his eyes and there he stood! It was Figment it had worked! they joined party hunting, gen sitting and talking for hours. In the midst of their conversation, Akkadian noticed the experience he was gaining when Figment would collapse a nightmare was considerably diminished. They discussed this at length and came to the conclusion that the experience Akkadian had used to summon Figment had stuck to him because he was gaining more than his share of the experience from the collapses.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Codex, 1 charges, colours selected: Tan, Chalk)
Title or name: “Channel History 5”
“Akkadian thought about this and decided what a wonderful gift this would be for the young citizens of lyraclesia, Figment agreed, so it came to pass and the art of channel was given to the city as a gift from the Master Elders. Created by poppygirl (transcirbe by ladysilver”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Codex, 1 charges, colours selected: Tan, Chalk)
- fancypearl
- PTR Tester (Rank 3)
- Posts: 218
- Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2014 2:29 am
- Character Name(s): Stormy
- Location: Eugene, Oregon
Re: Library of Souls, Archive
Special thanks to huthut for rallying me!
Sphere Seven Hall:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman Found:
Sphere Seven Study:
Current use:Unknown
Talisman Found:
Title or name: “Matron’s Grimoire”
“A sprawling manuscript filled with ancient histories; Medicinal cures, magical incantations and diagrams. Brought together in a most haunting and fascinating collection. Fantastical images from the macabre to the mundane cover page after page. Vivid images both divine and diabolical stand out in juxtaposed pictorial representation at the manuscripts core. Looking for blank page is met only with failure as new incantation, diagram, calculation - all manner of inhuman content begins to each virgin vellum. ¤”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 70 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss)
Title or name: “Covenants ¤ 1.1”
“Our position is thus:
The Palisade and other areas of the Dreamstate contain a veritable cornucopia of anomalous phenomena. Through our union, we will monitor and, where needed, secure and contain these phenomena, objects, locations, and entities. While we can be merciful, we do not guarantee mercy. While we believe in redemption and atonement, these things are not promised.”
((inscribed on a Crest UoTC, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 25 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss)
Title or name: “Covenants ¤ 1.2”
Where an entity or entities are are sentient, and our goals align, we will help and accept help. When entities overstep, we will fight. It should be known that we will always side with the stability of reality itself. The Union of the Covenant will turn the full force of the Dreamstate and the Elsewhere against any threat set against it or ourselves.”
((inscribed on a Crest UoTC, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 50 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss)
Title or name: “Covenants ¤ 1.3”
“Our Oath:
I am a warden of the Ziggurat. I accept my stewardship of the Palisades. I pledge on my honor to protect the Palisades, to protect the realities of the city. I vow to continue my purpose in keeping with the union covenant upheld by the Wardens of the Ziggurat.”
((inscribed on a Crest UoTC, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 50 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss)
Title or name: “Covenants ¤ 1.4”
“Our Motto:
Secure. Contain. Redeem.”
((inscribed on a Crest UoTC, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 50 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss)
Sphere Seven Archive:
Current use:Unknown
Talisman found:
Special thanks to huthut for rallying me!
Sphere Eight Hall:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman Found: None, empty
Sphere Eight Study:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman Found: None, Empty
Sphere Eight Archives:
Current Use Unknown:
Talisman Found:
Title or name: “Alchemist Forge50/1”
“Inscribed by Drizzt Do’Urden; it reads: There are many forms of energy within the city, that which we get from the Nightmares for our Primes, the elemental energies we use for our arts and avatars. It flows through the city under our very feet. I would like you to design a device to track and monitor the various energies we have in the City. Return to me with your schematics then we will move on to part 2
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Teal, Gold))
Title or name: “Alchemist Forge50/2”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 78 charges, colours selected: Teal, Gold))
Title or name: “Kayasisis Forge40-2”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 79 charges, colours selected: Gold, Teal))
Title or name: “Dreamsmith 2/2”
“Take your samples to each student they are intended for and get their feedback. Then ask several dreamers their thoughts on teaching Forge. What do they expect from a Forge teacher? What do they expect from the tasks? You might believe one thing and the masses may believe or expect something else. At the end of the day, who’s right?”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Fire, Abyss))
Title or name: “Alchemist Forge50/2”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 78 charges, colours selected: Teal, Gold))
Title or name: “Uthanatos Forge 20”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 76 charges, colours selected: Fire, Abyss))
Title or name: “Verse Forge60/1”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 75 charges, colours selected: Fire, Azure))
Title or name: “Verse Forge60/2”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 75 charges, colours selected: Fire, Azure))
Title or name: “Verse Forge60/3”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 75 charges, colours selected: Fire, Azure))
Title or name: “huthut Forge 10”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 72 charges, colours selected: Fire, Plum))
Title or name: “Uthy Forge 20 pt 2”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 77 charges, colours selected: Fire, Abyss))
Title or name: “Luthair Forge Learn”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 74 charges, colours selected: Earth, Jade))
Title or name: “Luthair Forge Learn”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 72 charges, colours selected: Earth, Jade))
Title or name: “Kayasisis Forge 40”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 75 charges, colours selected: Gold, Teal))
Title or name: “Basics”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 76 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Sphere Seven Hall:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman Found:
Sphere Seven Study:
Current use:Unknown
Talisman Found:
Title or name: “Matron’s Grimoire”
“A sprawling manuscript filled with ancient histories; Medicinal cures, magical incantations and diagrams. Brought together in a most haunting and fascinating collection. Fantastical images from the macabre to the mundane cover page after page. Vivid images both divine and diabolical stand out in juxtaposed pictorial representation at the manuscripts core. Looking for blank page is met only with failure as new incantation, diagram, calculation - all manner of inhuman content begins to each virgin vellum. ¤”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 70 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss)
Title or name: “Covenants ¤ 1.1”
“Our position is thus:
The Palisade and other areas of the Dreamstate contain a veritable cornucopia of anomalous phenomena. Through our union, we will monitor and, where needed, secure and contain these phenomena, objects, locations, and entities. While we can be merciful, we do not guarantee mercy. While we believe in redemption and atonement, these things are not promised.”
((inscribed on a Crest UoTC, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 25 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss)
Title or name: “Covenants ¤ 1.2”
Where an entity or entities are are sentient, and our goals align, we will help and accept help. When entities overstep, we will fight. It should be known that we will always side with the stability of reality itself. The Union of the Covenant will turn the full force of the Dreamstate and the Elsewhere against any threat set against it or ourselves.”
((inscribed on a Crest UoTC, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 50 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss)
Title or name: “Covenants ¤ 1.3”
“Our Oath:
I am a warden of the Ziggurat. I accept my stewardship of the Palisades. I pledge on my honor to protect the Palisades, to protect the realities of the city. I vow to continue my purpose in keeping with the union covenant upheld by the Wardens of the Ziggurat.”
((inscribed on a Crest UoTC, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 50 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss)
Title or name: “Covenants ¤ 1.4”
“Our Motto:
Secure. Contain. Redeem.”
((inscribed on a Crest UoTC, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 50 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Abyss)
Sphere Seven Archive:
Current use:Unknown
Talisman found:
Special thanks to huthut for rallying me!
Sphere Eight Hall:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman Found: None, empty
Sphere Eight Study:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman Found: None, Empty
Sphere Eight Archives:
Current Use Unknown:
Talisman Found:
Title or name: “Alchemist Forge50/1”
“Inscribed by Drizzt Do’Urden; it reads: There are many forms of energy within the city, that which we get from the Nightmares for our Primes, the elemental energies we use for our arts and avatars. It flows through the city under our very feet. I would like you to design a device to track and monitor the various energies we have in the City. Return to me with your schematics then we will move on to part 2
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Teal, Gold))
Title or name: “Alchemist Forge50/2”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 78 charges, colours selected: Teal, Gold))
Title or name: “Kayasisis Forge40-2”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 79 charges, colours selected: Gold, Teal))
Title or name: “Dreamsmith 2/2”
“Take your samples to each student they are intended for and get their feedback. Then ask several dreamers their thoughts on teaching Forge. What do they expect from a Forge teacher? What do they expect from the tasks? You might believe one thing and the masses may believe or expect something else. At the end of the day, who’s right?”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 254 charges, colours selected: Fire, Abyss))
Title or name: “Alchemist Forge50/2”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 78 charges, colours selected: Teal, Gold))
Title or name: “Uthanatos Forge 20”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 76 charges, colours selected: Fire, Abyss))
Title or name: “Verse Forge60/1”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 75 charges, colours selected: Fire, Azure))
Title or name: “Verse Forge60/2”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 75 charges, colours selected: Fire, Azure))
Title or name: “Verse Forge60/3”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 75 charges, colours selected: Fire, Azure))
Title or name: “huthut Forge 10”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 72 charges, colours selected: Fire, Plum))
Title or name: “Uthy Forge 20 pt 2”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 77 charges, colours selected: Fire, Abyss))
Title or name: “Luthair Forge Learn”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 74 charges, colours selected: Earth, Jade))
Title or name: “Luthair Forge Learn”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 72 charges, colours selected: Earth, Jade))
Title or name: “Kayasisis Forge 40”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 75 charges, colours selected: Gold, Teal))
Title or name: “Basics”
“” ((unable to read old style codex))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex , 76 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
- fancypearl
- PTR Tester (Rank 3)
- Posts: 218
- Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2014 2:29 am
- Character Name(s): Stormy
- Location: Eugene, Oregon
Re: Library of Souls, Archive
(Special thank you to Nathan for rallying me here, even though we arn’t friends at the moment. Sorry Athena for leaving in middle of the report.)
Sphere Nine hall:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman Found:
Title or name: “The Primary Colors”
“Inscribed by Frey: The Primary Color for Gatekeepers is blood, with secondaries of Fire and Gold. For Dreamseers it’s Teal, then Cyan and Night. Fatesenders are Tan for the primary, then Earth and Abyss and finally Soulmaster have Plum, then Berry and Sand. They’re linked of course to the Chakrams we can use and create. If you know further reasons of how we’re linked to our primaries or Why we have those particular colors please update this codex. ”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Chalk)
Title or name: “Chaos Eclipse & You”
“A pragmatic guide to avoiding an untimely demise. DO: Employ protective arts at all times (FA, RF, Vision, Protection, Chamele). DO: Set Recall in a sanctuary! DO: Make friends and allies! DO: Improve your arts, orbits and spheres! DO: Hunt nightmares for energy!”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Fire)
Title or name: “Chaos Ecl. & You 2”
“DO NOT: Linger outside of threshold as a soulsphere! DO NOT: Enter the Palisade for any reason! DO NOT: Assume a Darkmare or Daymare wants to talk to you! DO NOT: Root around Mount Illapse stronghold, as the Darkmares now reside there! DO NOT: Play with prime Focal Blades unless you are vaguely competent - You may hurt yourself, or inadvertantly unlesh citwide doom!”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Fire)
Title or name: “Chaos Ecl. & You 3”
“By following these tips you should maintain relative safety! Be advised that Darkmares and other creatures of Chaos are greatly empowered during the Chaos Eclipse, and they attempt to kill you or devour your soul! Moreover - Avatars, rituals, and machinery are quite prone to malfunction, so make use of your protective eyewear!”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Fire)
Title or name: “Eldryck’s Removal 1”
“This is the abridged version of the story. The full story can be read on the public scrolls. Eldryck Venym, for crimes of multiple dreamstrikes and various other abuses of this station, was deemed unworthy of being the Guardian of the Heart of the City. We had to plan in secret via codex because Eldryck has the ability to hear all spoken in the city, especially when his name is mentioned. To break his bond to the Heart, we fashioned a City ID, similar to a house ID, using his essence.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade)
Title or name: “Eldryck’s Removal 2”
“We empowered the ID by bringing the primes of all the houses to Chimeric to feed their power into it. Sadara and a team crafted a set of translocation rods to help us break into the Center, where the heart resides. Ordinarily only the Guardians can enter the Center. We broke in and petitioned the Heart to end its bond with Eldryck Venym. The Heart accepted the token and then ejected us. Afterwords we heard a sharp cracking sound throughout the city. _-*”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade)
Title or name: “Restore 1”
“This is a retelling of the history I originally related many years ago. The art of Restore was created by the Master Soulmaster Cadas for his wife Della who lost her avatar to an agoknight in Dorsal Rift and was pulled into the choas.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss)
Title or name: “Restore 2”
“Cadas was devastated by the loss of his wife and vowed that no other should have to feel such pain. To this end he spent the next several months in the North Sanctuary of the Lost Caves seeking a means to restore strength to another.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss)
Title or name: “Restore 3”
“Through those months he dreamed continuously and his body back on cloudsbreak wasted away, receiving nothing but water his friends could get it to reflexively swallow. Hours after teaching the art to his apprentices his body died and he was gone from the city.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss)
Title or name: “A long tale part 1”
“After the trial, Dr Grave was remanded to AoE custody. His sentence was to remove the devices from the house and make amends with those that he wronged. His was removed from the cells in Palisades by Hrrum, Aileron and a few others. Aileron ended up stuck in one of the cells brieftly but they were only able to remove one of the restraints. The other seemed to be bonded to his avatar.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Earth, Jade)
Title or name: “A long tale part 2”
“The cuff seemed to limit his ability to evoke arts and train others. It also made him return to the last place he woke from. So to protect him AoE placed him in our Sanctuary and he agreed to limit his movements in the Dream, only traveling with an escort, it was also desided that he would be initiated into the house so Peace Aura could be evoked on him. It was learned that Jerusalis had been brainwashed and Hrrum devised a plan to break him free of that using Grave as bait.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Earth,Jade))
Title or name: “A long tale part 2”
“Unfortunately it did not work, and Jerusalis remained as he was. Jerusalis, under the guise of removing the cuff, activated a Dreamsoul draining effect on Grave. With the assistance of Hrrum, and a lot of others we managed to get him to Lost Caves and South Haven were the DS Pad seemed to keept him coherant and cancel out the drain. Sadly, Grave seemed to be exchanging one prison for another. It was at this time we attempted to actually remove the cuff.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Earth,Jade))
Title or name: “A long tale part 3”
“I (Drizzt) then tried to phase the cuff off of Grave’s arm. This did not go well, I briefly ended up wearing the cuff, which sent me to West Totality before reappearing on Grave’s arm. The following week Laieus came to me with an idea, I helped him forge some items with runes of power and cancellation on them. His thought was to drain the cuff faster than it was draining Grave.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Earth,Jade))
Title or name: “A long tale part 3b”
“We got things set up and began, once again our efforts did not have the desired effect, Grave, actually faded from view. Becoming transparent. I abjured him, only to have the effect rip his avatar a part and collapse him again, with a lot of work from everyone there we managed to stabilize him but his avatar was very faint and pure white”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Earth,Jade))
Title or name: “A long tale part 4”
“It was finally my daughter Ducky and Laieus that figured out a way to remove the cuff. Ducky suggested that we apply the elements in reverse order from the way Grave learned each of them. Since he was a Dreamseer first, then Soulmaster, then Gatekeeper and finally Fatesender, we would start with Lucidity and work backwards. Finally success. The cuff came off, and his avatar was restored! But there was a catch, when he woke, and later returned to the Dream he has lost all of his spheres.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Earth,Jade))
Title or name: “Banish Mare”
“Banish Mare converts the targeted mare essence into a banishment token. The dreamer has an essence in hand. He evokes Banish Mare on the essence, and the essence is promptly thrown beyond the City Walls, out into the Chaos, or some believe out of the Dreamstate entirely. What is left behind after evoking this art is a token. When the Nightmare is banished, it has no strength because the Maren essence is outside the City walls, not in the token.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Plum, Jade)
Title or name: “Inscribe”
Creates a codex with an inscribed message. The user can make an infinite charge codex or a codex with a number of charges equal to the level of the art. Plateau increases the number of charges available to the user when making a codex with a number of charges equal to the arts level. Inscribe is a DreamSoul art with a cost of 2 DreamSoul”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Plum, Gold))
Title or name: “Corrupt Essence”
“Corrupt Essence is the 5th Essence Manipulation art. This Art is usable only on Dreamer Essences. Corrupt changes a Dreamer Essence into a NightMare Essence, allowing the caster to then place the Essence into a Chaos Well. The amount of Strength depends on the Sphere level of the Dreamer Essence. This art used to be a House Art of the Keepers of the Eternal Shadow, having a unique history.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Gold, Berry ))
Sphere Nine, Study:
Current use:Unknown
Talisman Found:
Title or name: “Push 1”
“” ((old style codex, unable to read without using a charge))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Cyan))
Title or name: “Push 2”
“” ((old style codex, unable to read without using a charge))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Cyan))
Title or name: “Push 3”
“” ((old style codex, unable to read without using a charge))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Cyan))
Title or name: “Cyclonyx”
“An era of the Dreaming in which Apparatus devices, new structures, and total Dreamscape manipulation and Smithing ushered in opportunites for Dreamers to showcase talents and skill - and truly execute creativity to its fullest, gave birth to a structure worthy of historical praise and significance, called Cyclonyx. This structure was built on the plane of Gloom Peaks from a designed penned by Vampyro, Master Teacher and Student of the Forger’s Circle. However, it took many dedicated Dreamers –”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Jade))
Title or name: “Cyclonyx 2”
“to make this a possibility. The Structure itself was a giant windmill - intended to manipulate the winds and elemental energy from the plane of Gloom Peaks in hopes of creating ‘seasons’ within the Dreaming and altering most of the enviromental Dreamscape shared among individual planes. However, the results ended up being much more. Not only was the intent satisfied, but the inside of the Structure housed an extremely powerful device, a Forging Apparatus, known as ‘Vampyro’s Forge’, –”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Jade))
Title or name: “Cyclonyx 3”
“that would ultimately play a pivotal role in many of the Dream’s experiments, creations, and successes for Dreams to come. Through the help of nearly 20 dreamers overall, lending energy arts, support, muscle, ideas, and support: This amazing Structure would go down as the single greatest accomplishment of the SoulMaster Dreamtender. And to think, it all started with just a swig of ale one calm night inside the barkeep’s Tavern - the Flask and Chak. -V”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Jade))
Title or name: “Vamp 1~”
“In the far past, there was a great disturbance. Nightmares had invaded the City, and soon afte, other terrible creatures. They roamed, causing havoc and great fear. However, during this time, some dreamers were concerned with more pleasant matters. Like the young lady Cira aho had fallen in love with a young SM, Loran. Cira sat softly on the meadow, picking flowers while she dozed away on the clouds. She closed her eyes and breathed in the scent of the flower, brushed her hair from her face, and then gazed"
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Gold))
Title or name: “Vamp 2~”
“into the distance. A loving smile played on her lips as she saw Loran coming. Holding her flowers, she awaited his approach. He suddenly dashed forward, screaming something. She couldn’t make out the content, but understood something was wrong. She turned around slowly then froze as her eyes fell upon a smirking Dark. Loran yelled for her to run, but she was trapped by its gaze and he was too late. The Dark unleased its terror on Cira, who fell to the ground and slowly faded from the dream. Screaming out”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Gold))
Title or name: “Vamp 3~”
“his dispair, Loran entered a hopeless battle. The result was given, soon he was exhausted, cornered, and wounded. The Dark towered over him, loading up the final strike to finish him off. Preparing for his doom, Loran sunk to his knees, looking to the ground below him. There before him lay the essence of Cira. He picked up and squeezed it to his chest as his resilient tears rolled down his cheeks. A single tear slipped from his chin, fell down and hit the essence. The essence evaporated and a wonderous”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Gold))
Title or name: “Vamp 4~”
“feeling washed over him, his wounds healed and he was filled with new energy and courage. With his refreshed strength, he thrust his blade into the Dark. A ragged gasp later, it fell to the ground and perished. Loran never got over the loss of Cira and burried his grief in his studies. In his lonely nights he researched many things, especially his experience with Cira and the Dark, something he later perfected into an art he named Vampiric Draw.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Gold))
Sphere Nine Reading Room:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman Found:
None, empty
Sphere Nine Archives:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman Found:
Title or name: “Abyss Chalk Chakram”
“An Item Infused together by the power of insight!” You need skill of at least 50 in FateSender to use it;
((inscribed on a Chakram, 1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect: none; Damage : 1 to 50, 98 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Chalk))
Title or name: “Celestine’s essence”
“That’s a Female Avatar Essence token”
((inscribed on a Female Avatar Essence Token, 1 functions: Change Stat - Stat : Dreamsoul; Modifier : +40; Not rechargable, 50 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Blast Mini - Lace”
“”((old style codex, unable to read without using a charge))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 48 charges, colours selected: Night, Chalk))
Title or name: “Channel 20”
“This is a Quest codex for the art of Channel: The quest codex was inscribed by Tamarisk, for Magnilia. It reads: This is a great art. I use it all the time to help others when I’m feeling nice. I hate hate hate wasting energy. Find out the best way to use the art that also heps you. This of course a thinking task. I’m looking for ways to make the art better. <T>”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “Tam’s Pile”
“((old style codex, unable to read without using a charge))”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 54 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “Blast~80 mini”
“This quest codex for the art of Support Train: The quest codex was inscribed by Purple Lace, for Purple Lace. It reads: You often share knowledge from your dreams, but for this task, I would like you to share some of the “blasts” you have had. Try, if at all possible, to recreate one.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Fire, Plum))
Title or name: “Mini: Blast 80”
“This is a codex for the art of Support Train: The quest codex was inscribed by Princess Rivin, for Purple Lace. It reads: Darling for this quest, I would love to hear one of your writings, in the form of a short story. You can present it at Bardic, or the public scrolls, or even a gathering”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Invis80 PurpleLace”
“”((old style codex, unable to read without using a charge))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 73 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “DC Learn Lace”
“This quest codex for the art of Distress Call may be read any number of times more.
Summoning inscription….
The quest codex was inscribed by Drizzt Do’Urden, for Purple Lace. It reads: This is the newest art in the Dream, and as such almost nothing is known about it other than what it does. Who devolped it? Where is the history of it? Get some information and report back.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Plum, Jade))
Sphere Nine hall:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman Found:
Title or name: “The Primary Colors”
“Inscribed by Frey: The Primary Color for Gatekeepers is blood, with secondaries of Fire and Gold. For Dreamseers it’s Teal, then Cyan and Night. Fatesenders are Tan for the primary, then Earth and Abyss and finally Soulmaster have Plum, then Berry and Sand. They’re linked of course to the Chakrams we can use and create. If you know further reasons of how we’re linked to our primaries or Why we have those particular colors please update this codex. ”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Chalk)
Title or name: “Chaos Eclipse & You”
“A pragmatic guide to avoiding an untimely demise. DO: Employ protective arts at all times (FA, RF, Vision, Protection, Chamele). DO: Set Recall in a sanctuary! DO: Make friends and allies! DO: Improve your arts, orbits and spheres! DO: Hunt nightmares for energy!”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Fire)
Title or name: “Chaos Ecl. & You 2”
“DO NOT: Linger outside of threshold as a soulsphere! DO NOT: Enter the Palisade for any reason! DO NOT: Assume a Darkmare or Daymare wants to talk to you! DO NOT: Root around Mount Illapse stronghold, as the Darkmares now reside there! DO NOT: Play with prime Focal Blades unless you are vaguely competent - You may hurt yourself, or inadvertantly unlesh citwide doom!”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Fire)
Title or name: “Chaos Ecl. & You 3”
“By following these tips you should maintain relative safety! Be advised that Darkmares and other creatures of Chaos are greatly empowered during the Chaos Eclipse, and they attempt to kill you or devour your soul! Moreover - Avatars, rituals, and machinery are quite prone to malfunction, so make use of your protective eyewear!”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Fire)
Title or name: “Eldryck’s Removal 1”
“This is the abridged version of the story. The full story can be read on the public scrolls. Eldryck Venym, for crimes of multiple dreamstrikes and various other abuses of this station, was deemed unworthy of being the Guardian of the Heart of the City. We had to plan in secret via codex because Eldryck has the ability to hear all spoken in the city, especially when his name is mentioned. To break his bond to the Heart, we fashioned a City ID, similar to a house ID, using his essence.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade)
Title or name: “Eldryck’s Removal 2”
“We empowered the ID by bringing the primes of all the houses to Chimeric to feed their power into it. Sadara and a team crafted a set of translocation rods to help us break into the Center, where the heart resides. Ordinarily only the Guardians can enter the Center. We broke in and petitioned the Heart to end its bond with Eldryck Venym. The Heart accepted the token and then ejected us. Afterwords we heard a sharp cracking sound throughout the city. _-*”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Jade)
Title or name: “Restore 1”
“This is a retelling of the history I originally related many years ago. The art of Restore was created by the Master Soulmaster Cadas for his wife Della who lost her avatar to an agoknight in Dorsal Rift and was pulled into the choas.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss)
Title or name: “Restore 2”
“Cadas was devastated by the loss of his wife and vowed that no other should have to feel such pain. To this end he spent the next several months in the North Sanctuary of the Lost Caves seeking a means to restore strength to another.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss)
Title or name: “Restore 3”
“Through those months he dreamed continuously and his body back on cloudsbreak wasted away, receiving nothing but water his friends could get it to reflexively swallow. Hours after teaching the art to his apprentices his body died and he was gone from the city.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Abyss)
Title or name: “A long tale part 1”
“After the trial, Dr Grave was remanded to AoE custody. His sentence was to remove the devices from the house and make amends with those that he wronged. His was removed from the cells in Palisades by Hrrum, Aileron and a few others. Aileron ended up stuck in one of the cells brieftly but they were only able to remove one of the restraints. The other seemed to be bonded to his avatar.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Earth, Jade)
Title or name: “A long tale part 2”
“The cuff seemed to limit his ability to evoke arts and train others. It also made him return to the last place he woke from. So to protect him AoE placed him in our Sanctuary and he agreed to limit his movements in the Dream, only traveling with an escort, it was also desided that he would be initiated into the house so Peace Aura could be evoked on him. It was learned that Jerusalis had been brainwashed and Hrrum devised a plan to break him free of that using Grave as bait.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Earth,Jade))
Title or name: “A long tale part 2”
“Unfortunately it did not work, and Jerusalis remained as he was. Jerusalis, under the guise of removing the cuff, activated a Dreamsoul draining effect on Grave. With the assistance of Hrrum, and a lot of others we managed to get him to Lost Caves and South Haven were the DS Pad seemed to keept him coherant and cancel out the drain. Sadly, Grave seemed to be exchanging one prison for another. It was at this time we attempted to actually remove the cuff.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Earth,Jade))
Title or name: “A long tale part 3”
“I (Drizzt) then tried to phase the cuff off of Grave’s arm. This did not go well, I briefly ended up wearing the cuff, which sent me to West Totality before reappearing on Grave’s arm. The following week Laieus came to me with an idea, I helped him forge some items with runes of power and cancellation on them. His thought was to drain the cuff faster than it was draining Grave.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Earth,Jade))
Title or name: “A long tale part 3b”
“We got things set up and began, once again our efforts did not have the desired effect, Grave, actually faded from view. Becoming transparent. I abjured him, only to have the effect rip his avatar a part and collapse him again, with a lot of work from everyone there we managed to stabilize him but his avatar was very faint and pure white”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Earth,Jade))
Title or name: “A long tale part 4”
“It was finally my daughter Ducky and Laieus that figured out a way to remove the cuff. Ducky suggested that we apply the elements in reverse order from the way Grave learned each of them. Since he was a Dreamseer first, then Soulmaster, then Gatekeeper and finally Fatesender, we would start with Lucidity and work backwards. Finally success. The cuff came off, and his avatar was restored! But there was a catch, when he woke, and later returned to the Dream he has lost all of his spheres.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Earth,Jade))
Title or name: “Banish Mare”
“Banish Mare converts the targeted mare essence into a banishment token. The dreamer has an essence in hand. He evokes Banish Mare on the essence, and the essence is promptly thrown beyond the City Walls, out into the Chaos, or some believe out of the Dreamstate entirely. What is left behind after evoking this art is a token. When the Nightmare is banished, it has no strength because the Maren essence is outside the City walls, not in the token.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Plum, Jade)
Title or name: “Inscribe”
Creates a codex with an inscribed message. The user can make an infinite charge codex or a codex with a number of charges equal to the level of the art. Plateau increases the number of charges available to the user when making a codex with a number of charges equal to the arts level. Inscribe is a DreamSoul art with a cost of 2 DreamSoul”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Plum, Gold))
Title or name: “Corrupt Essence”
“Corrupt Essence is the 5th Essence Manipulation art. This Art is usable only on Dreamer Essences. Corrupt changes a Dreamer Essence into a NightMare Essence, allowing the caster to then place the Essence into a Chaos Well. The amount of Strength depends on the Sphere level of the Dreamer Essence. This art used to be a House Art of the Keepers of the Eternal Shadow, having a unique history.”
((inscribed on a Compendium, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Gold, Berry ))
Sphere Nine, Study:
Current use:Unknown
Talisman Found:
Title or name: “Push 1”
“” ((old style codex, unable to read without using a charge))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Cyan))
Title or name: “Push 2”
“” ((old style codex, unable to read without using a charge))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Cyan))
Title or name: “Push 3”
“” ((old style codex, unable to read without using a charge))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Blood, Cyan))
Title or name: “Cyclonyx”
“An era of the Dreaming in which Apparatus devices, new structures, and total Dreamscape manipulation and Smithing ushered in opportunites for Dreamers to showcase talents and skill - and truly execute creativity to its fullest, gave birth to a structure worthy of historical praise and significance, called Cyclonyx. This structure was built on the plane of Gloom Peaks from a designed penned by Vampyro, Master Teacher and Student of the Forger’s Circle. However, it took many dedicated Dreamers –”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Jade))
Title or name: “Cyclonyx 2”
“to make this a possibility. The Structure itself was a giant windmill - intended to manipulate the winds and elemental energy from the plane of Gloom Peaks in hopes of creating ‘seasons’ within the Dreaming and altering most of the enviromental Dreamscape shared among individual planes. However, the results ended up being much more. Not only was the intent satisfied, but the inside of the Structure housed an extremely powerful device, a Forging Apparatus, known as ‘Vampyro’s Forge’, –”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Jade))
Title or name: “Cyclonyx 3”
“that would ultimately play a pivotal role in many of the Dream’s experiments, creations, and successes for Dreams to come. Through the help of nearly 20 dreamers overall, lending energy arts, support, muscle, ideas, and support: This amazing Structure would go down as the single greatest accomplishment of the SoulMaster Dreamtender. And to think, it all started with just a swig of ale one calm night inside the barkeep’s Tavern - the Flask and Chak. -V”
((inscribed on a Scroll, 1 functions: Do Nothing, 1 charges, colours selected: Cyan, Jade))
Title or name: “Vamp 1~”
“In the far past, there was a great disturbance. Nightmares had invaded the City, and soon afte, other terrible creatures. They roamed, causing havoc and great fear. However, during this time, some dreamers were concerned with more pleasant matters. Like the young lady Cira aho had fallen in love with a young SM, Loran. Cira sat softly on the meadow, picking flowers while she dozed away on the clouds. She closed her eyes and breathed in the scent of the flower, brushed her hair from her face, and then gazed"
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Gold))
Title or name: “Vamp 2~”
“into the distance. A loving smile played on her lips as she saw Loran coming. Holding her flowers, she awaited his approach. He suddenly dashed forward, screaming something. She couldn’t make out the content, but understood something was wrong. She turned around slowly then froze as her eyes fell upon a smirking Dark. Loran yelled for her to run, but she was trapped by its gaze and he was too late. The Dark unleased its terror on Cira, who fell to the ground and slowly faded from the dream. Screaming out”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Gold))
Title or name: “Vamp 3~”
“his dispair, Loran entered a hopeless battle. The result was given, soon he was exhausted, cornered, and wounded. The Dark towered over him, loading up the final strike to finish him off. Preparing for his doom, Loran sunk to his knees, looking to the ground below him. There before him lay the essence of Cira. He picked up and squeezed it to his chest as his resilient tears rolled down his cheeks. A single tear slipped from his chin, fell down and hit the essence. The essence evaporated and a wonderous”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Gold))
Title or name: “Vamp 4~”
“feeling washed over him, his wounds healed and he was filled with new energy and courage. With his refreshed strength, he thrust his blade into the Dark. A ragged gasp later, it fell to the ground and perished. Loran never got over the loss of Cira and burried his grief in his studies. In his lonely nights he researched many things, especially his experience with Cira and the Dark, something he later perfected into an art he named Vampiric Draw.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Gold))
Sphere Nine Reading Room:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman Found:
None, empty
Sphere Nine Archives:
Current use: Unknown
Talisman Found:
Title or name: “Abyss Chalk Chakram”
“An Item Infused together by the power of insight!” You need skill of at least 50 in FateSender to use it;
((inscribed on a Chakram, 1 functions: Missile - Velocity : Fast & Bouncing; Effect: none; Damage : 1 to 50, 98 charges, colours selected: Abyss, Chalk))
Title or name: “Celestine’s essence”
“That’s a Female Avatar Essence token”
((inscribed on a Female Avatar Essence Token, 1 functions: Change Stat - Stat : Dreamsoul; Modifier : +40; Not rechargable, 50 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Blast Mini - Lace”
“”((old style codex, unable to read without using a charge))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 48 charges, colours selected: Night, Chalk))
Title or name: “Channel 20”
“This is a Quest codex for the art of Channel: The quest codex was inscribed by Tamarisk, for Magnilia. It reads: This is a great art. I use it all the time to help others when I’m feeling nice. I hate hate hate wasting energy. Find out the best way to use the art that also heps you. This of course a thinking task. I’m looking for ways to make the art better. <T>”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “Tam’s Pile”
“((old style codex, unable to read without using a charge))”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 54 charges, colours selected: Night, Abyss))
Title or name: “Blast~80 mini”
“This quest codex for the art of Support Train: The quest codex was inscribed by Purple Lace, for Purple Lace. It reads: You often share knowledge from your dreams, but for this task, I would like you to share some of the “blasts” you have had. Try, if at all possible, to recreate one.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Fire, Plum))
Title or name: “Mini: Blast 80”
“This is a codex for the art of Support Train: The quest codex was inscribed by Princess Rivin, for Purple Lace. It reads: Darling for this quest, I would love to hear one of your writings, in the form of a short story. You can present it at Bardic, or the public scrolls, or even a gathering”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “Invis80 PurpleLace”
“”((old style codex, unable to read without using a charge))
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 73 charges, colours selected: Chalk, Chalk))
Title or name: “DC Learn Lace”
“This quest codex for the art of Distress Call may be read any number of times more.
Summoning inscription….
The quest codex was inscribed by Drizzt Do’Urden, for Purple Lace. It reads: This is the newest art in the Dream, and as such almost nothing is known about it other than what it does. Who devolped it? Where is the history of it? Get some information and report back.”
((inscribed on a Codex, 1 functions: Codex, 254 charges, colours selected: Plum, Jade))