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Entry 102: The Nomad

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Entry 102: The Nomad

Post by Koi-Cryptic »

As Nocven made his move to crush the heart fragment, the nomad made a quick jump to another variant. The variant he found himself in looked as if it had been destroyed for ages. He wandered around to see if he could find any sign of dreamers having recently been there. He found some old dusty parchments in the Library with only a single working sphere hall. The ink upon the parchments had faded over time and were too difficult to read. He tried entering the other sphere halls, but despite his best efforts, the portals just would not spin.

The nomad moved to search the great planes of the city. He walked the Trinities first, but found only destruction. As he moved plane to plane he was overcome by a feeling of sadness. He wondered to himself if he would even find anyone here. After spending a few months visiting this variant in the hopes of finding other dreamers, he came to accept that he may not find anyone. With a heavy heart he decided to move on.

This wanderer spent the next few decades moving from city to city trying to find any spark of Awakening. From city to city, all he found was crumbled houses, broken portals, and faded scrolls. Refusing to give up hope he continued on his quest and it would be another decade before he found any evidence of recent activity. The nomad had lost count of the number of variants he searched, but he found himself walking through Cenotaph of Dread one night when he came across a massive crack in one of the walls. After moving some large boulders out of the way, the entrance to the Fatesender guild was revealed underneath the rubble.

As he entered the guild hall he found a single parchment tucked into a crevice that was not covered in layers of dust. Slowly he unraveled the scroll and found fresh ink upon the page. The parchment was a single journal entry. The scribbling of the page was largely illegible, but he could make out the name in the signature at the bottom. The parchment had been authored by a dreamer named Esinore. Quickly he evoked his Inscribe and left a scroll of his own next to it. He explained his search of the variants for dreamers and left a time that he would return at the bottom. His hope was that Esinore would see it and find him.

The day approached and the nomad arrived at the meeting place. He sat and waited with high hopes for several hours with only the eerie, chaotic wind moving through the room. Then, in the distance, he heard what sounded like footsteps. As he rose to his feet and turned around, he came face to face with a woman. She looked at him blankly and said, “You must be the nomad?” He nodded to her and said, “Yeah that’s me. I’ve been wanderin’ all these different cities for decades lookin’ for signs of anyone else. You’re the first person I’ve come across. What happened here?”

They sat and spoke for hours while Esinore shared her experiences and the events that lead to the fall of the city they were in. He explained to her that he had wandered the dreamer for centuries before finding a city that had promising life within it. As he tried to settle into the city, all hell broke loose and everything was turned upside down. He spoke about Nocven and the destruction of the heart fragment, and that he had been looking for a way back into the city, but had been unsuccessful. He continued sharing details of this city to Esinore and when he noticed that she was intrigued by the stories she was hearing he decided to ask if she would help him get back there.

The two dreamers set out looking for a way back into the nomad’s previous city. Will they find a way back in? Is it even possible? Only time will tell...
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