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Question regarding stories

This is a game for roleplayers. We want your ideas how how to build the better game. Post your suggestions here.
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What would you like to see?

Take us back to when the houses were the main focus, and stories stemming from the belief system.
A little of both. Stories through the houses, player and GM driven. And also some side stories through the team here and there.
All stories GM driven.
Total votes: 21
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Joined: Fri Jan 05, 2018 9:22 pm

Question regarding stories

Post by Koi-Cricket »

Back in lyra, there were not really many GM lead stories. They all derived through the houses, and were player driven. The houses in itself is what brought the activity and all that followed through the set of beliefs that were in place. We know this was a success for many years. We do have a plan in place, but we want your thoughts to where we are now, to see if we need to do a bit of shifting.
Directing Producer
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