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Re-visiting the Raw Emote Rule

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Re-visiting the Raw Emote Rule

Post by PKChrisChan »


Can we re-visit this rule? Or find a compromise so that players can support their own RPs without impeding on GameMasters or forcing RP on other PCs? After this rule was enacted in place, working with large groups players on a project can be incredibly difficult to get everyone on the same page and using this ability.

On the other side of the notion, having to email/send in RP reports/communicate with GMs has become too much of a hassle to bother with.

Using Multi Line chat Emotes to do so resulted in some very fun and intriguing RPs like the Chaos Blade that Laieus had created some months ago.

An idea I had for the subject would be, the following:

A player made raw emote would always be preceeded by a few periods "..." while a GameMaster raw emote would always be preceeded by a ">" symbol (which btw i noticed GMs doing lately)

So a player raw emote would look like:
...the chaos amongst the room swells in great intensity before violently detonating into a potent firestorm.

While a GM raw emote would be like:
>The chaos amongst the room swells in great intensity before violently detonating into a potent firestorm.
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Re: Re-visiting the Raw Emote Rule

Post by Starfall »

I support this compromise to distinguish the two.

Or even add the function back as something that can be accomplished with RP points
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Re: Re-visiting the Raw Emote Rule

Post by Drizzt »

I think this is an excellent idea. I have been thinking about what rp points could be used for besides the art/xp/stat increase. I personally wouldn't mind giving up any of these to be able to use a raw emote to support my own rp.

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Re: Re-visiting the Raw Emote Rule

Post by PKChrisChan »

Seveiron wrote: Fri Aug 06, 2021 10:24 pm There is a TON of GMs supporting events that I have not noticed a Hassel to get a GM to support something. Yet I do enjoy when you have a small group of dreamers and can do something spontaneous without waiting for a GM to begin.
It's not so much a hassle to get the support. It's the emailing/discord/RP reports which are exhausting. Like for big things like 8th sphere, it's needed and cool. But for day to day, on the spot things. It'd be nice to just log in and be like "Hey, let's do something"
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Re: Re-visiting the Raw Emote Rule

Post by Cherokee »

When I first started playing UL years ago, witnessing a raw emote was a very special event. It added mystery and suspense to the unfolding story everyone contributed to. It was never required or expected, but when it happened it seemed magical to me. At some point throughout the years, that unique extra sparkle was lost as the use of raws became a common thing.

As players, we’ve grown dependent on them – thinking raws are needed to make any impact on the story. Playing daily has become more of a boring chore, because everyone sits around for the next “event” or something to happen, instead of going out and making it happen.

On the contrary, anyone can add flair to the environment without needing raws or multilining. Using the above emote as an example, this is just an idea of what could be done:
>Nathan summons a flame to activate the magnetic device. The chaos throughout the room swells in great intensity, before violently detonating into a potent firestorm.

While I understand the desire to put a modified form of raw emotes in the players’ hands, it’s just not feasible to entrust that type of power with just anyone and everyone. Why would we even need GMs? What we really need is to get back to the basics. Reignite the imagination we once had before all of these extra boons were provided to us.

Just my two cents.
23:48:24: Laviticas: (( I am going to ****ing say this now because I will not be back in the stupid game.)

22:44:20: >Jawsman evokes his own dreamquake, which is bigger than Magnilia's dreamquake.
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Re: Re-visiting the Raw Emote Rule

Post by PKChrisChan »

Cherokee wrote: Sun Aug 08, 2021 2:37 am When I first started playing UL years ago, witnessing a raw emote was a very special event. It added mystery and suspense to the unfolding story everyone contributed to. It was never required or expected, but when it happened it seemed magical to me. At some point throughout the years, that unique extra sparkle was lost as the use of raws became a common thing.

As players, we’ve grown dependent on them – thinking raws are needed to make any impact on the story. Playing daily has become more of a boring chore, because everyone sits around for the next “event” or something to happen, instead of going out and making it happen.

On the contrary, anyone can add flair to the environment without needing raws or multilining. Using the above emote as an example, this is just an idea of what could be done:
>Nathan summons a flame to activate the magnetic device. The chaos throughout the room swells in great intensity, before violently detonating into a potent firestorm.
As one of these players who has -always- gone out to make it happen with or without a GM. Doing your suggestion ended up in so much confusion and disinterest. It has been attempted several times. Having this ability or tool accessible, alongside Forge enabled a clear direction in storytelling for all present. When that emote is multiplied by 7 or 8+, in quick succession, it becomes confusing. In fact, players have moreso leaned into GM events more than they ever have. Since this rule, every time I'd ask someone to go out and do they don't even bother or respond!
Cherokee wrote: Sun Aug 08, 2021 2:37 am While I understand the desire to put a modified form of raw emotes in the players’ hands, it’s just not feasible to entrust that type of power with just anyone and everyone. Why would we even need GMs? What we really need is to get back to the basics. Reignite the imagination we once had before all of these extra boons were provided to us.
While this was happening, the players of this community have not compromised any trust or forced any emotes on anyone. From what I was told, when I questioned this, there was a singular abuser who took it too far. But why not just punish the abuser?

And why would we need GMs? Uh, they can literally place relics/objects in front of you. Perform, extraordinary flair and effects. Open and unlock portals, bring in powerful story telling figures/characters in ways players can not. They have a higher level of creative tools readily accessible to players, and actually, can actively reward participation.

The old days are gone. Anyone pining on "how it used to be", is not being fair to new generation players. Gaming is not the same as it was a decade, or even 2 decades ago. Let us adapt and overcome.
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Re: Re-visiting the Raw Emote Rule

Post by Starfall »

Monitoring use is actually part of why I suggested tying it to an RP point option. That way it can be specifically monitored rather than dug out of the raw logs.
I want to have adventures and take enormous risks and be everything they say we are.
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