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Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 1:46 pm
by Tember
I was thinking if there were a way to make Raids possible. I know I suggested about the roaming mares. But, what if caudal and dorsal had horrons on steroids, maybe change their look a little bit, new colors, name etc.

It could take a group of people to bring it down just like in raids from other games. Or maybe you need different focuses to fight it. Could change up their fighting abilities so that it takes several arts from the different focus to take it down.

And I don't mean by ping ponging, trapping or the normal ways we fight horrons. I mean like a real raid. Perhaps they could even drop unique items.

Re: Raids

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 3:46 pm
by Cherokee
That would be fun! I remember when Kotoke Holow would transform into a mare, the mare would look chrome-ish..or was that just his dreamer avatar? I wonder if that's possible to implement as an NPC without a lot more coding?

I also had another idea: Hidden Horde of Horrons

A room in Lost Caves that Agonarius unlocks once a week (or so) for worthy raiders. Inside the room is at least (four/five?) normal Horrons. Once collapsed, each would "drop" a specialty item. They could even be placed in the Hidden Treasure Hoard!

Agonarius and LC is just an example, though, it could be any plane or GM character.

Re: Raids

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 10:07 pm
by Arnaya
I love the idea of Raids. If the GM's can spawn mares anywhere (I don't know if this is possible with anything besides Revenants), have them... once a week or two weeks, spawn in a small pack across a few rooms. Send out a E-mote call to the players about there being a small breach and the roaring of nightmares or something. Whatever GM spawned them drop a few unique/high end items throughout the engagement zone afterwards. If the players don't respond, then have them move on the next night... maybe closer to one of the houses. Then up to one of the houses, where they over run it?

Re: Raids

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 10:32 am
by Tember
I love both your ideas, they are all similar. I was thinking a more permanent fixture in the game, but yours may be a lot easier to implement.

Re: Raids

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 10:58 am
by Koi-Shadow
Two patches ago the art of "Summon" was added in for GMs. Before that, the only place a GM could summon a player was to the unknown. Anything else required teleport items.

After the patch went live, we discovered that we could also "Summon" nightmares to different locations. I took the Horrons from both of the rifts and from the thresh caves and dropped them on a group of dreamers fighting a pmare in the barrows. This was really cool and I had lots of ideas for using them for "raids" and such like mentioned above; unfortunately, when nightmares are summoned like that, they *never* respawn in their original location. The nightmare server had to be restarted to get the Horrons respawning. This isn't something that can really be done all the time so in the last patch the dev team made it so that nightmares can not be summoned until they can figure out how to make them respawn correctly after being summoned.

Re: Raids

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 3:10 pm
by Arnaya
Aww.... Ah well. It's still a neat idea. Would it be possible maybe to set up a small "Pool" of mares that the GM's could summon around that the players wouldn't otherwise be able to interact with? A couple of horrons, Shamblix, and a few Ago's would do the trick beautifully.... though an emphant swarm would be hillarious to run into :P

Maybe put the "Raid" idea up under something for the Dev's to consider making allowances for?

Re: Raids

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 4:08 pm
by Uthanatos
Like adding spawn points around DA that way, when you summon them it doesn't really matter if they respawn properly?

Re: Raids

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 5:46 pm
by fancypearl
Yeah was kinda thinking that myself... Small or large room. Of Horrons and shammies to summon at any time lol completely out of range or knowledge of everyone for that purpose :p

Re: Raids

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 11:18 pm
by Koi-Shadow
They actually do respawn if they're summoned within the same plane. It's when you summoned them to another plane that caused the problems. We thought about just making a GM only room on each plane filled with a 2-3 shamblixs/horrons and such, but we'd probably be better off just figuring out why the mare server doesn't know to respawn them when they're summoned to another plane.

Re: Raids

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 2:07 am
by fancypearl
That sounds excessively fun to mess around with.

Re: Raids

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 2:22 am
by fancypearl
Something along the lines of add horron_100, horron_101 to nightmare DB, create art that assign player nightmare spawn (dialog or type out specific) $target_select cords= (in a circle around target, or on target_player) :p onlyspawns or respawns on cast or command.. not dependant on current spawn?