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A Dweller of the Twilight

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A Dweller of the Twilight

Post by Koi-Cryptic »

((Posting for an anonymous dreamer.))

The light isn't all good.
Many see it as the light that saves,
The light that nurtures the city,
And preserves souls,
But deep down, in that light,
Is a growing darkness that no one sees,
A darkness that consumes the misunderstood,
And spits them out as outcasts, abominations.

The light shows these misunderstood as villain’s.
The light can't understand them,
And the darkness takes control,
Pushing them further away from the light.

Visit the darkness for a change,
And somewhere, in that darkness,
Is a dying light that no one sees,
A light that nurtures those left in the darkness,
Nurturing those who are left to rot,
A light that only those within the darkness can see,
That shows how good these people really are,
And how misunderstood they have become.

Learn to understand the misunderstood,
And help them fight back against the darkness,
The darkness that claimed these lives,
So that they may once again taste light.

Give the villain’s a chance to shine,
For the first time in their dreams.

A Dweller of the Twilight
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