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Seafarer's Logbook - Entry 2

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2024 9:08 am
by Koi-Serenity
[A glass bottle bobs and surfaces in the Courtyard's stream of water. An old scroll can be found rolled up inside. The date at the upper right corner is smeared and the ink below seems faded with age.]


As I sit down to reflect upon our recent journey, I am overwhelmed by the memories of our transfer mission from the city of Arkeilen to Underlight. The air in the Lost Sea was heavy with anticipation, the waves crashing against our ship's hull like the heartbeat of a restless beast. We, the Wardens of Night, guided by the wisdom of Luna, embarked on a voyage that would forever alter the lives of those under our charge.

Our mission, entrusted to me as Chieftain, is no easy task. Our duty is to transport prisoner thralls - beings of various forms and histories - to a new location where they would serve time, with a slight chance of finding redemption. Among them were twin sisters, Aria and Nym - along with their companions and partners in crime, twin brothers Arion and Zalar.

The story of these twins, united by love and torn apart by cruelty, resonated within the chambers of me heart. They had endured the shackles of enslavement, their spirits battered but unbroken, yearning for freedom like a flame in the darkness. The Council of Wardens saw fit to entrust their fate to us, the Wardens of the Night, knowing that our resolve and devotion to Luna would guide us through the perilous waters of the Dreamscape.

As we sailed through the mist-shrouded seas, our ship cutting through the waves like a blade through the veil of dreams, I couldn't help but ponder the weight of our responsibilities. We were not mere guardians of the night; we were shepherds of lost souls, guiding them towards a new dawn of hope and redemption. Perhaps I'm still naïve in thinking they deserve such. Chevalier Osmond keeps reminding me of the body count the four amassed during their massacre in Arkeilen.

As we approached the shores of Underlight, bathed in the ethereal glow of Luna's moonlit radiance, I felt a sense of pride swell within me. We had fulfilled our duty, safely guiding the twins and their companions without any trouble. But our journey was far from over; the path ahead is fraught with challenges and uncertainties, yet I knew that as long as we remained true to the Creed of the Wardens, Luna would guide us through the darkest of nights.

And so, as we disembarked upon the shores of a new city, I offered a silent prayer to the Goddess of the Moon, thanking her for her guidance and protection.

-- Alice S.