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~The Ballad of Ladybug~

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Posts: 35
Joined: Fri Oct 21, 2022 5:30 pm
Character Name(s): Liolira

~The Ballad of Ladybug~

Post by Lio »

How could we forget, a teacher, a mother, a friend, a daughter, a dreamer that had ideals that were beyond war, petty skirmishes. We could never forget...The gifts received from the gatekeeper who turned away from the Light’ embraced the Shadow, and then finally the basked within the moonlight, A guardian to the young, a champion unique. A solitude dreamer giving the very best knowledge to every new dream.
With arms wide open she kept those close to her heart that mattered
A teacher for the better; always giving to the young, never taken anything in return
To hear dreamers talk, they would reminisce that she was more precious than the gold that spun above her head’ An example of sacrifice that others still follow in her steed
With a blink of the eye, she was taken too soon, never to touch the courtyard again. Sadness still looms.
Who gave the gift of dreams every waking moment, down in the Threshpits her self-imposed garden of she didn't see as gloom
With every word spoken, she grew dreamer potential
Her words inspired hope. dispelled confusion to the young
Remember dreamers…when nothing feels real, and you miss her so, go to her tree In Trinity and feel her healing in the memories you received. These memories are most precious than arts or spheres. The wounds that ached once she had fallen from afar are replaced by the time you spent with her in a decades gone by. Funny how the city never forgets a good dreamer that has gone to Overlight to rest forever in the greatest dream beyond.
She was our bundle of joy, a mother, a wife, a teacher, a daughter and a friend, who shall never grace the dream halls again. But…forever etched in our hearts our lessons
To watch her smile, each time the doorbell rang. It was her mission to allow for a good beginning.
How could we forget her loving voice, when she taught each and every dream below the busy pitter patter above, of dreamers' dreaming their dreams..
When dreamers recall, they wish they could embrace her one more time in their arms,as the city goes on.
How could we thank you, Ladybug…what are the words,
For being our best friend, For always making it your mission to put the young dreamers first
For always being there for us/them each and every new dreamer that graced our halls.
And loving us just because it was your dream to give the very best a mother, a teacher and a wife, a daughter and a best friend could give. Herself

RIP, you lived the Impossible Dream...new dreamers were your stars!
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