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default keymaps

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 11:43 am
by fancypearl
Doom layout

*talk T // works
*emote E // works
// (if you delete the /say or /me, press enter.. it hangs on the bar again.)
*Move Forward - W // works
*Move Backward - S // works
*Turn Left - A // works
*Turn Right - D // works
*Shift = Strafe // works
*Toggle Autorun = ` // works
*Toggle Mouse Look = \ // not sure if this works or not, no confirmation, left clicking on screen moves with it toggled or not.

*Reset Eye Level - R
*Look Up - Home // looks down
*Look Down - End // looks up

*Jump - Space Bar // works
*Use Item - Ctrl // works
*Use Portal (Trigger Switches) - F // works

*Show XP - X // works
*Show Active Effects = C // works
*Show Learnable Arts = Z // works

*Join Party - P // works would like to confirm with another player
*Leave Party - ' // works would like to confirm with another player
*Locate Dreamer - L // works
*Wave - 2 // would like to confirm with another player

*Give = V // works
*Focal Blade = B // works
*Know = / //works
*Trail = U //works
*Perform Action = E // works
*Select Next = M // works but item| person has to be selected first.
*Select Previous - N // works but item| person has to be selected first.
*Open Goal Book = G // works but is this big awful white screen..
*Meditation = Y // works
*Sense Dreamers = 1 // works
*Show Rank = K // works
*Show Shield = O // works

(Keyboard - 'Mouse Layout' Keymap)

Within "Options" > "Configure Keyboard" > (Click Twice) "Show More Keys": This is labeled as the 'Mouse Layout' button. If you click this button and click on "OK", it will reset all keybindings to the following below:

*Talk - T // works
*Emote - E // works

*Move Forward - W // works
*Move Backward - X // works
*Turn Left - Left Arrow // works
*Turn Right - Right Arrow // works
*Sidestep Left - A // works
*Sidestep Right - D // works
*Shift = Strafe // works
*Toggle Autorun = ` // works
*Toggle Mouse Look = \ // not sure if this works or not, no confirmation, left clicking on screen moves with it toggled or not.

*Reset Eye Level - R // works
*Look Up - Home // look down
*Look Down - End // look up

*Jump - Space Bar // works
*Use Item - Ctrl // works
*Use Portal (Trigger Switches) - F // works

*Show XP - X // works
*Show Active Effects = C // works
*Show Learnable Arts = Z // brings up avatar customization for some reason? even though it's shown bound to learnable arts.

*Join Party - P // works would like to confirm with another player
*Leave Party - ' // works would like to confirm with another player
*Locate Dreamer - L // works
*Wave - 2 // would like to confirm with another player

*Give = V // works would like to confirm with another player
*Focal Blade = B // works
*Know = / // works
*Trail = U // works
*Perform Action = E // works but will only send if not blank:)
*Select Next = M // works but item| person has to be selected first.
*Select Previous - N // works but item| person has to be selected first.
*Open Goal Book = G // works with big awful white background
*Meditation = Y // works
*Sense Dreamers = 1 // works
*Show Rank = K // works
*Show Shield = O // works