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Character Name(s): Onyx Nightblade, Onyx Nightstorm


Post by Onyx »

Going right along with Venom and his site and post...I've been digging through the web again. It's rather disheartening to see so much stuff disappearing due to people no longer dreamer or not keeping up with their sites or places like geocities discontinuing their services. There is so little stuff out there...and the amount is honestly dwindling.

So, I decided that I would repurpose a site that I've been running for a group of friends. Yes, it is a set of forums, but I'm not using it for that. You guys talk here. Unless you want to contribute. I'll be more than happy to house it all there. Hopefully it won't be a temporary thing.

There is still quite a bit out there. Feel free to criticize! It won't hurt my feelings a bit. :D

Read. Go back in time and enjoy! Relive the past...and think about the future.

Serenity Rising - A Repository of Dreams

Feel free to use the Teamspeak 3 server if you want, also. Just keep it out of character! :lol:
~Onyx Nightblade, Onyx Nightstorm... and maybe someone else?
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Re: Nostalgia?

Post by Cronides »

In that same vein, a good one that is still maintained is: http://www.underlightwiki.com/. Has a lot of history from both Lyra and SOT, and a lot of basic nuts and bolts information on the dream.
Looking at the cake is like looking at the future; until you've tasted it, what do you really know? And then, of course, it's too late.
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Character Name(s): Onyx Nightblade, Onyx Nightstorm

Re: Nostalgia?

Post by Onyx »

Well hell...the one thing I never looked for was a wiki. Hah! Good deal. Shoot, I could quit doing what I'm doing with that. :lol:
~Onyx Nightblade, Onyx Nightstorm... and maybe someone else?
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Joined: Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:18 pm
Character Name(s): Onyx Nightblade, Onyx Nightstorm

Re: Nostalgia?

Post by Onyx »

I've made some additions and chances to the site.
  • You can now join the Clash of Dreams IRC chat from a link at the top provided you have an IRC client installed.
  • Links to "living" sites added to the left side.
  • There is a little bit of information pulled from the original Lyra Underlight site. Some of this information may be outdated, and will be updated when I can.
I've tried to get information from sites that are archived. Among those sites are the original Underlight site, The Boundary Mists (thanks for that find, Zoruk!), DoL Scrolls by Loveslight, The Project of Enlightenment, and a couple of others. That being said, I'm also going to be adding information from "living" sites as well as basic game information.

If anyone has anything that they'd like to add, please feel free to let me know, or even add it to the forums there yourself.

Also, I think I named this post incorrectly. It started out as nostalgia, but it's certainly turned into a project. Hrmmm....

I'm bored and this gives me something UL related to do. Oh, and my banner looks like utter crap.
~Onyx Nightblade, Onyx Nightstorm... and maybe someone else?
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