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Directing Producer
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Joined: Fri Jan 05, 2018 9:22 pm

News and updates

Post by Koi-Cricket »

We have some changes our way that may impact the game through transitions. But our story, our team, we are all still here and dedicated to it and the players. We would like to give a huge thank you to <@716691900517842974> for doing this for us so that we can continue to play the game we all love. It is a huge commitment that he is willing to take on. Thank you Eudicot! Also thank you Jorkyn for all the years of dedicated service for us all. He has been a huge part in keeping the dream alive. He will still be around here and there though hopefully. Life has just become extremely busy for him but we thank him for everything. <@122540096871202817> viewtopic.php?f=2&t=10176

All of you may have noticed a little set back in the city over the weekend and some down time. And I feel with the lies and things that an ex disgruntled GM is spreading, I owe an explanation to the community and an apology. Last week, we had to remove someone that should have been removed months and months ago, but he tugged at my heart strings every single time. Not only did he break every rule that he could break, he continued to break the same set of simple rules to follow. I knew his passion for the game and the players, but he had a strong hatred for any type of leadership. Cheating should not come from players, but especially anyone on our team. I counted 21 Alts that he created in order to further along his PCs over the last several months by way of gratitude tokens. Dozens of logs sent out before he was even removed fully from the team of private conversations had. All leaving out the terrible things that he has said. We’ve had to clean out two empty houses recently due to stacks of items he placed there for his PC. Pack mules for his player characters on his GM characters and Alts. Training his own PC on his GM characters time and time again. Stealing and hiding quests of players he did not like and I assure you the list goes on and on. We’ve had to do a roll back due to the massive amounts of destruction that he caused in game, including destroying precious items that deceased players once owned. Continuously trying to split the community apart.. And still, regardless of the damage he is still trying to cause, and the two ex players that egged him on to do what he did, I wish him the best in whatever life brings him. The game will carry on, even if players may dislike the GMs, or love them. The game is not about one side or the other and I’ve always said that. We do appreciate you all.
Directing Producer