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Lore, history and other content by the citizens of Underlight preserved for posterity.


Post by Sadara »

A plum diary sits opened on the ground.

Eldryck says, "Sadara. There are things you must know before I go. I dont know how much time that is. First, I was placed here. Your father, your mother, our parents. To protect you, from our shard. I was to never reveal myself, even make enemies of you if I must, to protect you. I am very powerful as you and everyone knew. But I was to protect the entire City. Help it grow, no matter what got in the way. I brought Xun'rok to defeat Zaxun when that threat was very much real. I destroyed the mares bringers so that they wouldnt bring more. I broke the chains of the oracle so that gifts could be given. I brought the Nightstalkers to rid this city of nightmares. I fixed the heart when it was broken and the City started to crumble. The list goes on and on, sister. I did not strike to kill, I struck to control. The Club your father, and Silk carved was to prevent my full power from hurting anyone. Sister, did I do these things full of error? Yes yes I did. I made choices that looked poor, But I am telling you Sadara, it was always for the better. To give you a City you would be safe within. For everyone to be safe within. Father knows I am a fool, but he knew I would do whatever, what absolute ever.... I did. And look at you sis. Just look at what a wonderful person you turned out to be." -{S}