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Back by... no particular demand or anything.

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:43 am
by Elmer
Dear Elms,

I heard you make harrow weed brownies and I want to try some but my wife is a no go! This isn't fair, can you get some to me on the sly?

Dear Hank,
Well, I dunno about that, but I'll tell you what, I will make you one of my VERY special date night baskets with "dessert" included..nudge, nudge, wink wink. Find me bro.

Dear Elms,

Any time I try to go gen sit or work on my tasks somebody is always pestering the f*** out of me! How's a dreamer supposed to get anything done around here??
I just want to be alone!

Dear Just wanna,
Mind blank is handy, so are locked portals, if you are in a house. You could also dream at times when there aren;t many out and about or hey, have a wordie make you one of those sweet banners and announce, BUSY! TAKE A NUMBER!

Dear Elms,

My husband seems to have lost his uh.. get up and go, if you catch my drift, what should I do? So far nothing has worked. I am considering a boob job.

Starved for Stuff

Dear Starvin,
Sorry to hear this, I might suggest to first try to find out the underlying cause for this lack of...luster! Is it physical, psychological? boredom? Try some experiments, sexy new clothes, perhaps a surprise date night, make him or GIVE him all his favourite things and i mean alllllllllll of them girl!!! Boob job? No WAY if he loved your girls when you got married, he loves them now, don't you dare!

Dear Elms,

I feel like I have done all there is to do in the city, now what? I don't wanna go.

Dear Clueless,
We all go through this from time to time, don't worry, there is absolutely no possible way that you have done all there is to do. The possibilities in the city are endless.
Invent something, invent some ONE, be a new you, be an old you but with new hobbies, help others, explore unknown places in detail and take people on field trips, look for people you don't normally hang with and see what they are about. So much to do, when you are ready, you will get a clue.

Dear Elms,

There's a nasty h........ after my man, she is smart, pretty and funny. My man flirts with her ALL the time, it makes me mad, I cry a lot. I'm not violent or brave. what am I supposed to do?? Help!!
Not so pretty.

Dear Beautiful,
I would say a man who is flirting and not giving his attention to where it should be, is not worth your time. Don't cry, hold your chin up, be you and go on about your dreams, you may find that someone you were not even aware of has their eye(s) on you. Often times what or who we think was best was just a stepping stone on the way to true happiness.