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Journal Entry 2019-06-01

Lore, history and other content by the citizens of Underlight preserved for posterity.
Posts: 20
Joined: Fri Aug 21, 2015 3:04 pm

Journal Entry 2019-06-01

Post by Kaihan »

Dear Journal,

This has been a tumultuous journey back to my city. Unsure of what to expect. The Abyss and then the Labrynth have been larger Rifts in my predisposition than expected.

Hopefully there will still be a place for me there within the city or one can be found. It has been so long. To see Jiovani will make the journey all worth it. Not a day has gone by without me thinking of that man. Anaya as well along with LadySilver. True be told if the opportunity presents itself to teach again, it will all be worth it.

~Cyrus Kaihan