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The Cacophony:

Lore, history and other content by the citizens of Underlight preserved for posterity.
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Joined: Mon Jan 07, 2019 7:18 am
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The Cacophony:

Post by Tentacle »

☼ Ossuary of Dread: Visitation ☼

Change the cycle; break the cycle!

Help her!

When it rises; she rises. She always falls. Forever. It is told; it is known!

A thousand times she dies. A thousand times she fails. A thousand times she tries again!

Hear us! Change the cycle; break the cycle!

The Knights rise and bring The Darkness. Only she can kill them all!

Kill them all! Kill them all! Kill them all!

Free us from our Hell!

☼ Within the Palisade ☼

Do not fall for her temptations, her deceit. She is pure evil.

She releases my prisoners to build an army...to destroy you.

A thousand times you have helped her destroy you. Resist!

She is outside of time. Do not let her enter yours...or it will be the end of all!


☼ A Tattered Scroll ☼

Another failure. Instance 492 has been closed, all dreamers destroyed, energy recalibrated. Wiping prisoners' memories. Starting 493 within the week. Final sequence of 28 avoided, but still failure. Will implant half memories of 372, half 119. She is restored and reimprisoned. Better luck next time. -K

The Matron 🕷️
"She spins her golden web between us and the dream." - The Matron ☼, Soulkeeper