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The Eradication of Quests

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The Eradication of Quests

Post by Cuero »

I always did have a flair for the dramatic, and exaggeration. I do not want to remove the process of questing and training, though I would be the first to agree it needs an overhaul, let's not go there... what I wanted to address in these missives is my plans for alleviating the burden of carrying around numerous quest talisman by making quest codex appear in the goal book instead of our packs. I think this would be of particular interest to the Master Teachers reading these scrolls.

The idea is that when one is handed a quest talisman, the option to have the codex consumed, and the contents placed in your goal book would be available. If the quest is collaborative, perhaps this isn't the best option, and you would elect to leave it in Codex form. The logistics of that could of course be discussed. When it came time to report or be Trained, you would simply allow your selected teacher to interact directly with your goal book and grant you the plateau or art you seek.

I intend to use these pages in the Archives as a way of chronicling our progress. I have already begun to meet with numerous teachers and dreamers and acquire their feedback on whether this is a good idea or not -- and the overwhelming response has been akin to "GODS YES PLEASE THANK YOU." So I believe we would have support to move forward.

I wanted to impart my plan for incorporating this change and open the floor to feedback and suggestions. I believe that we need to directly manipulate the Goal Book itself, and the first step would be adhering a blank quest codex to it, and ensuring that it can stick on the pages. Afterward, we would need to assign that quest to a particular individual and teacher, and finally we would need to perfect the method of Train interacting with the pages on the book.

I think additional things are possible, as well. For Master Teachers' ease, I believe mini tasks should be regarded differently in the goal book, and they should have access to what students have tasks from them. Additionally, teachers and dreamers leave the City at times. The option to remove quests from your Goal Book should be available if a certain duration has elapsed or if the relationship with your teacher has decayed. Perhaps a history of tasks as well. Finally, I think there needs to be a hard cap. No student should have 40 active quests, it's simply too much to handle. The hard cap can be revisited.

If you have specific notions of how to achieve this to-do list, please seek our Cuero at your convenience. This is a community effort, and I hope that you all will support me as I try to alleviate the weight of our packs and utilize something that already exists to our benefit. Please bear in mind that there are many ways to skin a cat... your suggested method may not be selected or appropriate. It is not personal. We will simply pursue what makes the most sense.

To Do:
Initial engagement of interest: (Completed)
Discussion of best practices: (Completed)
a: Spoke with a number of dreamers to continue collecting indications of interest, brainstorm how to proceed, alternatives uses, edge cases, and problems we'd run into.
b: Spoke with Dreamers gathered following the Freespirit meeting and collected input for how to proceed
c: Spoke with a number of dreamers to explore an option to simply make quests weightless, added to potential courses of action
Create the initial book used for further experiments: (Completed)
a: Designed the primarily draft of the goal book to be used and put a plan in place to see it created
b: Acquired feedback on the designs and adjusted according to Forger input for scalability and reusability
c: Worked with numerous people in the Library, in particular Sala Erosa, Dina, Krodoc and Fin Marda to create the initial book that will be used in all further experiments.
Add additional pages to the book: (Completed)
a: Worked with Purple Lace, Reykah, Ra'as, Arnaya, Mzchievs, Brother Timothy, Fin Marda, others to add additional pages to the goal book that correspond to the various focus.
b: Each person was assigned a page and stitched it the book while sealing it with the corresponding focal element.
c: The book was bound with the dreamers' energy and Dreamsoul (in the form of blood) and is ready for additional uses.
Bind an quest codex to the goal book: (Completed)
a: Had a good crowd and worked on adhering a quest to the previously created goal book. At first it wasn't working, each page rejecting the quest in ways similarly represented by their various elements. The first successful effort was a Push task written by Kanto onto the Dreamsoul Page
b: For good measure, we had Nmoto inscribe a quest for Kinesis (far push) and inscribe it to the Gateekeeper page. That also worked. The book abruptly shut and I'll need to examine it to make sure it's still all right... it appears so.
c: Numerous dreamers in attendance: LadySilver, Magnilia, Kanto, Liolira, Sadara, Ra'as, Cloud, Fin Marda, Nathan
Perfect interaction of Train with the Goal Book: (Completed)
a: First few attempts the quest rebounded, unable to stick... however at long last the light fully encompassed and the Train worked, though the student learned nothing.
