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A Sage Healer's Guide to Healing Aura

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A Sage Healer's Guide to Healing Aura

Post by Dakkoth »

Fellow Sage Healer SoulMasters,

I wish to share a bit of my experiences with Healing Aura in respect to using it in battle.

Upon first learning Healing Aura back in Lyran times, the art was more of a symbol than a useful tool. A symbol that indicated a SoulMaster of extreme knowledge and ability with Resilience. Even then, it's practical use was nothing more than to improve it for a following plateau. In Lyran times to my knowledge, the SoulMaster's guild had not ascended it quite high as high sphered SoulMasters were 6th sphere at best.

For those who do not know what I speak, Healing Aura is a major Resilience artform costing 40 Resilience which heals the caster and party members simultaneously. It sounds amazing and it is if it weren't for the horrifically long evocation time. As I write this to you, my Healing Aura is of the 5th plateau and it takes 3.5 cones to channel all that Resilience unto all. As such, it has been hypothesized that Healing Aura would not become "battle ready" until about 8th plateau. But I believe this can be utilized much sooner.

I will agree that anything prior to 5th plateau is far too long and too little of a heal in comparison to how fast Restore works. That is how we view Healing Aura's "battle effectiveness". In that if I can heal my whole party faster with single evokes of Restore onto each and for more than Healing Aura, then Healing Aura is not "Battle Ready". But, as of recently we SoulMasters have attuned ourselves more with Resilience strengthening our artforms such as Healing Aura. It now heals much more than ever before. With that being said, Healing Aura at 5th plateau is in my opinion "Battle Ready" IF used in the following ways.

A 3.5 evoke column will not be feasible to do in the line of fire without drawing a great deal of attention to yourself. So do not go looking to enter a scrum of chakfire and think you will get off multiple uninterrupted evokes. What you should be looking for are opportunities to break away and gain a tactical logistical advantage. Sure heading to a nearby sanctuary and evoking it is clearly the safest way to do it. But as a Battle Sage Healer, we SoulMasters do much much more than simply healing. We can return chakfire. We can Abjure, Curse, Poison, etc. All which requires being on the battlefield. Now not every room be suitable for this but, find yourself a ledge, a bridge, something where you can make a move and breakaway and pull off some Healing Auras. This is especially useful in a room against Firestorms, Razorwinds, or when multiple party members are in the scrum requiring healing. At 3.5 evoke columns with the enhanced healing, it actually surpasses what a 5th plateau Restore could do individually. But you WILL need time and space to do this. If you are the center of attention, you will need to make a fancy move to distract your aggressor enough to get off a single evoke. I highly suggest waiting until you can make some space before attempting this Healing Aura at 5th plateau.

I was successfully able to use it a few times as such. In the Black ID of Caudal rift, I used Sprint to breakaway from a Datoken who attacked a lot of 4 of us. I jumped over the waters and onto the pillars to the side. From there, I was able to evoke FlameSear and chakfire when I had a good shot to do such. But more importantly, I was able to keep all my party coherent including myself by using Healing Aura of 5th plateau only. As you can imagine, with Bouncy chakrams, even a 1v4 can draw a lot of friendly fire let alone the enemy's fire. There were a few clutch times that a Healing Aura came JUST in time to heal a party member and prevented collapse where if I were using Restore otherwise, my focus would have been someone else and possible not have gotten a Restore off on the other party member to save them.

And THAT point alone is worth noting. Sometimes choosing who to Restore can be the issue and determining factor between coherence and non-coherence. If I'm in Sanctuary, I nay have eyes on the battlefield and cannot predict who is to be targeted next. But with Healing Aura that is not necessary as all party members would be healed.

Lastly, with each plateau thereafter further reducing the evoke time of Healing Aura, it would take until 8th plateau to get it to about 2 evoke columns I do believe at which point I would feel comfortable stopping to evoke during battle in the middle of a scrum. The amount it would heal would cover me should I receive fire in those short moments and benefit my entire party at the same time.

Tomes can be written on the subject of Battle Sage Healing. Until those are written, I hope you found something useful out of this. Thank you for reading.
