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The Ouroboros

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The Ouroboros

Post by Tentacle »

Time and again we visit the scene of our failures.
Pages from memory likely to be decried as worthless, shared.
The arrangement of the words carries the same weight.
Unity provides, a lack of it divides.
We all see it. There is no guile on the preacher's lips.
What has changed in this? In the "us"? Nothing.
'Cept perhaps one crucial thing.
What happens when a saviour tires of saving?
For some, the fight has been fought.
For some, they would draw line in sand and stand as toe to toe with the Great and dare it to blink first.



She began to hum a soft melody, words being sung. Yazishinari lifted a hand gesturing towards
Yazashinare and Yazashinara.

“We are together. We thank you for your assistance and abundance of charity,

Yazashinari spoke again. And all listened.

“Our sister has been freed from the Kadatorii's grasp. Your efforts at
keeping her isolated have allowed for her to finally rejoin us.”

She continued.

“We will not pretend that the war between our kind has come to an end.
There is much more going on beyond these walls. With our combined song, we
will be able to restore unity between our kind.”

Questions came quickly to our lips but most were brought to silence when
she spoke again.

“Although, Alliance, as repayment for what you have done to us... we will
warn you of things to come...”

Confusion and annoyance radiated through the room. Some were of persistence enough to
ignore it, focusing on the weight of the message and the moment.

“The echoes of the past have begun to stir within the desolate valleys of
your city. We have felt their rage, we have felt their pain. We have felt
their... loss.

It was then that the gentle melody Yazashinara had been offering changed to
the haunting melody of a dirge. Yazashinari raised a hand towards Tamarisk
and he accepted. In so doing the vision became his burden to bear. As we
would find out when we finally retired inside some small time later.
Our priest slid down the wall, holding his head in his hands he looked at us with bleary,
burdened eyes.

“That was no ordinary vision that they shared with me. I was there. I. was.
There. In that moment.”

We looked at him, concerned but holding ourselves back at the moment.

“And it was horrifying.”

His teeth found his own lip, biting it as he shook his head.

“It was a warning of something to come. I could smell the air. It was dank
and dusty.”

I stilled myself as our Priest continued.

“The smouldering facades choked me with all the ash and rubble."

He tried to stand then, staring at a nearby portal.

A few questions were put to him, as we all had a desire to know more of
this mystery the Siren Yazashinare had felt echoing through the city
itself. Some of our number for their own part had felt a growing foulness
coming to the surface, rising as if from some aquifer of corruption.

His gaze fell away from the portal then and moved between each of us still
gathered. It was the rheumy burden of it that I will remember. An insight
carried through him from an age not our own.

As his eyes found mine there was a prompting from within and words escaped

“What once was will come to pass again. What we feel now exists in both
states. The foulness I spoke of is a phantom stirring, a corruption of
essence coming full circle.“

As my words spilt forth the priest continued.

“That's when I heard the warning. They are coming. The face was familiar
but I can't make out who it could be.”

He shook his head then as if the burden of it all was finally passing.
"She spins her golden web between us and the dream." - The Matron ☼, Soulkeeper