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Chaos eclipse, maren hold on the Mt.& Thresh

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Location: Alabama

Chaos eclipse, maren hold on the Mt.& Thresh

Post by Magnum425 »

last week after Arnaya's work on the inchohate realm portals, myself and a small group of dreamers, Arnaya, Uthanatos, Rasputin, Hael Frost, Alexandyr attempted to remove the maren wards from the portals in threshold and the citadel. Me, Arnaya, and Hael Frost used a metallic alloy spring to try and pry the claw ward off from the citadel side we got the claw to come loose a bit but as we began making progress loosening the ward it snapped back tight as ever to the portal creating a chaos wave sending me arny and hael to a threshold room called the ark of duke where many strange things occurred we heard echoes screaming fighting and more thru one of the inactive portals then some lightning and floating eyes appeared as we began to translocate out of the room and sent us to a locked room in the lost caves. Uthantaos Rasputin and alexandyr used banish and raw energy on their side of the portal and had a very similar experience to mine, arnaya's and hael experience. in the end we all ended up in the lost caves.. lost cave apparently the chaos ripple swept thru the city a good ways.. Nathan also ended up joining us in the lost cave.

Tonight 1/27/18 we gathered again to remove the chaos wards in the citadel and threshold of DoL , we successfully removed the ward from the citadel side a Mare Qzerzethezia appeared in the nexus as we began to remove the ward, oddly enough this apparently very powerful mare seemed to stop time and space after I set off an explosion, un exploded my bomb and handed me a lunar candle which when placed upon the ward pulled blood from me onto the ward, the mare drew an ancient symbol on the ward with my blood and amazingly handed me my explosive back as if it turned back time to before it went off it vaguely guided me to try again skeptical i did set the bomb back to the portal which began to glow with my blood in the symbol drawn, the bomb destroyed the weakend ward with a chaotic ripple effecting all dreamers present. Excited and amazed we went inside threshold and attempted to remove the ward there with negative results needless to say that ward still remains. Many great thanks to all present and all who helped

2/3/18-2/4/18 after a long battle at the OoL house with a few darkmares we gathered in OoL threshold to remove more wards.. with the use of some ceremonial candles we successfully removed the EA/light hallways's ward.. sadly now the hallway is warded on both sides and flames are shooting up frome the floor.. we also failed to remove the other hallways ward as the syringe shattered before I could get the candle set and now a chaotic growth protected by the sanctuary is protruding from the ward and portal.

2/12/18 at a cost the chaos wards have been removed from chimeric plane in all houses several candles have been extinguished we have learned a good deal about Qzerz and the battle between kotoke and hota. More to come
3/8/18 Sorry its been so long since I've updated after digging through my scrolls i have forgotten to note several things, When we removed the Chaos wards blocking us from Chimeric, Arnaya, Uthanatos, myself and others destroyed the essence circle set up by Qzerz in chimeric, Nita said there was more chaos in that single circle then her entire army could muster ! so its good that we got that thing taken out !!
backtracking several weeks into the chaos eclipse The Dark mare Faerisplonos was willingly set free by use of one of the chaos blades as it turns out the dark mare was a father and daughter that were twisted and bound by chaos into the form of a Dark mare, they were Nicholas and Lydia Calenture may they rest easy now having been freed from their bondage.
also back tracking into the chaos eclipse several weeks the dark mare Horron was vanquished we assume unwillingly also by one of the chaos weapons Horron and Picco gave us a heck of a fight but in the end we ultimately over powered them due to sheer numbers.
Most recently after the chaos eclipse has past, We have continued our attempts to free the Dreams of Light stronghold from the grips of the Mares a few nights ago myself, Arnaya Uthanatos, Harkyn, Nathan, Purple Lace and several others assaulted the stronghold attempting to remove the chaos wards to gain entry deeper into the house.. we were unable to do so, after a battle with a Maren form formed from mists and candles in the pond of the gathering hall we successfully implanted a " CLeansing " prime into the floor of the gathering hall and tied it into the Portal conduits. we are currently planning our next plan of attack. i will continue to keep everyone posted, hopefully in a more reliable timeframe ! 3/15/18 the mares have been removed from DoL at 7:40dst myself and about 15 other dreams climbed the Mt to DoL stronghold after a long battle with the forces of chaos that resided within the house we managed to break through and remove the Chaos from the house. After the nerves withered, and the wards fell, the Qzerz Mare appeared in the mists of the gathering hall pond. In the end the newly freed house lent me its own strength the blast the maren form from the house we succeeded!