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Museum Guide

Lore, history and other content by the citizens of Underlight preserved for posterity.
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Posts: 831
Joined: Mon Aug 03, 2015 2:25 am
Character Name(s): Arnaya

Museum Guide

Post by Arnaya »

Museum Guide: Aka - How to get your stuff Not thrown out unceremoniously

Following much complaining and whining that all amounts to basically "Why can I fill up something meant for the city, with dozens of random things from my personal projects and events?".

So, with that in mind... the following are the agreed upon guidelines for use of the Museum to display.... whatever (No dick forges please).
1) In case anyone missed the above note in brackets... No Dick or Penis Forges or Codi (Other, similarly crude displays will be treated the same way). Seriously, save that stuff for the Silken Embrace nights. Such items will be immediately destroyed without warning or notice when found. This is the only notice.
2) The main hall is for historical relics and the like. Do not use for Forge displays, or art exhibits please.
3) The Hall of Horrors and Hall of Curio's are for (Largely) the display of artistic works and exhibits from events and what not.
4) Items being displayed in the Museum are to be left there for 30 days maximum please. This is primarily to ensure that there is space available for others to present their works (As much as possible anyway). Note that during quiet times, displays may be left up longer at the discretion of the wordsmiths. The inverse is also possible during exceptionally busy periods, but will be avoided whenever possible.
5) All Displays are to be labeled with a codex detailing: The Exhibits information (Date, event, Dreamer that put the display up, Authors/creators involved, etc), and the date that the display was put up.
6) The Wordsmiths will Archive any displays that are removed in order to preserve them (Excepting any items fitting within that defined by point 1. Those will be destroyed summarily). Please note that this is done as a courtesy by the Wordsmiths (Particular thanks go to Anasina for her work on this front), and that abuse of any wordsmiths engaging in such maintenance activities will not be tolerated.
7) Any grievances can be submitted to the wordsmiths as a group (Either via pigeon, or directly to one of the Wordsmiths who will subsequently notify the rest of the group), and will be reviewed by the Wordsmiths as a group.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to seek one of us out in the city or send a pigeon to one of us.

Thank you,
~ Arnaya, Wordsmith
The most important lesson I've learned over this past year, is not to let anyone make you cruel. No matter how badly you want to give the world a taste of it's own bitter medicine, it is never worth losing yourself.