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Locate Teacher Workshop V 4-19-17 minutes

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Posts: 221
Joined: Sat Aug 06, 2016 8:38 pm
Character Name(s): Frey, Kendo, That one guy
Location: French Camp, Ca.

Locate Teacher Workshop V 4-19-17 minutes

Post by fr3y »

Thank you everyone for attending and a special thanks to master akkadian.
I was a bit rushed in putting this together, so if there are mistakes I apologize.

Frey: First a recap.
Frey: We used Newly Awakened as a base because it was formed from 3 arts consisting of Locate, Sense and Support Train. Support train was used because of its ability to detect the age of a dreamer in a way using an ID number.
Frey: The art's changed since then, yet still performs its intended purpose by filtering out any who are sphered. What we tried to do was basically attempt to train Newly Awakened to detect a halo'd dreamer by filtering it through the essence.
Frey: as we mass evoked into the essence, gradually my results built up static until I wasn't sensing anything After a brief moment the static cleared and I received one word. Provenance.
Frey: we've had a few good results.. but that was the only that provided a location.
>Arnaya nods lightly to Frey
Frey: Usually we're restricted to imagery of some sort. and never clear imagery.
Frey: Then we attempted to lock down the location of this image by adding several small emmiters at high points in the dream with a larger, base emmiter at the nexus.
>Tember hops up on the ledge, she dangles her legs back and forth as she listens to Frey
>Arnaya grins lightly at Tember as she reaches over and starts tickling playfully
Frey: These multiple transmitters put out a harmonic pulse that would be reflected by halos, by sensing multiple echoes in this fashion, the emmiters could potentially triangulate a location. We did technically receive a location, but barely..
Frey: the crystals were overloaded and the base unit shut down. This may have occured for a multitude of reasons, but I'm betting the connections were simply overloaded from either the outgoing or incoming signals, or both.
>Tember squeals like a pig and swats at Arnaya, giggling (note:remember, lesbianism is always encouraged at my events)
Frey: Upon closer examination the first breaks appeared at the connectors attaching the forged multifocal halo. It could just be that this scale model halo was just too small to act as a proper filter for such a large amount of data.
>Arnaya laughs lightly and shoots Tember an impish grin as she gets swatted
>Tember grins wide, showing all teeth
Frey: this could possibly explain the failure of Nessa's halo to act as a proper filter as well.
Frey: So after devoting several of my gen hours to forging I came up with this bad boy
>Arnaya looks at Tember with a mischevious grin before she leans over and snaps her teeth playfully at Tember's shoulder
Arnaya: Oooo, Frey with the toys. Good timing hun
Frey rolls out A giant hoop about the length of a dreamer in radius, surrounded by a thin frame consisting of a larger circle, in turn connected to 2 supporting legs. The inner circle is composed of dozens of tightly knit of varying color.
>Arnaya grins playfully
Frey: feel free to check it out. the multifocal rope feels freaky.
You dropped the Pseudo-Halo Deluxe!
(desc)A giant hoop about the length of a dreamer in radius, supported by a thin frame consisting of a larger circle, connected to 2 supporting legs. The inner circle is composed of dozens of tightly knit of varying color. Closer examination reveals strands of red, blue, gold and jade woven together. Touching these bands, the feel like they're squirming, but in actuality they're humming with harmonic resonance. Looking through the hoop reveals a liquid and shifty version of reality.
>Tember sucks her pointer finger then slips it into Arnaya's ear
>Arnaya looks over the device curiously before she squeels and takes her turn swatting at Tember as she laughs
>Tember snorts as she laughs
>Jade examines the hoop and nods at Frey's words.
Frey: hopefully we can get a clear image through this. its connected to the other emitters.
Frey: What this consists of, is dozens of individual ropes, woven from dreamsoul and individually infused with one type of focal energy. these are made into ropes and these ropes are in turn made into an even larger rope.This should have the
>Arnaya stage whispers to Tember as she grins playfully: "If your going to stick something wet somewhere, make it somewhere fun"
Frey: effect of multiple halos. If you look you'll see that this is supported to a mithril frame with Stout crystalline rods, connected without crack or seam.
>Arnaya giggles lightly at Frey, nodding lightly
Arnaya: You did really good work with that
Frey: Which was no easy feat I can assure you. What you can't see is that the crystal has been cored out to allow an internal mithril support rod to each one, also seamlessly connected at both ends.
Frey: The crystalline transreceiver base unit has also been modified to allow for efficiency in moving large ammounts of data in the most simplistic manner possible, and lacking smaller connectors of any kind.
>Tember slaps one hand over her mouth as she glances over at Arnaya, giggling
Frey: If this can't handle the massive load then nothing in the dream can.
Frey: that's what she said.
>Arnaya looks at Frey, visibly impressed as she subtly nudges Tember with her elbow
>Jade laughs
>Arnaya laughs lightly as she grins at Frey
>Tember laughs at Frey, as she tumbles off of the wall
>Arnaya keeps looking a Frey, a little too deliberately innocent of an expression on her face
Frey: Also the galvanomagnetic thingy will function as a battery, it just needs a charge. So well focus on that, which will feed the halo and afterward it should hold enough of a charge to do so autonomously
>Arnaya nods lightly to Frey
>Frey chuckles at arny
>Tember reaches an arm around behind Arnaya and gives her hair a yank, then points to Jade accusingly
>Frey sets up
>Jade winks at Arnaya wiggles her fingers in a slight wave.
Frey: we should have a nice range of arts to use. so i need a volunteer for Newly awakened, support train and either a second NA or sense should suffice
>Arnaya squeeks as her head jerks with Tembers tug, biting her lower lip firmly for a minute as her body shivers. Then swats at Tember and looks around for something to throw at Jade
Frey: Ill rotate between locate, sense and NA
>Tember points to Arnaya "She volunteers"
Frey: you all do tember
>Frey chuckles
Frey: so just channel into that device there
>Arnaya laughs lightly as she grins a tember, stretching out a bit
Tember: But mostly Arnaya!
Arnaya: Hiya Akkadian hun
>Arnaya smiles brightly
Akkadian: Greetings young Citizens.
Tember: Hello.
Arnaya: Glad to see you around, I was beginning to wonder if Aggy had gotten you in your sleep or something
Frey: hello akkadian
>Frey bows
That's Akkadian
Jade: Hello, Akkadian.
Arnaya: Care to join in the experiment?
Frey: we were about to start our experiment.
Arnaya smiles lightly, waving to Dina
Tember: Hello, Dino
Frey: heya boss.
Dina: hello
>Dina waves
Akkadian: Have no fear young ones. It will take more than what that dark person has within him to rid the CIty of the likes of me.
Jade: Hey
>Arnaya grins at Akkadian, nodding
Jade: That's good to hear.
Arnaya: I think I was actually kinda hoping he'd try so I could tell tickets to the retaliatory spanking
>Frey smiles and nods
>Arnaya grins playfully
Frey: heheh Ive got 2 50's on akkadian
>Dina chuckles
Arnaya: and Great.... now you two have my mind focused on spankings. Thanks
>Arnaya pouts playfully at Tember and Jade
Tember: Oh erm, ds 50's?
>Jade snickers at Arnaya
Dina: haha
>Arnaya giggles
>Dina whispers something to Akkadian
Jade: Tember volunteers for two DS 50s.
>Arnaya giggles lightly at Jade
Arnaya: Hiya Sil hun
Tember: uh huh
>LadySilver waves
>Arnaya smiles lightly, waving
Frey: so what were doing is channeling evoke on the galvanomagnetic device... the alteror.. which is a battery that will feed the energy through the deluxe halo..
Dina: hello silver and poppy
Arnaya: Evening Poppy
poppygirl: Evening
Frey: this signal will feed the smaller crystalline emitters .. whose signal in turn should reflect from any contact with halos.
Frey: allowing us to triangulate position in a matter we werent able to attain previously
Arnaya nods in understanding to Frey
Frey: before we've only had success with imagery.
>Jade nods a bit
Frey: without starting from scratch, does anyone have any questions ?
Dina: just tell me what i need to do to help!
Frey: well we need someone evoking support train.. maybe 2. its given us success in the past
Arnaya: Okay.... I nominate Tember and Poppy for NA, Jade and Dina for Support Train I think it was, Frey hun?
>Akkadian intertwines his fingers and twiddles his thumbs as he listens.
Frey: one for newly awakened
>Arnaya grins lightly
Frey: and the rest NA, sense, or locate.
Akkadian: I offer my services in any way that you need them.
>Arnaya nods lightly to Frey
35:25: Frey: the idea is that we'll see an image through the halo.
>Arnaya smiles warmly at Akkadian
>Dina smiles at akkadian
Frey: maybe well pick up lace or ourselves
Frey: I appreciate it sir
Frey: I didn't want to bother you with a request but it would be appreciated
Arnaya: Evening Hammen, Druce
>LadySilver smiles and waves
>Arnaya smiles lightly, waving at the two men
Druce: Hellooo
>Druce grins crookedly
poppygirl: Hello Druce
>poppygirl smiles and waves
Frey: Ok we can start now. to the newcomers, just channel support train or locate, sense or NA into the alteror shaped device.
>Hammen whispers something to Purple Lace
Akkadian: Simply let me know how I may assist.
Tember: Hey there, Druce!
>Arnaya nods to Frey as she raises one hand and takes a couple of long breaths
>Arnaya smiles warmly at Tember as she nods in understanding
Druce: Hey Tember!
>Akkadian nods to Master Lace.
Frey: well channel support train into the alteror. unless you find a superior method .
37:51: Frey: Im certainly open to change things up on the fly.
>Purple Lace cracks her neck and evokes Support Train, and begins to focus on the Alteror
Jade: Any type of rotation, or all at once with each art? (sorry jade it was getting hectic in there)
>Elmer bows
>Frey starts it off with Newly awakened, then cycles through locate and sense dreamer
Elmer: hey everybody
Frey: watch the hoop for any imagery in the meantime. everyone can start now
>Dina starts to evoke support train and channels the energy to the alteror
Frey: focuson the alteror.. it will serve to charge it as a battery so it can function autonomously after this
>Arnaya tips her head back as she starts to sing. The melody seemingly without words, but seems probing and intent as it tries to spread out widely, only focusing most intently after a moments struggle
>Frey focuses intently
>poppygirl Evokes support train and focuses on the alteror
>Akkadian removes a single orb from his Master halo and sends it to feed the alteror.
>Tember nods to Arnaya
>Arnaya whispers something to Tember
>Purple Lace whispers something to Ubiquitus
Frey: the larger halo should withstand the stress the earlier versions couldn't handle
>Jade draws her hands together, summoning a steady evoke of Support Train, while keeping her eyes settled on the Alteror. She holds the evoke a moment as she casts it toward the device.
Frey: like poor nessas halo.
>Frey breathes deeply and evenly, increasing his output
>LadySilver focus on the alteror
>Ubiquitus evokes Locate Dreamer and focuses the energy of the art flame at the alteror
>Arnaya shifts her stance a little, narrowing the focus cone of her melody onto the alteror device. The music flowing through and around it tightly
>Purple Lace cracks her neck and narrows her eyes, focusing more on the alteror with her support train art
>Frey further increases his concentration
Frey: I'm sensing something
The alteror begins to resonate and hum.
Akkadian: Can you all feel it?
Dina: ahh i hear it
>Jade readies another evoke of Support Train just as the first finishes. Bringing both hands out, she directs the energy at the alteror once more.
>Dina nods
>Purple Lace tilts her head and cringes a bit at the noise, nodding slightly
LadySilver: aye!
Frey: pour it on
>Hammen eyes widen
>Dina keeps her focus on her art and the alteror
>poppygirl continues to focus on the alteror sending the energies to it
>Purple Lace takes a deep breath, blowing it against her Support Train evocation, swirling it around tightly and towards the alteror.
Arnaya: shifts her melody to a bolstering, encourating tune. The notes moderate, more of an undertone than a dominant melody as she focuses it tightly into the alteror
>Arnaya shifts her melody to a bolstering, encourating tune. The notes moderate, more of an undertone than a dominant melody as she focuses it tightly into the alteror
>poppygirl watches as the alteror disappears
A flickering image appears in the loop briefly. It quickly flashes from one image and then to another.
>Purple Lace blinks
>Frey smiles at the results
>Blodeuwedd curtsies low, her head bowed
Frey: the energy has apparently rendered the hoop invisible. keep it up
>poppygirl blinks
>Frey watches the floating portal closely
>Ubiquitus keeps his art focused on the alteror. The chalk flame of the evoke rises, then pulses into the talisman in the floor
>Dina waves to blodeuwedd
>Jade returns to her evoke, after the resonating hum of the alteror sounds in the room. She watches the image within the hoop silently, continuing to channel the art.
>Purple Lace focuses more Insight into her evocation, swirlng it tighter and flowing more intensely
Frey: still no location but the images are clearer than ever
>Arnaya smiles brightly as she continues to sing, keeping her melody tightly concentrated. Her eyes beginning to flicker emerald in time with the pulsing of her halo
The images seem to speed by faster and faster until they become a blur of faces.
>Purple Lace shuts her eyes tightly and concentrates on her evocations
>Hammen squints
>Blodeuwedd eyes Frey's evoke, nods and evokes
Frey: amazing.. it might be too much data to observe visually
>Ubiquitus tries to synchronise his evoke so that the pulses are more constant from the other dreamers, stabilising the images
Frey: it doesnt seem to be changing any further. lets give it another minute.
>Jade squints at the speed of images.
Frey: Ok that should suffice
>Frey winds down
The images within the alteror spin to a halt and a wave of energy speeds from the item in all directions.
>Arnaya quickens her breaths in smooth time to her melody as her song increases in volume and power. The glow from her halo's flaring abruptly with the last notes of the song
>Purple Lace takes a breath and lowers her arms
>LadySilver ducks
>Frey watches as the galvanoelectric device pops back into vision.
>poppygirl ducks quickly
>Frey examines it closely
Frey: and it appears the new battery is fully charged
>Arnaya smiles brightly at Frey as the energy washes over her, then pulls out a flask and takes long sip from it
>Jade tapers off her evoke slowly as she nods to Frey.
>Purple Lace turns and looks up the stairs
Akkadian: That was interesting. It seems that you may need to reinforce the structural integrity of the alteror just a tad bit more.
Purple Lace: Is that normal?
Frey: This is great news. Next week we'll try to further advance. It seems we're onto something though.
Purple Lace looks a the object on fire.
Arnaya: It appeared during the ritual
Frey: Yes..
Arnaya: That one of your resonators, Frey hun? (actually it was the battery we were charging coming back into view)
Frey: it should power the crystalline emmiters by itself now and allow more collection of data.
>Arnaya nods lightly to Frey
Frey: the base emmitter and halo have vanished apparently
>Blodeuwedd nods to Lace
Arnaya: and hiya to everyone that came in there, glad everyone could make it
>Arnaya smiles brightly
Frey: I can reforge those and and try to figure out why for next week.
>Frey applauds the attendees
>Arnaya nods lightly in understanding to Frey
Frey: Any questions for what just occured or suggestions ?
>Arnaya shakes her head to Frey, smiling warmly
Frey: And of course a huge thanks to Akkadian
>Hammen nods to Purple Lace
Ubiquitus: Sorry some of weren't here sooner. There was a impromtu meeting to help AoE become more active in events like this
Purple Lace: Frey, can ye summarize for the late arrivals?
Frey: You'd have to have been here from the beginning but I promise the minutes will be up tomorrow.
>Akkadian nods his head
Frey: I can explain a specific detail perhaps
Purple Lace: Ok, well Hammen is a newcomer. Can ye give like an overall objective statement?
Frey: weve had problems with overload, so this week I used a much larger halo as a filter.
Frey: We're trying to create an art Hammen
Frey: Locate Teacher.
Frey: Hopefully extend that to elders as well.
>Ubiquitus mumbles, "I still like Summon Teacher better"
>Blodeuwedd giggles
Frey: We do this every week here.. expanding on what we discovered the previous week.
>Dina chuckles
Dina: i agree ubi!
>Arnaya grins lightly at Ubiquitus
>Frey chuckles at ubi
Ubiquitus: oh sorry, did I say that outloud?
Dina: but it would be nice to sense when your teacher is in the city
Frey: you be the one that yanks akkadian out of bed to hear your report, i wont be a party.
>Purple Lace loves her Summon art and isn't teaching it to ~anyone~!
>Jade trances
Frey: We've had great progression this week and I can't wait to work on the next one.
11:11:28: Purple Lace: Frayed logic
11:11:39: You Say: no
11:11:43: You Say: Freyed logic

I don't compete, I'm the prize.