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Locate Teacher Workshop 3-22-17

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Joined: Sat Aug 06, 2016 8:38 pm
Character Name(s): Frey, Kendo, That one guy
Location: French Camp, Ca.

Locate Teacher Workshop 3-22-17

Post by fr3y »

We had a great attendance last night, so thanks to everyone who made it. I feel like I'm starting to get my sea-legs under me in regards to running these and look forward to the remaining 4 events.

Our first experiment went well, not so much for poor AJ, as she had to give the ultimate sacrifice for the cause.. sitting through the entire event. No no just kidding, she allowed herself to be collapsed so we could use her essence as a focus/filter in which to channel Sense Newly, Locate and Sense Dreamer through. It was kind of another last minute change for me so I apologize, the essence provider we were counting on wasn't able to attend. I had other ideas I was going to push on with, but we'll be working on those this saturday evening at 8, again all are welcome to attend.

Here are your minutes, slightly edited to make me look better.

Thanks for coming everyone
Coraal inclines his head to the gathered
Frey: a couple things really quickly. I'm most likely making these 1 night a week events unless a special occasion pop up, does saturday or wednesday work better for you ?
Arnaya waves lightly to Coraal
LadySilver waves
Coraal waves at Arnaya and Arlyana
there will be one this saturday for sure
Coraal pokes Silver
LadySilver: evening chaplain
Arlyana Jax: Alo COraal
Frey: heya coraal
LadySilver giggles
Arnaya: Either works for me, Frey hun... at least most of the time
Coraal: Good evening, all
Arlyana Jax: Either or for me
Arlyana Jax chuckles
Arlyana Jax: Typicla non-committal Seer here
Arnaya sticks her tongue out playfully at Hael Frost
Frey: alright
Frey: Also tonight we were going to do the experiment filtering NA through a teachers essence. I was thinking that it may be too specific to help. We can certainly find out. But I had some alternate ideas I'd like to throw out.
Frey: we'll go ahead with the essence idea, but lace was going to bring it and i don't see her.
Frey: we could take a small amount of focal energy or a piece of all four kinds of halos and use forge to shape that material into a mixed item, maybe shaped like a halo, that has fingerprints of each focus basically.
LadySilver whispers something to Coraal
Dar'canon: You need a MT's essence?
Frey: we were hoping for one yes
Arnaya: any teacher would probably do it
Arlyana Jax: What about chakrams? They are attuned to focus
Frey: i can offer mine up if anyone needs energy
Arlyana Jax looks around suspiciously
Arnaya giggles lightly at Arlyana
Frey: possibly aj
Dar'canon: I have a Bladeslayer essence but you have to be REALLY careful with it
Frey: basically. Then we use that as a filter. or even imprint the energies temporarily on my apprentice halo as it's a bit more universal in nature.
Arnaya: This will likely blow it up, Dar
Frey: yeah maybe not dar
Dar'canon grins
Frey: another idea is we collect blank quest codexes from as many teachers as we possibly can and use those in an experiment. My pack hates that idea though.
Arnaya: Well, why don't we do the halo thing then?
Frey: But let me finish up on what i found in my research concerning newly awakened first though.
Frey: sure we can.. let me finsih this up real fast
Frey: It was formed from 3 arts. Locate, sense and support train. This was big news to me, because if we used an art only teachers possess, then support train would qualify and was already built in.
Frey: All we'd need to do is use not the art but the POSSESSION of the art as the prime filter. Of course quest would work along with others. But the inherent nature of support train was already embedded.
Arnaya nods lightly as she listens
Frey: the latest is that that particular version of support token isnt what's available today. Apparently that version contained an "ID number" on the actual token. Ras says "Each dreamer always had the same "ID number" but it wasn't unique
Arlyana Jax mutters softly and mournfully drops her halo
Dar'canon grins at Arlyana
Frey: wasn't unique to the dreamer."
Arlyana Jax nods in agreement
Frey: So i wondered if we should still hold onto to support or just switch to Quest as was suggested.one last thing, it's also been suggested we've bit off more than we can chew with this.
Arnaya whispers something to Arlyana Jax
Arlyana Jax coughs at the "we" and winks at Frey
Frey grumbles
Frey: that previously large groups were needed to form arts and this was perhaps a waste of time.
Arlyana Jax: Impossible
Arnaya shakes her head
Arlyana Jax: Poison was changed with this size of group
Frey: I think we have a few things going for us though. For One, to represent a decent portion of the dreamer population, they HAD to have numbers back then
LadySilver: four dreamers create newly awakened
Arnaya: Who told you that, so I can go hit them over the head repeatedly with a 60?
Frey: Today we may be fewer, but that just means it takes fewer to represent a decent portion numbers wise, if you get my drift.
Arlyana Jax: Here here!
LadySilver: crowds were not necessary
Frey: -insert unnamed dreamer who doesn't deserve to be thrown under the carriage here- actually
Arnaya nods to Frey
she didnt have bad intentions
Arnaya: Good, just means when I hit over the head with the 60... I won't do permanent damage
Arnaya winks playfully, grinning
Coraal chuckles
Frey: Our fewer numbers make us stronger as individuals. Also, with akkadian pushing more teaching lately, this can only help. Also everyone I meet wants this art.
Arlyana Jax laughs
Frey: Access to elders and teachers not on our usual list means that those teachers will task more, there will be more opportunities to learn and we might make new friends in the process.
LadySilver: smiles to frey
Arnaya nods in agreement with Frey
Frey: process. It can really can only benefit this city overall. Finally if any of you have projects you'd like to discuss, bring them up here.
Frey: arny has something i know she'd like opinions on
Arlyana Jax: I LOVE this idea Frey
Arnaya: Was that the Power Band one, Frey hun? (yes, sorry i missed this question)
Frey: If possible we can make this meeting a regular thing to assist each other. You're a good, insightful bunch and we have a lot to offer I think.
Arlyana Jax whispers something to Dar'canon
Frey: We can do the filter experiment or work on the multifocal halo.. both if we're efficient. How do you guys want to proceed tonight ?
Arlyana Jax: I wonder if we could combine this with PIE?
Frey: i dont want these to go too long if possible
Frey: thats a great idea.
Arlyana Jax: Everything's better with pie
Arlyana Jax chuckles
Arnaya snaps her fingers, a soft bass beat rising as her halo re-ignites and starts swirling around her head as an emerald distortion
Frey: we dont quite have every focus here.. but i have some experiemtnal rings we could try
Coraal laughs at Arlyana
Arnaya giggles lightly at Arlyana
Frey: true aj
Arlyana Jax: You know it Coraal
Arlyana Jax winks
Coraal laughs harder
Coraal: I'll hold my tongue on the grounds of incrimination
Coraal winks at AJ
Arnaya: Pick one, Frey hun... I think we're all on board with trying something
Frey: if we use the essence then we'd need an essence
Arnaya giggles lightly at Coraal and Arlyana
Frey: anyone have access to a teachers essence ?
Arlyana Jax grins at Coraal
Arnaya: Meh, I piss off enough people I'm sure someone would float me for one
Arnaya winks lightly, grinning
Arlyana Jax: Give me a sec and I'll provide one
Arnaya: Send me a note on the board then.... and Actually Do it this time.... so I can get you some of the energy back
Frey: dont collapse yourself i can do that. im half a teacher
Arnaya smiles softly at Arlyana
Frey: just collapse me twice
Arlyana Jax: ANd deprive myself of a screaming Shamblix?!
Arnaya laughs lightly
Arlyana Jax winks
Frey: sorry -insert noncommital dreamer name here- swore she had it covered
Arnaya: One essence should do it Frey hun
Frey: who needs energy ?
Frey: cmon arny you do the honors then
Frey: looks like shes forging.. i hope its a pie
Arnaya shrugs lightly
Arnaya: No worries hun
Arnaya: There's three volinteers.... High Random gets dropped
Arnaya grins lightly
Arnaya pulls 15 from the Chaos
Arnaya: Or just, you know... go with whoever isn't storming....
Arnaya sighs
Arlyana Jax pulls 100 from the Chaos
Arlyana Jax laughs
Arnaya: Ooo, Go AJ
Coraal: She shoots and scores!
Frey: cheats
Arnaya laughs lightly
Arlyana Jax: I win!
Frey pulls a 101 from the chaos
Arlyana Jax: CHannel when you float me, easy fix
Arlyana Jax chuckles
Arnaya giggles lightly
You have left Threshold, Gateway to the Dream City
You have entered Edgeward Barrows
You begin channelling energy to Arlyana Jax.
Frey: ok channeled
Arlyana Jax: It's just energy and for a greater cuase
Frey: sorry i owe you
Arlyana Jax cause even
Frey: any preferred method ?
Arlyana Jax: Blast?
You evoke Blast on Arlyana Jax!
You evoke Blast on Arlyana Jax!
You evoke Blast on Arlyana Jax!
You evoke Blast on Arlyana Jax!
You evoke Blast on Arlyana Jax!
Arlyana Jax: I only have 30 currently, I was trying to self collapse with Forge (AJ i'm sorry I didn't catch or process this, I defintely missed the self collapse part)
You evoke Blast on Arlyana Jax!
You evoke Blast on Arlyana Jax!
You evoke Blast on Arlyana Jax!
Arlyana Jax: GIve upi and imp at the same time(again sorry :()
You take the Arlyana Jax!
Frey: im sorry
Arlyana Jax: FOr what?
Arlyana Jax: I'm not
Arlyana Jax chuckles
Frey: she put up a helluva fight
Arlyana Jax laughs
Arnaya laughs lightly
LadySilver smiles
Frey: btw it takes 8 blasts to get to the center of an Arlypop
Arlyana Ja: 30 DreamSOul (it's making me crazy not knowing what she meant by this)
Arlyana Jax chuckles
Arnaya: I thought it was the woman that was supposed to get to th... never mind. I'll behave myself
Frey: arny can you assist with the experiment please
Arnaya laughs lightly
Frey: i was better prepared for the halo experiment

This is entering the phase where my lack of experience played a major role, next time I know to slow down and breathe a bit instead of trying to stay on schedule.

Arnaya: of course Frey hun, what do you need done?
Hael Frost whispers something to Arnaya
Frey: how do we do this the best way ?
Frey: this part might not be in the minutes hehe
Arnaya laughs lightly
Frey: who has newly awakened , the art ?
Arnaya whispers something to Arlyana Jax
Frey: besides me
Arnaya: I think all of us do
Arnaya: Hael hun?
Hael Frost shakes her head.
Frey: ok we;re going to evoke through the essence. i have a gizmo handy that will help read the results
Arnaya nods lightly
Arnaya: Dar'?
Frey: lets do this
Arnaya: Did you want Hael to use Sense or Locate instead?
Frey: where should i place the essence
Frey: nods to arny
Frey nods to arny
Frey: locate works hael
Arnaya: Probably just hold it in front of yourself
Arnaya winces lightly at where LadySilver was standing
Frey: its probably best to have it used anyway in the process. maybe another could evoke sense
Arnaya: Welcome back, Coraal hun
Coraal grumbles
Coraal: Thanks
Arnaya: and just a heads up Frey hun.... we're getting hammer with storms right now...
Frey: coraal can you evoke sense through the essnce ?
Frey nods to arny
LadySilver steals coraals umbrella
Coraal inclines his head to Frey and begins to channel his sense into the essence
Frey: sil just evoke newly awakened into the essence
Arnaya whispers something to Hael Frost
Frey: hael will do locate, the rest sense newly
LadySilver nods to frey and aims her newly awakened at the essense
Frey: are we ready ?
Arnaya nods lightly to Frey as her eyes begin to flicker a soft emerald
Arnaya: AJ's stormed as well, just so you know
Frey holds it out in front of him and begins to breathe deeply and evenly as a circle of wind gathers at his feet
Coraal focuses his energy into this Sense and then releases it towards the essence
Frey: ill start casting NA repeatedly
Arnaya: Nope, no evoke pillar from Restore on her
Frey: ok we can give her a few.. in the meantime want to bring up your project arny ?
Frey: or we could after
Arlyana Jax mutters
Frey: welcome back
Frey smiles
Arnaya: We'll talk about that afterwards, hun
Frey: ok hael uses locate, coraal sense and the rest are using newly awakened
Arnaya nods lightly to Frey
Frey holds the essence in front of himself again
Arnaya gestures towards Frey, a softly inquiring melody reminiscent of a lullaby, swirls out towards Frey. Focusing around the essence in his hands before starting to flow through it.
Arlyana Jax whispers: Just evoking or channeling?
Coraal chuckles and once more begins to channel his Sense through a tendril of emerald light.
Frey concentrates as the winds gather and begins to chain evoke newly awakened
Frey: im going to monitor my results as i recast it to see if anything changes
Hael Frost closes her eyes, her brows furrowed as she focuses perhas a little too hard on her locate and then channels it through the essence.
Frey: the rest just do what you can to channel the energy though the essence to me.. right arny ?

Ok there were a lot of evokes here, so I'll condense them without removing anything important. I'm translating my evoke results into words to convey my experience

You begin evoking Newly Awakened
You sense the following newly awakened dreamers:
Stormy Ed..rds, currently pro....ed from b..... loc....
Nathan hugs Coraal from behind.
Arlyana Jax increases her fluttering speed, sending the chalk and jade sparkles of her Newly Awakened evoke into the essence held by Frey
You sense the following newly awakened dreamers:
Sto.............s, currently prot........................................
Frey watches the results closely
Frey: still showing stormy only but theres a lot of static
Coraal pictures the essence like a lens and tries to focus his Sense "through" it and into Frey beyond
Arnaya nods to Frey as she starts making a circling gesture with one hand, just moving her wrist. The melody looping back on its self as it passes through the essence
You begin evoking Newly Awakened
You sense the following newly awakened dreamers:
You begin evoking Newly Awakened
You sense the following newly awakened dreamers:
LadySilver salutes to nathan
Nathan waves to LadySilver, ten everyone else.
You begin evoking Newly Awakened
You sense the following newly awakened dreamers:
Coraal smiles at Nathan's touch, his concentration holding steady
Arnaya: Your experiment hun, I'm just here to provide advice and support as needed. You've got this
Frey sticks his tongue at arny
Arnaya winks at Frey as she continues to focus her melody through the essence, then waves to Nathan
Frey: theres something else showing but i cant determine it yet
You begin evoking Newly Awakened
You sense the following newly awakened dreamers:

Frey: p..prove ?
You begin evoking Newly Awakened
You sense the following newly awakened dreamers:
You begin evoking Newly Awakened
You sense the following newly awakened dreamers:
Stormy Ed...ds, curre.tly prote..ed fro. being lo...ed
You begin evoking Newly Awakened
You sense the following newly awakened dreamers:
Stormy Edwards, currently protected from being located
You begin evoking Newly Awakened
You sense the following newly awakened dreamers:
Stormy Edwards, currently protected from being located
Arnaya looks curiously at Frey
Frey: provenance.. thats it .. i dont see a name in particular. It said it clearly once then I lost it.
Frey scratches his head
it did blur out stormy entirely for a second though
Arlyana Jax: That's a result
Frey: currently provenance is all i got.
Arnaya continues to gesture, her melody constantly swirling around the essence with a faint azure glow as she nods in agreement with Arlyana
Coraal: And Stormy is on Lambent
Arlyana Jax: That's more specific then Threshold
Frey: i guess it will have to work for now. You're right AJ, off that it wouldn't say threshold.
Arnaya: Well, since every current teacher in the city is in this room.... I'd say that's a good success
Arlyana Jax: Indeed
Frey: yes. This looks to me like progress
Arnaya: particularly for a first effort
Frey adjusts his collar
Frey: We made progress anyway
Arlyana Jax: Want me to move into Threshold and see if anything changes?
Coraal nods in agreement to Frey
Arnaya lowers her hand and clenches her fist, her melody and its distortion fading to silence
Arlyana Jax slows her fluttering speed to normal
Frey: you can if you want to.. i think this gives us something for a base effect though
>Coraal's tendril of energy dies away slowly, leaving a lingering trail of emerald light in its passing
Arnaya: Hiya Ras hun
Rasputin: Hello
Arnaya smiles brightly, waving
Coraal inclines his head in greeting to Rasputin, then turns to give Nathan a hug and kiss before turning back to the meeting
Frey: this will definitely do for now
Arlyana Jax: Better than most for a first attempt
Arlyana Jax: Alo Ras
Frey: i've got a lot to consider
Rasputin: apparently I missed the most exciting part?
Hael Frost relaxes some, breaking her concentration.
Frey: thank you everyone
Arlyana Jax: Just missed it
Arlyana Jax chuckles
Frey: yes but AJ might let you collapse her again
Frey snickers
Frey: if you can stay lets help out arny
Rasputin: So... did it give no actual names but a specific room location for teachers?
Frey: you're perfect for that ras
Arnaya: Well, I just need some input on a project
Frey: no it seemed to want to target thisroom though
Coraal smiles to himself a moment
Arnaya: One of our Dreamsmiths.... damned GK's...
Arnaya mutters
Coraal wraps an arm around Nathan's waist, pulling him close
Arnaya: has something he'd like to see, that's actually kinda neat
Frey nods to arnaya
Arnaya: A multi-use Power Token
Rasputin: So the result was kind of like Sense Dreamer, but still more specific?
Arnaya: Or a containment device that would hold and allow access to multiple Power Tokens
Frey: yes it gave a location, i can fill you in after this
Frey smiles
Arlyana Jax: It pinpointed this room rather than merely Threshold
Frey: which was odd
Frey: sorry arnaya
Arnaya: Before I can do much, I need some input on which idea would be the better way to go
So, any suggestions?
Arlyana Jax: SO like a modified Chaos Well?
Frey: so its like a chaos well for power tokens
Arnaya: OR, a multple strength Power Token
Arlyana Jax points at Frey "Jinx!"
Frey: thats what i thought AJ
Coraal: I would vote on the Well, Arny
Arnaya giggles lightly
Arnaya nods lightly to Coraal
Coraal: The creation of a PT requires a Prime
Coraal: And unless you wish to tinker directly with that...
Frey laughs at aj
Arnaya: I think that's kinda what Thunder had in mind with things... but I've done enough tinkering involving our prime for this half of the year
Coraal laughs softly
Frey chuckles
Arlyana Jax: Yes, yes you have
Coraal: And a device would offer a lot more in the way of failsafes
Arlyana Jax nods firmly
Arnaya nods in agreement, then grins lightly at Arlyana
Rasputin: Also, if you work from the outside, something that will collect power tokens, it means not messing with the prime itself
Rasputin: It would be safer in that way.
Arnaya nods in agreement with Rasputin
Rasputin: Though Power Tokens are quite different from Essences.
Arnaya: Nathan, Hael, Sil?
Rasputin: So it would take some significant work still
Arnaya looks curiously at the three, then nods in agreement with Rasputin
Rasputin: If you were to accomplish it... would it be a House only art?
Arnaya: Most likely, but not nessesarily
Rasputin: Since Power Tokens are the perview of the houses?
Arlyana Jax: But the TOkens are used by everyone
Arnaya: I don't intend it to be a House art
Rasputin: It may be possible to make it a specially forged talisman.
Arnaya nods in agreement with Rasputin
Rasputin: So instead of having it an entirely new art work it into Forge.
Arnaya: That's what I'm thinking as well
Arlyana Jax taps her chin
Rasputin: So every forger has access to it, but probably require a Power Token to make it.
Rasputin: It's significantly complex to require that cost
Frey nods in understanding
Arnaya nods in agreement
Arnaya: Hmm... this gives me a few idea's to work from
Coraal smiles and nods to Arlyana
Arnaya grins mischeviously
Rasputin: So then there is the question of how many Power Tokens it could safely hold.
Arlyana Jax: So far as I am concerned, PTs are already multi purpose
Arlyana Jax chuckles
LadySilver slips ice down the rasputins neck
Arnaya: Okay.... probably not a good idea, but... Oooo.... the possibilities
Frey laughs at silver
Arnaya giggles
Rasputin hugs Sil
LadySilver you didnt hug me
Arlyana Jax chuckles
LadySilver hugs and giggles
Arnaya grins lightly at LadySilver and Rasputin
Rasputin: I hope that 's why you are harassing me
Arlyana Jax: Lucky it's a sanc Ras
Arlyana Jax winks
LadySilver: but of course carry on
Arlyana Jax whispers something to Coraal
Rasputin: She knows better than to attack me.
Coraal winks at AJ
Arlyana Jax: Deafen is merely a means of garnering attention, not an attack
Rasputin: I might become quite cross
Rasputin: Regardless.
Arlyana Jax chuckles and smiles to Coraal
LadySilver: see aj knows i wanted attenion
LadySilver grins
Arnaya: Okay, Thank you everyone... that's what I needed from here. I'll have some more stuff coming up soon on this, but I have to do somethinking and get over the "and we could do this, and this, and maybe this, or this... and what about this
Arnaya: Phase of things first
Rasputin: It might be too ambitious to allow a number of tokens to be absorbed equal to the charges a Forger can put onto a talisman... that would be a LOT of power in one Talisman.
Arnaya giggles lightly
Rasputin: So... maybe 5 per Forge plateau.
Arnaya nods lightly to Rasputin
Arlyana Jax: so 60 would have 30?
Arnaya: or 2 per even
Arnaya: well, 2 plus 2 per
Rasputin: But... do we think Forge can be adjusted to make such a specialized Talisman
Arnaya nods lightly to Rasputin
Rasputin: As it is now, we are limited to the standard functions.
Arlyana Jax: It has undergone a fair number of changes recently, so I think it is stable enough to be considered
Arlyana Jax: But the forms have changed
Arnaya: All the more reason to give it a Try Ras hun
Arnaya winks lightly, grinning
Rasputin: As far as I've noticed it's only been the shape not the function that's been altered
Arnaya nods in agreement
Arnaya: That is all that's been changed
Rasputin: And the shape of a thing is more open to changes than the function.
Arlyana Jax: During my experminents, I was able to create an item with a currently non-Forgeable art, so the possibility is there
Frey trances very briefly
Arnaya blows off a shield and gives it a quick polish before passing it to Arlyana
Arlyana Jax whispers something to Arnaya
Frey smiles and nods to hael
Rasputin: But the function of applying an art to a dreamer is still within the normal range of talismans that are forgable.
Arnaya: Yeah, this is completely new
Rasputin: Even if a specific art hasn't been avaliable before
Arnaya: Which means of course, I have to try
LadySilver smiles
Arlyana Jax: It might be something to run by the FOrger's Guild and the Smiths
Arnaya grins as she winks at Rasputin
Rasputin: I think the selection of art effects that are included is more about what the Elders are ok with being readily accesable than what is possible.
Rasputin: I used to be able to forge Invisibility Alts.
Rasputin: Long long ago
Arlyana Jax: ANd Blend
Arnaya ndos lightly
Rasputin: I do not remember Blend
Rasputin: But I believe it
Arnaya: You could forge blend alts? Okay, now I'm jealous
Arlyana Jax: There are chakrams with effects like Soul Shield about
Frey nods
Arnaya giggles lightly
Arlyana Jax: I saw one recently I think?
Arnaya nods to Arlyana
Frey: i found one last week yes
LadySilver: you did frey had it
Arlyana Jax: Return and Reflect are also on items
Arnaya nods lightly to Arlyana
Arlyana Jax: Ah ha!
Arnaya: Just beyond the reach of regular forge now
Rasputin: I find Return more surprising.
Frey: no doubt
Rasputin: The others are all basically lasting effects
Rasputin: But Return is a bit more complex than that
Arlyana Jax nods
Arlyana Jax trances, eyes clised
Arnaya pulls her braid over her shoulder and starts playing idly with the end of it
Rasputin: Peaceful Dreams Sil
Arnaya shakes her head to Rasputin
Arnaya: Might have been storms too, Ras hun
Rasputin: It wasn't
Arnaya: We've kinda been getting hammered with them
Rasputin: She whispered something to me before she woke.
Rasputin: It was just quite sudden
Arnaya nods lightly to Rasputin
Frey: so saturday night for the next one. well move to every saturday or wenesday after that
Arnaya smiles warmly as she nods to Frey
Frey: i can only get better at them
Arnaya: Sounds good to me, Frey hun. Thanks for letting me bring that up here
Arnaya: and your already doing pretty good with them
Frey: uthy !
Arnaya smiles brightly as she flips to her feet and jumps up on Uthanatos, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as she kisses him
Uthanatos strolls in casually as if nothing were remiss and kisses Arnaya lovingly

-insert beneficial editing to make me look good here-

Uthanatos: Frey is my favorite seer

On that obvious note I'll wrap it up. Thanks and hope to see you saturday !
11:11:28: Purple Lace: Frayed logic
11:11:39: You Say: no
11:11:43: You Say: Freyed logic

I don't compete, I'm the prize.