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Training your nightmare (heel and stay)

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Joined: Sun Jul 26, 2015 9:22 pm
Character Name(s): Arlyana Jax

Training your nightmare (heel and stay)

Post by Butterfly »

Congratulations on your choice to train one of the many nightmares within our fair City. Regardless of if you have chosen an Emphant, a Bogrom, a Shamblix or a Horron; the instructions for teaching them to heel are the same.

1) Proceed with care. Allow the nightmare time to see and find you.

2) Move slowly and carefully, avoid quick movements. Nightmares are not as graceful as dreamers are. Try to maintain face-to-face contact.

3) Be patient. Not every nightmare can be trained.

*This is purely a work of satire, no nightmares were harmed in the creation of this guide*

Once you have gotten your nightmare to heel, the next challenge comes in making it stay. Nightmares are very wilful creatures, and you often need to appeal to their base desires. Treats are the often the best way to do this. Offering yourself negates the purpose of teaching them how to stay.

1)Toss your nightmare some of their favourite treats to get their attention.

2) Begin to back away slowly, this works best with an obstacle at first. Be sure not to leave the room.

3) Maintain eye contact with your nightmare and toss them treats while repeating the word "Stay".

4) Be sure to praise any progress your nightmare makes.

*This is purely a work of satire, no nightmares were harmed in the creation of this guide*
Arlyana Jax Shaw
Sovereign of Stuffing
Amanuensis of Academia
Eternal Calenturian

Uthanatos: I don't know what you are talking about, that's not a woman, it's an AJ