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Gatekeeper Meeting 06/08 summary

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Joined: Mon Apr 27, 2015 5:35 pm

Gatekeeper Meeting 06/08 summary

Post by LoGiX »

Our special guest today was Elder Siegward. The floor was opened by myself and we spoke on what would be needed to open and sustain a focus guild. All focuses were invited because we want others to share in what we're trying to do in an attempt to push them forward with their own guild.

We started out talking about what we could do to engage dreamers. We spoke on things such as guild focus chaks, or perhaps being able to change your crest color to match your focus. So that we could identify ourselves as servicemen to the dream. We debated over the need for this. Dreamers were allowed to voice their opinions on this. Several believe that there needs to be something to keep dreamers engaged, others believe the house and changes we can make is incentive enough. Elder Sieg proposed possibly having blades as tokens to members of focus guilds. Not something you can kill a horron with mind you.

We then discussed the idea of opening one hall for all focus. To ensure we had enough dreamers to maintain the guild at all times. But i believe the general opinion was that each focus wanted to work in their own groups for now. But we have agreed to have a collective meeting once a month or every other month as needed to keep each other updated.

Then I gave the floor to lance stone who wanted to speak about combining focuses as well. He suggested we get together to recover the art of guildhall, that was when the elder stepped in and informed us the art was never lost. As were the guildhalls and that he needed simply find someone worthy to grant the art to. Then lance gave the floor back and we proceeded to the next topic.

Thus we began talking about how we could make GKs more effective in the dream. Ideas of an aura art has be talked about in previous meetings by Thunderman and again we spoke on it today. Aura would be an art that would allow other dreamers near a gatekeeper to gain our protective arts at the cost of draining will constantly. The validity of the art was in question. I believe it could be useful in a battlefield situations. Also we spoke about exclusively changing forge to allow GKs to forge items with stronger protection arts but was suggested that wouldn't benefit the city as a whole. Lastly we spoke about improving ward. I suggested that as ward levels raise that there would be an increase on failure rate to blend or shatter the ward. The elder suggested a novel idea of adding effects like poison to ward which would be entertaining. Perhaps a ward that fires flameshaft! I quickly gave up on that joke.

We concluded the meeting with speaking about membership requirements and a task of finding out from other dreamers what would make GKs more effective. Also requested that all GKs attend what events we can so that we can assist where needed. Flower and Wolflancer has taken up the flag for their focus and hopefully will begin shortly. We agreed to meet again collectively to update each other and share ideas. Sieg agreed to try to attend more meetings and to assist us where he can.

I thank you all for your time and lets keep things going!

Gatekeeper meetings Monday at 7DST