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Time’s Tapestry • Entry #2

Lore, history and other content by the citizens of Underlight preserved for posterity.
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Enigmatic Order
Posts: 109
Joined: Sat Aug 15, 2015 5:43 pm
Character Name(s): Belom
Location: Kalamazoo, Michigan USA

Time’s Tapestry • Entry #2

Post by jtbadn »

As the new fellowships channel their essence into mighty Great Houses, a mystical era of enlightenment and conviction dawns upon the City of Thornhaven. The monarchs, entrenched in tradition, must confront the revolutionary visions of these visionary newcomers. Meanwhile, the dreamers, transplanted from a distant realm, must navigate the enigmatic whims of their new sovereigns.

Will harmony prevail, or will the whispers of discord escalate into tumultuous conflict? Will the unyielding ambitions of the dreamers precipitate a cataclysmic reckoning? Only the sands of time will reveal the secrets of this unfolding saga.

Only through time will this tapestry reveal more . . .

To be continued . . .
Master Scryer
Associate of the Enigmatic Order
» Origin City: Idoaclese
» Focal Element: Insight
» Focal Art: DreamSeer
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