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The lies that dreamers tell

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Joined: Sat Aug 15, 2015 5:43 pm
Character Name(s): Belom
Location: Kalamazoo, Michigan USA

The lies that dreamers tell

Post by jtbadn »

Heed this warning:

Do not fall victim of deceptive tales.

Do nothing to make yourself an accomplice to the telling of tales made up from all the lies you hear a dreamer say about another.

The view of truth can be widely obscured by a dreamers attempts to discredit another.

The things you may have recently read about Belom and about Hrrum are all fabricated lies.

Manipulating dreamers are among us whether we believe that to be true or not.

I will assure you there was nothing at all clandestine or predetermined in my actions to return Hhrum to his former position in the. Shadow. How could that be true if he and myself were the only dreamers for several bells in that forgotten night within the City of Dreams?

The ‘Bloodcursed Impairer,’ . . . That was a talisman that belonged to Nathan. That thing had NOTHING to with the corruption of Hrrum or myself. Neither he nor I am corrupt in any way.

Hrrum and I simply wanted to see the Shadow as it once was. Admittedly, the “eight legged ego,” was clearly a poor representational remark about Hrrum. The negativity connected to the most recent chimeric post as well as the manipulating lies meant to deceive dreamers should clearly be a sign to all of you.

When I invited the two who now rule my former home to rule alongside me, I had never considered being left out of everything.

The Keepers of Eternal Shadow has been wrongfully seized.
There is much more to be considered before any of you should accept the things that others have said.

There is much more to be considered before any of you should accept the things that I have said.
Master Scryer
Associate of the Enigmatic Order
» Origin City: Idoaclese
» Focal Element: Insight
» Focal Art: DreamSeer