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☼ City Laboratories ☼

Lore, history and other content by the citizens of Underlight preserved for posterity.
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☼ City Laboratories ☼

Post by Tentacle »


As Matron, I will establish myself as a caretaker of The Lightless Hollow. To what ends are yet to be decided. It is as near to my home world as I have seen in a city. I cannot let it be forgotten.

In other news, Laboratories.
There are several laboratories unused throughout the city. The Alliance of the Eclipse will be moving to change this. Initially, I will be seeking to establish two specific research laboratories. One laboratory will be outfitted and focus on studying the interactions between Chaos and Dreamsoul. A second laboratory will be confirmed to understand the enigmatic concept of "The Light."

In time I do not doubt that The Alliance of the Eclipse will expand the laboratory network. Our work, both practical and published, will be open to all of those with imagination and courage enough to test their capacity.

Light and Darkness, Chaos and Order; are cosmic constants. Understanding our environment is essential for all awakened beings.

The Matron
"She spins her golden web between us and the dream." - The Matron ☼, Soulkeeper
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