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Kingdom Search

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Wilfred Abbott
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Joined: Sat Oct 26, 2024 2:03 pm
Character Name(s): Wilfred Abbott

Kingdom Search

Post by Wilfred Abbott »

Dr. Wilfred Abbott walked in bewilderment as he struggled to make sense of the dark and unfamiliar landscape, thick brambles reached to the sky as he continued to search for an opening. He wondered how he got here, and more importantly where he was, he never would have left the kingdom, but apparently he did.

He remembered his life as a kingdom Medicus, but as a faint whisper in the back of his mind, for his focus then, was elsewhere.

His sense of isolation and panic grew, leaving him to wonder if he would ever find his way back to the kingdom he called home, and then as he looked to the distance he saw a faint beam of light shining through the brambles, with renewed vigor he ran towards it as fast as he could go.
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Wilfred Abbott
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Oct 26, 2024 2:03 pm
Character Name(s): Wilfred Abbott

Re: Kingdom Search

Post by Wilfred Abbott »

Dr. Wilfred Abbott opened his eyes and found himself laying on his back in the Royal Courtyard. He was overcome with joy, but what followed was trepidation. The usually bustling Courtyard was silent and still and he was alone.
He stood and looked around and dared to walk the steps to the Royal Seat, something he would have never done before, though he knew of the King and Queen, he had never been graced by their presence, but he felt a dire need to see if they were inside. There too, he was met by an eerie silence, the thrones were empty. He decided to walk and see who he could find, as the moments passed, and with each room he came too that was empty, he was overcome with a mounting dread, wondering where everyone was. He closed his eyes, hoping he would be able to come back again, and woke.

Three days hence, Dr. Wilfred Abbott entered his dreams, he felt relief. As he went through the portal he was once again met with silence, but this time he sensed there was someone on the Mountain, so he hurriedly made his way there, hoping to see someone, anyone.
He found them on a road where the air was peculiarly light, and his feet raised up off the ground. He was greeted and then shown to where the rest of the company was and he was glad to see that there were other dreamers.
Introducing himself as a Medicus from Thornhaven, he felt a bit of unease from the group, and almost as though he was on trial, something he could not understand. Eventually they all woke except for one who stayed behind to continue the conversation. He told her that he hoped to set up his practice again and that next dream he would make his way to Totality, to see if his room was still there.
He felt like an outsider in his own home, as he readied himself to wake he hoped that this would pass and that other citizens would be more accepting of his presence.
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