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Entry 50 - A Staff, A Mace, and a Warning...

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 1:51 am
by Koi-Drama

You ask us to abide by a ceasefire against those filthy curs and yet they strike at us while you meet with the scum. The Firebeard Clan carried out an assault against us at the West Front of Furyan. The little curs were able to eviscerate Maculif and Ivunsasu of the Kadatorii with some kind of apparatus I recognized as the design of Silk Nuvas. The Consortium is in league with those traitors! I have further proof that the Consortium further aids the dreamers of Underlight against us!

A group of them somehow managed to breach our defenses and witnessed the utilization of the mace against their Furyan allies. However, one of them managed to use some kind of staff against me. I decree that I will return to Underlight and crush what remains of their kind for their treachery once we conclude with the eradication of the Furyans and everyone else within that filthy waste of land.

There is something else, Garilus, that I feel you should know. I suspect the Kadatorii may have an agenda of their own. I advise we pry that apparatus out of the Furyan's dead hands that killed the two beasts and use it to wipe the Kadatorii once and for all.

General of the Illuminated Vanguard.