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Entry 37 - Blind Justice

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Entry 37 - Blind Justice

Post by Koi-Drama »


Orders have been dispatched throughout the Dreamscape with utmost urgency. Our forces will combine at the base camp on Furyan. Our hosts have provided us with resources and warriors to assist us against the Kadatorii and the Arretians. The Kadatorii are relentless with their assaults upon dream cities throughout the DreamScape. They serve as the first wave to weaken their enemies' line of defense.

The Arretians, lead by Master Garilus, continue to support the Kadatorii in coordinating tactics and strategies. The results are precision strikes aimed the take out our forces with superior efficiency. We have also learned that Garilus has captured Kal'lankissa and several others sent as a diplomatic envoy to Arret. If we should fail to hold Furyan against the Kadatorii, this war will be over. It is imperative we maintain this city in our hands if we are to secure victory against our enemies.

Justice will be secured for our fallen brethren and homes. I will complete Dosoman's vision. Soon, we will celebrate our victory against Garilus.

Second Centurion of the Realm Watch
“I try to bring the audience's own drama, tears and laughter they know about, to them.”
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