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Entry 35 - As a City Falls...

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Entry 35 - As a City Falls...

Post by Koi-Drama »


We mourn the loss of Valora. Mistress Kal'lankissa foresaw the fall of this great city and urged us to evacuate with dispatch. The Valorites would have none of it as they swore to defend their home against all odds. They fought with valor, true to their namesake until the last of their kind could no longer hold a weapon. We joined their forces for as long as we could but the city of Valora had been lost before the first chakram could be fired.

Only a handful Valorites survived the gruesome assault launched by the combined forces of the Kadatorii and the Arretians. Sabriela of the Real, Watch has summoned our numbers to Dream City of Furyan. The war raging within the DreamScape does not go well. The morale of our men and woman have been shattered. I do not know how much more of this we can continue to endure as a people. Let us hope we can turn the tide at Furyan.

The surviving Valorites are under the care of the enigmatic group known as the Consortium. I sense all is not as it seems with them but alas war does not afford us the luxury of investigating them further.

Until we meet again,

Knight Commander, FreeSoul Templars
“I try to bring the audience's own drama, tears and laughter they know about, to them.”
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