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Entry 36 - A Fall from Grace...

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Entry 36 - A Fall from Grace...

Post by Koi-Drama »

Sir Talberon,

I must inform you that Agonarius appears to have been defeated. The sightings of his Datoken has been dropped considerably throughout the Dreamscape. Although there are rumors that continues to persist of Agonarius' lingering presence, I have been summoned back to Furyan by Sabriela.

I must also reveal my concern in the following; the defeat of Agonarius is a great victory for the Idoaclesians and the Lyrans but I suspect there is a hidden hand manipulating the strings of our dreamers like marionettes to some unknown end. Agonarius was just the beginning act.

Tal'shiar of the Realm Watch
“I try to bring the audience's own drama, tears and laughter they know about, to them.”
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