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Player Missions - Post Patch

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Player Missions - Post Patch

Post by Koi-Cryptic »

Hey everyone! I just wanted to put up an announcement about the player missions that you guys put up in game. There will be a new process for the player missions and I think this will work out for the better in the long run and be the easiest path forward for everyone.

We will no longer be sticking down banners for player missions. Player missions will be posted and accessed through the Library Mission Boards. Since this feature of the game is largely unused, it seems fitting to breathe new life into it. The mission boards still function as they always have, so as far as turning in missions you will still need to do that in person to retrieve your completion token/reward.

1) This will allow you all to switch out your missions as often as you would like without having to wait on a GM to stick something down for you.

2) This will give people a chance to add these missions to their goal books to reference whenever they need to if there is need to.

3) It is a much cleaner look to have all the missions in one place rather than a bunch of banner pinned down all over the place.

The Process

1) Post your mission as you normally would and in the "Retrieve" drop down you can either leave it as Talisman or select Codex. Enter 100 in for the XP Award.
missionboard(1).png (437.16 KiB) Viewed 1898 times
missionboard(4).png (474.05 KiB) Viewed 1898 times
2A) On the next screen that will pop up when you try to post the mission, it asks you what type of talisman to retrieve if you selected Talisman. Just change the Graphic to any specific item type. Just DON'T select "Any Bitmap" and everything else you can leave as default settings. Then hit "OK".
missionboard(6).png (59.4 KiB) Viewed 1875 times
2B) If you selected "Codex" as the item to retrieve you will be prompted with a text box to enter keywords. You can just leave this blank and hit "OK."
missionboard(5).png (176.18 KiB) Viewed 1898 times
3) When you want to take down a mission, just click into that mission and hit "Remove".

Here is what the mission boards would look like with missions posted.
missionboard(3).png (444.37 KiB) Viewed 1898 times
4) You can accept the missions into your Goal Book if you'd like and just remove them when you're done.

5) You don't return to the mission board to report your mission. The mission board is there only as the method of posting the missions. You will need to find the person who posted the mission and bring whatever the mission asks you to bring to that person so that they can hand you your completion token/reward.

If there's any questions you can reach out to me in Discord.

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