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GMs and PCs

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Joined: Mon Jun 08, 2015 12:15 am

GMs and PCs

Post by Koi-Cryptic »

Hey guys, I just wanted to throw up a quick announcement to clarify something regarding GMs and their player characters.

I know this is a small community and that most players know who all the GMs are and probably also know who all or most of their personal player characters are. Player characters are not to be considered an extension of the GM that plays them. If a GM's player character suggests or requests anything, you are not required to listen to or grant such requests. These are personal characters and should be treated as such. If you want to grant the request, then do so. If you don't, then don't. You will not be punished for saying no to a GM's player character. If the GM team wants to force a certain outcome to a situation, we will do so on a GM character.

Recently, there was a situation in game involving my own player character and a request they made IC of other dreamers. Apparently, as I've come to find out, some of the controllers took the request my player character made as a demand from the GM team and have been telling some people that they were scared they would be banned if they didn't listen to my player character or that the GM team was interfering to show favoritism to a certain group. To clarify, I was just trying to get my player character involved in the RP that was going on and I never expected people to actually agree to the request made, and if they did I had expected that shortly after the agreement would somehow get broken. This is the outcome I was expecting, but it was not the outcome I got.

As a GM, it is difficult to try and get involved on the player side of things because there seems to be this general distaste for GM's player characters. If they advance, players say they cheated. If they win fights, players say they used GM forged uber weapons. If they try to mediate situations in game, players fear they'll get banned if they don't listen or that the team is showing favoritism to the other side. If they get rank or some status, players get mad and think that those things should be for players only. GMs were players before becoming GMs and are still players just like anyone else. There are limitations set on what our player characters are allowed to gain. Limitations that the non-GM players don't have. The players expect that the GMs treat them fairly, and the GM's expect that the players do the same. It's a pretty boring game if when we log in our player characters we can't do anything because players think GMs shouldn't be allowed to do or get things.
