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An OOC overview of the story arc/arcs

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An OOC overview of the story arc/arcs

Post by Koi-Cricket »

This version of the game was technically called "Clash of Dreams" It was the merging of all previous versions of the game. Lyra and Shades of Truth. https://wiki.underlight.com/Underlight

A few years back we decided to give a refresh of the game and story and had a 100-year reboot. This took us 100 years into the future of the city. We called it "Reawakening" At this time in the game, Time portals were becoming a big thing, and they took us into the "future"

Fast Forward, there were so many new level edits, code changes, personal vaults, coming to the game, we decided to have another reboot to the story with the time portal sending us into a completely new city. This city is Thornhaven. This was our explanation of all of the many changes at once. Not only did dreamers end up in another city, but artifacts, places in the city. Some places in Thornhaven are said to have come from the other city as well.

Dreamers from the Clash of Dreams/ Reawakening all ended up in Thornhaven, due to chaos and time portal tampering.

Official history of Lyra; https://wiki.underlight.com/Official_Hi ... Underlight
Official history of Shades of Truth: https://wiki.underlight.com/Dawn_of_Chaos
Official history of Clash of Dreams: https://wiki.underlight.com/Clash_of_Dreams

An extension of the Clash of Dreams Version
Reawakening; https://wiki.underlight.com/Reawakening
Thornhaven; You are able to find Thornhaven's history and back story here; Note some parts are still being written. viewforum.php?f=132

There were many many main story arcs over the last 11 years. The Wiki provides an abundance of information that you can search for dreamers, events, stories. https://wiki.underlight.com/Category:Dream_Lore

During this "version" of the game, in the City of Thornhaven, we polled players and decided to go with something unique and different. Everything has been done over the last 11 years, and even in the previous versions. Thornhaven is similar to the other versions, but in this one, there is a King and Queen that use to rule the entire city and Kingdom throughout the generations. Due to losing all of Thornhaven's original citizens and guardsmen, the Kingdom took claim only over the Kingdom and its plane. Though the Kingdom acts as caretakers over the Strongholds. The same way that Senchal's did in Lyra, or that the Caretakers did in the Clash of Dreams.

There is a device within the Kingdom. This device is what powers the entire city and keeps the walls from weakening and being breached, much like a generator. The Collector character goes around collecting "taxes" from the houses each month which is then placed into the device to keep the power going which then empowers the thicket and protects the city.

The purpose of the Kingdom is strictly roleplay. A main story arc to drive roleplays, use as a roleplay prompt, and to support players.
Directing Producer
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