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~*The Kingdom Gazette*~

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~*The Kingdom Gazette*~

Post by Cianne »

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Welcome to the Kingdom Gazette where you will find comprehensive accounts of current events in Thornhaven

Editors: Cianne -- Sadara -- Rosalie

First Edition
Whispers on the Wind - The Monarchy Calls Emergency Meetings

There have been many odd occurrences in Thornhaven as of late.

As reported over the last weeks throughout the Kingdom, the Elementals Helga and Tavyn's Soul Essences have been found near the Edgeward Time Portal, these were tragic discoveries. An attempt was made to find out more concerning Helga's disappearance, led by Black-Lotus, others were present as well as Nugget.
It was surmised after investigation and visions that occurred during the event, that Helga had been dragged into the Time Portal.
Efforts will continue and there will be an investigation into Tavyn's disappearance soon. In the meantime, dreamers are being very vigilant in their protection of Earth Elemental, Nugget.

Zahra Haqi and Grogax witnessed a strange storm in the Provenance, where rocks and boulders were strewn through the sky and to the ground where they caught fire.
Zahra also reported a feeling of time and space itself shifting and turning inside out, where she was sure she witnessed a vision of the fall of a former City. After the storm, all went back as it was.

Cianne traveled to the Temple of Elements, and noticed there, a portal with a barrier on it, the same sort of barrier that was on the paths to the plains before they were unlocked by solving riddles.
*The magical barrier around the portal appeared as a fluid curtain of liquid light, shifting in hues of violet and blue. It rippled with a soft, undulating motion, reminiscent of a mirage. Intricate, glowing patterns resembling constellations pulsed and flowed across its surface, their light reflecting off the barrier in a mesmerizing dance. Occasionally, the barrier emitted a faint, ethereal mist that swirled and dissipated.*

Quite intrigued by this, later that dream Cianne took Black-Lotus to see it, upon returning, the lock was no longer there, the portal it had been on stood dark and stationary. Cianne sensed the portal led to the Unknown.
In relaying this to one of the Meetings this weekend, the Queen said that the Steward had never reported a locked portal in this area, Kayasisis confirmed that is had indeed existed, as he had also seen it.
It is a mystery as to why the portal was locked in the first place, who removed the lock and what lies beyond it? This is another thing that will require more investigation.

Two emergency Meetings were called by the Monarchy over recent days to address concerns. The King and Queen answered many questions which will be summarized here.

Strange whisperings have been heard on the wind in various locales throughout the Kingdom. The whispers were recalled by King Matias as follows:

"In Lower Palisade the words I could make out are, "They....here....He...my....please...."
"In The Nexus you could hear, "Not...same...Sydrah...right....must....power...".
"And here in the Kingdom, I was able to understand, "Why...again...leave me....mercy....".

The Queen was quite visibly shaken by the mention of Sydrah. She went on to to inform us that Sydrah is the ancient God of Time and Space and the Creator of the Time Portals.
A malevolent being named Ogithus, is known to have worshipped and channeled his power through Sydrah.
It is noted in the Thornhaven Ledger that Ogithus went mad and wreaked havoc on the lands before "ascending to the Divine Summit" where it's once hallowed halls were twisted into torment and despair.
The final fate of Ogithus is unknown, and citizens fear that he may somehow be able to return, or already has.

During the Meeting, Black Lotus spoke of an item she found within the Albino Cache. A Jasper and Gold Chalice which she reported "reeked of Chaos".
She went on to say that the words and melodies that came from within it have been contained for the moment, but that it was not simple to do.
Black-Lotus wanted nothing to do with the item and made a swift sign of warding before handing it over to the King, stating that the cache itself seemed to sigh with relief when the item was lifted off of the table.

Belom spoke of some strange events as well, that he experienced with Sotto Mahoney. ***You can read Belom's first hand account of those events on the Notice & Edict Board.***
I will just add that the whisperings and visions Belom and Sotto Mahoney experienced seemed to be directed towards them personally, which is a bit different than what has been seen and heard up until this point, which left the men with many questions.

Preparations are being made to try to strengthen the Kingdom against these perceived threats. Nugget assured us that he and Percival would work on trying to block and/or disable the Time Portals and welcomed help from all.
There will also be attempts to strengthen the Thicket that surrounds the Kingdom.

The King and Queen asked that anyone who experiences anything unusual to please report it right away and also if there was anyone who had more ideas on how to fortify and strengthen the Kingdom from danger to please let them know.

The King and Queen assured the dreamers that safety was paramount and that if any felt unsafe to find please find haven in the Kingdom.
Last edited by Cianne on Mon Nov 04, 2024 5:22 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Cianne Andrea McCleoud
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Re: ~*The Kingdom Gazette*~

Post by Cianne »

Second Edition
Edgeward Haven Empowerment - Weekly Gatherings - Search for Elementals Continues

A few newly awakened have found their way to Thornhaven over the last days, and seem to be settling in nicely and finding their way due to the welcoming kindness and guidance from various members of the community.

This week saw a gathering to strengthen the Haven of Edgeward, led by Black Lotus. Other participants were a few of the Servants of the Eternal Dream Fellowship, as well as the enigmatic Sylph Dreamwalker, Insonnia.
As silence was observed, Black Lotus recalled some memories, they were not her memories, but memories that were shown to her, of Edgeward occurrences over the ages. Various dreamers who arrived during the gathering were not sure what they were witnessing, but remained to observe silently.
At the end of the Memory recollection, Apnea spheres were offered to the Sanctuary and were absorbed into the structure. It was deemed a successful result.

Weekly Gatherings continue with a Bardic event each Saturday evening at 6:00 p.m. in the Provenance, City Forum - Town Informational Meetings each Sunday at 6:00 p.m in the Town Hall, and Teaching / Tasking Workshops every other Monday at 6:00 p.m. in the Grand Hall of Wisdom.

This Saturday, the 14th, at 4:00 p.m. there will be a Creative Alchemy/Chemistry Worshop in the Royal Courtyard.

Investigations continue into the disappearance of the beloved Elementals.
This Wednesday, the 11th at 6:00 p.m. at the Camp of Kings on Mount Illapse, dreamers will try to find clues to determine what has happened to Tavyn.

If you have any news you would like to share in the Gazette, please contact Cianne.
Cianne Andrea McCleoud
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Re: ~*The Kingdom Gazette*~

Post by Cianne »

Third Edition
Tavyn's Fate Revealed - Edgeward Skies Clearing? - Search for the Cryptid Collective - Scrying

Monday evening at the Eye of Edgeward, Black Lotus once again led dreamers through a time of meditation and memories. Insonnia was also present, little is known about this enigmatic, no nonsense dreamer, purported to be a Sylph, they definitely have a very strong connection to the Living Dream.
The hope of these gatherings is to strengthen and cleanse Edgeward, helping to restore and beautify the Living Dream. Wouldn't it be wonderful if through these efforts, the burnt and acrid skies might once again be blue and clear, the air, sweet, and the waters sparkling and fresh. The concerted and persistent efforts of these dreamers will continue for as long as it takes.

On Wednesday evening, Black Lotus along with several dreamers and Sir Percival, gathered at the Camp of Kings to try to procure a vision of what happened to Tavyn.
The evening began with Kayasisis offering prayers, giving thanks, and speaking with the Spirits of the Mountain imploring them to help if they were able.
Working together a few of the dreamers cast protections on the area and brought calming auras forth.
A vision materialized of Tavyn and a man.
It was clear that Tavyn was frightened of the man, she was collapsed, and as the vision became more clear, Percival was in fact able to identify the man as Ogithus.

Collapsed, Tavyn fled down the mountain, then towards Edgeward with Ogithus in pursuit. The vision de-materialized as the two reached the Rings of Passage Time Portal. The dreamers gathered, quickly made their way to the Time Portal.
The vision continued there. Nugget was seen near the Time Portal digging in the dirt, Tavyn appeared frantic and clearly told him to RUN. As Nugget slipped through the portal, Tavyn was struck down by Ogithus.
The dreamers, though shaken by the vision, were also in a bit of awe as they realized that Tavyn sacrificed herself for Nugget.
These investigations will continue.
Ogithus is real, and he has returned. Dreamers are urged to be alert and try to stay in safe areas and with other dreamers.

Who are Riken and the Cryptid Collective? Below is a snippet taken from the Thornhaven Ledger:

Led by the enigmatic figure known as Riken, the Cryptid Collective often operates in secrecy, their actions veiled from the eyes of ordinary dreamers. Armed with ancient knowledge passed down through generations, they employ esoteric rituals and powerful artifacts to track and contain the ever-shifting threat posed by the Mistborn. Each member of the Collective is a guardian of Thornhaven's tranquility, sworn to uphold the sacred duty entrusted to them by the Primordial Elementals.

This Sunday after the City Forum, (approximately 7:00 P.M.) Kayasisis will be leading a search for Riken and the Cryptic Collective. It is important that we learn more about these beings.
Any and all dreamers who wish to join in this search are welcome.

On the 17th day at 6 Bells, The Enigmatic Order cordially invites the dreamers of Thornhaven to attend a Scrying Event at Crown’s Ascent in the Kingdom of Thornhaven. At this time I do not have any information as to what they are hoping to discover. If more details become available, they will be shared.
Cianne Andrea McCleoud
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Re: ~*The Kingdom Gazette*~

Post by Cianne »

Fourth Edition.
Words in the Water - Event Successful - Search for Riken & the Cryptids - Scrying for Answers

As reported in the last Edition, Several dreamers were witness to a vision depicting Tavyn being struck down by what was confirmed to be Ogithus.

Following that vision, Mr. Sotto Mahoney was in the the Umbric Stronghold for some quiet time of meditation, prayer and contemplation near the shimmering pool in the facade.
As he watched, a parchment materialized in the water. Upon retrieving the parchment he unfurled it to read these words:

The eyes are the greatest of deceivers, showing only what the mind wishes to accept. We seek comfort in what we know, clinging to familiar shapes and faces, even when they are false. But in the unseen, in the spaces between sight and understanding, lies a different kind of truth. To grasp it, one must let go of certainty and embrace the possibility that what is real may not always be visible. Only those who learn to perceive without seeing can uncover what has been obscured.

We can only speculate as to what this means and who sent the message. This will undoubtedly require more investigation.

A few Dreamers attended the Saturday afternoon Alchemy event, which was a great success. Dreamers gathered foraged items and / or readied items they had with them. Other supplies were distributed by Hostess & Chemist, Samatha, she then proceeded to lead the dreamers through a series of exercises. Many wonderful and unique creations were made.
It has been decided that "The Mystic Cauldron" will be a weekly gathering, Saturday afternoons at 4:00 p.m. This week, meet Samatha in the Thornhaven Library Main Room. The venue will change from time to time, possibly week to week, depending on what ingredients are being gathered and what the subject matter will be during each particular lesson.

Following Sunday evening's City Forum, Kayasisis prepared dreamers to go in search of Riken and the Cryptid Collective. Before departure, Kayasisis asked Sir Percival about the Garden of Life, what is was, and if he had ever seen it himself.

Percival had this to say:
The Garden of Life is both a place, and not a place. It does not exist in the way one would think of most plains in the dream existing. It is a liminal space of magic and energy where Elementals can return for safety.
I never managed to reach the place myself in all my years of study. Rumor has it that Ogithus managed to drain the energy from it, causing it to cease to exist at all, but I perpetually hold out hope.

After Percival spoke and Kayasisis readied to leave, our Elemental friend Nugget seemed quite frightened. It is paramount that dreamers do what they can to help keep him safe, for now, he told this Journalist, that he would hide.

Kayasisis decided the best place to begin the search was the Basin lands. He set out quietly along with several dreamers, up the paths. It was not long after, that this Journalist had to depart.

Here is a detailed account of what transpired submitted by Guest Reporter, Sadara:

Kaya and several dreamers, along with Percival and Nugget, traversed the Basin in search for Riken and the Cryptids. We went all the way up to Xun Dal J'han Vista, where in the room there was a whisper on the wind that said, "Danger"soon after another whisper also said, "Death".

Quickly and with haste, Kaya decided to leave the area out of fear for Nugget's safety. We all fled and began hearing screams of pain. Then a booming voice followed by insidious laughter that said:
"He will be mine!"
We finally continued fleeing as ominous thunderclouds began rolling in. We reached the Pavilion near Thresh and rested there, discussing what occurred. Nugget felt safe and there were no more threatening sounds or eerie whispers.

Investigations and searches will continue, as the dreamers dilligently attempt to quell these threats.

Tuesday, the 17th day at 6:00 p.m. The Enigmatic Order cordially invites the dreamers of Thornhaven to attend a Scrying Event at The Crown’s Ascent in the Kingdom.
Led by Belom, this gathering will have a lesson on how to scry visions.
This will also be an attempt at a fact finding mission to gain new insight and truth as to the threats Thornhaven is facing, as well as trying to find out if the nefarious whispers heard throughout the Kingdom are linked somehow to the King and Queen.

There may be dark times ahead, stay focused, stay protected, work together. Be safe.
Cianne Andrea McCleoud
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Re: ~*The Kingdom Gazette*~

Post by Cianne »

Fifth Edition.
Cassimolair -- Investigations to Continue -- The Tree Mother -- New Teacher Arrives -- More Words in the Water

CASSIMOLAIR: Belom's Scrying took place as scheduled. Visions were seen of Helga and what was purported to be Cassimolair, the fabled Leader of the Dreadspawn of Thornhaven past. Ogithus is thought to be Cassimolair's "lackey" of sorts. Will the Dreadspawn return? Is Helga now one of them? No one can know for sure. A full report by Dreamer Rosalie of the Scrying may be found in the Archives. Do take care in traveling alone in the City.

CONTINUING INVESTIGATIONS: The Servants of the Eternal Dream, led by Black Lotus continue their investigations into threats and unusual happenings in Thornhaven. At the City Council Meeting on Sunday, Black Lotus told the group:
There are three pending investigations that are awaiting approval and clarification on new evidence. Once those steps have been completed, invitations for specialists will be delivered.

The results of these investigations will be updated as they become available.

THE TREE MOTHER: A spirit totem was awakened this week up in the Basin of Stars, due to the prayerful diligence of Teacher of Nature (Shaman?) and Spirit Guide, Kayasisis, along with Cianne.
Lenguriel, Nugget and Verily arrived and were witness to Prayer and encouragement offered to the Spirit Totem by Kayasisis and Cianne.
While all were gathered, a light was seen on the totem, which then moved to surround Cianne and Nugget, bringing forth new flowers from the soil. This was a sign of the bond between the Spirit, Cianne and Nugget. Nugget is naturally one with nature, as well as Kayasisis, however this is the second Spirit Totem that has bonded with a human dreamer, Sadara having been the first.

NEW TEACHING ELDER At the City Council Meeting, Lady Verily was welcomed as the new Teaching Elder in Thornhaven. Verily warmly greeted the dreamers and let them know that all were welcome to visit her at the Basin Stronghold.

WORDS IN THE WATER 2: After this week's Scrying event, Mister Sotto Mahoney spent time once again at the Umbric Stronghold. Another scroll appeared in the water from a yet unknown entity. The scroll read as follows:

A reflection is never the truth, but a distorted image of what we wish to see. In its surface, truths can twist into lies, and lies can appear as truth. The mirror bends reality to meet our expectations. Yet, beyond the illusion, a glimpse of the real may shine through—fleeting, but there for those who look beyond. The mirror hides as much as it reveals, hinting at deeper truths waiting beneath the surface, to be uncovered by those who dare seek them."

Again, we can only speculate as to what these messages are trying to say, and are they for all?, or exclusively for Mister Mahoney? Either way, they are wise words, worthy of contemplation.
Cianne Andrea McCleoud
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The Kingdom Gazette: Breaking News!

Post by Hinera »

The last few days has had many events. This Monday, during the Teaching Hall there was a Distress Call from Nugget. Coming from the Evernight Platuea, on the Lake Road. Once there Nugget was seen with another halfling, her name Esmeralda. The Elemental of Water.

She was beaten, bruised, with grime and dirt over her. She was there in the middle of several gravestones. She explained how she had been running around the city, and outskirts of the city to escape the clutches of Ogithus. She said how Ogithus slain the Cryptid Collective. Killing them all including her father Riken who was the Leader of the Collective. All the gravestones around her being those of the Collective.

Once she was taken to a proper safe spot, the fates of Helga and Tavyn were told to her as well as further discussion about Ogithus and Cassimolair. The origin of their elemental powers as well as a potential reason why Ogithus is after all of them.

Last night another event took place within the city. Earlier on it was noted that Hogbone was around and about in the Acropolis. Once there Hogbone was observed to be acting strangely. Speaking gibberish, and clawing at the portal to The Chaos. Thereafter collapsing and then waking, leaving behind his claw stuck at the entrance of the portal.

Later on in the evening, a cackling could be heard. This was the cackling of Cassimolair, who resides within The Chaos. Once there at the entrance of the portal, Cassimolair spoke through the portal. He said coming out of the Chaos would be a danger for himself as Ogithus is hunting him. Continuing by saying that Ogithius seeks to destroy all. Finishing by saying: "Danger... Thornhaven... Danger."

No further information is known at this time. However all will be brought up to speed if any new events take place.
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Re: ~*The Kingdom Gazette*~

Post by Cianne »

Give a Warm Welcome!

I am very pleased to welcome Sadara and Rosalie to the Gazette Staff.

Between the three of us you can be assured that you will get the most up to date and comprehensive Thornhaven News.

The Kingdom Gazette - - A trusted source in uncertain times.
Cianne Andrea McCleoud
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Re: ~*The Kingdom Gazette*~

Post by Cianne »

Sixth Edition

Noctemira Recondite -- Sotto's Signs -- What Does Your Future Hold


An Investigation Bureau has been created to to uncover the mysteries of the Dreamstate and safeguard the future of Thornhaven. Led by Black Lotus and Kayasisis, operating with the utmost respect and reverence for the Living Dream. If you wish to learn more about this organization and you are interested in protecting our Living Dream, please speak with one or both of them. You may read the official Charter in the Archives of the Awakened. You can find the Recondite Headquarters located in the Lambent Flats Stronghold.


Sotto Mahoney has received more signs and messages since my last reporting. He received another message from the water which was a recipe for something called GlyphWeavers Chalk.
He was able to find the ingredients needed and created said chalk.
In another session of meditation, and scrying, as he placed the chalk next to himself, Visions came to life, and the chalk also, seemed to take on life of it's own as several symbols were etched in the void before his eyes.
When the vision dissipated, the chalk crumbled to dust and vanished, as well as the symbols.
Mr. Mahoney continues to search for truth and answers.


Belom held a Fortune Reading on Friday evening. It was well attended. I was present for the majority of the event and heard many fortunes read.
All of the fortunes read were very inspiring, entertaining and uplifting, save for this Journalist's -- whose future was predicted to be quite dreadfully dire indeed, which was quite unfortunate.
Will these dreamers fortunes come to pass?, only time will tell.
Last edited by Cianne on Tue Oct 15, 2024 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Cianne Andrea McCleoud
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~*The Kingdom Gazette*~

Post by Hinera »

The Midnight Lagoon with Lotus

A beautiful event with Lotus that was held on 10/9 within the Midnight Lagoon on Evernight took place. A similar event that was conducted on the Barrows several times now was attended by Magnilia, Insonnia, Cianne, Ezhar, Ironies, Rosalie, Sirus, and myself.

During the event lanterns were given and as Lotus told us a story, our emotions were to be transferred into the lantern. Charging the lagoon and the Dream itself! -{S}
The Matronette
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~*The Kingdom Gazette*~ BREAKING NEWS

Post by Cianne »

Seventh Edition


This evening in the North Meeting Room of the Threshold Pits, a preliminary Meeting to discuss the reformation of the City Guard was led by Myridian Sun.
Attendees: Myridian Sun, Krodoc, Amante, Tember, Jawsman, Cianne, Sadara, Sotto Mahoney, Jasper, Zahra Haqi, Kethra Regrets: Black Lotus.

Scrolls set out on the table detailed what the roles of the City Guard will be, along with the Oath. These scrolls read as follows:

Patrol: The City Guard will patrol the outside arcs of the city. Report on any changes to the dreamscape, Any damage to the city. Report any changes in maren activity and gen changes.
City Defense: The City Guard will respond to all maren threats, defending first the dreamers, and then city in general. Houses have their own rules regarding maren confrontations. The city guard will Honor these rules within 1 room of the city houses, and upon request will aid in house defense against said darks, days, or chaos spawn.
Citizen Interactions: The City Guard will look into all circumstances of dreamstalking, and harrassment. Should the situation exceed the Guards ability to deal with, an Elder will be approached with all investigative materials. The Guard will maintain thresh duty watches, to aid newly awakened, returning dreamers etc. The Guard will -not- become involved in house versus house situations. We protect the citizens at large, we will not become an appendage of a house.
Guards Oath: I <insert name> Stand for the City of Underlight, and the Kingdom of Thornhaven. I will use my abilities and skills to defend the citizens of the dream, Protect the city itself. As a Guardsman I swear to set aside my own personal enmities, and house roles and uphold the ideals of the Guards while I wear it's uniform. So do I swear.

Myridian Sun will be working to choose a secure base of operations with vault space for battle supplies and scrolls. Regular meeting times will be decided in the coming days.

You will recognize Guards persons by their uniform which will consist of white vest and trousers and abyss boots, pauldrons and shirt.

A full and in depth City Guard Charter will be forthcoming to the public very soon.

One need not be a fighter to join, there are many ways one could be of service.

If you are interested in becoming a part of the City Guard or have any questions at all, please seek Myridian Sun.
Cianne Andrea McCleoud
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Re: ~*The Kingdom Gazette*~

Post by Cianne »

Eighth Edition
It has been some time since I have been able to catch up with the news, and my dreams have been sparse. So here is a brief accounting of what I am aware of.

Jaspers Visions - Teaching Changes - The Cassimolair Mystery - Noctemira Recondite Moves Forward - Resident Citizens Returning? - Queen's Event - Words With Alder

Jasper - Elder Jasper still seems very reluctant to share what he saw in a vision some weeks ago. I asked him myself one dream if he would share, as it may help or give us some answers towards solving some mysteries regarding the threats the City is facing, and perhaps even help him to feel better and not so fearful. Jasper was still not willing to share this information and only answered, "You do not want to see this".

Teaching Changes - At last Friday's Teachers Council Meeting, Elder Verily explained some changes with the Oracle arts. The changes seemed well received. If you have any questions about these changes you may speak with any Elder Council Member (Verily, Nugget, Nasir) or any Teacher. You may also find a detailed breakdown of the changes on the Teachers Forum within the City Scrolls.

The Cassimolair Mystery - Matron Magnilia has been writing an in depth tale of Cassimolair. Some dreamers are wondering if these writings are fact or fiction. All I can say at this time is that we will wait to see if the writings have the desired effect.

Noctemira Recondite - Noctemira Recondite is swiftly moving forward with their plans. An in depth Dossier of Ogithus has been written which you can view in the Archived of the Awakened. At this Sunday's City Forum, Black Lotus asked for Smiths who were interested in helping the Recondite as they move forward. If you are interested, please seek Black Lotus.

Residents Returning - It is rumoured that a dreamer has come to the City who claims to be a resident of Thornhaven. Let us hope that this means more will be returning and we can find out what had happened to them and where they had been.

New Event - Queen Rivin will be holding a new event this Saturday at 6 Bells. "Wisdom Beneath the Stars" these events could include field trips, debates, history sessions, lectures, etc...
You can find more details of this event from the Steward in the Archives of the Awakened.

Conversation with Alder - Sadara invited others to come with her to the Ark of Duke to speak with her father, Alder. Sadara was mostly interested to see if Alder knew anything about Sydrah.
Some of the things Alder relayed are as follows - Alder said that Sydrah manifests in Dreamer form and became a "God" after coming in contact with the Void. Ogithus is working to try to bring Sydrah back into Thornhaven. Alder said to look to Mount Illapse as he sensed there were things there to be uncovered, and added to also look to the Basin as that is where Ogithus' presence is most strongly felt.

You may find the detailed account of this conversation in the Archives of the Awakened, penned by Sadara (Hinera).
Cianne Andrea McCleoud
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Re: ~*The Kingdom Gazette*~

Post by Cianne »

Ninth Edition

Stillness in the Kingdom - Investigation of Ceann's Trail - Black-Lotus in the Void - Events

Stillness - The Kingdom has been very quiet as of late, many of it's citizens having infrequent dreams, or none at all. Can this be due to the change of the seasons? Apathy?, or the sense of danger that looms? It is during this time of perceived threat and danger that the dreamers need to pull together, let us hope that the lack of community is temporary. Although it is quiet, at least three new dreamers have been spotted.

Noctemira Recondite Investigation - Black-Lotus and Kayasisis of the Recondite, along with a few other dreamers/investigators conducted an investigation up the Mountain on Ceann's Trail.
The purpose was to try to find out about the soul essence of Ceann which was fused to the rock base on the upper most path of the trail.

Kayasisis was able to establish communication through the Spirits of the Living dream. Many questions were asked by the dreamers present. After the Spirits faded back to rest, Nugget began the process of trying to dislodge the essence and retrieve it, at which point a dark figure emerged and seized Nugget with menacing tendrils. Kayasisis and Black-Lotus were able to free Nugget while others present, used arts of protection on him.
Following this altercation, Black Lotus was able to retrieve the essence, at which point she was transported away. Continued ---

Lotus in the Void - Black Lotus, as she held the essence of Ceann, was transported away. She found herself in the deep, dark Void. She heard evil laughter which she had recognized as something she had heard before. A threatening voice began to ask question after question about the Kingdom, it's inhabitants, the King and Queen, Percival and the Elementals.
Lotus stood her ground and did not relent, though in doing so her energy was being taken by this dark force. By the time Lotus was able to break free, she had lost her entire second Focus, and much more.
Presently, Lotus is safe, albeit in a tremendously weakened state.

You may find the full details of both of these accounts concerning the Investigation in the Archive of the Awakened.

Events - I believe last week's Alchemy gathering was suspended due to Samatha having trouble entering the Kingdom.

Bardic Circle went on as planned, led by Jawsman.

Queen Rivin's Wisdom Beneath the Stars Event was rescheduled last week and will take place this Thursday the 7th at 6 bells. I am unsure of the venue at this time, so Locating Queen Rivin at that time would be advisable.

I was not able to attend the City Forum this past week, so do not have any news regarding that.
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Cianne Andrea McCleoud
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Re: ~*The Kingdom Gazette*~

Post by Cianne »

Tenth Edition

Apologies for the scarcity of news as of late, as the Editor has been away for a time.


Odd Sounds & Smells

For some time on Sunday evening dreamers sensed that Hogbone and Helga were in the Dark Awakening. Odd scraping and digging sounds were heard throughout the Kingdom.
After it was determined that they were no longer in the Dark Awakening, during the City Forum meeting a rush of warm air was felt through the area and a horrendous stench drifted through the room.
Has Helga now been turned fully into a Dreadspawn? Were they digging something up?, or burying something? Dreamers should be wary and on their guard.

The Recondite Working Steadily

Black Lotus gave a detailed Report at the City Forum Meeting, the Transcript is as follows:

The Noctemira Recondite have a few operations that are not quite ready for report, but steps have begun in the Lost Sea as well as the Acropolis Rift.
Most recently, the formation of a new portal on the Lower Lambents has taken shape. This will hopefully prove to be beneficial to our halfling allies.

As for our next steps, there is of course the early warning project and the Aegis of Myradyl.
The Aegis will be submitted publicly in the next dream or so, to see if there are capable Smiths that can lend their aid in its creation.
If not, there are two able apprentices that I will call upon to do so. The effects of Ceann's cursed essence are too early to report.

Teaching Academy News

Master Verily reported that Teachers Sadara and Belom now have the ability to Sphere.

Sotto Mahoney has gained his apprentice halo, which means he is able to write tasks, which will then be reviewed and the arts or plateaus granted by Sotto's Mentor, Ironies, or by Master Verily.
Verily encourages dreamers to see Mister Mahoney for tasks should they need anything, as it will help him to hone his skills.

Congratulations to these three dreamers on their hard work and accomplishments.

Events -

Queen Rivin will be holding a gathering and giving a lesson on Tuesday, the 26th at 5:30 p.m. in the Royal Garden. As with all events, everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.

Belom's Fortune Readings will now take place the first Wednesday evening of each month. The venue may change from month to month, please keep an eye on the Edict Board for time and location of these gatherings.

Teaching Forum - Every other Monday 6:00 p.m. in the Hall of Wisdom

Bardic Circle continues each Saturday at 6:00 p.m.

Alchemy Classes / Gatherings - To the best of my knowledge, are still taking place on Saturday afternoons at 4:00 p.m.

City Forum Meeting Every Sunday at 6:00 P.M. Thornhaven Towne Hall
Cianne Andrea McCleoud
Noetic Researcher

~*To Master the Art of Living, Impact the World Quietly*~
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Character Name(s): Sadara

~Breaking News~

Post by Hinera »

On 12/1 within The Acropolis, the portal of the Chaos could be heard banging. Rocks banging against each other as well as a sense that a being was behind the portal. Sirus, Ezhar, Jawsman, and myself went down to investigate. Upon arrival, there was an attempt to communicate with whoever was behind the portal. Hogbone appeared and attempted to claw into the portal. When a Dreadspawn appeared. Its name being Agares.

A battle ensued and quickly the creature was collapsed. Upon collapse we spoke with it and he told us to not disturb its work. Hogbone repeatedly telling the creature to leave, blasting its soulsphere again and again with flame.

That is all for now more updates soon to come.
The Matronette
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Re: ~*The Kingdom Gazette*~

Post by Cianne »

Eleventh Edition


Chaos Collector

At last evening's City Forum Meeting, Jawsman spoke of an event held by the Enigmatic Order in which a Chaos Collector was installed inside of Frey's Fortress. The installation was deemed a success.
During the event a Dreadspawn named Agares was sensed. Jawsman, along with Ezhar decided to investigate. Upon entering the Fractured Hall in Acropolis Rift, Agares met the two men and was hostile, a battle ensued but it eventually came to a stalemate.

Jawsman asked Agares what he was building in the Chaos, to which the Dreadspawn answered "None of your business" and said to "Leave Thornhaven". The two men returned to Frey's Fortress and Agares was not far behind. The Dreadspawn inspected the Collector and commented that it was "Simple yet effective" and he had a device of his own. He went on to insult the Dreamers gathered before going on his way.
What is this Dreadspawn up to? Whatever it is, it certainly can't be good. Be on your guard at all times.

An End & a Beginning

The Edgeward Stronghold's portals have been closed, while the Umbric Stronghold's portals have been opened.
The Dreamer's on Umbric have decided to revert back to the original house name of Keepers of the Eternal Shadow.
They will be hosting an open house on Saturday, the 25th at 5:00 p.m.

Experiment Gone Wrong

Sotto Mahoney spoke of some experimentation that had been taking place in Caudal Rift that was to help strengthen and improve the defenses of the City, the experiment did not go as planned and there is now one or more Shamblix roaming around the Camp of Kings on the Mountain. Please be wary of that and have protections up.

Black Lotus asked to expand on the details of the experiment, to which Sotto Mahoney had no further comment, Belom suggested that Ironies may be better suited to answer the question, but the silence remained.

*At this point, Ezhar was about to speak, but I was taken by a storm and missed his news*

Immediately following the City Forum, Belom asked the Dreamers to join him in the Basin for a scrying to attempt to contact Nugget. I have been told that Percival has not been seen for a very long and since his absence, Nugget has gone into hiding. I wa s not able to attend the scrying so have no further details.

The Bardic Circle continues to go on each Saturday evening and serves as a welcome respite and reprieve from any doom and gloom the Dreamers may be facing, if only for a little while.
Cianne Andrea McCleoud
Noetic Researcher

~*To Master the Art of Living, Impact the World Quietly*~
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