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Underlight Veterans:

This out of character forum is for discussion of roleplaying, how to roleplay and roleplay coordination.
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Underlight Veterans:

Post by Tentacle »


First off, this is not a name and shame. Full disclosure. I TRULY hope that maybe this can give some pause for thought and even perhaps a little course correction.

Since my return, I have been enlightened by a lot of conspiracy theories and even more finger-pointing. Underlight is a game that by its very nature drives us into our emotions.What has concerned me as of late, as the player base has dipped once more, are behaviours in the game that quite likely correlate with this happening. Many of us have a decade or more of navigating Underlight under our belt. Some of us have almost two decades and perhaps even multiple management teams and versions of the game. That is an unprecedented amount of time to have in a game and community of this type.

It is imperative that we, as veterans, do better in managing our characters with a particular maturity. There comes the point when we must be willing to hold ourselves accountable for the success of Underlight if we do want it to be successful. Quite frankly, if we're not ready to be a part of the solution than we become part of the problem.Our characters may very well have seen 50 or more parties, game nights, tournaments, energy showers; we've seen it. New players and they do exist, have not. At some point, we have to be willing to "be a bit meta" and help new players experience the joys and tribulations of Underlight on their terms. We have to facilitate an environment where they get to have the experiences we have been having for years.

I liken this to an experience I had with my son. One night, as a frustrated new mom exhausted and at my wit's end, all I wanted was for my son to stop crying and use his words. In a sudden moment of clarity, it dawned on me that he had never experienced, anything, before. Everything in life that I did not give a second thought to what was an entirely new experience for him. This moment of clarity instantly calmed me, and I had a new level of empathy.

I try to apply this experience to Underlight, as it exists now. I make daily decisions to try and enhance the experience of new players, instead of just being a contrary ***. Many times, the character I have spent decades building could act in ways that while entirely justified, may not be the best experience for the audience. Why? Because unless I, as a veteran, make choices that enhance the experience of others, there will be no "others" to play the game with me. Now, of course, no rule says you have to do this. There is no stipulation that you can't tell players that they're dumb, or an idea is boring, or that what they want to do doesn't interest you. That's fine. Harassment can and often has been justified as being "valid roleplaying."


I encourage the veterans of the game to try and have empathy for the new or returning player. Try to understand that the entire Underlight experience is brand new. Create a game world that will draw people in, build them up, and build a foundation for an excellent experience that they want to come back to time and again. Quite honestly, for Underlight to be successful, we have to do something no other game asks us to do. We have to put the needs of others ahead of our own at times. We have to have the maturity and care to tailor an experience for our fellow players. It becomes important that we are able to step outside of ourselves and visualize and feel the story we're writing as someone else would experience it. We are each of us a form of Mini-Dungeon Master, writing content, designing puzzles, living every moment expressing ourselves through an avatar that is directly responsible for retaining players or driving them away.

So next time you think Bob might be about to blow off his hand, instead of refusing to engage, be the person who is prepared to apply the tourniquet and stop the bleeding.

Enhance the environment of Underlight. Allow yourself to experience the pure joy of discovery and advancement through the experiences of those who have not seen and done it all. As the sandbox shrinks the ability to avoid others and positive interactions diminish. Maybe you hate characters, or even the controllers, without at least showing a shared sense of decency and respect for the creative expression of others, we doom ourselves to; Underlight - Single Player Adventure. Underlight is a game of giving and take where it is vital that we develop the skills to step outside of ourselves, and our narrative, to consider the feelings and experiences of others.

Nurture the creative environment for the new generation all players, and be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem.

"She spins her golden web between us and the dream." - The Matron ☼, Soulkeeper
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Re: Underlight Veterans:

Post by Janus »

I agreed with most of what was said until I read this paragraph:
I try to apply this experience to Underlight, as it exists now. I make daily decisions to try and enhance the experience of new players, instead of just being a contrary ***. Many times, the character I have spent decades building could act in ways that while entirely justified, may not be the best experience for the audience. Why? Because unless I, as a veteran, make choices that enhance the experience of others, there will be no "others" to play the game with me. Now, of course, no rule says you have to do this. There is no stipulation that you can't tell players that they're dumb, or an idea is boring, or that what they want to do doesn't interest you. That's fine. Harassment can and often has been justified as being "valid roleplaying."
I read this as: if a character attempts something that directly conflicts with my character's own stated views, I, as the player, should deliberately ignore that fact for the sake of another player's "experience." If that is what you meant to say, I disagree completely.

Underlight is, in large part, a game of consequences. For any action my character takes, I should expect other characters to react anywhere in the spectrum ranging from full support to complete hostility. It is incumbent upon me to anticipate the likely reactions from those characters and adjust my roleplay accordingly. Or, if I elect to not make any adjustments, recognize that I may receive limited support from other characters. It isn't "harassment" to have your character respond in a way that is consistent with their outlook. It is exactly "valid roleplaying."

Of course, a lot of exceptions can be made for RPs that are smaller in scope or don't directly tie in to some major game events. I see a lot of these exceptions being made every night I play. Plenty of characters are assisting in roleplays that they aren't directly involved in or tied to in any way. From where I'm sitting, I don't think the problems you describe currently exist.

However, I do have a few tips for new/returning players on how to get the support they need (and in most cases, I think, other players want to give you).
  • Be clear in what you intend to achieve and how you are going to achieve it. Have a plan in place and allow others to ask questions before proceeding.
  • Give the characters that are supporting you roles in whatever it is you are doing (according to their focus or expertise).
  • If you need something forged, have things made prior to the event's start time. No one wants to sit around twiddling their thumbs for ten minutes waiting for the Forgers to make 20 buckets or whatever. :mrgreen:
  • If you expected GM support and didn't get it, have a plan in place for that. Just because a GM isn't there (for whatever reason, they have lives, etc.) doesn't make what you are doing any less valid!
  • Coordinate with your sphere teacher. If you are unsure about a thing, they can help you through it. I am certain each one would be willing to talk it through with you.
Thanks for reading!
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Re: Underlight Veterans:

Post by Tentacle »

Agree with all of your points, Janus.

To clarify my own, that you didn't agree with...

I could have been clearer in stating that conflict and disagreement, hostility, all of that can absolutely be carried out and justified and be something that enhances the overall experience. I agree totally. My comment was intended to encompass actions which are trolling, for the sake of trolling. Our characters do not act of their own accord. Every word and action is something that we as controllers craft. So yes, I am asking players to consider the entire environment when they do what they do, but I did not mean to infer that everything must be positive and conflict-free.


(And thank you SO much for taking the time to discuss the topic!)
"She spins her golden web between us and the dream." - The Matron ☼, Soulkeeper
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