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a hypothetical

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 4:01 am
by kendo
Say a beloved leader leaves the game in frustration.
Lead passes to someone, seemingly capable on the surface but the decision is rushed.
This new gentleman gladly takes over and the next day makes huge sweeping changes. unpopular ones for certain but some members only feel comfortable enough to tell this in whispers, as the the new ruler has already reduced one to tears apparently.
A few days later the beloved leader returns, hesitantly of course but he seeks to rejoin his old house.

how should the new leader react to this. knowing any sort of vote would instantly go to the former. from an ooc perspective of course.

Re: a hypothetical

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 4:24 am
by Uthanatos
I'd say it'd depend on what the character would do. Characters are complicated things, sometimes we even fight with them, because they've evolved to believe differently than we do as a controller. In the end, whatever the character would do is the answer though. Whether it is taking the reigns back to stabilize the house or standing aside to avoid more turmoil and confusion. Some characters will consider this decision deeply, and it's possible ramifications on every aspect of the dream. Others, will take it as a given that they deserve the authority they forfeited. It really does, all depend on the character. I know, Uthy for instance, in that situation would likely seek an advisory role, to help guide the new leader, without subjecting himself to a lot of the same pressure that made him crack in the first place. Hope that helps.

Re: a hypothetical

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 5:11 am
by kendo
good answer uthy, i can definitely see that perspective.

What is with you and your good answers anyway ? I've yet to see you stumped. Clearly some sort of pact with the devil has been made.
I'd say it had more to do with the honor of the new ruler. The desire for power over their dediacation to the house and it's well being. Throw into the mix that several had already left and would return if things reverted to as they previously were and it becomes an interesting conundrum.

Re: a hypothetical

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 6:05 am
by Inzoum
To my knowledge, the old Ruler does not seek to rejoin the House. Neither you nor your character kendo are privy to the intense discussions the new Ruler and her Guardians are having, or the GM's involvement in said events.

MANY hours are being put into making the mess work out. The return of the former Ruler is a priviledged outcome that is not excluded as an option but there are real life concerns for everyone involved, including that former Ruler, that may make this impossible. There are human beings behind these characters depriving themselves of sleep and working with health issues, finding solutions to their unemployment, dealing with family responsibilities or difficult work schedules so that Things don't just break apart and dissapear.

you don't like the new Ruler, we get it.

Stop making this about yourself.

Re: a hypothetical

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 10:21 am
by Ceyllynn
kendo.. you're really brushing the edges with mixing ic/ooc too much with this, from an outside prespective.

here's the questions to ask yourself as a controller before you decide what to do... whether or not you've been in the same situation before, this pretty much works for all of them, and i can tell you i've known how things will go oocly and let them play out ic despite knowing they wouldn't go in my favour. i've learned some hard lessons playing the game and my toon has paid the price more than a few times. dreamers never forget your mistakes, believe me, they sometimes forgive though lol.

1. with your toon's ongoing development, how has he reacted to changes in the past?
2. be honest with yourself and your toon, are you reacting as the controller or the toon? (yes i know this is an ooc question you posed)
3. so you have ooc information about something that might be detrimental to your toon, do you try and roleplay it out, or do you try and force the outcome you want oocly?

now after playing cey for so long i know her opinion, she's very, very big on honour despite her marish habits. she would react with caution, allow them back, but never trust them with the power they threw away again... and probably spank them a few times for good measure to make her feelings known. she would make them earn her trust and their dream wouldn't be plesant when it came to house issues for a while, because she's als big on consiquences... but that's cey.

Re: a hypothetical

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 2:41 pm
by Koi-Drama
I understand the desire for feedback to assist you in a potential in-game approach. However, this sort of inquiry is rather invasive and sensitive to many that would be involved.

Players have asked, respectfully, to please keep two issues separated. In-character issues should be handled exclusively in-game. Out of character inquiries can be made but keep in mind that players are requesting you not contact them or open this issue up for public debate.